Read NINE: Boyle Heights Page 24

  “Brad said he smokes,” Phoenix said, not commenting on Drew’s response.

  “He quit.”

  “Really, when? Brad said he saw him the night of the rehearsal after he got out of your car.”

  Drew rolled her eyes in disgust. Was this really Brad’s angle? To run and snitch to Phoenix in the hope that by gaining the upper hand between him and Nine with her daughter’s father she might change her mind? “Not sure when, but he said he did, and I haven’t seen him smoke a single time since he told me a few weeks ago.”

  Talking about this so casually had Drew’s emotions all conflicted. The direction the conversation was taking excited Drew as much as it terrified her. Clearly, Phoenix was done with worrying about Drew getting hurt. He’d moved on to worrying about what this might mean for Chelsea. Which meant he was actually considering the possibility that this might get that serious. Drew wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She almost needed him to keep thinking Nine was just another douche who’d break her heart. It helped keep her grounded and not get her hopes too high.

  She heard him exhale. “Look, Dani. I’m not gonna lie. I was worried the day after the wedding and the day you said you’d moved on with someone I didn’t know. I didn’t buy it for a second. I know you’d never move on so quickly, least of all with some random dude. Only way you’d move on this fast was if it were with someone you were already feeling for before the breakup. And that footage speaks volumes, so I knew it was him. I just . . . the first time you mentioned this guy was back when Ali’s drama was going on. Is that when you met him?”

  “Yes.” Drew nodded. “It was the very night the whole thing went down.”

  “That’s right. You said you’d broken down late in the evening but hadn’t been alone because he’d been with you.”

  “Yes.” Drew sighed softly, hoping Phoenix didn’t hear her.

  That night seemed so long ago now. Such a different time in her life and yet nothing had really changed except that she was now swept up in something she had so little control over. Little did she know back then, when she’d been so annoyed by Nine at first because of his attitude, that the relationship would change so drastically.

  “This is what scares me even more. That wasn’t that long ago, and you already seem so into him.”

  “But how can you say that?” Drew’s heart sped up. “You’ve only seen me around him once.”

  “It was more than enough. Now, anyone who watches this footage of you two, or witnessed you two on the dance floor, would say he has it just as bad. But it makes me wonder if it’s not just an act on his part since he did leave with those two girls.”

  Drew closed her eyes again. She’d never asked Nine about that and had zero intention of doing so. “Despite what you saw that night, he and I hadn’t so much as discussed the possibility of anything happening between us. He may’ve left with two girls, but I left with my fiancé. If either of us was in the wrong for behaving inappropriately that night, it was me.”

  “You’re missing the point, Dani. I never said there was anything wrong with his leaving with two girls. I’m just saying it just illustrates this guy’s morals when it comes to women. So you starting to get upset about my bluff scares the hell out of me.”

  “I wasn’t upset,” Drew said, feeling stupid because she absolutely was. “It just . . . caught me off guard.”

  “I know it did. It’s why I hope to God things work out for you with this guy, but you need to be ready for the real possibility that something like that might actually happen. You know what they say about leopards not changing their spots. But before you get pissed because I’m sure you’re getting close—”

  “Too late.” Drew smirked, in spite of the real annoyance she’d begun to feel, but she could never really be mad at Phoenix. She knew he genuinely worried about her and only meant well.

  “Listen. I know I’m nagging like a little bitch, but it’s only because this is so new to me. I mean I had a feeling you were doing this, but now that you finally admitted it, I just had to let it all out. It sucks ass that you kept it from me, but I get it, okay? You were sparing yourself or at least avoiding this lecture for as long as you could. I’m turning into my mother. My sisters keep saying it. But I’m begging you, Dani. I promise I’ll do better now that it’s out in the open. Promise me you’ll come to me if you need to talk. There won’t be any I-told-you-sos. I promise. Don’t be afraid to come vent to me, no matter what happens. I’ll be praying for the best, but if anything goes wrong, I’d hate to think of you dealing with it all on your own because you won’t want to share. I need you to know I’m still here for you no matter what. Okay?”

  Warmed by his sincere concern, Drew smiled. “I will. And I wasn’t keeping it from you because I didn’t want to hear it. I haven’t told anyone. I just wasn’t sure how long I’d have anything to tell. I honestly went into this not expecting anything, and even though I can admit I’m feeling a little more for him now”—understatement of the century—“I’m still very mindful that all this could’ve just been a challenge for him and he might eventually get bored with his shiny new prize once he’s played with it enough.”

  It was a relief to finally say it out loud. Because it really was something that had crossed her mind more than once. She kept going back to that first night and how insulted he’d sounded when she said she’d only been into guys like him—until she grew up. Maybe his competitive nature had taken it as a challenge.

  The day she’d showed up at the shop after ignoring his texts and calls for weeks, he’d seemed so adamant about getting his point across that Brad wasn’t for her. He was clever about his wording, but he’d basically said without actually saying it that she’d been wrong when she said he wasn’t her type. That he knew Brad didn’t do to her what Nine was certain he did. And Drew unequivocally confirmed his suspicions.

  But she shook it off. After assuring Phoenix she wouldn’t be keeping anything more from him and that he didn’t have to worry about it because she had this, she hung up. What started off as a tense and uncomfortable conversation ended in relief. She was glad Phoenix knew. He’d been her biggest worry.

  Deciding to stop worrying and over thinking this, she got herself and Chelsea ready, and they were off for their day at the beach with her dad and stepmom. She could use a day of relaxing, reading, and clearing her mind while her dad doted on Chelsea.

  After a beautiful and relaxing day at the beach with her dad, stepmom, and Chelsea, Drew drove home, humming that song that was still stuck in her head as thoughts of Nine reentered her mind. The loud shrilling noise the engine was making suddenly pulled her out of her dreamy thoughts.

  Just as she was trying to figure out why her new car would be making such a noise, her phone rang. Nine’s name popping up on the screen of her dash had her smiling, despite her concern over the noise. She hit the screen and answered.

  “How was the beach?”

  “Good,” she said, glancing into her rearview mirror at the sleeping beauty in the backseat. “Chelsea had a blast but . . .” She paused as the noise started up again.

  “But what?”

  “My engine is making this high-pitched noise suddenly.”

  He asked her to describe it, and she giggled when she heard him chuckle at her attempt to mimic the sound. “It almost sounds like something flapping around in there.”

  “It probably is. Where are you?”

  “On northbound 710 just past 5.”

  “That’s not too far. Jump on 60 and come by. I’ll take a look at it. It’s probably just a loose belt or something.”

  Drew thought about it for minute. Like the barbeque where he’d just been a guest who spent some time around them, technically, this wasn’t parading another man into Chelsea’s life. She was just having the car checked. Chelsea might even sleep through it. As the noise got louder, she decided she better. “Okay, be there in a few.”

  Of course, by the time she got to the shop, not only was Chelsea wide aw
ake, she had to use the potty. Thankfully, Drew had thought ahead and showered and changed her at the beach.

  As Nine gazed at her in that way that had her insides fluttering, Drew did her best not to be so obvious when greeting him. “Hey, baby girl,” Nine said, looking straight at Drew, but then glanced down at Chelsea and smiled. “You have a good time at the beach today?”

  Chelsea nodded, smiling a bit coyly as she leaned into Drew. “She has to use the potty,” Drew said, knowing Chelsea was being extra shy since she’d just woken.

  Nine pointed them in the direction of the bathrooms and said he’d look at her car in the meantime. Drew took Chelsea into the ladies’ room where she took care of business, and then Drew helped her wash her hands. They walked back out into the lobby of the shop just as Nine walked in from the garage. “You snapped a fan belt,” he informed her. “Good thing you brought it in too, or it might’ve overheated on you. I got someone working on replacing it.”

  “I wonder how that happened?”

  Nine shrugged. “It happens if it was loose or something; it hit something during the rotation and just snapped.”

  “My dad mentioned hearing something and saying I should have it checked when I drove back to drop him and my stepmom off, but it got even louder after I left his place.”

  “Yep, Daddy knows best.” Nine smiled. “Without that fan belt, you would’ve overheated and broken down eventually. So it’s good you brought it in.”

  “I have two daddies,” Chelsea said out of nowhere.

  Nine glanced down at her and smiled big, nodding. “I know. I heard. Isn’t it cool? I have two moms.”

  Chelsea’s eyes went wide. “Two moms?”

  “Yeah, I think that makes us extra special.” He shrugged as he knelt down to Chelsea’s height. “Though you’re luckier because you also have a mom. My dad died when I was about your age. But it’s okay because my moms more than make up for it.”

  Pulling out his phone from the holster on his hip, he tapped the screen until he brought up a picture of his moms. It was one he’d shown Drew before. Called it one of his favorites of the two women laughing on folding chairs under an umbrella on the beach. “They like the beach too.” Chelsea smiled, taking in the photo. “I make them laugh a lot.” He chuckled as he slid the photo over with his finger. Nine showed her another of the two women, one Drew hadn’t seen where they looked much younger. Dulce was holding a baby, and Tay was standing behind her with her chin on Dulce’s shoulder, smiling but looking exhausted. “This is them, way back when I was just a few weeks old. That’s me she’s holding.”

  Drew had since filled Nine in on how they’d dealt with Chelsea’s fag question. Phoenix, Drew, and Sean had all sat and talked about it over a McDonald’s lunch. Nothing too heavy, just brought up the subject and talked it out. Chelsea hadn’t seemed too concerned, and as Nine had explained, it seemed to be the norm for her now, so she didn’t appear all that phased by it. But Drew was still thankful that Nine could talk to her about his moms like it was really just a normal thing and if anything they should feel special for the extra love in their lives.

  Byron stuck his head in the door from the garage and smiled at Drew then addressed Nine. “All done, chief.”

  Standing up straight, Nine turned to Byron. “Thanks. That was fast.” He turned to Drew with a wink. “Bumped yours up ahead of the others. I figured baby girl would be tired.”

  Walking them out, Nine grazed Drew’s hand with his fingers, but Drew could tell he was being careful that Chelsea not see. Drew strapped Chelsea into her car seat, and Nine waved good-bye to her. As soon as the door was closed, Nine pulled Drew out of Chelsea’s sight toward the back of the car and planted a long knee-weakening kiss on her.

  When he finally pulled away, he gazed into her eyes. “God, I love”—he cleared his throat as her heart pummeled away in her chest—“kissing you.” He pecked her softly a few more times. “I just can’t get enough. When do I see you again?”

  “Saturday she’s with Phoenix.”

  “What time?”

  “Early I think, but I’ll let you know when I find out the time.”

  “I can hardly wait,” he said, cradling her face and sneaking in a few more kisses before finally letting her go.

  Drew drove away in a smiling daze. She touched her lips, thinking about what she thought he was going to say. Was it possible she might actually ever hear those words from him? She shook her head. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

  Just because she felt utterly enthralled now whenever she was around him didn’t mean he was feeling the same thing. Taking a deep breath, she decided she’d just enjoy this while it lasted.

  As promised, Nine picked Drew up at eight a.m. sharp Saturday morning. She still had no idea where they were going because he said he wanted to surprise her. Drew was trying not to put too much weight on the fact that, as far as she knew, this was their first outing that wasn’t all about sex. Though she was pretty sure somehow, some way, it’d end that way.

  Still, Nine had planned something for them, and it excited her to think this was really beginning to feel like a real relationship. Drew couldn’t believe that, for so many months, she actually accepted that it was okay not to feel everything she was feeling for Nine, with Brad. While it felt like they were, neither had really touched the subject of exclusivity since that first day they discussed it. Since Nine had technically already met Chelsea, unlike with Brad where it’d taken months, Drew was actually getting anxious to do things together with him. Like the day at the beach, she had a feeling Chelsea would love doing stuff like that with Nine and vice versa.

  But because she just couldn’t chance it just yet, they were forced to be apart a lot when she had Chelsea. The feeling between not being around Nine for days compared to when Brad was gone was infinitely different. Drew could hardly stand it, and when they did finally get together after days apart, it was ridiculous how excited she got.

  Like today for example. It was Chelsea’s weekend with Phoenix, and Nine wanted to pick Drew up as early as he could. Phoenix said he’d pick Chelsea up at seven thirty because they were taking a drive to San Diego. So the moment Drew let Nine know, he said he’d be there at eight.

  When Phoenix and Sean arrived to pick up Chelsea, he had Sean help get her strapped into the backseat. Drew could tell he had something on his mind because he waited until Sean and Chelsea had walked away. “Hear me out, okay?”

  Drew shook her head with an uneasy smirk. “It’s never a good thing when you start things off this way.”

  “Not a bad thing,” he said with a reassuring wide-eyed expression. “Brad knows what avid golfers Sean and I are, so a few weeks ago, he invited us to this friendly tournament his firm is taking part in. It’s in the morning, and afterward, they’re hosting this extended brunch gathering for charity.”

  Drew’s brow was already at attention, so Phoenix lifted his hands in front of him, shaking his head as if he knew what she was thinking.

  “He asked then if maybe I could mention it to you and you might stop by for the brunch.”

  Instantly annoyed, Drew shook her head. “For what?”

  “He just wants to talk to you. No pressure, no nothing. Like me, he worries about you but mostly says there’s some things he wishes he could’ve said to you before you broke things off.”

  “What would be the point?”

  Phoenix shrugged, looking defeated already. “He asked me to run it by you and I’d forgotten. Even when he first asked, I knew it’d be an emphatic no.” Drew couldn’t help smirking, but Phoenix smiled albeit a weak smile of surrender. “He just asked if I had yesterday when I texted him to RSVP that we’ll be there, so I had to ask.”

  “Well, you did your part.” Drew patted his arm. “Let him know I appreciate the thought, but I’ll politely have to decline. I have other plans.”

  They both knew Phoenix hadn’t even given her a date, but it didn’t matter. No matter when this was, she wouldn’t even consi
der it. She watched and waved as they drove off then rushed inside to finish getting ready for Nine.

  He’d barely gotten off his bike when Drew jumped into Nine’s arms outside her townhome, just the way she remembered seeing her mom do to her dad when she was a little girl. Just like Drew had done herself so many times because she’d always been so happy to have him home.

  Not once had she felt the least bit inclined to do the same with Brad when he returned from his many business trips. But she hadn’t seen Nine all week and it felt like an eternity. Feeling his arms around her and his lips on hers was absolute bliss. Even more heart-swelling was how Nine didn’t even attempt to conceal what being with her did to him, too.

  That they were still pretending this wasn’t really happening was a bit silly now. But Drew didn’t see the point in chancing saying something that might make things awkward should her possibly delusional heart be seeing/feeling more from him than she should.

  Coming up for air after a long kiss that nearly turned her legs to noodles, Drew breathed in deeply. She didn’t even care that she was smiling and gazing at him so dreamy-eyed. “Will you tell me where you’re taking me now?”

  “Nope.” He pecked her again a few times. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  She grabbed her purse and locked up and they were off. They went in Drew’s car since she still wasn’t brave enough to ride on his motorcycle. But Nine drove.

  Drew squeezed his hand since he instantly slipped his into hers every time they got in the car together now. “Can you at least give me a hint?”

  “It’s an all-day thing.”

  “An amusement park?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Have I been there before?”

  “Yes. But it’s something you’ll never get enough of. I know I won’t.”

  As soon as they drove into the parking lot, she knew. “You haven’t used your spa day tickets?”