Read My Wish For You Page 2

  James saw her crying and pulled the car over. He turned around in his seat and handed her a Kleenex. He knew the guy was hitting her for he had been driving her the day the guy gave her the black eye. James didn’t want to say anything because he knew he would be yelled at for pointing it out.

  Chantel took the tissue from James and dabbed her eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Why are you dating a guy like that? Do you like being mistreated by some guy who isn’t worth your time?” Chantel looked up and saw James frowning at her.

  “I don’t see why any of this is your business!”

  “Miss Williams, I might be your driver, but even I can tell you don’t like being with this guy. He’s abusive and doesn’t really care for you. I mean, he just yelled at you because you told him lunch with your parents was more important than him.”

  Chantel broke down crying. She knew he was right. She only dated him because his family were billionaires like hers.

  James’ frown deepened at her crying. Why did I talk to her like that? Now I’ve made her cry even harder. He grabbed a few more tissues and handed them to her.

  “I should not have yelled at you. I had a cousin who was in an abusive relationship. She never sought a way out of it. However, it took the guy almost killing her for her to come to her senses. I don’t want to see that happening to you. You’re too beautiful to be with a jerk like him.” Did I just say that out loud? I just told her how I feel about her in that one statement.

  Chantel smiled through her tears. “You think I look beautiful? Not very many guys have said that to me.”

  James stared at her in disbelief. “How could they not? You’re absolutely stunning. I thought so when I first met you. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be working for such an attractive woman like you.” Chantel smiled again and dried her eyes. After a few moments of awkward silence, James turned back in his chair and continued driving to the restaurant.

  When they arrived, Chantel climbed out and kissed James on the cheek.

  “What was that for?”

  “For being so nice and making me realize that I was stupid to ever be with him. Thanks…”


  Chantel smiled. “Thank you, James. Lunch shouldn’t run too long, but if it does, I’ll call you. In fact, why don’t you get some lunch while you wait? It will be better that way so that you don’t have to wait to eat.”

  “Will do, Miss Williams.”

  “Please call me Chantel, James.” Chantel smiled at him again and went into the restaurant. James smiled and got behind the wheel again.

  Well, now she knows my name. This is most definitely the best job I’ve ever had. He pulled out of the parking lot to get something to eat.


  Two hours later, James waited for Chantel to come out of the restaurant. She came out with her parents, laughing. She started walking toward the car and James got out. He held the door for her and she smiled at him before climbing in. Her parents waved at him as he got in the car to drive.

  “Where to, Miss Chantel?”

  “I said to call me just Chantel, or at least when we are alone. My parents would expect you to be formal but with me, I think we can be informal with each other.”

  “Sounds good to me. So where to, Chantel?”

  She smiled. “Please take me home James. I have to get ready for a fundraiser my parents are having tonight at our place.” James nodded and drove toward the Williams Estate.


  When they arrived, they found a black limousine in the driveway. James pulled up behind the limo just as a man as tall as James came out of the car. James looked in the rearview mirror and saw Chantel grow pale. He looked out the windshield and saw the man cross his arms. This must be the guy that has been beating up on her. James frowned as Chantel got out of the town car.

  “Camden, what are you doing here?” Camden moved toward Chantel. James rushed out of the car and moved between Chantel and the man.

  The man paused but only for a minute. He continued walking toward Chantel. “I told you to meet me. You disobeyed me. Now come over here now!”

  “No, I won’t.” James startled at the anger in her voice. He had never heard her use that voice before.

  “What in the hell did you just say!?”

  James recovered from his shock. “The lady said no. I think you should just leave.”

  “Stay out of this if you know what is good for you. This is between my woman and me.”

  James clenched his fists. “Miss Williams, go inside now. Let me handle this jackass.”

  Camden rushed James, but he sidestepped. Chantel ran to the door of the house as James elbowed Camden in the back. Camden rushed James again and James dodged again. Camden came again and threw a punch. James ducked and punched Camden in the nose. He kept punching Camden until he fell. James stood over him, panting.

  “A man who abuses a woman is no man at all. I don’t ever want to see your ugly mug around Miss Williams again. Now get!” Camden got up and spat out blood.

  “You will be hearing from my attorney.” He got in his limo and drove off. Chantel ran over to James with tears spilling down her face.

  “How could you be so stupid? He could have hurt you, James.” She grabbed his hand and gasped. James’ knuckles were bleeding.

  James smiled. “Oh, this is nothing. You should have seen me three years ago. I was in the military for a short spell. I was kicked out of basic training for fighting an officer. He made me angry and so I hit him. He came out the winner, but I learned a few things from that fight.”

  “You could have been killed. Camden would brag about how he killed a guy in a fistfight once.”

  James grinned. “Well, I’m alive, aren’t I? So I must have done something right.” He reached over and wiped a tear from her face.

  Chantel smiled. “I need to go inside to get ready. I’ll send someone out to take care of your hand.” Before he could protest, she kissed him on the cheek. “Just do what I say. Wait here.” Chantel went into the house. James waited outside just to make her happy.

  Boy am I glad I can hold my own in a fight. I think that is the only good thing that came out of me being in the military. I just want her to find someone to be happy with. A minute later, a servant came out and bandaged James’ knuckles. He thanked them and drove home, happy that he was able to protect Chantel and to actually see her smile for a change.

  Chapter Four

  The next few days held a sort of magic spell over James. He would always arrive to work with a happy feeling that only increased whenever Chantel was around. He told her all about the jobs he had and how he would wind up getting fired from them. Chantel really liked the story of how he got fired from the biggest factory in Dallas.

  Sometimes he would help her find dates, but a lot of them were failures. Either the guy was too short or laughed funny. They would always laugh about her dates that were too strange for her. He always hoped that she would ask him out, but it never happened. He even tried to turn every day into a date, but it never worked out. Chantel would just call him sweet and smile at him.

  One day while driving to NorthPark, he asked her what her ideal guy was like.

  “Well, he would have to be a little taller than me so that I can wear heels without feeling I was taller than him. He would have to be kind, smart and with enough money to support my lifestyle.” Chantel giggled at that last statement. James just smiled and kept his eyes on the road.

  “Anything else?”

  Chantel thought about it for a few minutes. “I’m a sucker for forest green eyes and he has to have brown hair.” She gasped. She had just described Jacob Morton to a T. How could I have been so blind? Jacob was the only good relationship I ever had and I just threw him away.

  James looked in the rearview mirror. What did she discover? “Is everything okay, Chantel?”

  She shook herself and looked up. “I just realized who my perfect guy is. I had been dating him the entir
e time and I broke up with him so that I could date Camden.”

  “Would you like to talk about it?”

  Chantel shook her head and looked out the window. James took that as a sign that she wanted some privacy. He rolled up the partition and turned on the radio.

  They got to the mall and James opened her door. She got out and James followed her to the entrance. She turned to him and smiled.

  “I’m only going to one store. I’ll call you if I need help with any bags.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Chantel smiled again. “I’m sure.” She turned back around, leaving James standing with the door open.

  He couldn’t believe that she wouldn’t need any help. Usually, she would buy almost everything in a few stores. He sighed and went back to the car. He sat in the driver’s seat and wrote a few things down in his notebook. He kept an eye on the door of the mall just in case she came out early.

  It was only a few minutes later when Chantel came out with two bags. He held her door open for her as she got in. She was smiling about something. James pulled out of the parking lot before asking.

  “You seem happier. What happened?” Chantel smiled.

  “I just got off the phone with an old boyfriend I was dating before Camden. He agreed to have dinner with me and I’ll need you to drive me there.”

  James nodded but didn’t say anything. There goes any chance of Chantel and me becoming more than friends, but at least she may have found someone she can be happy with. That is my only wish for her. James smiled and drove back to the Williams Estate.

  When they got there, Chantel quickly got out of the car and rushed inside. She almost knocked her father down.

  “Sorry father. I didn’t see you there.”

  Carl laughed. “That is alright, Chantel honey. Don’t let me stop you.” Chantel smiled, hugged her father and continued upstairs.


  James waited by the car for an hour. He looked at his watch. I know women are said to take a long time to get ready, but Chantel takes it to a whole new level. He laughed at his own joke as Chantel walked out of the door. James stared, amazed that she looked even better tonight than any other time. She smiled and he opened her door. She got in and James drove to the Mongolian Steakhouse.


  They arrived at the restaurant on time. Before James could get out and open her door, another man opened it.

  Chantel was surprised when Jacob opened her door instead of James. Before stepping out of the car, she glanced in the rearview mirror and saw James wink at her. Did he and Jacob plan this? No, they couldn’t have. Chantel grabbed Jacob’s hand and he escorted her inside the restaurant.

  James smiled. Boy was I surprised to get a call from that guy. Dad had recommended me to Jacob and he was calling to see if I was interested in working for him. When I told him that I was working for the Williams’, he told me that he had a date with Chantel. James grinned even wider. I think our plan might work. Just have to wait and see how tonight goes. He leaned back in his seat and dozed for a bit.


  An hour later, Chantel came out with Jacob. Dinner was fantastic. Jacob forgave her for breaking up with him for an abusive guy. They talked like they were glad to be together again. Jacob walked her to the car and opened the door.

  “I had an amazing time tonight, Jacob. Do you have any plans for this weekend?”

  Jacob smiled, his forest green eyes sparkling under the full moon. “I don’t have any plans but we can arrange something if you want.”

  Chantel smiled. “That will be great. Call me if you think of anything to do.”

  “I will. Goodnight Chantel.” He kissed her and she got in.

  James smiled at her in the rearview mirror. “I take it dinner went well?” Chantel smiled and nodded. “Good. Jacob wasn’t sure if our plan would work but I can see it did.”

  Chantel stared at him in disbelief. “You two planned this and since when did you know his name?”

  “He called me while you were getting ready. He told me to call him Jacob, especially if I plan to be his driver sometime in the future. But that won’t be for a while.” He grinned and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Chantel smiled to herself. I’m glad they planned that. I think James and Jacob will become friends. I can just see it. She smiled again and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Five

  A month had gone by since that night. James still had feelings for Chantel but knew that she was happy with Jacob. Just like she predicted that night, the guys did become friends. They may not have run in the same social circles, but they would talk about a lot of the same things. It turned out that Jacob and James were fans of the same baseball team. Chantel couldn’t make heads or tails of what they said, but she was glad they were friends.

  Her parents still didn’t like Jacob, but they were getting used to him coming over to be with Chantel. It also kept Chantel from trying to go to the club.

  One day, James came to work smiling like an idiot. It creeped Chantel out, but she didn’t say anything. She was too excited about the picnic Jacob had planned for them. He had said that he had a surprise for her. She would glance up now and then and see James grinning at her in the rearview mirror.

  She was glad when they arrived at the place Jacob had planned them to have their picnic. It got her away from James and his creepy smile. James smiled and waved to Chantel as Jacob walked her to the picnic area.

  Boy is she in for a surprise. I helped him plan this out. Of course, I had planned it for Chantel and me without his addition, but I think she will be happier with him. He closed his eyes, waiting for Chantel to return.


  James was startled awake by a pounding on his window. He looked over and saw Chantel waving her left hand. On her ring finger was a massive fourteen karat diamond ring. He rolled down the window with a smile.

  “James, look! I’m getting married! Jacob asked me and I said yes!”

  James smiled. “I helped him set everything up for today. That is a huge ring, but it’s beautiful on you. Congratulations, Chantel. I’m happy for you and Jacob.” Chantel smiled and walked over to Jacob’s town car.

  James was about to roll the window back up when Jacob walked over to him. He smiled and James grinned back.

  “I need to talk to you for a minute if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure Jacob. What is it?” Jacob grinned, hoping James would say yes.


  It had been three months since the picnic. James couldn’t believe it. Here he was at the altar beside Jacob. He had been surprised when Jacob had asked him to be his best man. He said yes of course. It was the closest he would get to be near Chantel in a wedding dress. He smiled to himself.

  Boy was dad surprised that I was asked to be best man to my employers’ daughter’s fiancé. I definitely blew his mind. Not only did I keep a job longer than a week but I also managed not to mess it up.

  James looked up when the preacher ended the prayer. He watched as Jacob kissed the only woman he had ever loved. He clapped with the rest of the wedding party. At the reception, he gave the ultimate best man speech. As he was mingling with the guests, most of whom James knew his father had worked for, Jacob came over to him.

  “So James. Do you plan to work for Chantel and me now that we are married?”

  James thought about it but shook his head. “I think I’m done with being a driver. Besides, I have another career in mind.”

  “If you’re sure. Though if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.”

  James smiled and shook Jacob’s hand. “I will. Make sure you take care of Chantel because if you don’t, I’ll steal her from you.” He winked as Jacob laughed at his joke. I was being serious. I will take her from him if he mistreats her, not that he will. James patted Jacob on the shoulder and went in search of his father, who had been invited as a guest. When he found him, he told him that he was going home.

  As he was leaving, Chantel came over
to him. “Leaving so soon? You’re going to miss the bouquet toss.”

  “I think I’ll have to miss it. Did I say you look stunning tonight?”

  “I think you mentioned it in your speech.” Chantel hugged him. “Will I see you again?”

  James smiled. “You might. Before I go, I have a gift for you.”

  “What kind of gift?”

  James grinned. “My gift to you, you already have it. My gift was Jacob. He was the one you were meant to be with. So my wish for you is to be happy for the rest of your life with the man you were supposed to be with. Goodbye, Chantel. I enjoyed being your friend.” He hugged her.

  As he was leaving, Chantel yelled, “I love you, James.” He turned back to her and smiled sadly.

  “You have Jacob now. You have no more room for me.”

  Chantel scowled at him. “James I have loved you since you beat up Camden for me. I just didn’t think you had the same feelings for me.” She came closer and discovered that his eyes were forest green like Jacob’s. Why have I never noticed his eyes before?

  James grabbed Chantel and kissed her. He broke away and said, “Goodbye Chantel. I have loved you since day one. Remember what I said about Jacob.” With that, he left the building.

  Chantel stood there in shock. Jacob came up behind her and hugged her.

  “So I guess you couldn't convince him to stay.”

  Chantel turned around and kissed him. “Nope. Come on. I have a bouquet to toss.” As they walked back to the reception, Chantel looked back at the door, hoping beyond hope that James would come back for her. When he didn’t, she sighed and smiled at the guests when they arrived in the reception hall. I’ll miss you James Weston and will love you no matter what.

  James was looking forward to the rest of his life. Chantel had confessed that she loved him but he knew she would be happy with Jacob. Once he got home, he planned to start writing his book about his adventures as a town car driver. He was going to title it, “My Wish for You.”

  The End

  A message from the author:

  Hey there,

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