Read Naruto: An ebook, a prediction, and a future Page 1



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  Copyright 2012 Ambar Pustak


  This book details a prediction of the future Naruto story all the way until the end. Unlike any other prediction found on the web, this book will provide a very strong prediction with some real backbone. The author expects the Naruto manga to end within next 3 years.


  This story begins during the time-frame when itachi and sasuke are having a battle with kabuto. So, readers are expected to have prior knowledge of the events leading unto that particular situation.


  This e-book is the sole property of the author writing under the pen-name “Ambar Pustak” and any unauthorized use of the book or reproducing the content is strictly forbidden. You are welcome to share it with your friends in its original form. The content contained in this book has been solely produced, published and owned by the author. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

  Naruto Manga: A complete ending!

  Moving forward from current story

  - written by Ambar Pustak (ending predicted in 2-3 years)

  Edition 1

  After itachi/ sasuke defeats kabuto and puts him under genjutsu to release edo tensei, Sasuke would finally ask the question why he betrayed the clan and killed his own family leaving only sasuke alive, to which itachi replies a clan is nothing- it’s the village and it’s peace that matters, a clan that gets arrogant just because it is strong and tries to destroy everything and overthrow it does not deserve to live. Like many other clans uchiha clan was rotten and needed to be killed for world peace. Sasuke was left alive because he was innocent and a little child to him, he knew nothing of clan’s hatred and philosophies, killing sasuke would mean completely wiping out pure uchiha blood which is not what itachi desired. So he left his brother alive in the uchiha massacre 8 years ago. With that itachi will fade his edo tensei saying only those who believe in themselves and never give up can go on, hinting about naruto to sasuke, which pisses off sasuke and he decides to settle things once and for all with naruto.

  On the other side, uchiha madara has been sealed away and all of edo tensei as well, also tobi gets the news that original white zetsu was killed by sasuke meaning- tobi lost much of his fighting force in white zetsu and kabuto. So, he retreats from naruto’s side to reconsolidate his battle strength. All kages worned out return to the base with other ninjas to rest and naruto also returns to the base to the kages. Where naruto explains it must be itachi who killed kabuto and the reasons and everything. On the sensor unit, they sense a very strong chakra coming into the battlefield and sitting idly on a rock – sasuke. Few ninjas try to attack him but are pushed away without even sasuke moving an inch from his place as he waits for naruto. Naruto in his recovery sage mode senses sasuke and decides the time for battle has come, and has an argument with the kages to let him fight sasuke alone. Kakashi and tsunade realizing its fate, tells the kages - this battle cannot be stopped. So all ninjas currently around sasuke are ordered to retreat while naruto goes to fight sasuke.

  Naruto and sasuke clash, with many cool techniques and ups and downs they battle it out, naruto finally defeats sasuke without killing him and sasuke realizing his mistake sheds tears and both lock fingers as a sign of peace after fight between two fellow shinobis. With this naruto and sasuke’s battle would end and they would be carried on kakashi’s and bee’s back to the base as naruto murmurs to kakashi that sasuke is injured. With this naruto opens his eyes in the base hospital after a while, and seeing the bed beside him empty rushes off to the corridor where sasuke in handcuffs is in front of 5 kages. Naruto realizing the situation lowers his head and begs to forgive sasuke. Raikage who was mainly affected by sasuke’s actions looks at naruto and decides to forgive sasuke and leaving the decision with tsunade as she is the one responsible for konoha ninjas and raikage will accept whatever she decides which shocks kages around him and bee is happy to hear this as well. With this tsunade passes a working sentence to sasuke as he must always work under his friends and then his handcuffs are taken away and he is taken outside to all the shinobis where leaf rookie 11 are waiting for him. Kakashi urges sasuke that a sorry from sasuke is in order as sasuke apologizes to every1 and they accept it, and it’s all happy and fun there. In the background tobi is very pissed to hear that naruto got sasuke back which makes him take naruto seriously now as a threat. Due to wounds in his battle against sasuke naruto is still recuperating in the hospital bed. When suddenly a black crow flies in the quarters which alerts the shinobis, as kages rushes to follow the black crow. they see crow transform into itachi’s face. And in front of sleeping naruto itachi’s face thanks naruto for bringing back sasuke and also tells him that he joined akatsuki in order to find a way to stop tobi- who has achieved immortality like power and he mentions the only way to stop tobi which he found during his research is some legendary shimmotsurin (type) ninjutsu and the crow leaves after leaving a scroll that summons a gatekeeper to that place.

  The gatekeeper is summoned by kakashi with a kuchiyose as naruto still sleeps and a very old gatekeeper appears who asks why have they summoned him to which kakashi explains that itachi asked them to master a certain ninjutsu to defeat tobi, which shocks old gatekeeper and he says impossible – there is no way kakashi can master that ninjutsu, to which kakashi replies not him but naruto. As the gatekeeper approaches naruto, he realizes he is the nine-tails jinchuriki- and understands the situation. But he also explains to kages that it is impossible to master that ninjutsu for some1 like naruto who only has yang chakra of kyuubi sealed in him, in order to restore balance he must have both yin/yang chakras of the nine-tails. As kages stand beside and listen to all this, where tsunade and kakashi explains to the gatekeeper that yin chakra was sealed inside death god belly while only yang chakra was sealed inside naruto. The gatekeeper tells that bijuu chakra cannot die, so if its in death god’s belly we can recover it using naruto yang chakra. And as naruto regains consciousness, they prepare to get yin chakra from death god belly. A box like area is made with some special seal where naruto would fight kyubi to recover the yin chakra, as many top shinobi along with konoha rookie 11 all gather around the perimeter to see naruto recover yin chakra. Seal is performed and using yang chakra death god is summoned and yin chakra is pulled out – but it starts taking over naruto and kyuubi get bigger achieving his true big size. Naruto struggles and looks in pain but both yin/yang chakra is very strong, as rookie 11 watches what’s going on. Suddenly, a white light comes from naruto-transformed kyubi’s forehead from which fourth hokage appears outside in projection. Shocking everyone fourth helps naruto and naruto regains control of yin/yang and becomes complete kyuubi jinchuriki, but very badly burned so again need to be in hospital- as everyone watches in amazement along with the gatekeeper. With naruto lying on the bed, gatekeeper thinks to himself that kid completed kyuubi control- looks like the time has come for you all to know the true history. Okay let’s, begin – the old gatekeeper is actually 2500 years old from rikudo sennin’s time – he was given a boon to live to see rikudo sennin’s successor and he has been waiting all these years.

  The historic legendary story starts ….

  The story began 2500 years ago, during the warring states period – when there was no ninjutsu- people fought with stones and bamboos and floods and famines were normal- causing much misery to people. During this time a child was born, no one knows where he came from but he grew up in a forest all his life- his name was ryunnosuke (let’s assume this).

had an unnatural talent of manipulating nature as he grew up in forest he slowly became capable of manipulating all 5 nature types. During that time of constant misery to people, he wanted to help people so he decided to go on a journey to look at people’s pain and see if he could help. He travelled all 5 directions – first he reached far west – ancient water tribe- people of this tribe lived on fish and other water resources and had a close connection with water nature – but due to constant floods and wild animals the tribe was very scared and in constant misery – so ryonosuke decided to teach some main members of the clan the art of water manipulation to protect themselves and their village. After ryonusuke spent few years in water tribe- peace returned to that tribe and people became happy. So, he left towards east to the ancient earth tribe where similarly people were having rock problems and landslides – and due to earth tribe being close to earth nature- he taught them earth manipulation to protect their homes. Similarly, he visited ancient kiri clan where he taught its clan members lightning element manipulation to protect themselves. Then, sand tribe where sandstorms were common – so he taught tribesmen wind manipulation. And finally he came across forest dwellers whom he taught fire manipulation. After all these feats he achieved the status of sage – and people started calling him Sage Ryonosuke.

  After 10 years passed people began using nature manipulation – which was termed ninshu and peace returned for a while. But something unexpected happened one of the villages had a small quarrel with another village on a small matter like land, or river resources and they went on battle – this time using ninshu and not bamboo and stones. When ryonosuke heard about this he was shattered, that people are using stuffs meant for protecting to kill each other. He tried talking to people about it – but some people didn’t listen. And so inevitably consequences happened. Before when people knew nothing about nature manipulation there was a balance of yin/yang elements in the environment. But as people used more and more nature manipulation it had an equal opposite effect – negative yin energy was released in the environment from people all over the world – as negative yin energy kept on growing it became jyuubi monster. Which attacked and killed many people and everyone started fearing. Ryonosuke decided to fight the monster and defeat as it was partly his fault that negative energy was released in the environment. So ryonosuke fought with jyuubi but was defeated his power was not enough.

  So, in order to upgrade his power and learn a method to defeat jyuubi he travelled across the lands once again. This journey was very important as it earned him the name – “Sage of Six Paths” – Rikudo Sennin.

  Ryonosuke visited ancient water tribe which had really enhanced its water manipulation in the last 10 years to do many new things, similarly he visited other 5 tribes and learned new techniques from them and strengthened his power. All 5 five ancient clans (water,earth,lightning,wind,fire)- are the same people who would found present age 5 great shinobi villages.

  So, as ryonosuke visited all 5 clans he strengthened his power – but he felt it was not enough – to defeat jyuubi something special is needed – and thus he stumbled upon a very small ancient sealing tribe which used traps and sealing methods to capture wild animals. He got the sealing idea to defeat jyuubi.

  Thus, he battled once again with the jyuubi – battle went on for 28 days and he finally defeated jyuubi by sealing it within himself.

  After that as the savior of the world, he won praise and came worshipped to be GOD – kami of the shinobi world.

  Peace once again returned as people began to seek Sage Ryonosuke to advice and good life. Thus, Sage Ryonosuke opened a charity place (like child care) where children from all over the world would gather, people from all 5 ancient clans and many other people joined Sage in his place and all lived happily. However, some time later Sage realized that sealing jyuubi inside his body has worsened his health and sooner or later he would die. Which meant jyuubi would be released in the world once again. Thinking about Sage decided to make some preparations he chose 2 brothers from ancient fire clan from his child care that were very gifted and passed on his ninshu and other techniques – who came to be known as childs of Sage.

  The elder brother who was a little cocky and believed power is everything, while younger brother who was compassionate and believed caring is important. As the elder brother is more experienced in age, Sage had decided to choose the elder brother as his successor and every child in the place also thought the same. But, an incident occurred which changed the fate of this world.

  One day when Sage was away from sanctuary, A wild buffalo entered and attacked the place and injured many children, when Sage returned he saw this and was surprised to see some very important things.

  Elder brother was still chasing after the buffalo to try and kill it for attacking the place, while younger brother was there with injured children tending to their wounds. Seeing this scene he realized what a mistake he was about to commit and thus, realized who should be the true successor and therefore, on the day of the announcement when every1 was expecting elder to be chosen - the younger brother was chosen by the Sage to be his successor. Elder brother who was left devastated couldn't believe the injustice that happened with him and grew hatred towards his younger brother. As Sage died, he used special cool technique to separate jyuubi into 9 different entities and gave them animal forms and sealed them inside 9 children who were there at the sanctuary.

  Kyuubi was sealed inside a child named kurama, hachibi inside a child name gyuuki, etc. All 9 were sealed inside a child to keep the yin negative energy in the world and keep balance. So, Bijuu are actually balancers of the world by consuming negative yin energy generated from people when they use yang energy.

  With this, Sage died -- finally giving a boon to a young child who he liked that he can continue to live on until Sage is reborned a new - until a Successor to the Sage appears in the world. That child is the narrator - the gatekeeper.

  After Sage died, Elder brother who couldn't stand below his younger brother waged war against him - being in equal power both brother collided many times with no outcome as they both seeked to become Rikudo Sennin’s successor. As years passed on, the descendents of younger came to be known as Senju and Elder descendents came to be known as Uchiha - (WHO INITIALLY BELOGED TO THE SAME ANCIENT FIRE TRIBE)

  Fighting began again, battles between senju and uchiha stimulated battles in other places too and soon the entire world was in war. Everyone looking to use their ninshu for power. As the wars went on, the 5 original anicent clans that Sage visited in the begining started emerging victors in their respective lands.

  And soon 2400 years passed, something unexpected happened in the 2500th year or 100 years ago from present time.

  Two people - Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were born - with powers so similar to Sage Ryonosuke - something that was unheard of in many decades......

  Uchiha Madara who awakened Eternal Mangekyo and Senju Hashirama who achieved a certain body condition were completely on a different level than the rest. They inevitably fought as fighting started dieing down in other places. As tribes started combining together to form villages for better protection, many clans allied with each other to form strong villages.

  Hence, against Uchiha Madara wishes Uchiha clan accepted Senju clan’s proposal to combine and form a village - konohagakura, soon other clans followed and formed 5 great shinobi countries after 1st world war.

  World War ended - 5 great villages stabilized, while Madara watched in horror as hashirama became popular with every1 - out of jealousy he waged war against hashirama - where he was defeated with a combine power of hashirama and mito uzumaki(controlling kyuubi)... however, luckily he managed to obtain a living cell of hashirama and so decided to fake death in order to fool every1.

  After that every1 thought peace returned, with madara gone there were no more rebellions. However, on the backside, Madara found a way to combine hashirama living cell in his body - which propelled him to awaken Rinnegan.(YES HE ACH

  With Rinnegan awakened, he read the true history - which the gatekeeper is narrating from the Uchiha tablet in the shrine. He learned about everything and also the 5 original clans and the Sage successor thing.

  So, Madara concluded to kill all the members of 5 original ancient clans so that no one can stand in his way in the future when he decides to take action.


  5 Original Clans-

  Water tribe - Mizumiya clan (assume it) = which gave the name Mizukage.

  Earth tribe - Tsuchigumo clan (shown in anime) = which gave the name Tsuchikage.

  Lightning tribe- Raikura clan (assume it) = which gave the name Raikage

  Wind tribe – Namikaze (believe it minato is of sunagakure origin) = this clan gave the name= Kazekage.

  Fire tribe - Split it two - Uchiha & Senju (WHO WERE INITIALLY FROM THE SAME CLAN AS BROTHERS)

  Lastly, a non-original but equally important clan.

  Sealing tribe - Which taught sage how to seal jyuubi= Uzumaki clan.

  On comes World War 2!!!!

  No one knew but Madara was alive at that time and it was him actually who propelled that war by putting seeds of suspicion among people. During the chaos, he systematically killed members of all the 5 original clans.

  First, Mizumiya clan was wiped out in disguise as attack from someone else. Second, Tsuchigumo, then Raikura clan all wiped out.

  3 Main clans wiped out led to hashirama suspicions so he sent one of his child (Assume hashirama had 2 sons). Tsunade was born from elder hashirama son, and the younger son supposedly died in the Sand country. (WINK WINK - there is secret here)

  After that, soon after hashirama died of illness and then Namikaze clan was wiped out, and soon after uzumaki clan was also wiped out in the guise of an external enemy. leaving only FIRE TRIBE CLANS - Uchiha and Senju clans.

  However, Madara felt his death approaching meaning he would die without completing his ambition - so he used creation of things jutsu to "CREATE TOBI" - imbued him with rinnegan and hashirama cells.

  And so real Madara died...

  Tobi given life by Madara - was given the mission of Moon Eyes Plan. So, Tobi travelled to assemble Akatsuki, he came across young nagato-with red hair recognized him as an uzumaki survivor and thus, chose to gave him rinnegan- so he could see him mature and help Tobi.

  End of story narration by gatekeeper, back to the present time>>>>>>>>>>>

  Gatekeeper: the Sage mentioned only when all 5 original clans combine- can lead to rebirth of Sage's successor. But with every1 gone- all hope is lost and we cannot defeat Tobi anymore who has already gathered cells of the 5 original clans during the years which has afforded him near immortality. The only person who can defeat Tobi - is someone who carries the bloodline of the 5 original clans. My wish, of seeing a Rikudo Sage successor - might remain unfulfilled after all.

  Kakashi interrupts but there must be a way to defeat Tobi - the fate of the world rides on it. I believe we can ... naruto can do it.

  Gatekeeper: even if that kid naruto is a kyuubi jinchuruki - it is not something that any1 can learn the art of shimotsurrin.

  Raikage: Well, if not Uzumaki Naruto - there must be a way to learn the shimotsurrin art.

  Gatekeeper stumbles - Uzumaki- did you just say Uzumaki? How is this possible, don't joke around. There is no way this kid is Uzumaki.

  Tsunade: His name really is Uzumaki Naruto he was born from Kushina Uzumaki who was sent to Konoha before Uzumaki destruction.

  Gatekeeper: I see, wait. Let me check his blood background. He needles sleeping naruto to draw some blood and put it on a paper to find out about Naruto's bloodlines.

  As the blood on the paper form strange lines - gatekeeper looks on with horrified look. How is this possible, this is absolutely impossible ... is this fate. Destiny ... has slowly but surely taken its shape. Looks like time itself has prepared something to counter against Tobi.

  Tsunade: What do you mean?

  All Kages: listen with surprised look.

  Gatekeeper says:

  This kid Uzumaki Naruto carries the bloodline of Uzumaki clan from his mother, Namikaze from his father, and Senjuu clan from his Grandfather. In other words, Tsunade Naruto is your nephew - he is the grandson of your father's younger brother.

  Tsunade: That's impossible. He died during a mission.

  Gatekeeper: It looks like before he died, he passed on his blood.

  FlashBack: In the background, when hashirama's younger son reached Sand clan for protection - he fell in love with the daughter of chief of Namikage clan and thus, bore him a child that was Minato.

  Unknowingly to everyone, The Senju blood had met with the Namikaze blood which in turn met with Uzumaki blood in the next generation- in the form of Uzumaki Naruto.

  In other words, Naruto already carries the bloodline of 2 original clans (Namikaze and Senjuu) and 1 most important Sealing clan (Uzumaki clan).

  Although, it’s a long shot but Naruto might be able to stand against Tobi who possess all 5 original clan bloodlines.

  Now, the question is how will Naruto gather bloodlines of all 5 original clans.

  Firstly, He will receive Uchiha bloodline from Sasuke as sasuke would come to believe in Naruto as savior as his brother mentioned.

  The problem is Raikura, Tsuchigumo, and Mizumiya bloodlines – without these bloodlines it is impossible to master shimotssurin art which essentially is learning the art of nature.

  Kakashi enquires Raikage – maybe Raikage-same has a bloodline of Raikura clan.

  Raikage: I am not sure myself, but my father 3rd raikage never mentioned.

  Raikage draws his blood on the needle for testing – it’s negative. As expected Raikage doesn’t have Raikura blood.

  Killer Bee: standing beside them asks, maybe if they check his blood it might work. Raikage thinks to himself – it’s possible Bee might have it.