Read Mystic Embrace Page 1

  Mystic Embrace


  Charlotte Blackwell

  World Castle Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  World Castle Publishing

  Pensacola, Florida

  Copyright © Charlotte Blackwell 2011

  ISBN: 9781937085681

  Library of Congress Catalogue Number 2011931981

  First Edition World Castle Publishing November 1, 2011

  Licensing Notes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Cover Artist: Karen Fuller

  Editor: Marissa Dobson


  This is for all my wonderful grandmothers who I miss dearly. You may not have wished to be supernatural, but you always had magickal powers to me. I love you and miss you both. Rest in peace, until we meet again.


  The character Margret and “the twelve” were created by Mary Ting author of Crossroads and used with her permission and guidance. Thank you Mary for all your help and encouragement with this addition to my story line. I am so excited to have our characters cross-over.

  Chapter One

  On the Hunt

  With everything that has happened the past year it’s hard to believe I’m somewhat sane finding out that my sister Eliza and I are witches and meeting a family of vampires is pretty unbelievable. Now though we have to concentrate on our own problems since the rogue vampires have somewhat been neutralized. We know Naberius has been searching for us, as we are now searching for him. We must proceed with caution and remain alert at all times. We only found out we were witches last year, but have already learned so much and our powers are growing fast. Today we’re on a mission to hunt down the demon that killed our parents so many years ago, when I was just a baby. Walking through the dark underworld I attempt to get my bearings, noticing the rock that’s surrounding me. It’s cave like, cold, and damp with a heavy musty, mildew odor that induces my gag reflex. A bright red glow similar to a tail light on a car ahead of us helps to light our way. The rough rock tunnel has various shapes, protruding from and trapped within the walls, somewhat resembling some kind of beings, maybe a metaphor for trapped souls, or possibly real souls. Shivers run down my spine at the thought, wondering who they could be. In the past year since we’ve gained our powers we helped our friends the Pierce’s and focused on our training, preparing for this day. Over the last few months Eliza and I easily defeated the last set of low ranking demons including Arioch the demon of vengeance, which Naberius sent for us. Thanks to the information we retrieved from the previous demons we have been able to find the realm where his liar is. After traveling through several different realms, we believe this is it.

  Exploring the underworld and looking for the one that took our parents from us, I can’t help but feeling we’re in over our heads, but decide to keep my insecurities to myself. Grams told us Naberius is the demon who attacked our parents that day, nearly seventeen years ago, soon after my birth. He wanted us then, and when our parents wouldn’t allow it, he took them. If it wasn’t for the protection and power binding spell that our mom was able to put on us right before her demise, he would have gotten to us. Now with our powers back, we’re here to face him, witch against demon and we refuse to lose, losing means nothing more than death. My nerves and unease begin to dissipate; I’m not as light headed as when we first arrived here, crossing through the astral planes always makes me feel funny. Kinda light headed like I’m floating, but I’m getting used to it. Eliza’s power to control time has evolved to astral projection she now can manipulate time and space, which has brought us here on yet another unknown journey. When she holds my hand, Eliza has the ability to bring me with her, it is usually best to lie down and meditate. Our bodies begin to feel a pull and just like that we are gone. Our physical bodies remain still, alive where we left them and our astral bodies elsewhere also appear to be alive. I’m telekinetic so can’t astral project on my own. Her powers have strengthened so fast; at first she could only project herself. My telekinetic powers, the ability to move things with my mind helps when surprises pop up. I first found out about my power last year at school. When that awful girl Mel, who liked to bully me, cornered me and I lost my temper, that’s when the lockers at school began to fly open and the contents swirled around her. I think I was more terrified than her. Thank god for Matt, his rushing in and hurrying me back to Grams place saved me. Then everything became clearer and I found out I was a witch, a Magnificent One. My sister and I are descendants of the great Salem witches, and were both born on the sixth day of the month at midnight, the witching hour. We inherited great power from all the witches before us, and are meant to help fight evil and protect the innocent. Before we can truly do that, we need to take care of this old business and clear our heads.

  “I really think this is the right one Ebony. Just like Arioch described it. I can see the trapped souls within the rock walls. I just never knew it would be so literal,” Eliza says with anxious anticipation.

  “You know I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t realize that he mentioned the trapped souls. Either way though I agree this may be the right spot. I’m so ready for this. I can’t believe after all this time we get to avenge Mom and Dad’s death,” I confirm my excitement and release some of my anxiety.


  Little by little, the red light ahead of us dims and begins to flicker until it is completely off in its place a bright white light emerges in its place. Two figures appear before us, one man and one woman. Eliza and I both stop, could these be demon warriors I wonder, but then my thoughts turn to the book of shadows. I remember reading; a spirit guide can appear to a witch in form, following a bright white light.

  “Eliza did you ever read in the book of shadows about spirit guides?”

  “In fact, now that you mention it Ebony, I did. Do you think these could be our spirit guides?”

  “Why now? We haven’t had a spirit guide or a guardian contact us yet. I don’t understand. I think we should talk to Matt, when we get back to the manor of course.”

  I love that my boyfriend Matt knows so much about witches and the supernatural from his training. What I don’t like is the fact that he is training to be a guardian. I would love to get to know our guardian, every witch is supposed to have one, so why is it that Eliza and I don’t have one yet? We are the Magnificent Ones after all. I just don’t want to lose Matt to some other witch. Becoming a guardian is in his blood; his grandfather was one and is now a great one, a leader of the guardians. What concerns me is with Matt in training it only means one thing, inevitable death. He has to die to complete his training and become a full guardian. I am so grateful to have Matt in my life, I love him to pieces. Having him help us so much is amazing. His family history of guardians is what has made him a chosen one, an angel of sorts for witches. His training began shortly after his birth, and although he has a vast amount of knowledge, he won’t gain any active powers until he dies. I really hope that doesn’t happen for a long time, he means the world to me and I need his help still. When my powers started to appear, he saved me from the ridicule at school, and helped me through the change and I didn’t even know what he was yet. Needing to get my head back in the game, I shake off my thoughts of the man
waiting for me back home and return to the cave we have been wandering though.


  We move towards the white figures with caution. As we get closer I sense a feeling of familiarity and comfort radiating from them. The woman nearly translucent, she is wearing a long white flowing gown and her dark skin is as smooth as milk chocolate. Her lips part as if preparing to speak and then we hear a whisper from her.

  “My beautiful girls return home. He is waiting for you and you are not prepared for this fight yet.”

  “Mom, Dad, is that you?” Eliza questions with a slight tremble in her voice.

  “Yes my dear, we have never left you, but you must turn back now. We have been given permission to appear to you and assist you in learning the craft. It is much safer for us and for you at the manor. Please return now,” responds the man, our father.

  We both recognize them from the pictures we’ve seen of our parents. Grams always ensures we know how much they loved us, and keeps pictures out at all times. From what we’ve been told about our parents, Mom was a witch and Dad a mortal. I guess he must have had a little magick in him after all, in order to be here and appear to us now. I try to withhold my emotions, but seeing my parents for the first time and hearing them speak to me is more over whelming than I could ever imagine. My heart begins pounding so hard I think my chest may rip open. Tears well up in my eyes, with a slight burn I try to fight them back.


  With their request, Eliza at once pulls us back, we return for our physical bodies at the manor. Nausea takes over me, the quick return is difficult to adjust to. As I look around I see Grams, Matt, and Sophia all waiting in trepidation. Sophia is my best friend and a vampire; we met last year at school. After seeing her day crystal, I knew she was one of the vampires that my Grams had helped years ago. She is well over a hundred years old, but aside from her vast knowledge, you would never guess it. Sophia is immortally seventeen. Our families are very close and help one another in dealing with supernatural threats. Right now it’s our threat, Grams rushes over and cover us with blankets. Astral travel, always gives us a lower body temperature. After a few minutes to collect our thoughts and ground ourselves, at once we both look around the room with a sense of urgency to see if Mom and Dad are here with us.

  “What’s the matter Ebony? Who are you looking for? We’re all right here with you, you’re safe,” Matt says in a comforting tone.

  Grams takes a seat at the end of the bed, “You saw them. They came to you, didn’t they?”

  “How…how did you know?” I ask with surprise.

  “I’ve always sensed your mother and father with us. I know they are your spirit guides. There is no one better to guide you to the light than your own parents,” she admits.

  With tears welling in her eyes, Eliza asks, “Why wouldn’t you tell us?”

  “I did not tell you because this is something you needed to find out when your parents felt it was the right time. They without a doubt felt it was the right time now, that this is when you need them the most.”

  “We understand this is just a little bit of a shock.” I sit up to hug her.

  “Okay someone needs to fill me in. I thought your parents were dead?” Sophia says with confusion.

  Matt smiles. “Let me explain this one. Everyone has something called a spirit guide. It is that little voice in side of a mortals head. With witches or those with physic abilities, spirit guides can appear or communicate freely with them. They do require permission to make initial contact with their entity. This is what’s happened to Ebony and Eliza. They’re at a time in their lives that without the guidance of their spirit guide there could be a shift in the universal order. Because of the power they hold and the way their parents died, it only makes sense that their parent be their guides,” Matt explains.

  Matt is always so good at explaining witchcraft. He’s helped us learn so much since we came of age last year and regained our powers that were once hidden from not only us, but those who threaten us. I’m lucky to have Matt in my life, his support and love holds me together. The knowledge he has gain from his years of guardian training has also been a great help to my sister and me. I try not to think about the day I will lose him and he becomes guardian, otherwise known as an angel guide for other witches, but it can be hard at times. I do know he has to procreate before he is taken, the guardians pass along their gifts through genetics. Knowing this is what gives me hope and time.

  “Yeah that helps a little, thanks Matt,” Sophia says.

  “So girls, what did your parents say to you?” Grams wonders with excitement.

  “Just that now is not the time to take on Naberius. He was aware of our coming and we need to prepare more. They promised to help us with our training,” Eliza explains.

  “I must say that I agree. I’m not ready to lose you Ebony. Naberius is the protector to the gates of hell. He’s a strong demon and in charge of twenty-nine legions, a Marquis of hell. You and your sister have the power to defeat him, but you must be prepared for a bigger battle than you could ever imagine. I’ll work with you, and teach you all I know. Sophia he’s even been associated with the Cerberus,” Matt asserts.

  I can’t help but reflect of the Cerberus, a group a rogue vampires we fought this past winter. Combining our powers with the Pierce vampires (Sophia’s family), the shape shifters we met that protect the area and the governing vampires, the Renata leaders of the vampires we were able to stop them. Thanks to Caspian, Sophia’s brother we learned that the Cerberus planned to gain power from the area so they could overtake the Renata. It has been a while since we have heard much from them in that sense, but Caspian is still working on it. I just hope they can wait till Eliza and I deal with our own demons.

  I reach for Matt’s hand. “Thank you Matt, we’ll make sure we are prepared and until that time we deal with whatever scum he throws at us. I’m not ready to lose you either. I love you all. You mentioned he is associated with the Cerberus, just keep in mind that we helped Sophia’s family defeat them back in January. At least we thought we did, until we learned about Cyrus and Drake.”

  “They shouldn’t cause much trouble, but remember there’re always more of them. Cyrus and Drake have already proved that.”

  I find myself thinking back to last year, when I first met Sophia in Spanish class. The moment I saw her necklace, I knew all of Grams tales were true. I was scared and excited all at once. Vampires existed and with the help of witches they could become day walkers, and Sophia is one of them. Her necklace is made with a special day crystal, a black diamond called veneficus lamia sol solis partonus, which is Latin for “magickal vampire sun protector, blessed by a powerful witch, my Grams and her mother. Sophia lives with a family of vampires, the Pierce family; they’ve been living civilly for nearly three quarters of a century, and I’m lucky to call them my friends. Each member of her family has a talisman, with the exception of Caspian who returned his. When rogue vampires threatened our small town of Wenham, with the assistance of the native shape shifters and now our friends, the Williams, and the Pierce family we destroyed them. Although we soon learned that there are always more where they came from.

  “Well I think it is time for the girls to get some rest. We can work on training tomorrow,” Grams insists.

  Matt and Sophia lean in one at a time giving both Eliza and I hugs. Matt takes mine one step further, with a slight touch; he brushes a stray strand of hair from my face and brushes his lips against mine. Pulling him closer to me, I move my lips in sync with his and take in the full robust aroma of his breath, tasting the mint trident gum he’s been chewing. He instantly energizes me with his touch. Grams comes back with some tea for Eliza. Matt and Sophia take their cue and leave through the large oak door. The roar of Sophia’s car echo’s through the house as she peels out of the driveway. I take the tea from Grams, lifting the cup to my mouth and gently blowing at the steaming liquid before taking a sip.

  Chapter Two


  Waking at first light, I feel well rested and ready to train. I crawl out of bed and pull back the large green drapes to my room, allowing the light to come in. Basking in the sun of a new day, the brightness beams in proving to be full of energy and filling me with optimism. I am glad we still have a few weeks left to summer break, and hope to enjoy some of this beautiful weather with my friends. Deciding to let Eliza sleep in, I head downstairs to the office. I want to study more on alternate realms and the various demons we have faced. I begin to wonder if there is a pattern to the attacks Naberius has been placing on us. Looking at the large leather bound book and tracing the outline of the triquetra I feel a sense of relief within the three intertwining ovals, this represent my sister and me and the power we create together I still find it amazing. As I flip through the book of shadows, I realize there is a new entry, one that was not there before. Our book of shadows has been passed down through the generations of our family and helps us to understand our roles as the Magnificent Ones, the world’s most powerful witches. Magnificent ones are always born on the sixth of the month at midnight, the witching hour, just like me and my sister. Our book of shadows is packed full of information about various supernatural forces, spells, potions and rituals, everything we need to be successful at protecting the innocent. I know that neither Eliza nor I put this new entry there, because we always do our entries together and only when a circle is cast.

  I assume my parents added it last night. “When one is traveling to alternate realms and through the pathways of the underworld there are rules to follow. Always be respectful of the guards, they will not cause you harm unless harm is caused to them or to their realm. You must never approach them or speak to them as they foresee that as a treat. When there always remember the path you have taken or you may become a trapped soul. Whichever way you go in, is the way you must come out. Leaving through a different route leaves the gateways open to unwanted guests and negative energies will attach to you. After your travels always ensure proper grounding of yourself and return the energy to the realm, or there will be repercussions.”