Read Mystic Embrace Page 17

  Nathanial and Luke, join us. They both appear somber yet settled as though they have come to a decision. We momentarily change focus back to them.

  “So, have you guys come to a conclusion?” Eliza questions as she holds Luke in her arms.

  “Well, I have agreed to go back to school and Nathanial will stay here to help the Pierce family with raising Nik,” Luke says as he gives his brother and disapproving glance.

  Eliza looks up at her boyfriend. “Why do I have the feeling there is more to it than that?”

  In a sarcastic tone, Luke says, “Nate, would you like to tell them?”

  Nathanial smirks his brother, “Thanks bro. I was telling Luke that I thought it may be a good idea for your family to Embrace me. That way…”

  “You can stop that right now, Nathanial McCord. Why on earth do you think that Embracing you can fix everything? I thought you promised me never to bring it up again,” Sophia says with such frustration.

  “Sophia, I know that we have talked about this, and I know what I promised you. What you need to understand is that circumstances have changed. My little brother needs you, just as I need you, but he also needs me. If he is going to have to go through life being half vampire, and half mortal, I think he should have family on either side. Luke will stay mortal. It only makes sense, since his girlfriend is mortal too, although a super powerful witch, she is still mortal. With me, the woman I love is a vampire. You, Sophia Pierce, are the only one for me and I want to be with you. We can’t go on forever with you as a vampire and me as a mortal. You know this just as well as I do. I know this may not be the ideal situation, but it’s something that’ll workout for all of us,” Nathanial argues.

  Sophia is visibly upset over Nathanial suggestion, “You know, I don’t like the idea of this. You have no idea what it’s like to never grow old, never complete any one cycle of life. You’re just always stuck is a teenager. Life never progresses; never changes and you can never really call any one place home.”

  “Are you telling me that your life has sucked for the last two years that you have known me? I understand how difficult it could be being alone, but Sophia, we have each other, and this way, we always will.”

  As I listen to Sophia and Nathanial argue, I began to think about what my life is going to be now that I too am a vampire. My daughter and husband are still mortal. One day Elyn will be older than I am.

  “Excuse me please, I am just going to the guest house for a bit, if you need me.” I grab a glass of Florence’s blood punch and head to the guesthouse to ponder my existence.


  Back at the guest house I look around trying to find something to make this a positive situation. It’s been almost six months since I’ve become a vampire, and I never really thought anything of it. As I listened to Sophia and Nathanial arguing about the repercussions of Embracing Nathanial, I can’t help but wonder if anybody thought about my repercussions. Sophia has told me how hard it is to cry as a vampire, but right now I don’t find it so hard, the tears are flowing freely down my face.

  Matt comes racing in, “Ebony, are you okay, why are you crying? The way you left, had us all so worried. Alexander was trying to reach your thoughts. He said you were upset about something, but then he got blocked. It must be one of the new powers, you absorbed.”

  “Everything is so wrong. Sophia is right. You and Elyn are going to age, and one day our daughter is going to be older than I am because I’m eternally stuck at seventeen years old, and will never get older. One day, you won’t want to be married to a teenager.”

  “Ebony, there something that I have to tell you, and I am not sure if I make things better or worse for you, but it is time for you to know.”

  “How could things possibly get any worse?”

  “You don’t have to worry about me, growing older than you. I have completed all the guardian training I can as a mortal.”

  “Well that’s good isn’t it?”

  “Well, it can be, yes. The next stage for me to complete is to transform into a guardian and complete my magical training with the great ones. The only way for this to happen is for me…for my mortal body to die,” Matt explains.

  “You’re freaking kidding me? You’re going to die. I can’t do this on my own. When, how long do we have?”

  “No one can tell, it usually happens within one year of mortal training being completed.” He takes me in his arms, using his calming effect to help relax me.

  “It’s not all bad, Ebony. We won’t be torn apart. Once my upper-level training is complete, they’ll return me to you in my human form. Once returned, like you, I will not age. I too will never have a twentieth birthday.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I find myself scared every day that I’m going to lose Matt. I know once he’s done his training he’ll return to me, but no one knows how long that’ll be. I need my husband, and Elyn needs her father, what will we do without him? Thanks to Matt, I have finally found the Nephilim, another thing I could have never done without him. I would’ve never guessed that there are two right under our noses. Wenham has both a good and a bad Nephilim, and we know them both. It is up to Eliza, and I to banish the bad or try to turn her to the good side and then to protect the good. I’ve realized it’s because of my powers, which brought the angels to me. The angels want to conceal the Nephilims. They believe the only way to do so is by killing them, some of the really good hearted ones are protected by an angel called Katherine. She’s one of the twelve as we know them to be called. She trains them to be what she calls venators daemonum, hunter of demons. Though she has trained a few, many more are out there that have yet to be found. It seems that they believe I have the power to destroy them. Something about this doesn’t seem right though. Today I’m visiting with my sister and we are trying to learn as much as we can. It feels nice to be at the manor with my sister, I miss it here.

  Eliza and I search the book of shadows for a way to correct this awful injustice. This world is filled with such evil and hatred that we can’t afford to lose yet another good soul.

  “So, have we figured out yet if the Nephilim even know what they are yet?” Eliza asks as she continues to search the book of shadows for answers.

  “I believe Mel knows. I always knew that bitch was evil.” I smirk at the thought of what’s coming to her. Karma is the best payback ever.

  “And what about Ben?”

  “He must know. He is almost nineteen. Matt and Nathanial have gone to spend the day with him in an attempt to get information.”

  Eliza laughs. “Like anyone can keep a secret from Nathanial. He is getting stronger at extracting information. Not one of us have been able to keep secrets from Nate, I doubt Ben will be any different.”

  We both have a good laugh about that fact. Sophia arrives at the manor. Both Eliza and I can tell how upset she is.

  “Hey Sophia, what happened, hun?”

  “It has been a week since Luke has returned to school, and Nate won’t let up about me Embracing him.”

  “Sophia, nobody can make that decision for you. Although I will say this, when I first heard your argument about why Nate shouldn’t be Embraced, I was devastated. I thought, you were absolutely right for not wanting to Embrace him. My family was going to grow old without me. Nobody gave me a choice. It was done to save my life and make sure that my baby had a mother. I’m grateful that Constance was able to save me. Matt will soon become a guardian, and he will no longer age either. Once he returns, we can be happy together, forever, knowing that we look as though we should be a couple. Nate’s made this choice on his own free will. He wants to be with you and be with his brother to help in raising him. If you Embrace Nate, the three of you will be like your own little family with Nate as a father figure and you as the mother figure.” I begin to pour my heart on to my sleeve.

  “I never really thought of it that way, Ebony. It still worries me because what is done is done, and there is no going back. I??
?m just not ready yet,” Sophia admits to her true feelings.

  Before long, Matt and Nathanial return with Ben. I can’t help but wonder what happens with Mel. When it comes to her, she will get her karma, threefold. She was always so mean to everyone, mean to me, because my supernatural abilities and now she will get what she deserves.

  “Hi Ben, how have you been doing?” I ask with slight concern.

  Ben walks over and greets Sophia and I with a hug. “Well, I must admit that it is nice to finally know what’s happening to me. But it’s still shocking. Who knew all this supernatural baloney actually existed.”

  Sophia smiles, “If you only knew it all.”

  “So, how is it you are going to protect me from these arc angels?” Ben inquires.

  “Well there’s a few things that we can do. One is get your wings clipped. The other is to prove to them how good you actually are. There is also an angel that helps good Nephilim by turning them into guards for other angels,” I explain.

  “And exactly how do we do that?”

  “That we haven’t figured out yet, but we will,” I ensure.

  We decide it is best if we go and take care of Mel first. Pulling out my old yearbook, I cut her picture out and take my pendulum in an attempt to scry for her. We’re able to track her at her mother’s boutique.


  Entering the shop, it appears as though no one is there. I notice a few black feathers on the ground, and decide to follow them. On the floor behind the counter I see Mel in a pool of blood.

  “She’s over here,” I yell. “I think the arc angels beat us to her.” I notice a large stab wound that looks as if from a sword of some kind, the wound penetrates right through her.

  “I think you are right,” Sophia agrees, “she’s already gone. There is no life essence left.”

  “So what do we do now?” Ben questions with a hint of panic in his voice.

  “Well, first of all, I think we need to call 911,” Nathanial suggests.

  “Nate, why don’t you do that, I’m going to collect these feathers. The arc Angels don’t want anyone to know about them. Maybe they should be a little more careful,” Ben snarks.

  After the police and ambulance arrive, we give our statements and are released go back home.

  “You know what sucks most is that I didn’t even get the chance to deal with her,” I complain.

  “Ebony, you are better than that, now so stop it,” Eliza orders.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. I think I just need to relax a little.”

  Eliza wraps her arm around me. “Why don’t you and Matt go to a movie? I’ll watch Elyn for you.”

  “You sure you don’t mind? That would be amazing.”

  Instead of returning to the manor, we drive back to the Pierce residence. Elyn will have her own bed and toys there. I run to my room and get changed for a night out with my husband.


  “I’m really glad we got a night out, just the two of us. It’s been a long time since we’ve just gone out and had fun,” I say as Matt drives us home.

  “I agree, I think we should do it more often…”

  “MATT, LOOK OUT!!!” I scream with all my might, and grab the wheel. Trying to turn the car out of the way of the oncoming semi-truck headed straight for us.

  The tires screech and the car swerves as he slams the breaks, but it’s not enough. The truck strikes us right in the driver side door, flipping the car several times and throwing me out the window. My vampire abilities have left me unharmed, with the exception of a few minor abrasions. Once the car stops rolling, I run, to check on Matt. The car looks as though it’s been crushed by a trash compactor, Matt’s arm is all I can see hanging from the window. Using all my strength, I try to rip the metal from the car. The metal flesh of the sedan begins to creek but the metal is twisted too much and I can’t move it. My emotions take over and I can barely function anymore, collapsing to the ground hysterically crying. “No Matt, it’s too soon, it’s too soon,” I bellow. The sirens from the emergency response vehicles wail through the air. The moon shines bright through a clear sky tonight, as I hold on to the only piece of my husband I can see. With his hand in mine I sob like never before.

  “Matt, it’s okay, help is on the way. Matt, honey, I’m not ready for this. You can’t leave Elyn and me yet,” I cry.

  I see a great beam of light from the moon shine directly in to the small hole of crushed metal leading to Matt. I see an iridescent silhouette of Matt leaving the car and floating within the beam.

  “I love you, Ebony. I will be back one day, I promise,” his spirit says as he joins the great ones above.

  A paramedic runs up to me, “Are you okay ma’am, are you hurt?”

  “No, it’s my husband he’s trapped in the car, help him. Please,” I beg for help even though I know in my head they can’t help him, but my heart doesn’t want to let him go.

  He waves over his partner, who takes me by the arm. “Why don’t you come with me and my partner can work on your husband? The firemen will come and help get him out of the car. I need to look at you and make sure that you are not injured.”

  The rescue workers take me to the hospital, and behind me, Matt’s body follows in a second ambulance. Isaac and Constance are both on duty and waiting at the emergency room doors. Constance quickly rushes me off to a private room, where most of the family is already waiting.

  “Florence and Elijah have gone to get the Barton’s, they should be here any moment.”

  Over the next few hours we go through the exact same motions that we have done so many times already in the past year. How much loss can one group handle? I will be happy to never see this hospital grieving room again.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Giving In

  The Pierce family decides it will be better to move me and Elyn back into the main house, since Matt’s passing. I know they are worried about me, but I can’t worry about what’s happened. I need to concentrate on the future on him returning. We won’t be able to have a life here in Wenham anymore. Everyone knows about Matt’s death, and when he comes back, we will need to find someplace new to live. I can’t believe he didn’t even make it long enough to see Elyn’s first Yule, our Christmas celebration, and her birthday.

  Sophia comes into my room and sits on the bed next to me. “I made a decision, Ebony.”

  “Decision about what?” I ask, with little interest.

  “About Nate, I’m going to do it. I’m going to Embrace him.”

  She sparks my interest with this revelation, “What made you change your mind?”

  “In just over a year, we’ve lost your Grams, Mr. and Mrs. McCord, and even you; if it wasn’t for Constance Embracing you, Eyln wouldn’t have her mommy. Now Matt is gone, I can’t lose Nathanial, I can’t stand to lose one more person that I love. He has shown me what it means to love and enjoy the life that I live. I thought Wenham was an amazing place to live, but although I’ve gained so much here we have all lost so much too,” Sophia confesses.

  “So, what is the plan, does he know or when are you going to let him know?”

  “I’m going to tell him tonight.”

  “And how do you know that you’ll be able to resist feeding from him?”

  “Because, he has donated some of his blood to Isaac and Isaac has been feeding it to me for months now. With us becoming closer, Isaac though it would be a good precaution. I’ve also bitten him before, during our first night together.”

  “I don’t understand, why on earth are you guys doing that?” I ask with complete and utter shock. “I would have thought that would make you crave it more.”

  “We did it in order to ensure that I will be able to resist the temptation. That’s how Caspian killed Daniella. They were in a moment of passion and he got too caught up in the moment and bit her. When making love, the act of biting completes the connection. I can’t even explain what it’s like, but it is the most amazing feeling. We share the physical connection
and a complete and total emotional connection. You experience every feeling the other is having and vice versa. It is like enhancing the connection and experience. When he bit Ashley, it was too much, Caspian wasn’t able to stop, and I never wanted to be in the same situation as him. Even with all we’ve been through, I have to be careful and that scares me.”

  “I think it may be a good idea to have the rest of us around, just to ensure that nothing happens.”


  Later that night we all gather in the family room for Nathanial’s Embrace. Nathanial removes his protection watch, and passes it to his brother Luke.

  Eliza faces Luke and puts her hands on both shoulders. “Are you sure you want to stay for this?”

  He nods. “It’s not that I don’t trust you guys, because I do. I need to be here, to ensure that both of my brothers are safe, and that things don’t get out of hand by accident.”

  Eliza and I prepared a freezing potion, in case Sophia does get carried away. We can throw at her and stop her from feeding any further.

  “Okay sweetie, are you ready? I know I am,” Nathanial says with a smile.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Sophia says as she takes his hand in hers.

  Sophia closes her eyes, and we all watch as her fangs protrude from her mouth. Holding Nathanial’s hand, she lifts his chin bringing his neck closer to her mouth and with one swift motion, she bites down. Nathanial jumps and moans at the pain as his blood flows freely from the wound, and trickles down his neck from the corner of Sophia’s mouth. I can’t help but wonder if it hurt the last time she bit him. Adrenaline from having sex could have masked any pain. We can hear his heart race and pound harder, allowing the venom to enter his system. Alexander connects to Nathanial’s thoughts, and we all hear him repeating to himself, ‘keep going, don’t stop’. Sophia sit’s there with her fangs embedded into Nathanial’s jugular. We all notice that she is not actually drinking much of his blood, but only allowing her venom to enter him. She soon releases and strikes at her chest with a sharpened nail to open a wound for Nathanial to drink from. She guides Nathanial’s face toward the opening and he begins to drink from her. The Embrace only completes once venom and blood from the vampire enter and circulate the mortal’s system. He quickly takes a few more sips before her wound closes over; we all know he wants to ensure he is receiving enough. Sophia kisses him on the forehead and turns away allowing herself to retreat back to her normal state before looking at him again. I look over to Luke to make sure he is handling the situation alright. He is visibly torn up over his brother Embracing, yet understanding is also drawn across his face. My heart goes out to these two men that are like family to me.