Read Natanz: The Final Notice Page 7

  Chapter 6

  Day 2: 0300Z: Dubai, UAE

  As the Boeing Business Jet touches down at the Dubai International Airport and taxis to the General Aviation ramp; the four UAE Air Force F-16E Block 60 “Desert Falcons” break off and depart to the Emirates Air Force airbase in Al Dhafra.

  The UAE fighters have escorted the Boeing Business Jet since it arrived in Kuwaiti airspace. They were placed on High Alert status as soon as the Union Defense Force found out about the hijacking. These jets and other UAE F-16E and Mirage 2000-9 fighter jets have been patrolling the airspace from Bahrain to the Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Central Command in Baghdad called the Chief of Staff of the Union Defense Force in Abu Dhabi to tell him about the hijacking of the BBJ.

  The crew is met by the United States Ambassador to the UAE, the Chief of Staff of the Union Defense Force, United States Air Force General Benson and representatives of the charter company. They are accompanied by a platoon of very well equipped UAE Army soldiers. The officials are anxious to question the flight crew about their experience. The company representative directs the crew to follow them into the company’s fixed base operations conference room.

  “Captain Pierce, where did you land in Iran? What happened to the Israelis? Why did the Iranians let you go?” The questions were coming too fast for Captain Pierce. The crew is feeling the effects of stress from the ordeal and fatigue from being awake for over 24 hours. They are offered a cup of coffee and a tray of Arabic sweets.

  The officials needed answers, now, no matter how tired the crew is. They need to know what happened before the Israelis take the matter into their own hands. Captain Pierce, Chris and Carol are separated from each other and questioned individually to see if their stories’ match. Washington and the UAE were trying to reconstruct the events that occurred over the Saudi Arabian desert.

  “We were in Saudi airspace, talking to Riyadh Control when an Iranian F-14 fighter intercepted us and forced us into Iran. We landed at a military air field about ten minutes inside of Iranian airspace. We were taken to a remote area of the airport where we could not identify any airport signs. We were held there until the Israelis were loaded onto a C-130 transport and then we were ordered to leave. The control tower did not speak to us at all. We were given instructions by the Iranian aircraft that intercepted us. We were then told by an Iranian military officer to leave,” Captain Pierce explains. “The Iranian officer knew that we had twenty-four passengers on board.”

  The US Ambassador to the UAE walks into the room where Chris is and asks, “Where were the Israelis taken?”

  “I don’t know,” replies Chris. “The soldiers spoke only to the Captain. We did not even know where we were or how to program the FMS (flight management computer). We just took off as fast as we could and flew south towards Bahrain. We called the Kuwaiti air traffic controllers once we were airborne. We just hoped that the Iranians would not change their minds.”

  The US Ambassador steps out of the room to make a very important phone call. “Mr. President, the flight crew does not know where they landed or where the Iranians took the Israelis. The Israelis were loaded onto a waiting Iranian C-130 and departed before the company’s flight crew and their aircraft were released.”

  “I understand and will talk to the Israeli Prime Minister. I hope that I can convince him to wait till we hear from the Iranians. Thank you for your help,” says President Fenner and then hangs up the phone.

  President Fenner says to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Luther, order your carrier battle group back to the Gulf of Oman and speak to the UAE Military Chief of Staff. Also, speak with the Saudi Arabian Military Chief of Staff. We are going to need the UAE Military’s help and the Saudis’ help to keep this situation from escalating into a war.”

  The President turns to the Secretary of State, Phillip Turner, and asks him to stay behind as the others leave the Oval Office. “Phil, we need to know what the Iranians are going to do with these hostages. What is your guess?”

  The Secretary of State looks at the President and says, “Mr. President, I believe that the Iranians are using these hostages as human shields to protect their nuclear facilities. They are getting very close to being able to enrich their uranium to weapons grade and do not want the United States and Israel to destroy the work that they have accomplished. They have acquired the new IR-4 and IR-2M centrifuges that will allow them to process the highly enriched uranium (HEU) faster to the 90% grade required for nuclear weapons. If they get enough material enriched, the Iranians know that we cannot destroy their facilities without creating a nuclear disaster. We have got to get the Israelis out of there before they can reach that point and then the world would not condemn us or the Israelis for destroying their nuclear facilities.”

  President Fenner turns to his Chief of Staff and says,” Robert, call all of the Cabinet members, immediately, and schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning at 11:00. Thank you, Phil; I will see you at the meeting. We need a plan as soon as possible to rescue these Israeli engineers and destroy those facilities.”

  As the Secretary of State and his Chief of Staff leave the Oval Office, President Fenner picks up the phone to call the Prime Minister of Israel.“Mr. Prime Minister, I just spoke to our Ambassador in the UAE. He has interviewed the flight crew of the Boeing jet that was hijacked. The crew believes that they landed at a military airfield in Iran but do not know the name of the base. They were ordered to leave after the Iranians took your men into custody. The Iranians loaded the engineers into a C-130 transport and departed that base. We do not know where they have taken them. I am asking that you wait with us to find out what the Iranians want. Please do not do anything that will jeopardize the lives of your men and possibly others. We just need to wait and find out where they are,” emphasizes the President.

  “I understand President Fenner, but you must understand the pressure that I am receiving from the people of Israel. They want action and want it now! I will do as you ask for a time but the Israeli military is ready to go get them. Please keep us informed,” replies the Israeli Prime Minister.

  “I will Mr. Prime Minister, I will,” assures the President.

  The Prime Minister hangs up the phone and turns to the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Gadi and says, “Get your men ready for a rescue assault. You know where our men have been taken.”

  Mr. Efraim Amat, Director of HaMossad leModi’in ule Tafkidim Meyuchadim (Mossad) agrees, “They will probably be held at the nuclear facility at Natanz or possibly at the Fordo operation north of Qom. Most likely, the engineers are being held at Natanz since the enrichment operations at the Fordo facilities have been moved inside of the adjacent mountain. The Iranians believe that the Natanz operations are more vulnerable to our aerial attack. The Iranians will probably keep the engineers there.”

  “We will need plans and contingencies developed as soon as possible,” orders Prime Minister Yadin.

  Defense Minister Gadi replies, “Yes sir, I already have someone in mind. I will send our very best!”