Read Nedra Page 10



  The _Tempest Queen_ carried a merry cargo. The young officers, theAmericans and rich pleasure seekers from other lands--young andold--made up a happy company. Of all on board, but one was despised andloathed by his fellow-travellers--Lord Huntingford. Not so much for hismanner toward them as for his harsh, bitter attitude toward hisyoung wife.

  He reprimanded and criticised her openly, very much as he would havespoken to a child, and always undeservedly. She endured patiently, toall appearances, and her cloud of humiliation was swept away by theknowledge that her new friends saw the injustice of his attacks. She didnot pose before them as a martyr; but they could see the subdued andangry pride and the checked rebellion, for the mask of submission wasthin, even though it was dutiful.

  The two young women, unlike as two women could be, became fast friends.The Englishwoman was refinement, sweetness, even royalty itself; theAmerican, proud, equally refined, aggressive and possessed of a wit,shrewdness and spontaneity of humor that often amazed the less subtle ofthe two. Tinges of jealousy sometimes shot into Grace's heart when shesaw Hugh talking to the new friend, but they disappeared with therecollection of her Ladyship's pure, gentle nobility of character. It isseen rarely by one woman in another.

  And Veath? The stalwart, fresh-hearted, lean-faced Indianian was happierthan he had dreamed he could be when he drearily went aboard a ship atNew York with the shadow of exile upon him. He had won the friendship ofall. The brain of the Westerner was as big as his heart, and it had beenfilled with the things which make men valuable to the world. Men calledhim the "real American," and women conveyed a world of meaning in thesimple, earnest expression--"I like Mr. Veath."

  Veath was now unmistakably in love with Grace Vernon. The fact was bornein upon him more and more positively as the sunny days and beautifulnights drew them nearer to the journey's end. Occasionally he lapsedinto strange fits of dejection. These came when he stopped to ponderover certain prospects, hopes and the stores of life. At times he cursedthe fate which had cast him into the world, big and strong, yetapparently helpless. It had not been his ambition to begin life in thecapacity which now presented itself. His hopes had been limitless.Poverty had made his mind a treasure; but poverty had also kept itburied. He saw before him the long fight for opportunity, position,honor; but he was not the sort to quail. The victory would be gloriouswhen he thought what it might bring to him from Grace Ridge--she whowas going to be a missionary. A long, hard fight, indeed, from revenueofficer to minister plenipotentiary, but it was ambition's war.

  And Hugh? As the days went by, his jealousy of Veath became almostintolerable. He dared not speak to Grace about it, for something toldhim she was not to be censured. Even in his blind rage he rememberedthat she was good and true, and was daring all for his sake. In calmermoments he could not blame Veath, who believed the young lady to besister, and not sweetheart.

  In view of his misery, Mr. Ridgeway was growing thin, morose, andsubject to long fits of despondency which Grace alone could comprehend.Both were dissatisfied with the trip. That they could not be togetherconstantly, as they had expected, caused them hours of misery. They werepraying for the twenty-third of May to come, praying with all theirhearts. Beside whom did Hugh walk during the deck strolls and at PortSaid? With his sister? No, indeed; that would have been unnatural. Whowas Grace's natural companion? Henry Veath or any one of a dozenattractive young officers. How could it have been otherwise?

  She was popular and in constant demand. There were not many young womenaboard and certainly but two or three attractive ones. From morning tillfar in the night she was besieged by men--always men. They ignored Hughwith all the indifference that falls to the lot of a brother. Time aftertime they actually pounced upon the couple and dragged her away withoutso much as "By your leave." They danced with her, sang with her, walkedwith her and openly tried to make love to her, all before the blazingeyes of one Hugh Ridgeway. On more than one occasion he had gone withouthis dinner because some presumptuous officer unceremoniously usurped hisseat at table, grinning amiably when Hugh appeared.

  The sweet, dear little moments of privacy that Hugh and Grace obtained,however, were morsels of joy which were now becoming more precious thanthe fondest dreams of the wedded state to come. They coveted thesemoments with a greediness that was almost sinful.

  On many nights Grace would whisper to Hugh at the dinner table and wouldcreep quietly on deck, meal half finished, where he would join her likea thief. Then they would hide from interruption as long as possible.

  One night they enjoyed themselves more unrestrainedly than ever beforein their lives. They were walking self-consciously and almost guiltilynear the forward end of the deck-house when they saw Veath approachingfar behind. Their speed accelerated, and for half an hour they walkedlike pedestrians in a racing match, always keeping some distance aheadof poor Veath, who finally, like the sly fox, sat down and waited forthem to hurry around and come upon him unexpectedly. He, of course,never knew that they were trying to avoid him, nor could he imagine whybrother and sister were so flushed, happy and excited when he at lasthad the pleasure of joining them in their walk. And, strange to say,although they had been wildly happy in this little love chase, they feltthat they had mistreated a very good fellow and were saying as much toeach other when they almost bumped into him.

  Womanly perception told Grace that Veath's regard for her was beginningto assume a form quite beyond that of ordinary friendship. Sheintuitively felt that he was beginning to love her. Perhaps he wasalready in love, and was releasing those helpless little signs which awoman understands, and which a man thinks he conceals impenetrably. The_Queen_ was leaving Port Said and she was leaning on the rail beside thebig Indianian.

  "Why are you going out to be a missionary?" he suddenly asked. Then heflushed painfully, remembering when too late that he had sworn to Hughthat he would not speak to her of the matter. "I beg your pardon," hehurried on; "I promised--that is, I should not have asked you thatquestion. I forgot, hang my stupidity."

  "Mr. Veath, I am not going out to be a missionary. Nothing was everfarther from my mind," she said, rather excitedly.

  "Not going to be a--why, Hugh said you were. There I go, giving him awayagain."

  "Hugh was jesting. I a missionary! How could you have believed him?"

  "Are you in earnest?" he cried.

  "Of course I am in earnest," she said, trying to look straight in thosebright eyes, but failing dismally. Something in his glance dazzled her.It was then that she knew the truth as well as if his mind were anopen book.

  "Why are you going to the Philippines?" he persisted.

  She gave him a quick, frightened glance and as hastily looked away. Thered of confusion rushed to her cheeks, her brow, her neck. What answercould she give?

  "We are--are just taking the trip for pleasure," she stammered. "Hughand I took a sudden notion to go to Manila and--and--well, we are going,that's all."

  "You don't mean to say you are making this as a pleasure trip?" heasked, staring at her with a different light in his eyes.

  "A mere whim, you know," she hurried on. "Look at those Arabs overthere."

  "But a pleasure trip of this kind must be awfully expensive, isn't it?"he insisted.

  She hesitated for an instant and then said boldly: "You see, Mr. Veath,Hugh and I are very rich. It may not sound well for me to say it, but wehave much more money than we know how to spend. The cost of this voyageis a mere trifle. Please do not think that I am boasting. It is themiserable truth." His face was very pale when she dared to look up at itagain, and his gaze was far off at sea.

  "And so you are very rich," he mused aloud. "I thought you were quitepoor, because missionaries are seldom overburdened with riches,according to tradition, or the gospel, or something like that. This is apleasure trip!" The bitterness of his tone could not be hidden.

  "I am sorry if you have had an idol shattered," she said.

  "Something has
been shattered," he said, smiling. "I don't know verymuch about idols," he added. "How long do you expect to remainin Manila?"

  "But a very short time," she said simply.

  "And I shall have to stay there for years, I suppose," he returnedslowly. His eyes came to hers for a second and then went back to thestretch of water like a flash. That brief glance troubled her greatly.Her heart trembled with pity for the man beside her, even thoughspeculation wrought the emotion.

  In her stateroom that night she lay, dry-eyed and wakeful, her inwardcry being: "It is a crime to have wounded this innocent man. Why must hebe made to suffer?"

  She could not tell Hugh of her discovery, for she knew that he would beunreasonable, perhaps do or say something which would make the woundmore painful. During the days that followed Veath was as pleasant, asgenial, as gallant as before; none but Grace observed the faint changein his manner. She was sure she could distinguish a change, yet attimes, when he was gayest, she thrilled with the hope that her beliefwas the outgrowth of a conceit which she was beginning for the firsttime to know she possessed. Then came the belief again and the beliefwas stronger than the doubt. She could not be mistaken.

  In the meantime an unexpected complication forced itself upon HughRidgeway. Perforce he had been thrown more or less constantly into thesociety of that charming creature, Lady Huntingford. Not that the youngrakes in uniform were content to pass her by, but because she plainlypreferred the young American. It had not occurred to Mr. Ridgeway thathis Lordship might be expected, with reasonable propriety, to unmask ajealous streak in addition to other disagreeable traits. The Britishsubalterns probably knew the temper of the old diplomat's mind, which,in a degree, explains their readiness to forgo the pleasure of a mildflirtation with her Ladyship. Hugh, feeling like a despised pariah,naturally turned to her in his banishment. She was his friend, his onebeacon of light in the dark sea of unhappiness.

  Others noticed it; but Hugh was blind to the scowl which never left theface of Lord Huntingford in these days. The old nobleman knew full wellthat his wife loathed and detested him--just as the whole ship knew it;his pride rankled and writhed with the fear that she was finding morethan friendship to enjoy in her daily intercourse with the good-lookingMr. Ridge. Gradually it became noticeable that he was watching her everyact with spiteful eyes, and more than one observer winked softly at hisneighbor, and shook his head with a meaning unmistakable.

  The clash came one night in the Red Sea, just before the ship reachedAden. Hugh, reviling himself and the whole world, had been compelled tostand by and see Lieutenant Gilmore, a dashing Irishman, drag theunwilling Miss Ridge off for a waltz. Her protestations had been of noavail; Gilmore was abominable enough to say that she had no right tostow herself away with a stupid old brother when there were so many"real nice chaps on board." And this in Hugh's presence, too! And hecould not resent it! Alone and miserable the pariah sent his unspoken,bitter lamentation to the stars as he stood in savage loneliness faraft, listening to the strains of waltz music.

  "'Pon my soul! Of all the assinine idiots, bar none, the enlightenedinspirer of this glorious voyage certainly ranks supreme! And I didn'thave brains enough to foresee that this would surely happen! Brains?Faugh! Chump!"

  Hugh might have apostrophized himself in this fashion until dawn had nota harsh, rasping voice from out of the semi-darkness broken in on hisdoleful revery.

  "Pardon me, sir, do you play cribbage?"

  Hugh turned half about and faced the speaker. He could hardly believehis ears, his eyes. Was it possible that the haughty Lord Huntingfordhad fixed upon him as the next lamb to be fleeced? Ugly storiesconcerning the government emissary's continuous winnings, disastrouslosses of the young subalterns inveigled into gambling through fear ofhis official displeasure, were not unknown to Hugh. A civil declinationwas on his lips; but keenly searching the shrivelled face leering intohis own, Hugh saw written there something that compelled consideration,challenged a refusal. Promptly and in affirmative speech he reversed hisintention.

  Slowly the left hand of Lord Huntingford produced from behind his backan exquisitely carved ebony cribbage-board; and assuming the position ofhost, indicated with exaggerated courtesy and a wave of his free handthe way to the smoking-room.

  Hugh, following him along the deck, was hastily reviewing the voyage;and failing to recall any previous occasion wherein the nobleman hadaddressed him his sense of perplexity increased. Was there some hiddenpurpose, some crafty machination lurking behind the elaborated mannerwith which the invitation was delivered? On the other hand, perhaps, hisimagination was playing him a trick, and this selection of an adversarywas merely accidental.

  And yet, had he but known, it was his own absorbing jealousy of Veaththat precluded the recognition of a like sentiment directed against him,even surpassing in intensity its owner's lust for gain at play.

  The smoking-room was empty, which, to the younger man, appeared asrather extraordinary, and served to augment his supposition that such acondition was presupposed. This, in turn, was dimissed, for heremembered that the usual occupants were either dancing or looking on.

  Taking the initiative, as if such a course was incumbent, LordHuntingford placed his cribbage-board on a table and drew up chairs forboth; with equal politeness the proffered seat was accepted, Hughregistering inwardly a determination to force high stakes, and, ifpossible, recoup the losses of the young officers. Not for an instantdid he doubt his ability to detect the slightest irregularities in thecount of his discredited opponent.

  "Sovereign a point?"

  "Done! Five, if you like!"

  This answer from the young American caused an avaricious glint to leapinto the other's eyes. Plainly, two master passions fought forsupremacy: an inordinate greed for money and a choleric determination toprohibit any further attentions to his wife. The struggle was brief, forthe vehemence of his enmity, triumphant, the hope of immediate emolumentwas sacrificed, and the rooking of the young man postponed to somefuture occasion. Then, subtly concealing his purpose, he nodded anambiguous acceptance.

  Cards were ordered. A steward fetched them and awaited further commands.

  Lord Huntingford strangely distrait, it seemed to Hugh, considering theamount at stake, shuffled the pack and offered them for the cut. Thisconventional operation performed and his Lordship successful, he dealtthe hands, at the same time giving the steward a sharp order to leave.The man's reception of his dismissal was so insolent that it attractedHugh's attention. Looking up, to his surprise, he recognized hisroom steward.

  "With whom have I the pleasure of playing?" came suddenly from LordHuntingford.

  "Ridgeway, Hugh--"

  Quick as the thought in the mind preceding it, inevitably connected, thename escaped unwittingly from his lips; for with the discovery of thesteward's identity there flashed like a bolt from the blue an appallingrecollection! Exposed to view on the table in his stateroom werevaluable documents addressed to him by his banker, which he hadforgotten to replace in his dispatch-box!

  "Eh? What's that? What name?" The interrogation, icily formal, toldnothing; but upon its answer hinged limitless consequences.

  Hugh was in a dilemma. Should he correct himself, or rely on the slippassing unobserved? The peculiar expression on the steward's facereturned to him; and he wondered if the knowledge of his adopting anincognito had been elicited from the garrulous servant, and theEnglishman about to take advantage of it? Reddening with anger as muchagainst himself as against the cynical old aristocrat, who was corneringhim cavalierly, he decided to brave exposure:

  "Ridge! H.B. Ridge is my name, Lord Huntingford!"

  There was a reckless disregard of possibilities in the eyes thatfastened themselves on the face of the nobleman for a clue, someenlightenment as to the impression produced; but all in vain. Theshrewd, small eyes answered the scrutiny impassively, and without asmuch as the flicker of an eyelid. Taking one of the little ivory pegs,he stuck it in the starting hole at the end of the cribbage-board.U
nconsciously, while waiting for the mental move which would determinehis future address, Hugh following the other's lead, picked up one andpegged. Then to his infinite relief Lord Huntingford apparently allowedthe correction, accepted the alias.

  "Ridge!" he pronounced with malicious uncertainty. "Ridge! I amacquainted with the English Ridges;" and the sneer in the voiceincreased. "Do I understand you to pretend that you are one of thatdistinguished family?"

  Hugh clenched his lips and his blood boiled at the treatment.

  "I am an American, Lord Huntingford," spoken easily, his pride showingonly by a perceptible lift of the head; "and my ancestors were notTories in the Revolution. Relationship, if any, would be--er--distant. Iclaim none."

  "A trifle strained," admitted his Lordship, laughing disagreeably.

  At that moment the band could be heard in the distance playing thestrains of a waltz; also the voices of the couples who were promenadingand passing the open door. To Hugh's amazement, Lord Huntingford,obviously heedless of his peculiar action, recommenced shuffling thestack of cards, though the dealt hands remained untouched on the table.Instinctively, Hugh was convinced that no play was intended. There wassomething on the mind of the wily old diplomat far more momentous than amere game of cards; yet no chance had been given to him to penetrateinto the other's motives.

  It was not long forthcoming.

  Suddenly, clear as a bell, Hugh distinguished the laughter of LadyHuntingford, and involuntarily he smiled. This seemed to enrage hisLordship. Hatred and menace shone from his eyes as he glanced at the manopposite him. With an oath he rose, walked to the door and closed it.Then ruthlessly laying aside the last vestige of his assumedcourtliness, he picked up his stick from the table, leaned far over,shook it in Hugh's face, and became an irascible, shouting old man.

  "Look here, young man--Ridge--Ridgeway--or whatever your blastedname--do you think I'll allow you to carry on an affair with my wife--mywife, sir?" he vociferated. "Henceforth, I forbid you to speak to her!Do you hear me?"

  It was debatable whether Hugh was more astonished at the mention of LadyHuntingford's name in connection with his own, or at the stick indangerously close proximity to his countenance. It was some time beforehe could find words; but his face from red went white.

  "And if I decline?"

  There was that in the low tone that should have warned the aggressorfrom further insult; but forgetting that the swaggering domination hehad been accustomed to exercising over his own countrymen, officiallyhis inferiors, would not for a moment be tolerated by one of anothernationality, he again broke out:

  "You bounder! Yankee upstart! I'll thrash you, and then have the captainput you on shore at the first port--you infernal impostor!"

  In an instant Hugh was over the table. He tore the stick from LordHuntingford's hand and clutched his throat, forcing him down on the seatcushions. With the exception of the younger man's hard breathing andsome gasps from the other, the struggle was noiseless. Not until LordHuntingford was growing black in the face did Hugh come to his senses.Then releasing one hand from the throat, he pinned him with the otherand a knee.

  "You old scoundrel!" Hugh began, jerking out the scathing words; "if itwere not for your old age and your wife I'd drag you on deck and makeyou apologize on your knees before them all. I'll spare you thatdegradation; but if I ever hear of you mentioning the nameRidegway--I've my own reasons for concealing it, and they don't concernyou--I'll make some charges in regard to your card playing that willbar you from every club in the world, and, unlike your poor dupes, I amin a position to substantiate them without fear of consequences."

  Lord Huntingford grudgingly mumbled a throttled promise, and Hughallowed him to regain his feet. At that instant Veath, with Grace andLady Huntingford, standing behind him, opened the door of thesmoking-room.

  "Here, Veath!" called out Hugh to the astonished Indianian. "I want youto bear witness that Lord Huntingford has promised to keep absolutelyquiet about a little altercation of ours, and--"

  The quick gesture of caution from Veath came too late. Lady Huntingfordwith astonished eyes was gazing into the room at them. Hugh promptlywent over to her.

  "You must pardon me, Lady Huntingford; I am sorry to cause you any painor annoyance. In a dispute over the cards with your husband I forgotmyself for a moment. Pray forgive me."

  Ridgeway quietly strode away with Grace and Veath. Lady Huntingforddirected a look of unutterable contempt at her husband, turned on herheel and left him to slink away as quickly as possible, like a cur thathas felt the whip.