Read Naughty, Dirty, Cocky Page 7

  She blushed and looked down at her phone.

  Fifteen minutes passed and she didn’t look up again. She simply refreshed her phone’s screen again and again.

  I looked at my watch. The movie was due to start in ten minutes and her date was a no-show.

  Her phone suddenly buzzed in her lap and she smiled, tapping the screen. She held it up to her face, her smile fading by the second.

  She typed a few words, and then she looked at me. “He said something came up so.... Okay. You can go ahead and make me feel like shit now. I’ve missed it at work, so now you can apply it to my personal life, I guess.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know, tell me how dumb I was to invite a guy who previously stood me up twice, instead of letting him ask me out. And then you can say how dumb I was for wasting my time getting all dressed up, trying my best to make you jealous—”

  I cut her off with a kiss, softly biting her bottom lip until she moaned. Until she stopped attempting to talk and gave in. “Let’s go.”



  Manhattan, New York

  I sat still in the passenger seat of Michael’s Jaguar as he drove, still in shock that he’d demanded to spend the rest of the night with me. He’d asked my driver to take us back to the restaurant to retrieve his car, to ensure we had complete privacy for the rest of the night.

  I wasn’t sure why, but when he looked over at me at a stoplight, I couldn’t help but think that a part of this felt right. That when he wasn’t being my boss—even for a split second, he was more than likeable.

  “It’ll be pretty hard to get a reservation at this hour in New York City,” I said, finally breaking the silence.

  “We don’t need a reservation for where we’re going.”

  “I’ll take your word for it, but for the record, I need to apologize in advance.”

  “For what?”

  “Because you’re just assuming I’ll like where we’re going instead of being a gentleman and asking me,” I said. “I’m a very picky eater and I’m allergic to a lot of things.”

  “I’m aware.” He turned right at the light. “You don’t like seafood; you only eat chicken if it’s prepared a certain type of way; you’re lactose intolerant, yet you still eat certain types of cheese, and if you would like, I can break down an entire list of random shit that seems to make you sick for some reason.” He looked over at me. “Would you like me to?”

  I shook my head, stunned.

  “Good,” he said. “I didn’t ask because I don’t have to, because contrary to what you may think of me, I do pay attention to you. Are you going to give me a chance to be nice or are you going to spend the night acting like we’re at the office?”

  “I’ll give you a chance....”

  “Good.” He placed his hand on my exposed thigh. “Because I’ve been trying very hard not to fuck you since you showed up at dinner tonight, so the second you want me to stop trying, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  I blushed and leaned back in the seat, staying quiet for the rest of the ride as he steered through the snow-lined streets.

  Thirty minutes later, he pulled into the turnaround of a high rise tower. Valet approached his car and he walked over to my side to open the door for me.

  He pressed his hand against the small of my back, and as the doorman opened the door for us, he looked down at me and whispered. “Did you really wear that dress to make me jealous?”

  “Depends. Did it work?”

  “Very much so.” He led me up a short flight of steps and onto a glass elevator that faced the bright and glittering lights of Manhattan.

  We rode it all the way to the top level, and the second the doors gave way, a waiter greeted us and gestured for us to follow him into a private room.

  A hearth blazed warmly in the corner, and there was only one table in the center that faced the floor to ceiling windows.

  The waiter smiled and took our wine orders before disappearing.

  “Is this place normally set up for private dinners?” I asked.

  “Not at all.” He looked at me. “But I don’t think either of us would like to be spotted together right now, considering our relationship.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want people thinking I slept with the ‘Naughty Boss’ or Tabloid CEO to get my job.”

  “Me either.” He looked amused. “When are you really coming back to work?”

  “You mean, when do you really get to fuck me again?”

  “No, I’m going to fuck you tonight,” he said. “I truly mean, when are you coming back to work?”

  “Once you admit that you need me a lot more than you think you do, and once you apologize for being so rude to me over the past year that I’ve worked for you.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Well, amazing sex aside, I have three more weeks of sick leave and some very generous vacation days I can make use of. As a matter of fact—”

  “I need you and I’m sorry.” His words came out in a rush. “And I really do need you to come back to help me, until you “quit” that is....”

  I knew he wanted me to say that I wasn’t quitting, that I would at least consider staying, but one nice date and hot office sex or not, I was leaving Leighton Publishing the second I received a job offer worthy enough.

  Thankfully, the waiter returned before I could get a word out, and the two of us ordered the exact same thing. A simple Swiss chicken pasta.

  To my surprise, Michael steered our dinner conversation away from work and sex. For hours, we talked about all the things we had in common, which, for some reason, was a lot more than I thought.

  And even though he was behaving like a complete gentleman, every time our eyes met, it was clear he was seconds away from suggesting that I let him fuck me on the spot.

  At three o’clock in the morning, the waiter told us he couldn’t keep the space open a second longer, so Michael helped me into my coat and we ventured out into the city. He held me against his side as snow fell over us, and we walked all the way down to the skating rink at Rockefeller Plaza.

  I gripped the railing and for several minutes we watched couples and families attempt to keep their balance on the ice.

  “Can I ask you something personal?” I looked up at Michael.


  “Were any of those stories in the tabloids from last year true?”

  “Some of them.”

  “Oh.” I frowned. “Really?”

  “What are you really asking me, Mya?”

  “Is there any reason why you haven’t been featured in one for a very long time?”

  “Yes ... It’s because I haven’t done any of the things I used to do for a very long time.” He trailed his finger against my lips. “I promised my advisor I would tone down my ‘activities’ for the sake of the company going public in the future.” He paused. “I also happened to accidentally hire a very compelling and sexy distraction working on the floor right below me.”

  “In other words, you slept with your usual groupies in private.”

  “I tried to.” He admitted. “But I was honestly too damn attracted to someone else to waste my time on other people.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I blushed. “There’s no way you haven’t slept with anyone else since I started working for you.”

  “You should, and I haven’t.” He ran his fingers through my hair. “I have no reason to lie to you. I even tried getting rid of you when you first started since you were such a distraction, but that clearly didn’t work out.”

  “You were purposely being mean to me in the beginning, to get me to quit?”

  He smiled, silently confirming it.

  “That is so ...” I couldn’t believe he could look so genuine while saying that. “That is so fucked up.”

  “It was.”

  “No, is.” I looked into his eyes. “You still act as if you’re trying to get me to quit.”

; “Sign the extension and I’ll be a lot nicer.”

  “How about treat me better first and I’ll consider thinking about it?”

  “How about both?” He gently pushed me against the railing. “I haven’t truly been ‘mean’ to you in the past six months. Demanding? Yes. Slightly unreasonable with the scheduling time and getting upset about you refusing to sign my contract? Maybe.”


  “Fine,” he said. “But I haven’t been ‘mean’ to you.”

  “You’ve just done your best to keep me out of your sight and far away from you, because you were thinking about having me as much as I was thinking about having you?”

  “Exactly.” A smile spread across his face. “I was only protecting myself.”

  I burst into laughter, feeling his lips against mine within seconds, feeling his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close.

  “Can I take you home and fuck you now?” he whispered against my mouth. “Or do we need to do something else to make you see that I really do like you?”

  “We can ...” I blushed at his last five words. “We can do the first thing you said.”


  Michael unlocked the door to his lavish penthouse condo, ushering me into his bedroom that overlooked the city. The second he closed the door behind us, his lips were on mine and his arms were around my waist.

  “I can’t stay with you long tonight,” I whispered. “I have to leave within an hour.”

  “An hour?” He unzipped the side of my dress. “What makes you think I’ll be done with you in an hour?”

  “Nothing, but my boss is highly obsessed with me being on time for work, and it’s already five o’clock in the morning. If I’m more than a minute late, he’ll send me an email and act like it’s the end of the world.”

  He let out a low laugh and tore off my panties. “I think he’ll be more than willing to make an exception in this case.”

  I moved my hand down to his pants, pulling his zipper. “I’m not so sure about that. He can be quite the asshole sometimes.”

  “Is that so?” His pants hit the floor and he kissed me harder, trapping my bottom lip between his teeth. He pushed my dress down off my shoulders, and then he pushed me back onto the bed.

  “That’s very so.” I smiled as he climbed in bed next to me, as he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. “I’d be very surprised if he was late to work today at all.”

  “He will be.” He grabbed my hands and rolled me on top of him. He put on a condom and slowly positioned me over his hardened cock—silently commanding me to lower myself onto it.

  I took my time, filling myself with him inch by inch, and when he was completely inside of me, I entwined my hands with his and rocked against him.

  “Fuck ...” He breathed as I tried to speed up my rhythm, as he gripped my hips and forced me to slow down.

  Freeing his right hand from mine, he pulled my head closer and covered my mouth with his—kissing me until I was nearly breathless.

  He pressed his fingers deeper into my skin, controlling the movement of my hips. He whispered my name against my lips, and my muscles tensed as I felt his cock throbbing inside of me.

  “Fuck, Mya ...” He held onto me tightly as he came, and I felt familiar waves of pleasure rolling through me at the same time.

  Panting uncontrollably, my entire body went limp and I collapsed against his chest.

  I shut my eyes, expecting him to let me catch my breath, but he quickly moved me off of him and flipped me onto my stomach.

  Confused, but too tired to ask what he was doing, I kept my eyes shut and groaned. The next thing I felt was his mouth against my back, leaving feather-light kisses in a soft trail all the way down my spine. All the way down to my cheeks.

  Both of them.

  “There,” he said, slapping my ass and flipping me over. “Now you can officially say I’ve kissed your ass.”

  We both burst into uncontrollable laughter, and he positioned a pillow under my head.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Do you need anything?”

  “Water ... And a grand tour of your apartment later.”

  “Okay. We can definitely do that.” He kissed my forehead and walked away.

  I winced as I tried to stretch my legs and managed to roll over on my side. I looked around the room for my purse, spotting my cell phone flashing the tell-tale blue light of a new email from its pocket. Thinking it was Amy with an emergency, I pulled the sheets over myself and got out of bed.

  Subject: What I Need Today.

  You in my office for a meeting at ten.

  Michael Leighton,

  CEO, Leighton Publishing

  What the!

  I turned around immediately, finding myself face to face with Michael. “You seriously expect me to be able to get to work and hold a ten o’clock meeting with you today?”

  “Yes.” He pulled me toward the bed. “I have some former fantasies of my own I’d like us to fulfill in my office....”



  Subject: Non-Assholery Report #15 (Get Used to This New Gmail Account)

  He bought me flowers today. Fresh white lilies from my favorite florist. (A florist I don’t recall ever telling him about...)

  But then he asked me to sign that extension again.

  Maybe he’s not that bad after all? Or is this just the sex talking?

  Your bestie,


  Subject: Re: Non-Assholery Report #15 (Get Used to This New Gmail Account)

  It’s. Just. The. Sex. Talking.


  (But I will admit that him sending you flowers and getting your coffee every morning is a nice and necessary change ... It’s still the sex talking though. :) )

  Your bestie,


  Subject: Apple Just Turned Me Down...

  Apple just called me and said they will not be able to offer me employment based on “extensive conversations with my reference.” Do you think Brad said something negative about me? :(

  PS—Google just called me and said the same thing...

  Your bestie,


  Subject: Re: Apple Just Turned Me Down...

  I’m so sorry, Mya. I’m sure this only means that you’re going to land a job at one of the other companies and it’ll be a much better fit for you.

  I highly doubt Brad said anything negative about you though. He’s loved you since your first interview and practically thinks you’re the reason Mr. Leighton has become a better executive. Why don’t you ask him what he said?

  Your bestie,


  PS—Well, we won’t use Google anymore! I’m switching to Bing at this very moment!

  Subject: Re: Re: Apple Just Turned Me Down...

  I called Brad on my lunch break. He said he had nothing but high praises for me when Apple and Google called. Then he said Michael was the last person who spoke with all the companies.

  I can’t believe he would try to sabotage me behind my back...,

  Especially now that we’re sleeping together. :(

  Your bestie,




  Manhattan, New York

  I rocked my hips against Michael’s face one morning, moaning as he slid his tongue against my clit again and again. His hands were gripping my thighs, steadying me as I began to shake.

  “Oh goddddd, oh godddd...” I cried out, holding on to the wall behind him as I came on his lips.

  Shutting my eyes, I felt my legs go slack, felt him moving me onto his lap. When I finally stopped shaking, he picked me up and carried me over to his office sofa. I felt him wiping between my legs with a warm cloth, and then he stepped away into his private bathroom.

  He returned seconds later and sat next to me, running his fingers through my hair.

  “I hope you enjoyed that,” I said softly, pushing his hand away. “I’m pretty sure that’s th
e last time I’ll let you fuck me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Were you sabotaging my career behind my back in hopes that I’d eventually sign your extension contract? Did you honestly think you could somehow use the fact that we’ve had sex, or the fact that I like you, to prevent me from going to another company?”

  He raised his eyebrow, having the audacity to look confused.

  “Apple called me yesterday and said they moved on with another candidate because my boss, i.e. you, wasn’t able to give me a stellar enough recommendation for their company.” I stood up, preventing him from pulling me close. “Google said the very same thing. And just this morning, I received two voicemails from Amazon and Microsoft, three from other companies, and I’m sure when I go downstairs to listen to them, they’ll tell me the same thing.”


  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry I ever thought that there was even a slight chance that the two of us could work out when I left your company, and I’m sorry I ever thought you were anything more than a pompous, selfish, asshole because you clearly still are.”

  “Sexy as hell or not?”

  “Yes. Sexy as hell or—” I stopped myself. “That’s not the point of what I’m trying to say. I put in my notice with Human Resources before I came up here, so I highly suggest you accept it, and I highly suggest you give me one hell of a ‘goodbye’ package because you will not be seeing me again.”

  “Are you finished talking yet?”

  “Yes.” I rushed toward the door, but he caught me from behind and spun me around.

  “I would never sabotage you, Mya.” He wiped away one of my stray tears with his fingertips. “Of course, deep down I did want you to stay, but I had nothing but nice things to say about you. I even said they’d be foolish not to hire you, but—”

  “But?” I glared at him. “But what?”

  “But if they thought the low-ass salaries they were offering were good enough for you, they needed to increase them exponentially or move along to someone else. I thought you deserved more.”