Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 16

  “So, he will be fine then, as soon as the venom passes through him?” Luke confirms.

  “Well, see that is where there is a problem. Because Nik was born with the venom, it will stay in him forever now,” Florence breaks the news. “It is part of his blood now.”

  Nathanial takes a deep breath. “So what does this mean for our baby brother?”

  Elijah sits in between the boys, “Now that Nik is infected with the venom he will have all the attributes of a vampire. Although he will still be human, he will still age as a mortal does. He can still go out in the sun and do everything a mortal does. Nik will have all the powers of the vampire, speed, strength, increased senses, and healing. He will not have the thirst for blood, nor will he be affected by any of the things that affect vampires.”

  “So, isn’t all this good? He will just be extra strong and healthy? Kinda like the best of both worlds,” Luke asks.

  “Well, yes and no, he will need to learn to deal with his powers. The extra sensory powers alone could drive anyone insane. Now just imagine a little baby. We will need to take precautions and help train him. He will need to be around us, as only we will understand what he will go through,” Elijah continues to explain, although I can tell he is holding something back.

  “What? So you think he should live with you? But Nate and I are both in Boston now. Oh no, what about college? I can’t handle this right now.” Luke buries his head in his hands.

  “Luke, we don’t need to worry about everything right now. We will help you.” Florence goes down to Luke’s level and puts her arms around him.

  “I need to get the baby back to the nursery for observation. He should be able to go home tomorrow. I will fast track the paper work. Ebony, Eliza can you please do up a temporary spell to help subdue his powers and senses, please?” Isaac requests.

  “Of course, we’ll do anything to help. Elyn it is time to say goodbye to Nik. You need to get out of his bed now,” I say, reaching down to pick her up and hand her to Matt.

  Eliza and I place our hands on little baby Nik, we ensure to leave his advanced health, and healing intact. None of us are sure what might happen to him if we bind that as well. He is so tiny and fragile; we can’t risk anything happening to him. Isaac then takes Nik back to the nursery and Constance takes Nathanial and Luke to identify the bodies. We will take everyone back to the Pierce house for the night, just as we did one year ago when Grams passed.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The next morning, while Luke and Nathanial sleep, the entire Pierce family sits to watch the news. We need to know what people saw last night and decide how to deal with it.

  “Here it is they are talking about the accident and attack,” Danika announces.

  I turn up the volume a little as the broadcaster speaks. “Last night the center of town was ambushed by a gang. Thanks to a group of local heroes that were brave enough to fight them off, we are safe again. None of the witnesses have been able to identify Wenham’s hometown heroes, but we thank them for their bravery. Although it has been noted that the gang members dressed in gothic wear and acted like vampires, they were very intimidating to those who caught a glimpse of the action. Unfortunately, two of our most respectable citizens were lost in the midst of the fight. Nikole and Arthur McCord, parents to star football player Nathanial, and star basketball player Luke, died from their injuries following a car accident cause by the riot. Both Luke and Nathanial McCord attend Harvard on athletic scholarships. Dr. Isaac Pierce was able to save the baby Nikole McCord was expecting later this year. We will announce funeral arrangements once they are finalized. To donate to McCord Memorial fund in order to assist in raising the baby now left without parents, please donate at the local commerce under the McCord name.”

  We look around at one another surprised that no one saw or at least understood what they saw. Our secret is safe.

  “Can you believe the wonderful things they are saying about the McCord’s? It is so nice of them to start a memorial fund, in order to raise Nik. I love this town more every day, and hate to think we will have to leave soon,” Sophia admits.

  It isn’t even noon yet, and there is a knock on the door. Matilda jumps up to answer as no one wants to wake the boys. We can all hear what is going on.

  “Hello, how can I help you?” Matilda asks.

  “My name is Vanessa Steel, my mother worked at the nursing home with Mrs. McCord. She was working last night and heard what happened. We went shopping first thing this morning, and got this parcel to help the McCord boys with the baby. She thought they may be here, or at least that you would be able get this to them.”

  “You and your mother are too kind. They are here but are still resting as it was a long night. Thank you so much,” Matilda says.

  “Please tell them if they need anything, we’re here to help.”

  “Of course I will, I’m sure it will mean so much to them. Thank you again,” Matilda says closing the door.

  She returns to the family room with a large parcel. “Do you think we can open it?” She asks.

  “As much as we all want to know what is in side, I think we should wait for the boys,” Sophia answers.

  With heavy footsteps coming down the grand staircase, almost as though their hearts are dragging down behind them, the boys enter. “Wait for us to do what?” Nathanial asks while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

  “Vanessa Steel stopped by, with this parcel for you. She said her mom worked with your mom,” Matilda explains.

  “Wow, people are already sending things. I know Mrs. Steel and Mom were close, but to already have a care package,” Nathanial says with surprise. “Well go ahead let’s open it.”

  Luke pulls at the tape on the top of the box, and slowly opens the flaps on the box. Looking inside Luke starts to pull out various baby items from the box.

  “I don’t believe it, there’s stuff for Nik, bottles, and diapers, blankets, everything. How did she know?” Luke wonders.

  “Hun, it was all over the news today about your parent’s death and Isaac saving the baby. The town has started a memorial fund to help with Nik.” Eliza fills the brothers in.

  “Oh, wow. I can’t believe the town is trying to collect money to help with raising Nik. I really feel awful about taking handouts from others. I know how meticulous Mom was about things. Mom and Dad have…I mean had life insurance and retirement savings. I am sure that once things get organized, we’ll be fine. I just still can’t believe they’re gone,” Luke shares.

  “We will give you the same offer as we gave Ebony and Eliza. We, the Pierce family, are here for you. No matter if your parents had insurance and such, we have plenty and will help you in any way that you need. Your mother and I became very close and I promised her that I would always be here for you boys,” Florence insists. “We can worry about the estate later.”

  Florence goes to the kitchen to prepare something to eat for the boys. We all fed earlier. She makes the most amazing meals from combining animal and donated blood. Today it was a blood porridge infused with cinnamon. I smell the French toast she is whipping up for Eliza and the boys. I realize that it is almost time for Elyn’s lunch.

  “Sorry, please excuse me; I need to get Elyn’s lunch ready before she wakes from her morning nap.”

  “Of course Ebony, please do what you need,” Elijah insists.

  I join Florence in the kitchen, while preparing a bottle and some pabulum. Normally she would still be on the young side (being only five months old) to have pabulum, but she is advancing so much faster than babies her age and the bottle just wasn’t satisfying her any more. I decide to talk privately with my newest mother figure.

  “Florence, what is going to happen to little Nik?”

  “There is no need to be worried about him. We will help the boys through. I know their parents would want them to stay in college, which will be hard to do for two boys raising their brother. You should understand better than anyone the diff
iculty of raising a child when you yourself are still a child.”

  “Yes, of course I do, both Matt and I decided it would be better to put school off until Elyn is a little older. I know that some people can do it, but I just don’t understand how. As much as I love Elyn, I really wish Matt and I would have been more careful. She is meant to be my daughter, but I wish she would have come at a better time. How are the boy’s going to handle school and a newborn?”

  “Ebony, Elyn is a blessing. As much as I too love her, I will never deny that it would have been better for you to have waited. As for Nate and Luke, this will be tough with Nik being what we call a natural day walker. He needs to be trained to control his powers, just as any new vampire does. We’ll need to work something out with the boys but I think Nik should stay with us. That way they can still go to school and we can train him.”

  I nod in agreement, “I too think that’s best, I just don’t know what they’ll think of it.”

  Florence calls out, “Eliza, Matt, Luke, and Nate your French toast is ready.”

  As they all sit at the table Florence places the meal on the table for them to help themselves. I call out to Elyn and she levitates out of her play pen in the office to the kitchen and sits in the highchair.

  “Ready to eat my little peanut?” I ask while buckling her in the high chair.


  I know the pain that Nathanial and Luke are feeling. I only wish they could be as lucky as I was and have the ability to see their parents. Later today, they’ll have to go to the hospital and pick up their new baby brother. While the rest of us ensure there are no more Cerberus lurking around and figure out what powers, if any, we absorbed from the vampires we destroyed. When one vampire destroys another, they absorb the powers of the one they killed. Not all vampires possess powers, although several do, either natural or absorbed powers. Everyone already has some pretty cool powers, but it would be neat to gain some new ones too. I would love one like Elijah, he can absorb others powers for use when in their range. Matt and Eliza volunteer to watch Elyn, as well as take Nathanial and Luke to the hospital. This is going to be another difficult week and we’ll need to work together.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  New Beginnings

  Weeks have passed since the Cerberus took the McCord lives, and we destroyed their leader. Elijah has contacted the Renata, and it appears that none of the original or stronger Cerberus are in our area. I wonder if Drake and Cyrus went away to lay low for a bit. Elijah was given forgiveness from the Renata for the great laws that we broke. We’ve even been given permission to continue with our mortal loved ones. I still don’t understand how none of the town’s people realized we were having a vampire and magick fight in the middle of town. When Elijah explains that some of the more powerful Renata came to town, and compelled all those that saw the fight. I start to understand the true power behind the rulers of the vampiric law. I try to recall the six laws set out by the Renata that we are required to follow. Grabbing a pen and paper I start to write them out.

  1st Law

  The Conspiracy

  Thou shall not reveal the nature of thy being to anyone.

  2nd Law

  The Empire

  Thy Empire is thine own concern and no other shall interfere.

  Only the leaders may intervene if rules are forsaken.

  All others owe thee respect while in it.

  3rd Law

  The Ancestry

  Thou shall only Embrace another with the permission of thine leader.

  Until one’s own Empire is formed and is released from thine leader.

  4th Law


  Thou is responsible for thine creations, rule them in all things.

  5th Law


  Honor one another’s Empire.

  Thou must be respectful to the ruler of another Empire.

  6th Law


  Thou art forbidden to destroy another’s Embraced,

  The right belongs only to thine ruler.

  I think these are all great rules to follow, and could help many others of our kind to live civilly.

  “Nate, it is time for us to figure out what we are going to do. The Dean called me yesterday and said he can’t hold our scholarships much longer. He needs us to return to school,” Luke admits.

  “So, what are we going to do? We can’t take Nik with us. The Pierce family still needs to work with him, but I don’t think it is a good idea for both of us to leave him,” Nathanial admits.

  “I won’t let the two of you throw away your chance at education. Matt and I made the choice not to go to college this year. In order to care for Elyn, we can help with Nik too. If you don’t go back to school, I’m scared you’ll never go back,” I argue.

  “Ebony, I don’t want you to worry. I appreciate that you’re willing to help us, but he is our brother, and he needs to be with family. Maybe one of us should stay behind to raise him,” Nathanial suggests.

  There’s a large crash from the other room, we all jump up and run to see what the commotion is. When we get in to the library, we notice tons of books off the shelf and Nik’s pacifier on top of the pile. Elyn is sitting in the playpen next to Nik, trying to calm him as he screams. Nathanial runs to his baby brother, and picks him up in an attempt to calm him.

  “What the heck happened in here?” Eliza questions.

  Alexander quickly joins us in the library. “It was Nik, his strength. The sheer force of throwing his pacifier across the room is the cause of this destruction.”

  “What do you mean, he threw his pacifier? Nik is only a few weeks old. He shouldn’t be able to do that yet.” Luke’s concern grows.

  “Normally you’d be correct, but because Nik is a day walker, things are a little different. His powers allow him to physically advance faster than a normal mortal baby. You have to remember not only is he mortal, but he is half vampire,” Alexander explains.

  “I guess we really are going to have to figure this out sooner than later. Nate and I aren’t equipped to care for our little brother.” Luke’s stress becomes visible.

  “Luke, I think you need to go back to school. I will talk to the Dean and see if I can get my scholarship rolled to next year,” Nathanial insists.

  “Nate, I can’t let you do this. Mom and Dad would kill me, and you worked so hard for this.”

  “As did you Luke. This is your final year. You need to complete it and graduate and then finish your masters. I can go to community college, for now, but the only way that we will be able to take care of Nik is for you to get a good job, and have the ability to provide for him,” Nathanial reasons.

  Sophia, Alexander, Matt and I take the babies up to the family room, and allow the boys some time to discuss their options. In the family room, Alexander attempts to telepathically work with Nik. Because Nik is so young is difficult for him to understand and Alex needs to implant the thoughts in his head. Elijah and Florence join us, and we explain what’s happening.

  “This is going to be more difficult than we thought. We have never had to train a day walker before. We may have to call in reinforcements. I have some friends in the Renata that may be able to help,” Elijah, shares his thoughts.

  “It may be our only option. Maybe you should make some calls,” Sophia suggests.


  Deciding not to worry about Nik until Elijah has contacted his friends, Alexander starts to question me about my dream visions again.

  “Still having visions of ghosts and angels, Ebony?” he bluntly asks.

  “Yeah, actually I’ve talked to a few of the ghosts. It turns out that they are victims of the supernatural. From everything such as warlocks and demons, vampires, black magic you name it. The ghosts that are coming to me have all died from some form of supernatural evil.”

  “Do you know how to help them yet?” Sophia asks.

  “It appears as though they are having trouble crossing over. I?
??ve helped a few already, they need to let go of the anger within them, and to be able to feel peace. Others need to make sure that their families can survive without them.” It makes me happy to know that I’m able to help others go in peace.

  “Do you have any more information on the angels yet?” Eliza wonders.

  “I’ve been helping Ebony to learn as much as she can. We still can’t figure out if they are trying to help us or warn us of something. And deep down, I have a feeling that a Nephilim is around and nearing his or her eighteenth birthday,” Matt explains.

  “So, the next thing we need to do is try and figure out who the Nephilim is,” I add. “I have also been practicing meditation and learning realm travel, in hopes that something will help lead me to the Nephilim.” I learned from the book of shadows that any witch can travel through the realms once they train themselves with proper meditation. So I’ve been practicing, I always thought this was a power not a skill.

  “So, if there is a half Fallen Angel and half mortal walking around, would that also mean that a Fallen Angel is amongst us? If that is the case is there a danger to the town’s people?” Eliza questions him.

  “I don’t believe so. Matt and I have been trying to look at all of the adoptions in the area as well as single parents. More specifically, single parents, because they would more than likely be the ones left to care for the child and may even know what their child is. Anyone between the ages of seventeen and nineteen are on our watch list.”

  Sophia paces the room. “And what have you found out so far?”

  “Well, there are only about ten people on our list so far that fit the requirements.” Matt pulls out his list. “Do you recognize any of the names on our list?”

  Nathanial and Luke, join us. They both appear somber yet settled as though they have come to a decision. We momentarily change focus back to them.

  “So, have you guys come to a conclusion?” Eliza questions as she holds Luke in her arms.

  “Well, I have agreed to go back to school and Nathanial will stay here to help the Pierce family with raising Nik,” Luke says as he gives his brother and disapproving glance.