Read Mystic Embrace Page 10

  “Okay, let’s see this baby in 3-D.” She smiles as she begins to probe some more, pointing out each part of the baby. It’s amazing it really is 3-D I can tell exactly what it is the head, the fingers that he or she is sucking on. Every little detail is perfect. Seeing our baby for the first time, is the most incredible experience I’ve ever had.

  “Would like to know if it’s a boy or girl?”

  “You can tell that?” I ask.

  “Sure can, just have to move the probe a little bit lower.”

  As Constance begins to move the probe, it suddenly floats out of her hand and is suspended in midair. We all erupt with laughter.

  Eliza walks towards me and puts her hand on my shoulder. “I guess we figured out what caused you to levitate. It seems as though your little one does not want you to know if it is a he or she.”

  “Great, a troublemaker already,” Matt jokes, “must be a boy. Like father like son.”

  Constance turns off the ultrasound machine and begins to wipe the gel from my stomach.

  “Ebony, you can go get dressed. I am going to go and burn a DVD of today’s ultrasound for you.”

  “That’s so cool; Mom and Dad are going to be so excited to see this.” Matt gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Constance comes back into the room with the DVD. I suggest that Matt take it home and show his parents and he happily agrees.

  The boys leave to go to the Barton house, and us girls head to the Pierce house. I’m excited to get there, and see how all the decorating and arrangements are coming along. I know that Florence will have everything perfect, she is a stickler for details, and I know not one detail will be missed. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. I just hope I can get a good night sleep tonight and that my family will show up for the wedding tomorrow. Eliza and I will have a quick bite to eat at the Pierce house and try and help with any last-minute details before we turn in for the night.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The music starts to play and Eliza takes my arm to guide me down the grand staircase. I thought I would be nervous, but I feel nothing but complete joy and peace. As Eliza and I make our way down the staircase, I see Dad waiting there with his hand held out. We make our way around the staircase, and I see Mom and Grams as well. Eliza passes me over to Dad, and she continues down the staircase ahead of us. Just as a maid of honor should.

  “Thank you for being here, Dad, it means so much to me,” I whisper.

  “We would not miss it for the world. I am just glad I can walk my baby down the aisle,” he says with a hug.

  “How is it that you are here, and I can feel you this time?”

  “Today is special, the great ones helped us. They can return us to human form when they feel it is important enough. I guess they feel the union of a future guardian and a Magnificent One is an important day.” He smiles and kisses me as we continue down the aisle.

  We hit the last step, and I look up and see Matt standing before us, he’s so handsome. I see the tears well up in his eyes as he watches me move closer to him. Without a word his arm stretches out and he reaches for me. I look at Dad, he smiles and nods, then places my hand in Matt’s, then kisses my cheek. We take a few more steps to reach the altar, then the justice of the peace greets us.

  “Thank you all for joining us on this special day, when Matt and Ebony exchanged vows to become one. If anyone has a reason these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” He pauses for a moment and then continues with the ceremony. “Ebony, would you like to share your vows with Matt.”

  “Matt, from the day you moved here, I knew there was something special about you. You stood by me even when I tried to push you away. You were there for me when things started to change, and you supported me when Grams passed. I know we are young, and I know we have more challenges ahead of us, but I also know with you by my side I can do anything. You are my rock, and have made me the happiest woman in the world. This is a year of great change for us. Soon our baby will join us; we will graduate high school and hopefully go to college. I know whatever happens, we will do it together. When we’re hand in hand, nothing will be able to stop us. Today, you become my husband and I your wife. Our lives will now join as one. Thank you for all the love, joy and support you have given me. I was born to love you. I love you now and for always.” I take a deep breath surprised that I actually was able to finish.

  The justice of the peace turns to Matt, “Now, Matt, if you will please share your vows with Ebony.”

  “From the moment I met you, I knew I had found the only love that I would ever know and need. From this day forward, we walk together. I’ll use my heart to shield yours from pain, and I will use my love to warm our home. Your beauty and your heart inspire me to do great things. The first of those great things is to love you and next to love our baby. Together we move forward in this journey of life and love. I know that we are young and that we have so much ahead of us, but together I also know we can accomplish anything. You have taught me so much and I look forward to learning from you every day of my life. From today, into eternity, I give you my love and my life. Thank you for loving me, as much as I love you.” His eyes shine like the stars above when he looks at me, and I can feel his love with every inch of my being.

  We exchange rings, complete the ceremony with a kiss. Everyone cheers and claps; as we walk down the aisle they throw confetti. We wait for our friends and family come to congratulate us. Later tonight, when our friends from school leave, we’ll complete the handfasting ritual. Nobody knew my parents, so no questions arise by their presence. Although many people knew Grams, I’m confused though, as to why nobody thinks it is awkward for my dead grandmother to be at our wedding. Maybe she is able to only make herself seen by those she wishes to see her. I guess I will just ask her.

  “Grams, why isn’t anyone questioning your presence?” I whisper softly.

  “Because to them, I do not look like your Grams. It is the magick of the great ones again. They would never risk exposing any of the supernatural secrets,” she quietly explains while congratulating us.

  Matt and I thank our guests for joining us as everyone shuffles through the receiving line towards the outdoor heated tents for the reception. As we are preparing to enter the tent, the lights dim and the small lights above go on to look like little stars shining in the sky. A spotlight shines towards the entrance, and I can hear Alexander over the speaker.

  “Please join me in welcoming the newly joined Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Barton.” He raises his glass and everyone follows suit as we walk through the door.

  Matt leads me to the center of the dance floor and the music starts to play, as Matt and I share our first dance as husband and wife. This entire day is like a dream. Everything’s so perfect. It is the kind of wedding every little girl dreams of. We decided not to have a big dinner, but servers are moving around the area offering the guest various canapés and beverages. The mellow music plays as the few guests mingle and pictures are taken over the next few hours.

  Matt stands up, “Ebony and I would like to thank all of you for partaking in this special day with us it’s been amazing.”

  Our guests begin to leave and thank us for sharing our day with them. Once they’re all gone we begin to proceed with the handfasting ritual. As we prepare the area I notice Grams, Mom and Dad deep in conversation, they look agitated.

  “What’s wrong? Do you have to return to…well wherever you come from? I understand, I’m just so glad you could be here with Matt and I tonight.” I lean in to hug them.

  “Kiddo, we are glad we are able to be here too, we are all truly blessed to share this day with you. It’s not that we have to go, we sense something is coming. Something is coming now we must prepare quickly,” Mom explains.

  “Something is coming here, now? But there’s so many people here, people I love might get hurt,” I begin to panic.

  “That’s why we have to move fast get everyone to safet
y,” Grams insists.

  We need to ensure everyone’s safety, but there is not enough time to get them out of here. Whatever is coming is coming to the Pierce house now.

  “We need to get everyone into a safe place, cast a circle so that nothing can get to them and place a protection spell,” Eliza orders.

  “We have a hidden room that is steel plated. That should be the safest,” Elijah suggests.

  The Pierce family along with Nathanial, Luke, Matt and my new mother and father in-law all retreat to a hidden room behind the grand staircase. Dad’s spirit joins them as he can help protect them but since he’s not magickal himself, he would be no help to us. Of course only Grams can convince the Pierce’s to stay with Matt and the rest of them. They want to help us, but with Mom and Grams here with Eliza and me, we can handle anything.

  “Has all the staff left already?” I ask.

  “Yes they left about thirty minutes after the guests, and the cleaning staff is not scheduled until morning,” Florence ensures.

  “Okay everyone go in the room and Matt you cast a circle asking the moon goddess Diana for protection, since tonight is a full moon she is the strongest. Once you are encased in the circle we’ll close the door and place a protection spell,” I explain frantically.

  Sophia hugs me. “Are you sure you don’t want our help?”

  “Your powers will not help against the type of evil we fight. Grams and Mom will add to our power,” I whisper.

  “Why is Matt casting the circle?” Danika asks.

  “If for some reason you need to get out, he will then be able to open the circle. He knows what he is doing,” I say as I shut the door.

  Eliza and I join hands with Mom and Grams. Eliza takes her free hand and places it on the trap door; I follow by doing the same. The four of us begin to visualize a large wall of fire surrounding the secret room and all those inside. We begin to chant,

  “Craft the spell in the fire;

  Craft it well and weave it higher.

  Weave it now of shining flame;

  None shall come to hurt or maim.

  None shall pass this fiery wall;

  None shall pass, No, none at all.

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be.”

  “Okay do we know what it is that is coming?” Eliza asks.

  “No we only sense it getting closer,” Mom persists.

  “Do you know how much time we have?” I question.

  “Not exactly, but it will be soon.”

  I never noticed her leave, but Grams comes in with changes of clothes for both Eliza and I, allowing us to change out of our dresses and better prepare for a fight. After she changes, Eliza quickly runs to the kitchen. She returns with the potions that we have left here, in case something like this would ever happen. Panic fills me, how can this happen on mine and Matt’s day?

  Before I have a chance to dwell in my own self-pity or we have a chance to prepare, three pale creatures appear from a magickal realm opening in the floor. They resemble humans, but you can tell they have no soul. Their eyes are yellow and you can almost see right through them. They begin circling us, like stalking their prey. Their long arms, are almost snakelike trying to slither around us. These are the creepiest things we’ve faced thus far.

  “Grams, what are they?” I panic as their arms come closer.

  “Those, my dear, are soul suckers. They search out the best souls and kindest people and take their souls. Their long arms wrap around you like a boa constrictor until they suck the very life force out of you.”

  The four Triggs women stand back to back with our hands clasped, when suddenly the soul suckers lurch towards us. Before we know it, all four of us are floating high above nearing the roof of the eighteen foot ceilings. I guess my little one wanted to give us a few extra moments. I use my power to move the freezing potion, throwing it at the creatures.

  “Now, that won’t hold them long,” Grams announces.

  As we levitate above the soul suckers Mom and Grams lead us in a banishing chant.

  “The power of the air,

  the power of the earth,

  the power of the water,

  the power of the fire,

  join together, all four elements,

  and banish this evil night dweller.

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be.”

  With conviction, we repeat the chant once more, and watch the soul suckers implode beneath us. This is possibly the scariest, yet easiest fight we’ve faced yet. I can only imagine what may have happened had we not rose from the ground out of their reach. Slowly we float back down to the surface, and now we can continue with the handfasting ceremony, once we’ve collected ourselves. Eliza releases the protection spell from the hidden room, and we quickly open the door, to ensure our loved ones are safe. When Matt realizes that the coast is clear he opens the circle again. They all rush out, hugging us with relief that we succeeded again.

  “Okay, it has been quite the interesting night, why don’t we continue with the ceremony. I will not let anything ruin your day,” Florence suggests.

  “I think that’s a great idea, I’m sure that Mom, Dad and Grams will need to get back soon,” I admit.

  Grams stands before us as a high priestess. “Matt and Ebony please join hands.” The ceremonial rope on the altar in front of Grams, rises and folds overtop of our joined hands. “With this rope I bind you.”

  Matt and I say together, “My heart, my body, I am yours forever more.”

  “Now you may seal your handfasting with a kiss.” Grams raises her arms to us.

  As we complete the ceremony, and our loved ones leave, Matt and I thank his parents and the Pierce family. The most wonderful day we could have ever asked for. Of course fighting evil entities adds to the excitement. Isaac pulls Matt off to the side for a moment. I can see him handing him the keys to his sports car. I look to Constance with a questioning look, and she just smiles. As Matt and Isaac come back.

  I can’t help but ask, “What was that all about?”

  “Isaac has given us his car for the evening, and our wonderful friends have prepared a room for us up at the Mountain Lodge. Let’s go celebrate our wedding together.” Matt winks.

  As we drive out, fireworks begin going off above of us. The bright colors lighting up the night sky leading us into our future. The night has been magnificent and I can’t help but be grateful.

  “Those vampires really do think of everything.” I chuckle.

  Chapter Twenty

  Time Flies

  I can’t believe spring is almost here, the past couple months have gone by so fast. The baby is due in about a month and then graduation shortly after. Matt and I have had so much happen this year that it’s hard to believe we’re still happy. Most teenagers, most people for that matter, would be at each other’s throats dealing with marriage, a baby, SAT’s, college applications, and graduation. It is more than most people could handle. Today the boys are going for their tux fittings for senior prom, us girls get to go shopping.

  “I think we should go to Boston, they’ll have better selections. Since the baby is due so close to prom I think I need something like a baby doll dress. Only God knows when the baby will come in to the world, it could be late and come like two days before prom, and who knows if I’ll have time to lose the weight,” I start complaining.

  Sophia chuckles. “I think someone’s getting a little moody.”

  “You would be moody too. I have a miniature succubus growing inside of me and causing me to abandon my entire wardrobe for parachutes.”

  Matilda puts her arm around me. “Well sweetie, it’ll be over soon. But for today, you have my amazing fashion sense and talent for shopping to aid you in your prom dress search.”

  We all agree that Newberry Street is the best place for our search. Sophia finds a place to park, and we begin our trek up and down the street on foot. With all these designe
r shops the three of us should be able to find something perfect.

  “Okay Ebony, I think your mood is affecting my shopping mojo. We have been in almost every shop and not one of us has found anything yet. You need to cheer up. We all need to.” Matilda mopes into the next store.

  “What is it anyways, Ebony, I have never seen you this miserable before,” Sophia adds.

  “I’m sorry, I guess this is just a bad day for shopping. I’m really not feeling that good, I’m kind of nauseous today and my back is absolutely killing me.”

  “Maybe all this walking isn’t a good idea for you. It’s only a month until the baby is due. We can always have someone bring dresses to the house for showing,” Matilda suggests.

  “Yeah, let’s get you home.” Sophia takes my arm as we walk towards the car.

  Making our way back to the car, I get an awful cramp and double over letting out a painful cry.

  “What’s happening, Ebony, what is it?” Sophia asks in a panic.

  “I don’t know, it hurts so bad. I need to get home and lay down,” I insist.

  Sophia and Matilda help me back up, leading me towards the car. All of a sudden, there is a gush of warm fluid that pours down my legs. Completely embarrassed by the fact that I just pissed my pants, I take my jacket and wrap it around my waist.

  “We have to hurry; I just had a little accident.”

  The girls both turn to see what is happening, what a quick glance up at each other in a panicked look back at me. Sophia quickly places her hand on my stomach, looks at Matilda and nods.

  “Ebony, we need to get you back to Wenham and you need to go to the hospital and get things looked at. You’re over a month away from your due date and we need to know what is happening.”

  “No, I just need to go lay down. My back is hurting from all the walking, my tummy is hurting because I’m hungry, and I just pissed myself because the baby is pushing on my bladder.”