Read NINE: Boyle Heights Page 6

  Despite his seemingly comfortable demeanor, Drew was thankful they were joined by Allison and Lila, who sat across from them. Drew could finally shake the awkwardness of not addressing why he was there sitting with her.

  “Are you hiding from Leonardo?” Allison asked Nine with a teasing smile.

  “Nah, I already talked to him.” Nine downed the rest of his sangria. “But you know how he gets. I figured I’ll let him cool down a little. He’ll get over it.”

  “He will,” Allison agreed with an even bigger smile. “He always does, and in the end, he always has to admit you were right.”

  “Exactly,” Nine responded smugly. “He needs to start trusting I know what I’m doing already.”

  “He does,” Allison said then turned to Lila and Drew. “Shop talk. Their shop does all the normal auto repairs and stuff along with renovations,” she explained. “But while Leo and O do most of the technical work, Nine here is the artist. He likes to add his own special flare to his work. His signature.” She winked at Nine. “And sometimes that goes over budget or cuts their deadline real close.”

  “But we always make it,” Nine said with conviction. “And the customer is always more pleased than they thought they’d be. It’s why the word is getting out about us after just a few weeks. Word of mouth. It’s what it’s all about.”

  “He’ll get over it,” Allison assured him again. “And just like all the other times, he’ll be glad about it in the end.”

  They talked some more about the shop and Nine’s many talents. Drew listened, as if showing just a polite interest, when, in reality, she was more intrigued with every new sentence out of his mouth. It was almost as if Nine were a different person when he spoke about his passion. He argued his case about the decision that had pissed Beast off this time, and it made perfect sense.

  “Look. I know the guy said he wanted to modernize it, but you don’t go that modern on a classic like that. He’s got the screen in the dash now, so he has a state-of-the-art navigation system along with satellite radio and hands-free phone system in a truck that old, and that’s unheard of. But I kept the original knobs and buttons, and they’re completely functional, so he has options. He could use the new modern touch screen but keep the original feel of his truck.”

  “In Leonardo’s defense though”—Allison lifted a brow—“he said the client was adamant he wanted all modern on the inside.”

  Nine shook his head defiantly. “Henry Ford said it best, and it’s why I have the damn quote on a poster up at the shop. ‘If I had asked people what they wanted, they would’ve said faster horses.’”

  “Oh wow,” Drew said without thinking.

  All eyes were on her suddenly as if waiting for her to finish. She shook her head, feeling silly and annoyed that’d she’d let it slip. But she’d been so caught up on what Nine had been saying it just did. “I have that quote up in my office,” she explained. “I’ve only ever framed two quotes in my life and that’s one of them.”

  Rosemary, Lila’s mother-in-law, approached Lila and Allison from behind and said something to them in a lowered voice. Allison had told Drew how Rosemary had been the one insisting on the baby shower in the first place. So she’d agreed to deal with all the hosting duties. She went over something about the games they were going to play.

  “You’re a documentary filmmaker, right?”

  Drew turned to Nine, ignoring her contradictive insides. Her heart fluttered while her stomach tightened. Sure, she’d mentioned doing a documentary back in college earlier, but had he asked Ali more about her maybe? She didn’t recall telling him what about her line of work the last time they talked. “I am.” She nodded with a smile. “Among other things.”

  “That’s more of a business or artist-related quote.”

  “Well, documentary filmmaking is sort of an art.”

  Explaining about her work in web design and film editing in detail, she compared it to what he did—all the obsessing and worrying about her clients agreeing with her vision in the end and how a professor in college told her she was the one painting the moving picture of their story or business. “You’re the creator of the final masterpiece.”

  She shrugged, glancing away because it wasn’t until the end of her little spiel that she noticed it. He appeared about as enthralled as she’d been when she’d listened to him speak about his passion.

  “Then my professor told me to look up the quote by Henry Ford, and I thought it was brilliant.” She laughed, taking a sip of her drink. “If Mr. Ford had asked me back in those days, I probably would’ve said just that. Faster horses.”

  Nine smiled, sitting up a little straighter. “I like that.” He stared at her in a way that unnerved her. “You’re the one painting the moving picture of their story or business. You’re the creator of the final masterpiece. I’ll have to use that on Beast next time he questions my vision.”

  “Why don’t you just run it by him before you actually take matters into your own hands?”

  “Are you kidding me? He’d say no. Every time.”

  “Okay, listen up everybody.” Rosemary, Sonny’s mom, and his two sisters, Millie and Madge, stood in the middle of the room. “It’s time to get up, move around, and have some fun. So just a reminder of the first game that’s already been going on. You all got one of these as you walked in, right?” She pointed at the baby booty pinned to her blouse. “If anyone didn’t, come see one of us and we’ll get you one. Remember you can’t say the word “baby.” If someone hears you, they can take your pin away. Person with the most pins by the end of the day wins a very special surprise prize.”

  Rosemary went on to explain the next game. “We have a treasure hunt!”

  She lifted a paper in the air and explained they’d hidden everything on the list multiple times. It was things the new set of parents would be going through lots of so they’d need all they could get. Once you found at least one, you could check it off your list, and when you had everything on the list you were done. She picked up a basket and started holding up some of the things in it that they’d hidden. “Pacifiers, baby booties.” The aws and giggling started as she went through them. “Energizer drinks, because trust me, Mom and Dad, you’ll be needing them.”

  She went on with a whole bunch of other stuff like bottles, rattles, night lights, onesies, etc. Contestants would have to walk around the entire estate to find said things.

  “We’ll call time at about five in the afternoon, so that gives you roughly three hours to search while you mingle. Servers will be walking around in case you get thirsty or hungry during your search.” She winked then turned to Millie, who handed her an envelope. “Winner will be those who found the most items. In the event of a tie, I have a sudden-death challenge ready. This prize is no secret. Winner will win something the tired and sleep-deprived parents will likely need often: a day pass for two to the Green Room luxury spa where you’ll be pampered for an entire day of rest, relaxation, massages, champagne, and facials. Including dinner that evening and drinks on their rooftop restaurant.”

  Drew had to laugh when Rosemary asked who’d be participating and Nine’s hand flew up. He turned to look at her then went wide-eyed when he saw her hand wasn’t up. “You’re not doing this?”

  “I’ve been there before,” she explained. “Charlee occasionally gets passes that include a guest and takes me. I’ll let the other women who never been have a chance.”

  “Yeah, but the prize is just part of the fun. Don’t you like a challenge?”

  Shaking her head, Drew laughed again. “That’s right. You’re Mr. Competitive.”

  Nine shrugged with a smirk. “That too.” He lowered his voice. “But aren’t you at least curious about checking this place out? We got an open invitation to snoop now. How often do we get to take a tour of a place like this?”

  Drew thought about that, glancing around. As nosey as she was when it came to things of this nature, this would be a perfect opportunity. And she didn’t actually
have to look for the stuff in the treasure hunt. Just pretend she was. Without giving it more thought, she smiled and her hand went up. For that, Nine indulged her with one of the most amazing smiles she’d ever witnessed.

  It wasn’t even until she was caught in his eyes for a moment that it dawned on her. Just as he had earlier when he’d so nonchalantly switched drinks with her then took the seat next to her, he’d just assumed she’d be okay with hanging with him—yet last he knew she was in a committed relationship.

  Her thoughts were momentarily interrupted as Rosemary explained they could start as soon as they wanted. “Only the doors clearly marked ‘No TH,’ which stand for no treasure hunt, are off limits. Everything else is wide open for searching.”

  Drew half listened as she chastised herself for being so prissy. Calm your britches! So he’d sat by her at a baby shower and tasted her drink. Big deal. She already knew he was an incorrigible flirt. Even if he’d made his playful, I’ll let you taste mine comment, it wasn’t like he’d been disrespectful in any way. And it had been months since she’d last spoken to him. For all he knew, she might be single again.

  Except she wasn’t.

  All she had to do to shake any feelings of wrong-doing here, was make that clear sooner than later. Millie and Madge passed the list around to everyone so they wouldn’t forget what they should be on the lookout for and specially embroidered sacks for their findings. Rosemary explained after the game, win or lose, they’d all get parting gifts they could take home in their new sacks.

  Drew watched, refraining from rolling her eyes as Nine flirted with Millie as she gave him the list. “Any hidden hints on here?” He grinned sinfully with a wink. “Anything you can tell me that’ll help me find the most the fastest?”

  Slightly blushing, Millie smiled, shaking her head. “Just look everywhere. My mom’s crazy like that. So trust me. They’re everywhere.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Nine smiled big, glancing down at the list. “That does help.” He glanced up again, the playful expression going a little serious. “I owe you.”

  Millie nodded, walking away quickly as if she couldn’t get away fast enough. Not that Drew doubted for a second she minded Nine’s flirting. She just seemed too shy to handle it.

  Of course, none of the 5th Street wives were entering, and Ali was obviously not eligible. Drew didn’t want to be the lone nosey pants. While Nine had insinuated they’d be searching together, she wasn’t sure how to get clarification without it sounding awkward. “Is Jen here yet?” Drew asked looking around.

  “She’s gonna be late,” Ali explained about her best friend. “Her niece had a recital today too. But she’ll be here later.”

  Frowning, Drew hesitated to get up. “Come on,” Nine said as he stood up. “We can’t waste time. People are already finding shit.”

  Of course. She should’ve figured he’d just assume she’d be all for doing this with him. Glancing around, she wondered if anyone who’d heard, thought it odd. But Charlee, who’d likely be the only to pick up on her unease, wasn’t even paying attention.

  Just then, Beast walked up to Allison and rubbed her belly. “How you feeling, baby?”

  Before Drew could react to Nine’s invitation, Nine was already cheering as he reached for Beast’s pin. “You said the forbidden word!” He started undoing Beast’s pin then stopped. “Why’s yours so much bigger than mine?”

  Orlando, who’d walked back to their area with Beast, laughed loudly. “He asks me that all the time too.”

  This time they all laughed, even Beast, who for a minute there seemed annoyed at Nine’s eagerness to strip him of his pin.

  “It’s his baby shower,” Drew said, finally feeling a little more at ease and actually giggled. “Of course he’d get the biggest one.”

  “Well, it’s mine now. Nine pinned it on himself then turned to Drew, his face just inches from hers. “Yours is mine now too.”

  For one breathless moment and completely locked into his eyes, Drew was at a loss for words. His eyes dropped to her lips. “Forbidden.” He licked his lips. “What is it about the word you guys don’t understand? “ He grinned from ear to ear. “You said it too.”

  He took his time unpinning it from her, staring in her eyes the whole time, then pinning it on himself, grinning, a little too satisfied with himself.

  “Here.” He handed Orlando his keys and phone. “Hold on to those for me, will ya?” Then he turned back to Drew. “Let’s go.”

  “Where you going?” Beast asked, glancing at Drew curiously then back at Nine.

  “Treasure hunt.” Nine held up the list then motioned for Drew to follow him.

  His forwardness and presumptuous demeanor when it came to everything, apparently, was a bit daunting. But Ali had explained that was just his way. The man put it out there without any reservations or qualms about what anyone thought. Clearly, he was very sure of himself, not just that he knew he was hot, but that he could effortlessly have women squirming the way he had Millie. If Drew hadn’t been around the block and back a few times now with guys like him, he might have had the same effect on her.

  But he didn’t.

  With a shrug, Drew slipped her phone into her purse and asked Charlee if she could keep an eye on her stuff. Phoenix had texted her just minutes earlier to let her know the show was starting and they were turning off their phones. A call regarding Chelsea would be the only thing she’d be worried about missing, but she didn’t have to now.

  She caught up with and walked alongside Nine going over the list. “So if you want, we can make this a team effort,” Nine said, looking through his list. “If I see something I’ve already found but you haven’t, I’ll grab it for you, and you do the same for me.”

  “I’m not actually playing.” She lowered her voice as they walked out into the backyard patio that overlooked their amazing backyard. “I’m just in this because I’m nosey,” she admitted as shamelessly because his boldness was beginning to rub off on her. “But I’ll help you look for stuff as we walk around.”

  It really was the only reason she was doing this. Never mind that seeing the rest of the lavish estate wasn’t the only thing she was suddenly more curious about. She really was being nosey about seeing every corner of the estate. So what if she got to know a little more about Nine, the artist, in the process. It was a harmless treasure hunt they were participating in together. What could possibly go wrong?

  Chapter 5


  What are you doing?

  It was the same question Nine kept asking himself, since his “I’ll let you taste mine if you let me taste yours” comment. What the fuck was he gunning for here? The girl was not his type, even if she did look hotter this time than she had the last. And he’d thought her hot as shit then. This time she was dressed far more conservatively. Still, last he knew she was in what she’d called a serious relationship, she had a kid, and she was as white as they came.

  Not that Nine had ever actually had anything against white girls or white folk in general. He just never imagined having enough in common with them to have any kind of meaningful friendship, let alone a romantic relationship.

  Romantic relationship?

  “What the fuck’s wrong with you?” he muttered under his breath as Drew stepped away to look in a bush she said she thought she saw something in.

  “Aha!” She turned around, holding a baby bottle still in the package.

  Nine smiled in spite of the worrisome thoughts still going through his head. Continuing to smile, he held the bag up so she could put the bottle in it. She held up a hand and he high-fived her.

  Nine checked off the item on his list, shaking off the lingering feeling of her soft delicate hand on his. With each item they found and each time they high-fived each other, Nine felt a bit calmer yet strangely more annoyed about his previous thoughts. He tried for a while to keep from asking what he was so curious about. It had been months, and she was apparently here alone—for now. But in the en
d, his curiosity won out and he just decided to ask.

  “So where’s your man, Brad?” He pretended to be somewhat distracted searching the botanical gardens they’d begun walking through. “Or is there someone new now?”

  “He’s out of town,” she said without further elaboration.

  Nine turned just in time to see her peeking into a door off the side of the southernmost side of the estate. She turned around, eyes wide. “Door’s open and there’s no ‘No TH’ sign anywhere.” She peeked her head even further, taking a step inside, then pulled back to look at him as he walked toward her. “There’s this really eerie stairwell to the bottom. Do we dare?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He hurried to the door, opening it wider as soon as he was close enough.

  She stepped in first, slowing as she reached the top of the stairwell, and looked around. “How old do you think this place is?”

  As nice as the place was, it did have an old, old school feel about it. Not like old as in when he was a kid or maybe his parents were. More like way back in the eighteen century type of old. They’d done a good enough job of modernizing it, yet this medieval-dungeon-like-looking stairwell gave some idea to just how old the place was.

  There were lights along the stairwell, which was cool because there were no windows, so they would’ve been going down in pitch-black darkness otherwise. Though he got the distinct feeling from Drew’s hesitant steps that they wouldn’t be going down at all if it weren’t lit.

  Drew stopped a few steps down. “I don’t know. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  She turned back to face Nine, flinching when she realized how close behind her he stood. Of course that only made Nine smirk—and not move an inch—as he glanced down at her lips then back at her eyes. “Why not?”

  Drew seemed to shake off her initial reaction to being so close to him but winced anyway. “Would they really hide anything down here?”

  “You heard that girl. She said look everywhere. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.” He motioned for her to keep going with his chin. “I don’t know about you, but I can’t go back now. I have to know what’s down there.”