Read Naked Page 11

  “I’ve seen his scars,” I said.

  “Did he tell you about what happened in Afghanistan?” Neil looked up at me in the rearview.

  “No,” I answered truthfully, realizing that the information coming from Neil would stop and I would be no closer to understanding Ethan’s past than he would be about knowing mine.

  Elaina helped us dole out the food to the proper parties and Frances ushered me into Ethan’s inner sanctum with a smug look and shut the door. He was on the phone.

  My gorgeous guy was busy with work but still held out his hand to me. I set the sandwiches on his desk and went to him. He snaked his arm around me and pulled me down onto his lap, and kept right on with his business call.

  “Right, I know. But you tell those fools that Blackstone represents the Royal Family and when Her Majesty shows up for the opening ceremonies to give her blessing there will not be one fucking exit left unattended. Period. No negotiation…”

  Ethan continued with his call and I began unpacking his lunch. He moved his hand up to the back of my neck and rubbed. It felt divine with him touching me even though any idiot could see he was dreadfully busy.

  I set out his food on a plate and then unwrapped mine. I bit into my chicken salad on wheat while he massaged my neck. A girl could seriously get used to this. Ethan was so affectionate and I loved the way he wanted to touch me all the time. My touchy-feely guy. I was nearly done with half of my sandwich before he ended his call.

  Both hands reached and turned me, still on his lap. He gave me a very nice kiss and groaned. “Finally. It’s like talking to a brick wall sometimes,” he muttered. He smiled at me and looked at the plate. “You brought me lunch…and your delicious self.”

  I smiled back. “I did.”

  “Which should I devour first, the sandwich or you?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, his hands starting to roam up the side of my sweater.

  “I think you better devour your sandwich before you get another phone call,” I told him.

  His phone rang.

  He scowled and resigned himself to it. The second call was relatively quick though and he managed to start his roast beef on rye before the third one came through. He put that call on speaker so he could eat and converse at the same time. Not very elegant, but it worked.

  I was content to sit with him and listen to his work business while he smoothed a hand up and down my back. Ethan made me feel glad I had stopped by even though this would be no social lunch for us. The timing was crazy for him and me. I can’t imagine his job could be any more complicated than at the moment with the Olympics looming and London hosting the whole thing. He should have just sent me a note that said, ‘I just bought your portrait and I’d really like to get to know you—sometime in mid August.’

  He kept his phone on speaker and we managed a few quick kisses in between calls and bites, but soon it was hard to justify as a lunch hour any more.

  “I should get going, Ethan.” I kissed him and started to get up.

  “No.” He held me on his lap. “I don’t want you to go yet. I like having you here with me. You soothe me, baby.” He rested his head on top of mine. “You are my ray of light in a fog of ignorance and frustration.”

  “Really? You like that I came and complicated your day and forced food on you?” I fiddled with his tie clip and smoothed his tie. “You’re so busy with your work and I’m interrupting.”

  “No you’re not,” he traced his lips along my throat. “It tells me that you care for me,” he said quietly.

  “I do, Ethan,” I whispered back.

  “So you’ll stay for a while?”

  How could I say no to him when he was so sweet with me? “All right, just an hour more. But then I have to really go. I need to stop by my flat and get some things. I have to study for exams and I want to get in a workout. You’re not the only one around here that’s busy.” I tweaked his chin and made him grin at me.

  “I want to get busy with you right here on my desk,” he growled and lifted me up, plopping me ass first on his big, executive desk.

  I squeaked as he pounced, pushing my legs apart so he could get in between with his hips. “Ethan! You’re office! We can’t!”

  He reached under his desk and I heard the click of the door locking. “I want you so badly right now. I need you, Brynne. Please?”

  He was all over me, hands gripping, pushing me back on the desk and thrusting hard at my center. I let him press me down and slide me to the edge, my body already softening and heating up for him. His purposeful long fingers made their way to my panties and peeled those babies right down my legs, over my boots and dropped somewhere on the floor of his office. I’d found that Ethan was definitely an opportunist whenever I chose to wear a skirt.

  “You’re a crazy man,” I murmured, not really caring anymore that we were about to fuck on his desk in the middle of his place of work.

  “Crazy for you,” he said, fingering my clit and getting me wet. I heard his belt jingle and then his zipper go down. And then he was sinking that delicious heat all the way in me, slow and deep.

  He leaned over me and took my face in both hands. He kissed me hard, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as he liked to do. Ethan dominated during sex. He wanted his tongue and his fingers and his cock in me all at once. Like that way he could claim me more completely. I don’t know why, it was just his way. And I loved it. His way was honest and totally direct. I knew what I would get with Ethan and it always ended with an orgasm that left me trembling.

  Ethan started moving and so did I. We were wild with it too. Totally abandoned and lustfully fucking on top of his desk when the phone rang. He’d left it on speaker. “Don’t answer it,” I gasped, nearly ready to climax.

  “Hell, no,” he grunted, pounding faster into me, his cock swelling to the bone hard density it got right before he came.

  He slid his magic fingers over my clit and I broke apart, biting down on my lip to keep from crying out. Ethan was not far behind me. He covered my mouth with his to keep us both from shouting and pumped his orgasm inside me.

  The unanswered call went to voice mail, but still on speaker.

  “Ethan Blackstone is not available. Please leave a message and I’ll get back with you as soon as possible…”

  The beep sounded and we panted at each other, our faces just inches apart. I smiled at him. He smoothed my hair so gently and kissed me like a lover would. I felt precious to him. He made me feel that way.

  “You’re an asshole, Blackstone. I hired you to protect my daughter, not to fuck her! She’s been through hell and the last thing she needs is another heartbreaking betrayal. The way she talks I think she’s in love with you—”

  Ethan fumbled with the phone to shut it down but it was too late. I heard my own father’s voice on the phone. I knew…the truth about Ethan and me. I shoved at him, fighting to get him off.

  “Brynne, no! Please let me explain—”

  He looked white as a sheet and totally stone-cold terrified as he held me under him, our bodies still joined.

  “Get off me. Get your cock out of me and let me go, you mother-fucking liar!”

  He held me to him, eyes on me. “Baby…listen to me. I was going to tell you—I was ready to a long time ago, but I didn’t want to bring up bad memories for you. I don’t want to hurt you—”

  “Get. Off. Me. Now.”

  “Please don’t leave. Brynne, I—I—didn’t mean to hurt you but I was protecting you from remembering. There’s a threat out there to your safety…and then I met you…and I couldn’t stop wanting you. I couldn’t stay away from you.” He tried to kiss me.

  I turned my face away and closed my eyes. All the trust I had for this man was gone. In its place a terrible ache filled my heart. He knew about me. He knew what had happened to me. Probably had seen the video. And now there were people out to hurt me? Why? He was hired by my dad and all this time he knew and I didn’t. How could he? How could he be the Ethan I’d fallen in love with an
d betray me like this?

  “Waterloo.” I turned back and stared.

  “No…no…no,” he chanted. “Please no, Brynne.” He shook his head back and forth, his eyes devastated.

  “Water-fucking-loo, Ethan. And if you don’t get off me I will scream the walls down.” I spoke clear and soft, my heart hardened and bleeding black blood. Blackstone blood.

  He moved out of me and helped me sit up. I hopped off his desk and lunged for my bag. He zipped up his pants and tried again. “Brynne, baby, I—I love you. I love you so much; I would do anything not to hurt you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I tried to get out the door but it wouldn’t budge. “Unlock it,” I demanded.

  “Did you hear me just now?”

  I looked at him and nodded. “Open the door so I can leave,” I spoke very evenly, surprised I was not a weeping wreck crumpled to the floor. I just needed to get out of here and to my flat. I had one purpose and it was to flee to safety.

  He rubbed his head and looked down, and then moved to his desk and reached the button or whatever it was that held me in. I heard the click and I was out of there.

  “Thank you for the delicious lunch, dear,” Frances called as I bailed.

  I waved at her but was unable to speak. I just walked out. I had my purse and no underwear, but I wasn’t going back in there to find them. Just get me out of here and home…just get me out of here and home…just get me out—

  Oh my god I was leaving Ethan. We were done. He’d lied to me and I couldn’t trust him anymore. He said he loved me. Is that what lovers do? They lie?

  I didn’t speak to Elaina at reception either when I headed for the elevators. I pushed the call button and realized he was right behind me. Ethan had chased me down and still I didn’t break.

  “Brynne…baby, please don’t leave me. God, I—I fucked up. I love you. Please—”

  He put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched. “No you don’t,” was all I could manage.

  “Yes I do!” he yelled, his voice getting angry. “You can leave me but I’ll still be protecting you. I’ll still be watching over you to make sure you’re safe and that nobody can hurt you!”

  “What about you hurting me?” I spat back at him. “And you’re fired, Ethan. Don’t ever contact me again.” The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I stepped in and turned around to face him.

  He rolled his head up and opened his mouth in a pleading gesture that told me he was hurting. Not as bad as I was but he looked ragged and desperate. “Brynne…don’t do this,” he begged as the doors started to close me in alone.

  I heard a loud bang coupled with one very comprehensible f-bomb shouted as the car started to take me down. Down to the street where I would hail a cab to drive me home to my flat. Where I would fall apart as soon as I could get inside, and where I would crawl into my bed and curl up and try to forget him. Ethan Blackstone. I was doomed to failure. I knew that. I would never be able to forget Ethan. Never.

  The End

  The Author

  Raine has been reading romance novels since she picked up that first Barbara Cartland paperback at the tender age of thirteen. She thinks it was The Flame is Love from 1975. And it's a safe bet she'll never stop reading romance novels because now she writes them too. Granted, Raine's stories are edgy enough to turn Ms. Cartland in her grave, but to her way of thinking, a tall, dark and handsome hero never goes out of fashion. Never! A part-time teacher and a writer of sexy romance stories every chance she gets pretty much fills her days. Raine has a prince of a husband, and two brilliant sons to pull her back into the real world if the writing takes her too far away. Her sons know she likes to write stories, but have never asked to read any. (Raine is so very grateful about this.) She loves to hear from readers and chat about the characters in her books. You can connect with Raine on Facebook, email her at [email protected], or visit her blog at to see what she's working on now. If you enjoyed this book then you will be happy to know that Part 2 is on its way. I made the decision, as a fun insight into the male mind, to write the whole story from Ethan’s point of view. Please have a first look at Chapter 1 of All In, The Blackstone Affair Part 2 where the story of Brynne and Ethan continues with lots of passion, surprises, and of course, love.

  Raine ♥

  Other Titles by Raine Miller

  His Perfect Passion

  The Undoing of a Libertine

  Sneak Peek ~All In

  The Blackstone Affair, Part 2


  My hand throbbed along with my heartbeat. All I could do was breathe at the elevator doors and think about what to do next. Chasing after her was not an option so I left there and went into the break room. Elaina was in getting coffee. She kept her head down and pretended I wasn’t there. Smart woman. I hope those assholes on the floor do the same or they just might need to find a new job.

  I threw some ice into a plastic bag and shoved my hand inside. Fuck, it stung. There was blood on my knuckles and I am sure on the wall next to the elevator. I walked back out to my office with my hand in the bag of ice. I told Frances to call maintenance to come and fix the bloody ding in the wall.

  Frances nodded without missing a beat and looked at the bag of ice at the end of my arm. “Do you need an x-ray for that?” she asked, her expression like that of a mum. What I envisioned a mother would look like at least. I barely remember mine so I’m sure I am merely projecting with her.

  “No.” I need my girl back, not a god damned mother-fucking x-ray.

  I went through to my office and shut myself in. I pulled out a bottle of Van Gogh from the bar fridge and cracked it. I opened my desk drawer and fumbled for the pack of Djarum Blacks and the lighter I liked to keep in there. I’d been plowing through the smokes at a record pace since meeting Brynne. I’d have to remember to stock up.

  Now all I needed was a glass for the vodka, or maybe not. The bottle would do me just fine. I took a swig with my busted hand and welcomed the pain. Fuck my hand; it’s my heart that’s broken.

  I stared at her picture. The one I took of her at work when she showed me the painting of Lady Percival with the book. I’d used my phone to take the picture because I’d had to have it. Didn’t matter it was only the camera in my phone—Brynne looked beautiful through any lens. Especially the lenses of my eyes. The picture had come out so nice I’d downloaded it and ordered a print for my office.

  I recalled that morning with her. I could just see her in my mind’s eye and how happy she was when I snapped the picture of her smiling down at that old painting…


  I parked in the lot for the Rothvale Gallery and shut off the engine. It was a dreary day, drizzling and chilly, but inside the car it was warm and perfect. Having Brynne sitting next to me, dressed for work, looking beautiful, sexy, smiling at me, had me soaring, but knowing what we’d just shared together this morning was the topper. And I wasn’t talking sex. Remembering the shower and what we’d done there would hold me throughout my day—just barely, but knowing that I’d see her again tonight, that we’d be together, that she was mine, and that I could take her to bed and show her all over again. It was the conversation we’d had too. I felt like she’d finally let me in a little. That she cared about me in the same way I felt about her. And it was time to start talking about our future.

  “Did I ever tell you how much I like it when you smile at me, Ethan?”

  “No,” I answered, dropping the smile, “tell me.”

  She shook her head at my tactics and then looked out the window at the rain. “I’ve always felt special when you do because I think you don’t smile much in public. I would describe you as reserved. So when you smile at me I’m kind of…swept away.”

  “Look at me.” I waited for her to respond, knowing it would come. This was another thing we had yet to discuss but was crystal clear from the very beginning. Brynne was naturally submissive to me. She accepted what I wanted to give her—the dominan
ce, and it was just one more reason we were perfect together.

  She lifted her brown/green/grey eyes to me and waited. My cock pounded in my slacks. I could take her right here in the car and still want her minutes later. She was my addiction. “God, you’re beautiful when you do that.”

  “Do what, Ethan?”

  I tucked a strand of her silky hair behind her ear and smiled for her again. “Never mind. You just make me happy is all. I love bringing you to your job after I’ve had you all night.”

  She blushed at me and I wanted to fuck her again. No, to make love to her is what I really wanted right now. I wanted to take her slow, that gorgeous body stretched out naked for me to pleasure in every way I could manage it. Mine. She was for me and me alone. Brynne made me feel everything—

  “Would you like to come in and see what I’m working on? Do you have time?”

  I brought her hand to my lips and breathed the scent of her skin. “I thought you’d never ask. Lead on, Professor Bennett.”

  She laughed. “Someday maybe. I’ll wear one of those black robes and give lectures on proper conserving techniques. And you can sit in the back and distract me with inappropriate comments and leering.”

  “Ahhh, and will you call me to your office for chastisement then? Will you detain me, Professor Bennett? I am sure we can negotiate a deal for me working off my disrespectful behavior.” I put my head down toward her lap.

  “You are insane,” she told me, giggling and pushing me back. “Let’s go inside.”

  We ran through the rain together, my umbrella shielding us, her slim shape tucked against me, smelling of flowers and sunshine and making me feel like the luckiest man on the planet.

  She introduced me to the security guard who was clearly in love with her and led me back into a large studio like room. Wide tables and easels were set up with good lighting and plenty of open space. She led me to a large oil painting of a dark haired, solemn woman with startling blue eyes, holding a book.

  “Ethan, please say hello to Lady Percival. Lady Percival, my boyfriend, Ethan Blackstone.” She smiled at the painting like they were best friends.