Read Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors Page 12

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  Years have quickly gone by. I have grown into a good looking, adult. I am now six feet tall, and with all my training in the tactics of war, I have developed a very strong muscular frame. My skills in battle have become legendary. And since good fortune has followed me, my good friends, James and Timothy, are still with me.

  While camped for the evening I asked, “Father, who is that rider coming into camp?”

  “He’s a special envoy for the King.”

  “The King, you mean, King Henry?”

  “Yes. Usually when he sends this envoy, he wants me to see him personally.”

  “Do you mean that the envoy wants to see you personally, or the King wants to see you personally?”

  “Come with me and see, Jon.”

  “Hello. Do you have a message for me?”

  “Yes. The King would like to invite you to Oatlands Palace for a private conference. Please bring ten of your soldiers with you including young Jon.”

  “When does he want us to be there?”

  “As soon as possible….”

  “We’ll leave tomorrow then.”

  When we arrived at the palace, Father and I are directed into a private parlor. The King walks into the parlor and asks if both we would like to take a walk in his beautiful gardens. He says, “There are always people listening to what I have to say in the Palace. What I have to tell you is confidential.”

  When we reached the gardens, the King begins, “Gentlemen, my current queen has been accused of treason. It is said that she was betrothed to another man before she married me. According to our Law, this is treason, since she didn’t tell me before we were married. She says it isn’t true.”

  “She told me that when she was nine years old, there was a boy that she loved. But, it has been many years since she has seen him. My queen said that since she has been an adult she has never been betrothed, and I believe her. The problem is that there are laws that state, that since she has been accused of treason against her king, she has to go to trial to be proved either guilty, or not guilty.”

  My father asks, “What would you have my son and I do for you, your Majesty?”

  “I want you to protect my queen. She’s young and naive and needs protection, until the court has its ruling. I’m sure that she is telling me the truth, and I personally feel that she will be found not guilty. When that happens, bring her to me. I’ll be here at Oatlands Palace, the Palace where we were married.”

  “Yes your Majesty,” my father respectfully answers.

  “Your Majesty, may I make a request?” I asked.

  “What would you like, young Jon?” the King asks.

  “I would like my friends, James and Timothy, to always be by my side. They have served England for many years, and can be trusted.”

  “Yes, your friends will always be with you, along with the other eight trusted guards that you have brought with you. Your request is granted.”

  As the King walked back to the palace, I stayed with my father in the garden. “You’ve known the King for a long time, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, my son. I knew him before you were born, when he was very young.”

  “What was he like when he was younger?”

  “He was always very kind and generous.”

  “He’s a lot taller than I thought that he would be. He’s at least two inches taller than I am. So that would make him at least six feet two inches tall. Has his belly always been that large?”

  “Jon, you need to be respectful when you are talking about your King.”

  “I know, Father, I don’t mean any disrespect. I would just like to know what he was like, when he was younger.”

  “Henry was a handsome, athletic young man, who excelled in every sport imaginable. He was a musician, a writer and enjoyed the company of intellectuals. All of England loved him as their King, until he was about Forty Four years old, when he was injured in a jousting tournament. Shortly thereafter, his personality seemed to change.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “On January 24, 1536, there was a Jousting Tournament at Greenwich Palace. Henry and his horse were both in full armor. During this contest, Henry, was thrown from his horse, which then fell on top of him. He was unconscious for two hours. During that time, rumors flew throughout England, that he had been fatally injured.”

  “When he finally woke up, he wasn’t the same man he had been before. Where he had been sporty and generous, he became cruel, vicious and paranoid.”

  “Because of the accident, his jousting career was ended. The leg injuries that he received in the accident, have plagued him ever since. As you saw him walking back and forth to the garden, he has a very hard time walking.”

  “I thought that he had a hard time walking just because of his weight,” I commented.

  “I can’t believe that his weight helps his legs at all. But his weight wasn’t the first thing that caused the pain that he now endures.”

  “Remember, my son, that at this time he was married to, Anne Boleyn, and they had been very happy for a long time. After the jousting accident, everything changed. Do you remember what happened to her?”

  “Yes, she was beheaded.”

  “Well, Katherine Howard, his present queen, is a first cousin to, Anne Boleyn. Mark my words, it doesn’t matter what feelings the King has for Katherine. The same thing will happen to her. Remember one thing though, my son. We are not here to get involved in their personal affairs. We are here to do the King’s bidding.”

  “Yes, father. I will get James, Timothy, and the other guards ready so that we can all ride to guard Queen Katherine, as we have been asked by our King.”

  “Thank you, my son. I will be with all of you shortly.”