Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 18

  The Embrace is taking effect very fast on Nathanial, his wound is already healing. I can’t help but wonder why it is happening so quickly. Alexander looks at me and says telepathically, ‘because she allowed so much venom to flow into him and did not remove much of his blood. It is able to flow through his system more freely and his blood supply doesn’t need to replenish. This allows the Embrace process to speed up.’ Florence sits next to Sophia and attempts to comfort her. The tears fill her eyes knowing what she has just taken away from the man she loves.

  “Sophia my dear, he wanted this, and it is for the best. The Oolatec clan from Transylvania will be here tomorrow. They will help both Nate and Nik, get through this. The Renata said they are the best, and we do know them well.”

  “I know it’s for the best, but it is still hard taking away every plan for the future and the life of the man I love.”


  The following evening, there is a swift, sharp knock at the front door. I can hear Elijah greeting his old friends.

  “Tryphosia, Azubah, it is great to see you again. Thank you so much for coming. Please come in.” Elijah welcomes them.

  “It is nice to see you again Elijah, two centuries is far too long to go without seeing friends,” says the man.

  “Yes, I apologize for that. I’ve been working on keeping a civilized clan.”

  A beautiful female voice that sounds like a musical instrument says, “We understand it took us many years as well.”

  “Please, make yourself at home; shall we take a seat in the family room? Florence will be out in a moment with some refreshments. She has done wonderful job of increasing our meal choices.”

  “Thank you for your hospitality, but I would love to learn more about the day walker you said is amongst you,” inquires the man I assume is Azubah.

  “Of course, my daughter for all intense purposes became involved with a mortal; his mother was with child then attacked by a member of the Cerberus. She died, but the venom was able to cross the placenta and infected baby before he was born. He is now well over one month old, we call him Nik. Since both of the parents are gone, Nathanial decided it was best if he became one of us and Sophia Embraced him, in order to care for the child. Nathanial was Embraced last night. Nik and Nathanial’s oldest brother, Luke, has remained mortal. Since the baby is half vampire, and half mortal. The brothers felt it would be best to have one of each raising him.”

  “That is very unique and interesting story Elijah. We have dealt with half-bloods or day walker as you call him, in the past. We can work with both boys and have both trained within a week. It will be very difficult and hard work for both of them.” Confirms the woman with an angelic voice.

  “In a week, intense training? I can understand for Nathanial, but how is this possible for the baby?” Elijah shows some concern.

  “I have power that is difficult to understand, I am able to transfer anything I have learned to another being. I am able to train others by implanting only the knowledge I wish for them to have. I leave out a lot of my past experiences, as well as my own personal experiences, giving them only what they need to successfully survive as a civil vampire.”

  “Azubah, that is the most amazing power I’ve ever heard of. I understand why you don’t share what you can do with many. If any rogue vampires found out they would attempt to steal it from you.”

  “That is correct, Elijah. And some have made their attempts. But none have succeeded. Shall we meet the boys and the rest of your clan?”

  “Yes, of course, but we consider ourselves a family, not clan.”

  “Our apologies my dear friend,” the woman says.

  One by one, we file into the family room and Elijah introduces us, “You remember my wife Florence I assume, and this is Isaac and Constance they have been with us the longest and are like siblings to us. Both of them are medical doctors, and very talented. You wouldn’t believe the work Isaac has done with blood and blood products, developing a new way for us to feed. He has used expired blood products from the blood banks to invent a synthetic whole blood. It is also currently in the testing phases with the FDA for medical use with humans,” Elijah begins. “Next is one of our sons, Caspian. He was absent from the family for many years but has recently returned. Danika has been with us just over three years now. She was Embraced and left in the streets. We took her in, and just as with any teenage child we have dealt with her rebellion, but she is becoming a wonderful addition to our family. This is Matilda, we Embraced her in the early 1900’s, she was being persecuted by witch hunters and our son Alexander knew he couldn’t go on without her. That brings us to our twins Alexander and Sophia. They were attacked by Cerberus in 1894 and left for dead, we Embraced and trained them. Ebony has been with us, for approximately six months now. Her and her sister are the magnificent ones, the witches born to help save the world. Constance Embraced her as she was dying from a medical procedure. Her daughter, Elyn, is also a witch and her husband, Matt, just passed on and is completing his training to become a guardian. Elyn is staying with her aunt and Nathanial’s brother for the night. Then of course, there is Sophia’s boyfriend, Nathanial, whom as you already know was Embraced last night and this is his baby brother, Nik, our little day walker.”

  “This is a very large coven or clan no pardon me, you call it a family. I am pleased to meet you all. My name is Tryphosia, and is my husband, Azubah.”

  “Thank you so much for coming.” Sophia shakes their hands.

  We gather around, getting to know each other a little better. Eliza, Luke, and Elyn are all safe at the manor. I don’t want to take any chances, having mortals around vampires that Elijah has not seen in almost two hundred years.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Things have been so crazy in the months since Matt’s death. I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I have to believe that he’ll come back to me one day, and back to Elyn. His parents are so wonderful and encouraging. They too knew this day would come but also hold on to the glimmer of hope that they will see him again soon. I sometimes think that Elyn sees him; she sometimes stares off in to space and lets out a huge smile and a giggle. I even swear that I heard her say Dada the other day. I guess it is possible, I can see ghosts and angels it would only make sense that some of my powers transfer over to her.

  I write letters to him telling him every milestone, his little peanut goes through. That way when he returns to us, he will not have missed a thing. Our friends, the Williams’, are coming to see us today. Dakota and I have become good friends and it will be nice to see him again. We haven’t seen the Williams’ since Matt’s funeral; I haven’t seen many people from outside the family since then. The family is trying to get me to interact with others. Florence has been concerned about me shutting myself off to others. I just wish they would understand that I need time; I lost my husband and my baby’s daddy. Do they really expect me to just get over it?

  Alexander walks in the room. “Ebony, I had to come and talk to you. We don’t expect you to get over Matt; he was your soul mate, and who knows if you can ever find another. What we don’t want is for you to sink in to a deep depression and shut us all out. It will make for a very long existence.”

  “I know, really, I do. It is just so hard, Alexander; every time I look at my beautiful baby girl I see Matt and I can’t tell you how much I miss him.”

  “Kiddo, you don’t need to tell me. I understand more than anyone. I want you to think of how Elyn has been lately. She is not her happy self and that’s because she feels your pain. We have to give her the best life we can until Matt can return to you. Hold on to that, he will return one day.”

  Alexander is right; I am not accomplishing anything, except hurting my little peanut. Her empathy skills make it so she feels every bit of my pain and anguish. I’m not being fair to her; no baby should feel this kind of heartache. I decide today is a new day. I’m going to start enjoying my life…existence with Elyn and help her enjoy
her life. I get up; hug Alexander and whisper, “Thank you.” I guess now is a good time to rejoin the land of the living and the un-dead.


  Outside in the garden, the rest of the family is enjoying their visit with the Williams’ family. The garden is a really lovely place to relax; there is the perfect amount of shade and a beautiful gazebo. Matt and I had the perfect wedding here just last year, and I’ve decided to hold on to the wonderful memories like that. Elyn and Nik catch my attention, playing in the play yard together. Nik is still young, but his strength as a day walker has allowed him to learn to sit at less than two months old. I’m still amazed at the training Elijah’s friends were able to give both him and Nathanial. We thought I progressed quickly; Nathanial was able to go out in public after two weeks. He’s even taken a job working for Elijah at the law firm and signed up for distance learning to become a lawyer as well. I know that makes Sophia happy, as she was concerned about him losing his ambition.

  Dakota runs up to me and wraps his dark muscular arms around me. I bury my head in his chest and take a few cleansing breaths to calm myself. I’ve always felt a closeness to Dakota, it is nice to have a friend that I don’t have to see or talk to daily and yet we still remain as close as ever. “Hey there pretty mama, how you doo-in?” He smiles as I look up into his chocolate brown eyes.

  “Better, thanks to Alexander.” I smile over to my new brother. “How are things going with you? Notice any more creepers?”

  “Creepers?” he give me a what the…look.

  With a giggle I say, “Yup creepers, that’s what I’ve decided to call all the evil entities now. They just creep on in where they’re not wanted.”

  “Well, Ebony, that’s why we came today,” Dakota announces, and the others all stop to listen.

  “Aw man, don’t tell me we got more problems. I am so not in the mood to deal with these creepers today,” I start to whine.

  “No, no, don’t worry that perfect little head of yours.”

  “So, then what’s going on, Dakota?” Matilda inquires.

  “Well, Dad and I’ve been talking to the elders, and we all agree that the supernatural activity in and around town has been increasing at an alarming rate. I mean for the longest time it was just us shifters and a few wannabe witches. Now, of course, we had no true knowledge of your family.”

  “I agree, but I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at.”

  “Well, now with shifters, witches, vampires, demons, vampire cults, and nephilum, well, we think…” he looks around at the others watching his every move. “That we should have some kind of full time training. We need to learn if there’s any more of our kind and train them as well, before it’s too late.”

  “Okay, I think I get it, like an after school program for the supernatural?”

  “Not an after school program, my dear,” Tamo cuts in, “A full time program, we could even find those from other areas and have it like a boarding school. The students will still be required to complete their state curriculum, but they will also do magickal or supernatural studies.”

  “Tamo, this is an amazing idea.” Florence beams with sheer elation.

  “Do you really think we will find teachers that will want to work at a school for the supernatural’s of the country?” Danika questions.

  Dakota smiles “That is where we come in lucky. See Skah and his new wife are both educators. They met in college and married this past month. Now, that is a whole other issue, the bugger eloped and we couldn’t throw them a proper ceremony. She’s nice though and minored in mythology, so she is very understanding and knowledgeable of the supernaturals of the world.”

  Elijah walks up and down the cobble stone path; we can all tell he is contemplating the idea. “I think it is a wonderful idea, I will contact the Renata to make sure they approve of us participating and then we can work out the details. I even have an idea for a location.”

  “Superb, my friend, we will let you be to attend to your arrangements. We can talk more once you have approval.” Tamo shakes Elijah’s hand and the Williams’ proceed back to their reserve.

  I have a great feeling about this school and can’t wait to share it with Eliza. At last, a place where others like us can come, learn and feel comfortable. A safe place where Eliza and I can perfect our powers, and we can all work together for the greater good of man.

  About the Author

  Charlotte Blackwell is the talented new Canadian author of the Embrace Series. She is someone to keep an eye on for years to come, with her unique voice and way of connecting with the readers, Charlotte is bound to be a house hold name for years to come. During her younger years Charlotte was friendly and outgoing, but never really voice her opinions and felt more comfortable falling behind the shadows of those around her. Something she hope to help others avoid. She began writing as a way to express her feelings, without having to confront those around her. As Charlotte grew and had a family of her own, she learned the importance of standing up for what you believe in and always staying true to one’s self. Then one day the writing took over. Charlotte soon realized through writing she could combined her love for the paranormal and her children. Using writing as an outlet to reach out to those she cares most about, her children. Knowing the difficulties teens face, she wanted to use her stories to help her daughters understand they are not alone and now hopes to help others receive the message as well. Through doing this Charlotte discovered herself and with her husband and three children couldn’t have written a happier end for her family.



  Charlotte Blackwell, Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series)



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