Read Natanz: The Final Notice Page 9

  Chapter 8

  1000Z: Tel Aviv: Israel

  “Colonel, the council is ready for your briefing,” advises Ehud Gadi, the Israeli Defense Minister. Lt. Colonel Benjamin Raymond is a veteran commander in the Israeli Defense Force’s Sayeret Maglan Unit of the Israeli Special Forces. This unit specializes in operating behind enemy lines. He has assembled his most experienced officers to give an overview of their plans to rescue the engineers.

  Lt. Colonel Raymond is forty-five years old, tall, close cropped hair, tanned skin and a short beard. He stands five feet and ten inches tall and is physically fit. He was a paratrooper in the Israeli Defense Force for four years before joining the IDF Special Forces. He joined the IDF as a young officer right after college. He is dressed in the olive green IDF uniform with Ibis bird jump wings and red beret.

  Lt. Colonel Raymond was a young Captain in the Sayeret Maglan during the first Gulf War in1991. His first HALO (high altitude low opening) parachute jump was over Iraqi territory to search for scud missile sites. He has done many HALO jumps since. He leads his unit from the front and inspires them to the high standards that he expects from himself. He also speaks fluent Farsi.

  As the Prime Minister takes his seat at the head of the conference table, he is joined by Israeli Defense Minister: Gadi, the Director of the Mossad: Mr. Amat and General Daniel Abramson, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force. Colonel Raymond stands up to address the council.

  “Mr. Prime Minister, we believe that our engineers are being held at the Natanz nuclear facility. We must act quickly before the Iranians move them to the other nuclear facilities. I would like to propose that we insert a Special Forces commando group into the compound and rescue our men. Once our men are rescued, the world will not condemn us for destroying the Iranian nuclear processing plants. But, we will need the help of the Americans,” explains Colonel Raymond. His officers show maps and photographs of the Natanz facility that were obtained from the American and Israeli intelligence agencies.

  “This proposed plan needs assets and personnel that only the Americans have and can provide from their bases inside Iraq and Turkey,” explains Colonel Raymond. He continues with his briefing.

  The Israeli plan to destroy the nuclear facilities in Iran will depend on the help from the Americans and their Persian Gulf allies in the region.

  “Colonel, your plan is sound but I only want you to take six men with you and these men must be volunteers. This is a very dangerous mission that will require flexibility and improvisation. The less people on the ground, the less chance for confusion,” orders General Abramson.

  Prime Minister Yadin listens and at the end of the presentation, he commands the Defense Minister and General Abramson to make it happen as soon as possible. He turns to Colonel Raymond and his aides, nods and says, “Colonel, bring our men home.”

  1500Z: Washington, DC

  On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, President Fenner is listening to his national security advisors brief him about the status of the Israeli engineers. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency has received reports from their contacts within the PMOI/MKO of the whereabouts of the engineers.

  “Our agents have been working with the PMOI/MKO operatives in Iran. The PMOI workers at the Natanz nuclear facility have provided valuable intelligence about the progress of the construction that is taking place there. Their workers have observed about twenty-four bound men that were brought in by helicopter and taken inside the underground tunnel. They have not been seen since,” explains the Director.

  President Fenner turns to the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, “General, has your staff developed any contingencies? We need to be ready when the Israelis decide to attack.”

  “Yes Sir, Admiral Mark Winston’s elements of the Fifth Fleet are in the Indian Ocean conducting naval maneuvers. The Admiral is sending his Carrier Strike Group One under the command of Vice Admiral Nelson Pickett to the Gulf of Oman. He has been watching the Iranian Naval Fleet out in the Gulf of Oman. The Admiral will have the Carrier Strike Group stand by until he receives further orders. General Taylor has one E-3C AWACS aircraft stationed at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. He is sending it to Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. He has ordered Langley’s 28th Fighter Squadron of F-22A Raptors to get ready to deploy to RAF Mildenhall. The squadron is awaiting further instructions. I would like to suggest that we send the YAL-1A, B747-400 Airborne Laser (ABL) weapon aircraft from Kirkland Air Force base to Bahrain in case the Iranians launch tactical ballistic missile attacks against Israel or any of the other Persian Gulf nations, as they have threatened. We already have one of our E-3C AWACS in the Sultanate of Oman. It has been tracking and monitoring the Iranian Navy since they entered the Gulf of Oman. The Iranians may try to attack Admiral Pickett’s Carrier Group. The Iranians have the improved version of the “Ghader” anti-ship cruise missiles. The Iranian Navy has said many times that they will use the missiles and naval mines to close the Straits of Hormuz. In addition, General Williamson has alerted his Special Operations Command’s Delta Force “B” Squadron to get ready to deploy in case we decide to conduct the rescue of the hostages,” advises General Franklin.

  “Good work, General. I agree with your suggestions and give you my full support to your plans. Also, have Admiral Rogers move the USS Carl Vinson from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean. Just in case Admiral Winston needs more firepower. If the Israelis decide to attack, we will have to be ready to respond to keep the shipping lanes safe. If the Iranians decide to attack the tankers in the shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf, Admiral Winston will need an additional aircraft carrier. Contact the Chief of Staff of the Union Defense Force in the UAE and ask for their help. We will need the UAE Air Force to attack some of the Iranian Navy’s bases and help defend the oil fields in the Gulf. Their Navy can help us with their minesweeping ships and submarine detection helicopters to keep the Straits of Hormuz open,” says the President.

  “The Israelis are asking for twelve more GBU-28 C/B Bunker Busters in addition to the ones that we have already delivered to them. I would advise that we give it to them and sell some more to the UAE. If this thing escalates, it would be better to have those weapons there and in position. I do not believe that anyone would object to the destruction of the Iranian facilities, now. I believe that we will have the full support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), now,” advises the Secretary of State.

  The President looks to the Secretary of State and says, “You are probably right, Philip. Let me think about that one. In the meantime, contact the Ambassador from the UAE and request an audience to discuss what we believe is going to happen. We will need his support and cooperation. We need to move quickly. I will see you in the Cabinet room at 11:00.”

  “Yes sir, I will arrange a meeting as soon as possible,” replies Secretary of State Turner.

  As the President walks out of the conference room, he turns to his Chief of Staff, “Robert, get me Prime Minister Yadin on the phone. I have to speak with him before I brief the Cabinet.”

  Back in the Oval Office, President Fenner is speaking to the Israeli Prime Minister, “Mr. Prime Minister, we have received information that your engineers are being held at the Natanz nuclear facility near Isfahan, Iran. Our intelligence agencies confirm that they are being held in the underground facility.”

  The Prime Minister has already received this information from the Mossad agents that are operating deep inside of Iran but he does not reveal this fact. Yet, he is grateful for the President’s support.

  “Mr. President, thank you for that information. We are prepared to rescue our men but require some assistance from you. I am sending Lt. Colonel Raymond from the Israeli Defense Force, Sayeret Maglan Unit, to brief you about our plans. He will be on a flight to Washington tonight,” says the Prime Minister.

  “Mr. Prime Minister, you will have my full support. I will have the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Franklin prepare for Colonel Raymond’s brie
fing,” assures the President.

  “Thank you Mr. President,” says the Prime Minister.

  President Fenner turns to his Chief of Staff and says, “Robert call General Franklin. Ask him to arrange a meeting tomorrow morning for Lt. Colonel Raymond, of the IDF Special Operations Division. Tell him to have the other Joint Chiefs and Vice Admiral Henry Delker, commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, to attend the meeting. Ask him to give Colonel Raymond and his men their full cooperation and to keep me informed on what the Israelis have in mind.”