Read Mystical Quest Page 3

The mist was so thick around them as they walked further to find their friends. The mist was oddly thick and grayish white, Then again, with all that Sylvia had seen so far in this land, what was she to compare odd or normal to. Either way she did not like it. The mist began to roll away as they passed the lake. A new view came into focus in front of them. Their vision was no longer blurred. Queen Quara, Nolen, and Tess were on the ground in some sort of struggle. They were shouting and taking swings at nothing that was visible.

  “Finally decided to join the party?” A tall figure strolled out to reveal himself. A long, silver cape with black patterns followed him. He wore black boots with black trousers tucked into the tops. A black leather tunic armor with silver and red patterns completed his outfit, along with black and silver gloves. His hair was to his shoulders and pure white with a silver tint.

  “Silver.” Zell said his name with such disgust as he clenched his fists. “What did you do to them?”

  “Like I said, just a party. Would you care to join?” Silver waved his hands around as if welcoming them to an event. He seemed to enjoy himself. “Don't be a party pooper, friend.”

  “Stop playing, Silver.” Zell said through gritted teeth.

  “How boring.” Silver acted blind to Zell's frustration. “It's just some mind games. Don't you like my games?” He smiled. “They may come to soon or be trapped by their fears. Tell me, Zell, what do you and your friends fear?” He pointed a gloved finger Sylvia.

  “Silver” Sylvia took a few steps forward slowly and held up her necklace. It caught the sunlight and gleamed. “I came to ask you for help. I need to know about this jewel.”

  Silver laughed. “Help? Me, help you?” Then he raised an eyebrow when the jewel glittered and caught his eye. “Where did you get that?”

  “You answer my question first.” Sylvia demanded.

  Silver laughed again. “Bold girl, but I don't take orders from you. Neither am I obligated to help.”

  “I didn't think it would hurt to ask.” Sylvia replied.

  Silver made an unfamiliar gesture with his hands and Zell was thrown back. His back hit against a tree with force.

  Sylvia called out to Zell. Before she knew what happened, her body flew across the ground. It took a few moments to shake it off. She felt a burning sensation in her ankle.

  “Are you hurt?” Zell stood over her.

  Sylvia rubbed her neck and sat up. “Ah, apparently it did hurt to ask, literally.” She touched her boot and the slight movement of her ankle made her grimace. “Don't worry about me.” An image flashed in front of her when Zell had been thrown against the tree trunk so hard. Despite any discomfort he must have had, he was by her side again to help her. It was still odd to her to have someone around who was willing to risk so much... for someone to see her worth. It was nearly enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she had cried already and now was not the time. Despite everything, Zell did not look phased so she would try to be brave, too.

  “Sit here. Let me deal with Silver.” Zell wanted to get this over with.

  Sylvia grabbed his hand and he turned back. “Be careful.” That was all she could say. She was not too good at expressing emotions that she had spent so much of her life hiding within herself. The reality had hit her though. She had been mystically transported to an unfamiliar land and time. This was no dream, no dream land, and so far unlike the fairy tales her mother had told her about. She had been hurt already and Zell had been hurt, minor. Still, she could not help but be concerned for him. She had grown to care for him oddly enough. The focus was survival right now so she hardly had time to sort out these feelings. They were on an important quest she did not have any idea what would happen afterward. She was doing enough just to take it all in day by day.

  Zell squeezed her hand and smirked. “Always,” he walked towards Silver.

  “‘Deal with me'; are you?” Silver spoke in a superior manner. He was full of himself and more than willing to accept the challenge. He also knew how to push Zell's buttons. “Let's party, shall we?” He did not waste any time. Somehow he manipulated the weather. Chilliness grew in the crisp air. “I will make the girl talk.” He referred to the subject of the mystical jewel.

  “Your fight is not with her!” Zell wanted the attention on him rather than Sylvia.

  “Oh, but she might want to play, too.” Silver taunted with a dangerous smile.

  Zell braced himself and observed his opponent carefully. He saw icicles form into sharp points at the tips of his fingers. Adrenaline pumped. He followed the direction of Silver's glare and knew what his plan was. He made haste back to Sylvia. “Look out!” His voice was all desperation. He stretched out his arms and spread his hands. His hands glowed bright white briefly. He was right in front of the icy spikes as they came closer right for his chest. He controlled the energy, diverted the icicles away and they fell to the ground.

  Sylvia was wide eyed. “How... wh-” She was at a loss for words. “I knew there was something strange about him. He has magical powers, too? The surprises keep coming.” She thought to herself.

  Zell turned to scan for any injuries, but he had stopped all the icy spikes. No stray ones had gotten to her. “Are you hurt?” Sylvia only looked up at him and shook her head.

  “Good.” Stay back and try to take cover.” He left Sylvia in wonder of what he had done. She did as he had asked though and limped to find a safer spot to hide. He was usually good at hunting spots to hide, but all that she saw seemed to be trees, brush, sunken places in the ground that were not deep enough to hide in. She was not crazy about sunken holes after her experience. She decided to suck it up and climb in a large tree. It had wide enough branches that made it easier to climb even with her bad ankle. The tree leaves and branches hung down. They hid her like a thick leafy curtain.

  “Ah, my old friend.” Silver said as if he was a friend who wanted to embrace him and reminisce of old times. The only embrace he would give would be with a knife in the back.

  “Drop the act! I want to defeat you.” Zell's face was intense and focused. Even in this cold temperature, sweat beads formed a line on his forehead and slid down his face.

  “You think you can? You always had a sense of humor. “

  Zell threw his hand to the right. A tree branch cracked and tore off. With his mind and a gesture of his hand, he directed it at Silver. He diverted it easily, with his own powers.

  “You don't look stronger.” Silver continued to push him. “That red head must be some distraction. She’s almost as pretty as my Evette whom you refused to help me save.”

  Zell practically growled with anger and went at Silver.

  Queen Quara managed to pull herself out of the mind illusion. “Nolen and Tessa are still trapped!” She walked over to Nolen and listened as he muttered out loud. “His fear is failing to protect me?” She shook his arm. “Nolen! Nolen, I am right here!” She kept trying to shake him out of the mind control. “You have done an incredible job of protecting me!”

  “I failed…” He repeated with distant eyes.

  “No, wake up!” The more she truly wanted her friend to shake off the illusion, the more it seemed that she actually entered into Nolen’s illusion. She saw the other her that Nolen had failed to protect. She saw that Nolen was bound by rope, she knelt beside him, and untied him. He looked a bit confused especially since the illusion seemed so very real.

  “Queen... but how?” He realized he had let himself get lost in this illusion.

  “You must break free of it. You have never failed to protect me, Nolen. I am unharmed as you can see.”

  “Of course.” He stood and when he believed that the illusion was just that he opened his eyes. “Queen, you are okay?” He asked as he returned to reality.

  She looked at him. “Yes, Nolen.” She patted his arm. “Now we must help Tess.”

  “What exactly is her fear? She is so closed up.” Nolen pointed out.

  “Let's find out.”

  Tess was s
till having a hard time in her mind. “Why did you leave me?” She screamed.

  The queen and Nolen looked at each other. “Is it about her family?” Nolen asked.

  “She never talks about her past or her feelings much at all. I never knew until the encounter with the plants.” Queen Quara replied.

  Queen Quara sat near Tess. She touched her in reassurance. “Tess, it is okay.”

  “I do not want to be alone!” Tess whispered sorrowfully, unaware that she was not trapped in an illusion.

  Nolen remembered something. “Queen, you were in my illusion. How?”

  “I am not really sure, but hopefully I can do it again with Tess.” She answered. She held Tess' hand, focused and soon she found herself in a dark place. It seemed so lonely and empty. She saw Tessa huddled up, shivering, and crying.

  “Tess.” She got her attention.

  Tess looked up surprised. “How are you here in my mind?”

  “I'm not exactly sure. You can wake up now that you realize this is not real.”

  Tess nodded and stood like the brave warrior she had always been. There was something in her hazel eyes though. Embarrassment? “Before we go,” Tess stopped Quara, “this can stay between us, right?”

  “Yes, of course.” Quara replied. “You don't have to be ashamed or keep so much from us. We're all friends. If nothing else then know that I'm here for you, dear Tess.” Quara said more in a motherly way than a friend. She knew how Tess saw emotions as a burden or weakness. It's just who she was. Quara thought she was more likely to open up to her than the others.

  “Thank you.” Tessa accepted the hug that was offered. Moments later they both felt chilly air and knew they had broken the illusion.

  Nolen had been waiting and guarding them. “Welcome back.”

  Tess covered her face with her hands and stated, “That was so strange.”


  Silver had cast out hundreds of tiny icy shards and Zell was hit by them. He tried to repel them, but could not escape them all. His arms, face, and neck received several scratches. Silver released more shards seeing an open opportunity in Zell's weakened condition. This time his leg was stung and he bent down in pain. He raised his hand and focused a bright light of energy from his palm in the direction of Silver. However, it did not have much effect on the tall, strong, Silver. A small scratch was all that appeared on his face. Silver was only amused by it though as he laughed.

  Sylvia could take no more. Her heart had nearly stopped when all those icy needles had hit Zell. She had to stop it. She clumsily climbed down the tree. Her foot slipped and she thudded to the ground on her butt. She immediately shook it off and got up.

  “Silver, stop this!” She limped closer with a thick stick she had found that could bear some of her weight.

  Zell warned. “Stay back! What are you doing?”

  “I want to know what you know about this necklace and transporting me back to my world. “Sylvia demanded and decided to leave out the part where she was also trying to distract him so Zell would not get hurt anymore.

  Silver laughed, though not such a pleasurable laugh as before. “Oh, brave girl,” he said with annoyance, “brave, stupid girl.” He suddenly appeared inches away from her. He gripped her arm tightly as he stared right at her.

  Zell shouted. “Get your hands off of her!” He forgot his pain momentarily and ran towards her. He bounced back to the ground. An electrical force field had been placed around them.

  “Zell boy, let the girl and I chat for a minute.” He said calmly with a dangerous tone.

  Sylvia's heart was racing. She was nervous to be this close to someone who had made himself to be an enemy of Enigma. It scared her.

  “I will find out where you got the necklace from.”

  “If it is so important that you know, then why not help me in exchange for the answer?” Sylvia tried to negotiate.

  “Oh, clever one, huh?”

  “Would it kill you to do something nice for someone?” Sylvia choked down her fear.

  “It might!” Silver smirked.

  Zell was outside of the force filed shooting at it with his energy blasts. Slowly he felt worn from using so much energy. Nolen stood beside Zell and used his lightning attacks. Bright, fierce lightning struck the force field many times, but only made an electrical show with no effect. Tess knew that her insect communication, which was supposed to be animal communication, would have no effect in this situation. Quara raised her hands with her staff held high. The ground beneath the force field caved a bit. Objects that glittered from the sky fell with force like a hard rain. Shards of different sizes and colors of blues and purples fell. Quara did not let up, and was not as easily drained as her companions. With her persistence the force field finally shattered. Silver released Sylvia, and in doing so she saw a glimpse of a chain around his neck. “Why do you have a jewel like mine?”

  “Just be glad you got away this time.” The others gathered around Sylvia ready to fight. “We will meet again. Count on it!” With that Silver opened a huge portal beneath them all. It swirled with blue colors. They fell into the vast, dark blue hole. It was an odd sensation like the dream where you feel yourself fall and fall. They landed just outside the walls of the Enigma city. Everyone had to shake off the after feeling of being inside a portal.

  “Slyvia.” Zell crawled over to her. She still lied on the ground where she had fallen. “Slyvia.” He called again and hoped she would respond.” He gently took her in his arms.

  “I suppose she is not used to falling through portals. Nolen, carry her to the palace. Her ankle can finally be treated there.” Quara instructed.

  “I am able to take her myself.” Zell spoke up. In such a short time they had gone through so much together. He felt responsible in a way for her now.

  Tessa gave her typical look with raised eyebrows and her arms crossed as if to say 'what happened to not liking each other'. Surprisingly, she said nothing though. He was not too sure himself of what had happened. After the promise to protect her, he felt he could not just leave her now. That was what he told himself.

  “Are you certain?” She smiled at Zell's bond growing closer to the young girl. “Very well, have the healers take care of your injuries, as well.”

  Zell agreed, and picked the unconscious Sylvia up. They headed towards the palace gates. They were greeted by the guards, and allowed to pass. “I will take Sylvia to a guest room, and have someone treat her ankle.” Zell confirmed.