Read Naples Page 4

I finished my coffee, put my iPad into my bag, took out some sunglasses, left money on the table and left.

  It looked like the local people were heading to their homes for lunch and afternoon rest. The tourists seemed not to be aware that it was riposa time. The cafe stayed open all through that time when many of the shops and family businesses shut for those couple of hours in the mid day. Then they opened up again until late at night when it wasn't hot.

  I came to the place I looked up on my iPad. It’s in the old quarter. Narrow street. Some grand old houses mixed with shops: a past opulence and here and there the washing strung across drying in the warmth. It was deserted and I wondered if it might have been better to have waited until later. I wasn't thinking. Maybe I'll go back to my hotel and wait until later for I imagine they are all asleep anyway after their large lunch.

  Then I heard the sound of that insect-like noise of a scooter racing up a side street. And then it was in the street where I was. It turned to face me, coming on fast. Oh shit. I turned round. Then, they were there as if they'd just walked out of the stone walls. Three youths heading towards me. Had they been tracking me? Or was it just chance. I don't think so. There was nothing open. The shops were all shuttered, no doorways to run into. I had my bag, iPad and my various IDs. As if they'd care. Amidst the revving of the scooter they were smiling, laughing and joking. As they came closer they started to make insinuating remarks. Were they going to attack me? Yes, looks like it. Rape me? Quite possibly.

  They had me trapped and cornered. Then, without thinking I pulled myself together and raced towards the guy on the scooter taking him by surprise. I swung my bag at him knocking him sideways and off his scooter which lay whining on the ground and I ran for all my worth. There was a largish house further up. I ran through the gate and up some steps. I slipped on the steps and crashed against the door, just as the three boys arrived at the gates. The door opened and a woman stood there looking down at me.

  I am in a daze. I smiled up at her and she gestured me to come inside. She ushered me into an old fashioned drawing room, with plants in pots and lace covers on the tables. A clock was ticking. It had a smell of lavender and pot pourri. It was warm. The woman smiled and gestured me to sit down.

  I took stock of myself. Phew! That was a narrow escape. What luck! Oh no, did I smash my iPad when I swung my bag at that guy? I checked. Good on it! All's well. It survived. I must tell Apple!

  The lady returned with a tray of food and drink. I asked if she spoke English. She raised her shoulders and gestured with her hand, a little; and gestured me to eat! I was hungry and commenced to hoe into the delicious pasta and sauce. They know how to make it here! How kind of her. She doesn't even know me.

  The clock ticked as I ate and enjoyed my meal.