Read NINE: Boyle Heights Page 21

  “I know. But in case you want even just one more glass, I thought I’d save myself a trip.”

  He poured her a glass and watched as the computer slowly came back to life. Smirking inwardly, he was so glad he’d thought about slowing down the Wi-Fi. They wouldn’t be getting any of that shit done tonight.

  Handing her the glass of wine, a million more questions popped into his head. “What’d he say about you coming down here today?”

  “To be honest, I didn’t think you would be here today. Ali said you’d be in Vegas with Leo.”

  She cleared her throat before taking a sip of her wine. For a moment, Nine considered telling her why he changed his mind about going so last minute, but he decided against it. She was already ignoring his texts. He didn’t want to spook her further and have her block him altogether. Instead, he’d let her in on something else he’d been thinking about since that last night.

  “I don’t think I saw you smile even once the whole time you were with Brad that night at the wedding.” He paused to take a drink of his beer before adding, “I was watching.”

  She held his gaze for a moment without the slightest hint of unease at either his observation or the admission that he’d been watching. The lack of unease went as far as the corners of her lips curving upward slowly. “I watched you too. And I saw you smiling a whole lot—with Becca.”

  Despite the smirk, the way she enunciated Becca’s name, nearly snapping her lips, carried a little snark to it. It made Nine chuckle and she smiled even bigger.

  “I don’t think you’re in love with him.”

  That flattened her smile immediately, and she sat up a little straighter. “Not sure how you’re qualified to determine that. You’ve seen me around him one time.”

  “You don’t seem happy—or yourself—with him.”

  “Well, things did get tense there for a minute—”

  “No.” Nine shook his head adamantly. “Even before that, when you two first walked into Sabian’s yard, you looked uptight. So did he. I think you’re with him for all the wrong reasons.” This time Nine did the obnoxious shrugging. “Just making an observation.”

  That and the fact that she’d nearly melted into Nine’s arms, forgetting completely that her fiancé was in the same room or anyone else for that matter. She could say it wasn’t unheard of until she was blue in the face. Nine knew it was bullshit.

  “Well, you know very little about Brad and me—”

  “I know enough about you to know he’s not you’re type. You’re fighting being with the kind of guys you really wanna be with—who you really wanna be with. I’m just saying I think it’s a mistake.” She was locked in his eyes, and Nine knew he had her. He knew she had to know what he was implying. She started gathering her things suddenly and stood up. “What are you doing?”

  “I think I better leave.”

  “What? Why?” Nine stood up with her. “I’m just pointing out the truth. You said it yourself. You’re only doing this because you think he’s the type of guy you need to be with, but you’re crazy if you think that’ll ever work.”

  Pulling her purse strap over her shoulder, she tried to walk past him, but he blocked her, and she nearly collided with him. This close he could take her mouth in his and devour it the way he wanted to. So badly.

  But he wanted her to know something else first, something he was sure she already did. He leaned into her, feeling her tremble as he lowered his mouth to her ear. “I’m attracted to you too,” he murmured, loving her body’s quivering reaction to him. “You have no idea,” he whispered even closer to her ear, “how much I’ve fantasized about the things I’d do to you if I ever got the chance.”


  “I know you’re engaged and I totally respect that.” He slipped his hand into hers, nearly closing his eyes from just the feel of her soft flesh in his and her body pressed against him. He breathed in deeply as her body continued to respond to the intimacy. “But you and him—”

  “Are done.”

  His nearly closed eyes popped wide open as his heart somersaulted in his chest. “What?”

  “I broke off the engagement—the relationship—weeks ago.” She licked her lips as her eyes fell onto Nine’s. “I just didn’t feel right—”

  Nine didn’t need to hear the rest. He devoured her mouth like he’d been wanting to since day one and she let him, dissolving into his arms as he pulled her to him. Just like the night of the wedding, her body’s response to his spoke volumes. She’d been wanting this just as much as he had. She kissed him back, greedily consuming his mouth and tongue with as much urgency as he did hers.

  It was better than he’d imagined, better than in any of the many fantasies he’d had about doing this. It was everything. His entire body was on fire, but at the same time, he was inundated with this enormous sense of relief. Nine had never yearned for something—someone—so hard the way he had Dee. He hadn’t even realized how acutely profound his desire just to be near her was until he stepped out onto the top of that stairwell.

  Even more surprising was that, as much as his heart beat now because of what was happening, Nine knew the real force behind his beating heart was that she was free now. Free to be his and only his.

  Mindful not to push too far too fast, Nine forced himself to refrain from getting as crazed as his body wanted to. Despite her willingness, he reminded himself she’d been ready to walk out just moments ago, and then it hit him, and he pulled away, breathlessly peering into her beautiful eyes. “Who were you on the phone with earlier?”

  She seemed momentarily dazed but then shook her head. “My dad.”

  Nine continued to search her eyes, in spite of his protesting lips that were begging to be on hers again. Could she possibly be lying. But why? Giving into the overwhelming temptation, he leaned in, nearly groaning as his tongue traced her bottom lip slowly.

  While he wouldn’t start making any demands until he knew where they stood now, he’d never needed to be so absolutely sure about something in his life. So he pulled back, gently gazing into her eyes. “You’re still looking for a house?”

  She smiled with a nod. “I decided just because I won’t be buying it with him doesn’t mean I can’t still go for it. Obviously, it’ll be on a much smaller scale than when we were doing it together, but I can still afford a smaller house for just Chelsea and me, and Tank needs a yard.”

  Smiling as the relief poured in, Nine was nearly satisfied. He just had one last thing the possessive streak in him, that he never even knew existed, needed to know. “You keeping in touch with him?” Dee shook her head without saying a word. “Not even friendly texts?”

  “No. He didn’t take it well, and we haven’t spoken since.”

  Good enough. The rest of his questions could wait for later. This couldn’t anymore. He dove in with a moan as he took her mouth in his again.

  Chapter 18


  Do not ruin this! Just go with it and enjoy it like you already are. If you stop now, it could be the biggest regret of your life.

  Who did Drew think she was kidding? She’d need to summon the strength of a thousand gods to be able to stop this now. Hell, she was ready for him to take her right there, in that tiny room, despite her terrified heart.

  Exhaling loudly as their mouths finally parted only so Nine could work his lips and tongue down her chin and neck, Drew focused on breathing. Even as her heart beat uncontrollably.

  Her things were already on the floor, and she was free to move a few steps back, until he had her pinned against the wall. Drew had lost count of the times she’d daydreamed and even touched herself when she was alone at night, thinking of the possibility of this happening, ever since their blissful night on the dance floor. But she never imagined it’d feel this incredible.

  His tongue was magical, his body as hard as she remembered it from their dancing. Brad was a big enough guy and in good shape, but everything about Nine was just perfect. Letting her head fall
back, she gave him full access to her neck as she ran her fingers through his meticulously groomed hair.

  Dropping her other hand down to his waist, Drew did what she’d been imagining doing since the night she met him. She slipped her hand under his T-shirt and ran it up his perfectly chiseled six-pack and chest. Nine pulled back for just a second and pulled his shirt off over his head with a smoldering smile. “Don’t let this get in the way.”

  Instantly, she was breathless and her eyes glued to his fully tatted chest, arms, and neck. She’d been privy to a good part of it that first night when he let his shirt hang open. But up close it was something else—a work of art—perfection. “I love it,” she whispered, reaching out to touch every inch of his sculpted upper body with both hands.

  To her surprise, he didn’t kiss her or even touch her again. He just stood there, watching her as she traced the tribal tattoo on his chest all the way up to his neck. Unable to hold back because she’d wanted to do it for so long, she leaned in and kissed his fully inked neck.

  Nine moaned when she licked and then sucked a little. Hearing him moan and feeling his hard body go even harder in reaction to her tongue on his skin was such a turn-on she sucked harder. All the while her other hand enjoyed caressing his chest and hard abs.

  As if he couldn’t take it anymore, his hands were on her body again. This time he didn’t hold back the way she thought he might be doing in the beginning. His hand slipped under her blouse as well, and he caressed her breast over her bra. That alone had her moaning in his mouth as he kissed her deeply again.

  Bringing his hand to her back, he had her bra unhooked in one quick move. Drew smiled against his lips but at the same time had to wonder how many times he’d done that to master the move the way he obviously had.

  In another couple of quick moves, he had her blouse and bra off, and he dove in, sucking her erect nipples. Drew moaned, running her hands through his hair, shamelessly glad he was moving this along so fast because there was no question about it now. She was going for it. Nothing could stop her now. She wanted him so badly and she wanted him now. Her lady parts were already on fire.

  Moving up to her face again, Nine kissed her softly several times, gazing into her eyes the whole time. Then she felt it: his hand on her skirt’s button. He stopped for a moment as if to take in her reaction before doing more. Without thought, she shook her head.

  His brows jumped in surprise. “Stop?”

  She shook her head again. “No,” she said breathlessly. “Please don’t stop.”

  With a huge smile, he kissed her again and proceeded like a man on a mission. Before Drew knew what happened, save for her heels, she was completely naked in that computer room. Nine wrapped his arms around her, groaning as he pressed his rock hard erection still in his pants against her.

  He devoured her mouth again, bringing his hand down between her legs. Breathing even harder, Drew’s only other reaction was to spread her already trembling legs a little for him. Feeling his grin against her lips, she gasped at the feel of his finger touching her wet slit.

  “You’re dripping wet,” he said with a groan.

  Drew nodded because there was no way she could deny it. Not once in all the times she’d been with Brad had she felt this aroused and so quickly. It was insanity. She nearly cried out when he finally dipped one finger inside her, then two, then three. He slid his fingers in and out of her while he played with her clit with his thumb. Drew squirmed, squeezing her eyes shut because she was so close to coming already.

  “Fuck me.” The words flew out, stopping them both instantly.

  “Right here?” he asked breathlessly, pulling back a bit. “I was going to upstairs, but if you want—”

  “Yes, I want.” She undid his fly almost as impressively fast as he’d undressed her. “I want you inside me when I come, and I’m so close already.”

  She slipped her hand in his briefs, refraining from gasping when she wrapped it around him and felt his size. Holy cow, the thought of having that massive thing inside her alone had her throbbing already.

  Just like everything else he’d done so far when it came to this, Nine had a condom on within seconds, and he lifted her against the wall. “Day one,” he said, staring into her eyes as the tip of cock toyed with her aching entrance. “I’ve been dreaming about doing this to you since day one.”

  With that, he thrust into her, and this time she didn’t hold back from crying out. She couldn’t. The burn of him stretching her lasted for a few thrusts until he was slipping in and out of her with ease. Drew knew he’d be good, but this was beyond what she’d expected. It felt so damn good a few tears of pure ecstasy escaped the corners of her eyes. Something Drew never even heard of.

  Of course, the emotion of finally being with him was overwhelming, but she knew that wasn’t it. It didn’t take that long for the familiar buildup of what she could already feel was going to be powerful to turn into utter pleasure.

  She cried out as her entire body enjoyed the most profound orgasm she’d ever experienced. The waves of pleasure went on and on and on as he continued to sway in and out of her. Moaning as her body continued to tremble in delight, Nine thrust deep into her one last time with a guttural groan. “Oh my God,” he gasped breathlessly still deep in her as he continued to groan several more times. “Fuck, that was good.”

  As they both came down from the high of their orgasms, Drew thought maybe she’d have feelings of regret. Instead, all she could think of as they stood there holding each other, collapsed against the wall still trying to catch their breaths, was how long before they could do it again?

  “You have your daughter tonight?”

  Drew smiled because clearly he was thinking the very same thing she was. “No.”

  “Stay the night?”


  The buzz of Drew’s phone woke her. The moment the reality of where she was and what had happened last night kicked in, her heart was pounding wildly. Glad she’d set her ringer to vibrate, she slipped out from under the sheets, grabbed the phone from the nightstand, and hurried out of the room into the hallway toward the bathroom.

  “Hey,” she said, scrunching her nose when it came out too hushed.

  “Sorry, did I wake you?” Phoenix asked.

  “No.” Drew closed the bathroom door behind her, attempting to sound more awake and less like she was trying to keep her voice down. “Just making some coffee actually.”

  “Brad there?”

  “No.” She shook her head as if he could see her just as her eyes zoomed onto the purple mark on her neck in the mirror. “Just, uh . . .” She leaned in closer to the mirror to examine the other mark on her neck. Crap! “I’m just here by myself.”

  “Oh . . . I know you said you’re meeting with your dad this morning, but I was calling to see if maybe you and Brad are up for the county fair later today. We’re taking Chels and you know her. Can Mommy come too?”

  Smiling despite her unease about everything that had transpired in the past twelve hours, Drew turned on the faucet. “What time are you going?”

  “It’s supposed to be a hot one today, so I’m thinking later in the afternoon. Threeish?”

  “Brad’s gotta work today.” Drew frowned at herself in the mirror. Liar. “But it sounds good to me. I could go for a deep-fried cheese-stuffed pickle.”

  “That’s so gross, Dani.”

  “You’re trying it this year.” She smiled big. “Chelsea and I are gonna make you. They’re good.”

  Phoenix started to protest until Drew remembered. “Oh wait. I can’t. Tell Chelsea I have plans with Grandpa tonight. I just remembered he postponed our breakfast date for early dinner. He had to cover for someone.”

  “Oh,” he said, sounding disappointed. “Oh, well, I’ll let her know. You free now? We’re headed out to Roscoe’s for some chicken and waffles.”

  The knock at the door made her flinch. “You good in there?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right out.”

  “I thought you said Brad wasn’t there.”

  Instinctively, Drew was ready to lie again but then thought better of it. She was going to have to tell Phoenix about their break up eventually. She may as well start preparing him.

  “That’s not Brad.”

  “What? Where are you at?”

  “Not home and, uh . . . Brad’s not gonna be around anymore. We broke up a few weeks ago.”

  “What? Dani, why? And why hadn’t you told me? You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, staring at herself in the mirror, not too sure about that. “I can’t really talk about it right now, but I’ll explain it to you later, okay?”

  No surprise Phoenix attempted to get more out of her: such as where she was exactly and who that was he’d heard. Drew managed to get him off the phone without giving up much except that she’d moved on, but she’d have to tell him about it later. She finally hung up, and she was back to staring at herself in the mirror. “What the hell did you do?” she whispered as she touched the darkest of the two marks on her neck.

  She rinsed her face and mouth out, took a deep breath, and headed back out to face her new reality. When she walked out of the bathroom, Nine called out that he was in the kitchen, making coffee. Feeling a bit modest suddenly, she glanced down at the camisole she was wearing with the borrowed boxer briefs and wondered if she should change. But then she decided he’d seen her completely naked in various different positions, so what was the point?

  The moment she walked into the kitchen she felt instant relief, at least about her apparel. Nine was in nothing but his briefs. Just about every inch of his tattooed body was displayed in all its glory, and he walked around the kitchen in complete ease. Before she could even begin to complain about the marks on her neck, her face warmed at the sight of the marks she’d left on him. Not just on his neck either. They were on his chest as well. Those marks weren’t there yesterday, so she couldn’t even question whether they were hers or not. Clearly, they’d both gotten equally carried away last night.

  Their eyes met, and her insides melted at the genuineness of his warm smile. “Morning, beautiful.”