Read Naked Page 7

  “Even when you don’t remember it?”

  “Your brain remembers, Brynne. The fears of waking up to that betrayal are in there.” She wrote another quick note. “Would you like to try a medication for sleep? We could see if that suppresses the night terrors.”

  “Will it work?” That sure got my attention. The suggestion of something so simple as a pill made me laugh nervously. The idea that I could stay with him all night…or he could stay with me, gave me some hope too. That is if Ethan still wanted to try sleeping with me. I remembered him walking out of my flat last night after the crazy sex-up-against-the-wall and how I’d not liked him leaving. My emotions were so confused. Part of me wanted him and part of me was terrified of him. I really had no idea what would become of us. He made you tell him you were his.

  Dr. Roswell smiled at me. “We won’t know until we try, my dear. Courage is the first step, and the drug is merely a tool to help you take more steps until you’ve made it down your path. Solutions don’t have to be complicated every time.” She reached for her prescription pad.

  “Thank you so much—” My phone started vibrating in my purse. I checked it and saw the text from Ethan. “Ethan’s here. He’s in reception. We agreed for him to collect me at my appointment before he takes me to dinner. He said he wanted to talk about…us.”

  “It’s always good for two people to talk about their relationship. The honesty and trust you give now will make it much easier to sort out your differences later.” She handed me the prescription. “I’d love to meet him, Brynne.”

  “Right now?” Nerves began dancing in my belly.

  “Why not? I’ll walk you out and meet your Ethan. It helps me immensely to put faces to names when we have our sessions.”

  “Oh…okay,” I said, getting up from her comfy, floral, chintz chair, “but he’s not really my Ethan, Dr. Roswell.”

  “We’ll see,” she said with a gentle pat on my shoulder.

  My breath caught in my throat when I saw him looking at the art on the wall while waiting for me. The way he stood there reminded me of him seeing my portrait at Benny’s show and wanting it. Wanting it enough to buy it.

  Ethan turned when we walked into reception. His blue eyes lit up his face and morphed into a softened smile as he came toward me. A burst of relief shot down through my heart. Ethan looked very happy to see me.

  “Ethan, this is my therapist, Dr. Roswell. Dr. Roswell, Ethan Blackstone, my—”

  “Brynne’s boyfriend,” he interrupted me yet again. Ethan offered his hand to Dr. Roswell and probably gave her a smile that would melt her panties off. As they exchanged pleasantries I got a glimpse of her reaction to him, and I must admit it was satisfying to see women of all ages being intoxicated by his male beauty. And I would remember to use it during a future session too. So, Dr. Roswell, you think Ethan is off-the-charts sexy don’t you?

  “Boyfriend?” I asked as he walked me out to his car, holding my hand firmly in his.

  “Just keeping things positive, baby.” He grinned and pulled our entwined hands up to his mouth to lay a kiss on mine before putting me into his Rover.

  “I can see that,” I told him. “Where are you taking me and why do you look so smiley?”

  He leaned over to my side and brought his mouth right up to my lips but didn’t touch me. “I am always smiley, as you put it, when I get what I want.” He kissed me chastely and pulled back.

  “Since when do you not get what you want? You’re the most demanding person I have ever met in my life.” I tempered the sarcasm with a little smile of my own.

  “Careful, baby. You have no idea of the depths of what I want to do with you.” His eyes darkened.

  I let that sensual threat float between us and tried to keep my breathing steady. “You scare me a little when you say stuff like that, Ethan.”

  “I know I do.” He pulled my chin toward his mouth with a fingertip and kissed me again. This time he nibbled my bottom lip and teased it. “That’s why we’re taking it slow. I don’t ever want to scare you.” His eyes moved quickly back and forth as he tried to read me, his lips so close but not touching. “Do you realize this is our first time together where I didn’t have to coerce you to come out with me? I have some hope, you see?” He gave me one last kiss before he pulled back to put the keys in the ignition. “And that, Miss Bennett, must be why I am smiley.” His blue eyes danced now.

  “Fair enough, Mr. Blackstone, I can live with that.” He helped me click my seat belt and drove out of the parking lot. I settled back into the soft leather and breathed in his scent, allowing him to take me off to somewhere, and for the moment trusting that everything would be okay.


  “Dr. Roswell seems very capable,” Ethan said casually as he refilled my wine, “how long have you been her patient?”

  I met his eyes and braced myself. Here it comes, now how will you deal with it? I told myself to breathe. “Nearly four years. Since I moved here.”

  “Did you go to see her today because of what’s been happening with me?”

  “If you mean going home with a complete stranger and letting him fuck me whenever we meet? Yeah, that’s part of it.” I took another gulp of wine.

  His jaw ticked but his expression did not change for the next question. “And leaving me in the middle of the night—is that part of it too?”

  My head went down and I nodded. It was the best I could do.

  “What hurt you, Brynne?” He asked the question so gently I actually considered telling him for a second, but I was nowhere near ready.

  I set down my fork and knew my shrimp fettuccini was finished. The topic of my past mixed with food is a definite no-go. “Something bad.”

  “I can tell. I saw your face when you woke up from your nightmare.” He looked at my plate of food now pushed away and back up at me. “I’m sorry about that night. I didn’t listen to you.” He reached out for my hand and rubbed his thumb over the top of it. “I guess I just want you to know that you can trust me. I hope you know that you can. I want to be with you, Brynne.”

  “You want a relationship don’t you?” I stared down at his thumb rubbing over my knuckles. “You told Dr. Roswell you were my boyfriend.”

  “I did, yes. And I want you, Brynne. I do want a relationship.” His voice got firmer. “Look at me.”

  I looked up immediately, his beauty so stark against the sea of white linens on the tables behind him. “Even with me the way I am, Ethan?”

  “The way you are is perfect to me.”

  I removed my hand from his grasp. I had to tug a little to get him to let go. So very Ethan of him, wanting his way in all things, but he did allow me to turn his hand palm up and hold it. I traced over his life line and then his heart line and wondered if either of my lines was salvageable.

  “I’m not, Ethan. Perfect and me don’t belong in the same sentence.” I spoke down to his hand.

  “The proper phrasing should be perfect and I,” he said knowingly. “And I totally disagree with you, my American beauty with the sexy twang.”

  I looked up at him again. “You are so controlling but you do it in a way that makes me feel strangely…safe.”

  “I know that too. And it makes me fucking wild for you. And that’s why you should trust me and let me take care of you. I know what you need, Brynne, and I can give it to you. I just want to know—I have to know that you want it. That you want to be with me.”

  The waiter arrived at the table. “Are you finished, ma’am?” he asked. Ethan looked annoyed when I told the server to take my plate and ordered a coffee.

  “You hardly ate anything tonight.” I could tell he wasn’t pleased.

  “I had enough. I’m not very hungry.” I took a sip of wine. “So you want me to be your girlfriend, and give up control to you, and trust that you will not hurt me. Is that really what you want, Ethan?”

  “Yes, Brynne, that’s exactly what I want.”

  “But there’s so much about me that you don?
??t know. Things I don’t know about you.”

  “When you’re ready you’ll share with me and I’ll be right there to listen. I want to know everything about you and if you want to know about me, you can ask.”

  “What if I don’t want to give up control to you on some things, Ethan, or I am unable to?”

  “Then you tell me. We are negotiating and both of us have to respect limits.”

  “All right.”

  He tilted his head and spoke softly. “I want to be with you so badly right now. I want to take you home with me, and put you in my bed and have hours and hours with your body wrapped up in mine to do with as I wish. I want to have you there in the morning so when we wake up I can make you come, saying my name. I want to drive you to work and pick you up when it’s time to leave. I want to go to the shops with you and buy food we can cook for dinner. I want to watch some crap TV show and have you fall asleep against me on the couch so I can watch you and hear you breathing.”

  “Oh, Ethan—”

  My coffee arrived and I wanted to slap the server for interrupting that beautiful speech. I busied myself with doctoring it with sugar and cream. I took a sip and tried to find my words. To be honest I was caught up in him already. Hook, line and sinker. I wanted all those things with Ethan, I just wasn’t sure I would survive him.

  “Too much? Am I scaring you off?”

  I shook my head. “No. It sounds very nice actually. And you should know it’s something I’ve never had before. I’ve never had a relationship like that, Ethan.”

  He grinned. “That works for me, baby. I want to be your first.” He raised an eyebrow in a look that dripped of sexual innuendo and made me want to go home with him tonight to start the arrangement. “But I want you to think about it tonight and then tell me what you decide. And you need to know that I am very possessive of what belongs to me.”

  “Really, Ethan?” The sarcasm rolling out of me. “Never would have guessed that from last night in my flat.”

  “I could totally spank your gorgeous ass right now for the lip you’re giving me.” He winked at me. “I can’t help it. That’s just how I feel about you, Brynne. In my head, you’re mine, and that’s how it’s been since I first met you.” He sighed across the table at me. “So I’m going to be restrained this time and take you home to sleep at your flat, and kiss you goodnight at the door, and wait for you to tell me otherwise.” He signaled the server for the bill. “You ready to go?”

  I giggled at the image that popped into my head.

  “Are you laughing at me, Miss Bennett? Please do share.”

  “I am picturing you wanting to spank me, Mr. Blackstone, yet playing the restrained gentleman that merely kisses me goodnight at my door.”

  He groaned and shifted his legs in the chair, no doubt rearranging a furious hard-on I am sure. “You’ll have witnessed a miracle tonight if my car actually manages to make it to your street.”


  Ethan kept his word. He did say goodnight at my door. Granted he’d taken a few liberties with his hands and I’d gotten a very good impression of what he sported behind his fly, but he’d left me like he had promised after some very thorough kisses.

  I got ready for bed after a hot shower and pulled on my softest sleeping tee. It had Jimi Hendrix on the front, the picture where he is in a garden at a table set for tea; considered the last photograph of him ever taken. I loved stuff like that, and I loved Jimi so it got a lot of use.

  Deciding it was time to do a little recon on my boyfriend, I fired up my laptop right in the middle of my bed and Googled the name I’d read on his driver’s license when he’d showed it to me: Ethan James Blackstone.

  Not a ton really came up for him. He had a Wikipedia page and some links for Blackstone Security’s website. Wikipedia was a surprise though. Ethan was known mostly for his celebrity as a poker player for high limit games. He’d won a world tournament in Las Vegas about six years back at the impressive age of only twenty-six. A lot of money. Enough money to start a business. And with his military background in the Special Forces he must have found his niche. So that made him about thirty-two now. I did the math. Almost eight years older than me.

  Google Images had some pictures of him, mostly of his big win at poker. I would have to ask my dad if he’d ever heard of Ethan. He loved poker tournaments and still played sometimes.

  I kept scrolling through pages of images and stopped whenever I found one of him. There was a picture of him with the Prime Minister and the Queen. Jesus… The Italian PM and the President of France? I felt tingles roll up my back. Was Ethan like a James Bond or something? What the hell kind of security did he do? If these were people he protected then he had a very high profile clientele. I was stunned. I made a note to ask Gabrielle’s dad if he’d heard of Ethan the next time I saw him. He was London police and if anybody was in the know, it was Rob Hargreave.

  I’d also not seen a single personal photo of Ethan in a social situation with a woman. And I wondered if he held the power to squelch stuff like that. There was no way he lived a celibate lifestyle, not how he oozed sex. And if he was telling the truth about not bringing them to his home, then where did he take them for sex? Ugh, I didn’t want to ponder the idea.

  Shutting down my computer, I turned out the light and crawled into bed. I pulled his purple tie out from under my pillow and held it to my nose. The comforting scent of him came to me instantly. I felt even smaller in the scheme of things now. And was left wondering why a man like him had noticed me in the first place. From just my portrait at a gallery show? The idea hardly seemed believable.

  I tried to conquer my fears and think about what he’d offered to me tonight. And I remembered how good it felt to be with him and how he made my body burn during sex. I didn’t have to worry about anything scary or underhanded with Ethan. He was, if nothing, brutally honest. He was dominating, sure. But I liked that. It took the pressure off of me in a sector of my life where I held little confidence. I wanted him, I just didn’t know if he would want me once he knew my whole story.


  Waterloo Bridge grounded me the next morning. I came home to the heavenly smell of coffee started by my roommate. I passed Gaby a half-hour later on my way out the door to class.

  “You going to the Mallerton exhibition on the tenth?” she asked.

  “I want to. I’m conserving one of his right now, Lady Percival. I was hoping to find out a little more about the provenance on her. She’s had some heat damage and it’s melted the lacquer over the title of the book she’s holding. I really want to know what that book is. Like a secret I need to discover.”

  “Yay!” She clapped and did a little bounce. “It’s his birthday exhibit.”

  I pretended to count on my fingers. “Let’s see, Sir Tristan would be two hundred twenty-eight?”

  “Two hundred twenty-seven to be exact.” Gabrielle was deep into her dissertation on Romanticist painter Tristan Mallerton, so when there was anything doing with him she was first in line with tickets.

  “Okay, off by one year. That’s not too bad.”

  She smiled wide revealing perfect white teeth and full lips that made me wonder why she wasn’t the model. The reddish glints in her dark hair combined with her barely olive complexion made her look exotic. Men were always tripping over my roommate, but she wanted nothing to do with them. A lot like me, I thought. Until Ethan came along and upset my cozy existence.

  “Let’s plan to go together—make a night of it. I want a new dress though. You wanna set up a shopping expedition too?” Gaby looked and sounded too damn excited for me to say no.

  “Sounds excellent, Gab. I need some distractions from my suddenly more complicated life.” I tilted my head and mouthed the word, ‘Ethan.’

  Gaby gave me the once-over and crossed her arms. “What happened with you two?”

  “He wants a relationship. Like a real one where we sleep over and cook dinner and watch TV.”

  “And lots and lots of
hot orgasmic sex,” Gaby added and then held out her arms to me. “Come here. You look like you need a hug.”

  I went into her embrace and held on tightly to my friend. “I’m scared, Gab,” I whispered at her ear.

  “I know, sweetie. But I’ve seen you with him. I’ve seen how he looks at you. Maybe this is the big one. You won’t know unless you try.” She touched my face. “I’m happy for you, and I think you’ve got to go with a little leap of faith here. So far Mr. Blackstone is on my good list. If that should change or if he hurts one smooth hair on your innocent head, then his pretty-boy balls are gonna be transformed into a set of Klik-Klaks. And please tell him I said that.”

  “God, I love you, woman!” I laughed and headed off to class, thinking about how I would break the news to Ethan.

  Three hours later he sent a text.

  Ethan Blackstone: <---misses brynne. when will i see u?


  I smiled as I read the words. He missed me and he wasn’t afraid to say it. Ethan’s direct approach did wonders toward calming my nerves and fears about a relationship together, I must admit. I gathered my resolve and replied.

  Brynne Bennett: <---is :) very soon if ur not 2 busy. can i come office?


  My phone lit up almost immediately with an emphatic YES along with instructions of where to go, elevator to take, plans to feed me lunch—typical modus operandi for my Ethan. That made me smile too. Did I just say my Ethan? I so did—I realized as I ducked into the Underground station and began descending stairs.

  I wanted to stop at a pharmacy to get my new prescription filled along the way, so I hopped off the Tube two stations later. Heading back up to the street, I entered a Boots and dropped off the script. I grabbed a shopping basket and browsed while I waited for the pharmacist to fill it. An idea formed in my mind and I went with it, plucking items from the shelves and dropping them into my basket.