Read Never Let Go Page 3

  Landon blinked. He shrugged. “I was just…I wanted to make sure you got to your car safely.”

  Oh. Crap. That was nice. And also, very unlike him. He’d never cared before. The valet arrived with her SUV, and she forced a smile for Landon. “Thank you. I’m good, though. Everything’s okay.”

  Still, he hesitated.

  The valet handed Elizabeth her keys and hurried away. As soon as he was gone, Landon moved closer to her.

  “We’ve got the go-ahead,” he whispered, his words coming rapid-fire, as if he just couldn’t contain them any longer.

  Her brows lifted.

  And still, he came even closer. “Wright just gave me approval. He wants Lazarus used on human subjects.”

  Her heart stopped. Stopped, and then started racing like mad. “It’s not ready. I told you, it’s not ready for human use yet. And the testings don’t work like—”

  Landon caught her arm. “Wright doesn’t follow the rules. He makes them. Our division is off the books, and he wants human testing. Now. Before someone else makes the same breakthrough that you did. Increased strength, faster reflexes, and reanimation? Are you kidding me? Of course, he’s ready to jump on this. We just need the right candidates—”

  A motorcycle’s roar filled the night, cutting right through his words, and then a blinding light was shining on them.

  Cursing, Landon snatched his hand away from her and shielded his eyes. Elizabeth didn’t move. The motorcycle’s growl grew louder as it headed straight for them. She knew who was driving that motorcycle even before the bike braked, and, over the growl of the engine, she heard…

  “There a problem out here?” Sawyer drawled.

  Landon shook his head, but he’d taken a step back. “Of course not. I was—I was making sure Elizabeth got safely to her car.”

  Sawyer turned off his headlight. Immediately, the scene plunged into darkness. Elizabeth knew her eyes would adjust soon, but she experienced a few disorienting moments as she stood there.

  “Glad you’re looking after the doc.” But Sawyer didn’t sound glad. The guy sounded pissed. Just as he’d sounded earlier that day when he talked to Landon. “Wouldn’t want anything to ever happen to her.”

  Her shoulders straightened. “Yes, well, I think I can manage to get into a vehicle by myself. But thanks.” She gave a crisp nod to them both. “Goodnight, gentlemen.” But she hesitated. Her head turned toward Landon. He hadn’t been walking her out because he was being nice. The guy had been working his agenda. He was waiting until we were clear to tell me about his talk with Wright. Landon wanted the Lazarus trials to start immediately. She didn’t. “We will talk more. Lazarus isn’t ready.” Her low voice was just for him.

  She hurried to her SUV. Elizabeth climbed inside and drove away moments later. When she hit the main road, Elizabeth glanced into her rearview mirror. She expected to see the light from a motorcycle behind her.

  But there was only darkness.


  Sawyer’s grip was too tight on the handlebars. He needed to settle the hell down, and he knew it, but…

  Landon had followed Elizabeth out of the gallery. The guy had put his hands on her—for a second time that day. The prick was pissing Sawyer off to a dangerous degree.

  “She doesn’t want you touching her.” Sawyer’s words came out low and hard and deadly.

  Landon stiffened. “Excuse me?”

  “The doc.” He turned off his motorcycle and slid off the bike. For this talk, he wanted to be up-close and personal. Sawyer took his time heading toward the guy who’d been sniffing around Elizabeth far too long. “She doesn’t like to be touched. You’ve worked with her for months. Surely you’ve noticed that trait before now, right?”

  “I—yes, I know that she tends to avoid touching unless it’s part of an exam or—”

  “So why…” Sawyer’s voice was clipped. “Why in the hell have I seen you touching her twice today?”

  Landon stiffened. “Why does it matter to you?”

  “Because she takes care of me and my team. And I don’t want anyone or anything making Elizabeth—the doc—uncomfortable.” Because I don’t want your hands on her, got me?

  “You’re misunderstanding the situation.”

  Sawyer stalked forward, not stopping until he was toe-to-toe with the bastard. He’d never liked Landon. The guy always had his nose in the air. He treated Sawyer and his team like they were weapons, not people. Didn’t ever seem to care about what was happening in their lives. Patch us up, get us out. Aim and attack. Landon wasn’t like Elizabeth. Elizabeth was considerate. She cared. Elizabeth talked to the team. She smiled, she teased but…

  Elizabeth doesn’t like to be touched, not unless I’m the one doing the touching. “Then let’s make sure there are no more misunderstandings. Keep your hands off her.”

  “You’re awfully protective.”

  You have no clue. “Part of the job description, right? You want me and my team to protect and defend. It’s what I’m doing.” I’d protect Elizabeth with my last breath. He towered over Landon, and he entertained the awesome image of knocking the bastard out with one punch. “It’s important for us to be clear on a few things.”

  Elizabeth was long gone. He should go now and get to her place. He’d park his motorcycle a few streets over and be back at her building in moments. Then he’d be in her—

  Sawyer turned away from the jerk who was just slowing down his night. He’d taken three steps toward his bike when Landon called out, freezing him.

  “What if Elizabeth wants me to touch her?” The words were a taunt, and they were one hell of a lot bolder than Sawyer had ever expected the prick to be.

  Very slowly, Sawyer turned to face Landon.

  “What if…” Landon lifted his chin. Chin-in-the-air-asshole. “What if she wants me to touch her?” He actually repeated his idiotic question.

  Sawyer laughed. A deep, rumbling laugh. “Never gonna happen.” He jumped on the motorcycle. “But that was funny as shit.” He turned on the motorcycle and revved the engine.

  “How do you know?” Landon snarled.

  “Easy. You aren’t her type.” I am. “Remember, hands the fuck off.” Then he blasted out of the parking lot and went after the woman he wanted. The only one.


  “I fucking hate that SOB,” Landon muttered as he watched the motorcycle vanish. Sawyer and his Pack—they thought they were the rulers of the world. That they could do anything they wanted. Anytime. Anywhere.

  They had no clue. They were the brawn, but he was the brains. Without him—without Elizabeth—Wright’s whole unit would flounder.

  And did Sawyer think that Landon didn’t know the guy was hot for Elizabeth? Every time that bastard looked at her, Sawyer’s eyes burned. If he could, Landon knew that Sawyer would fucking eat Elizabeth alive.

  But you’re not her type. You’re not, Sawyer. Because Elizabeth would never want a killer. She wouldn’t want a weapon. She was meant for more. Elizabeth and her absolutely brilliant mind deserved more.

  She’d graduated med school when she was twenty. She was the leading expert on bio genetics and cellular manipulation. Hell, she had more degrees than any person he knew. The woman’s brain never stopped, and he’d been thrilled when Wright lured her into his program.

  Elizabeth was going places, and Landon intended to be right at her side the whole time. She was the perfect partner. An asset that he couldn’t afford to lose.

  So, no, he didn’t plan to screw with her. Sawyer could relax on that score. Landon didn’t want Elizabeth for her body, though it was passable enough. He wanted her for her fucking fantastic mind.

  We’re going ahead on Lazarus. Turning away from the lot, he headed back toward the gallery, whistling as he went. Lazarus would change the world.

  It would be unforgettable.

  They just had to find the right test subjects…

  Chapter Three

  His knuckles tapped on Elizabeth’s front d
oor. He’d rushed up the stairs at her building, eager to get back to her. His body was burning from the inside. Heavy with need and lust—for her.

  The door opened. Elizabeth stood there, still in her sexy-as-hell black dress, but minus her shoes. Her eyes widened when she saw him, and Sawyer didn’t even hesitate. He stepped inside, slammed the door shut with his foot, and then his mouth was on hers.

  Elizabeth was so sweet. She tasted so damn good. He loved her mouth. Her tongue. Loved the little moans she made when she got turned on by him. His hands curled around her waist and he lifted her up, holding her easily. She wrapped her legs around him and her sex pressed right over his aching cock. He’d had her once that night, but that one time had barely taken the edge off his need. Truth be fucking told, he could probably have her a dozen times, and he’d still want her just as badly.



  With one hand, he reached back and locked the door, and then Sawyer was heading through her home. He knew the place, inside and out, just as he knew her. He maneuvered down her narrow hallway, and he kissed her deep and hard. He nipped her sexy lower lip and felt her shudder against him.

  Too many clothes. He wanted her naked. He wanted a better taste of her. He wanted everything she had to give.

  He carried her into her bedroom, not even feeling the pull of his wounds. Like pain would have slowed him down any. He saw that she’d lit a few big, thick, white candles. She’d been preparing for him.

  Elizabeth did things like that. Little romantic, feminine touches that made his chest ache. Things that showed they weren’t some random hook-up. They were more.

  The big, four-poster bed was waiting for him. She’d actually bought that bed just a month ago. The full-size one she’d had before just hadn’t been big enough for them both, and he liked staying in bed with her. Liked having her body wrapped around his as he slept.

  It was the only time he truly felt at peace.

  He lowered her to the floor. Her feet touched the lush carpeting and he backed away, moving so that he could strip. He yanked at his tie. Threw his jacket across the room. Sawyer kicked off his shoes and shoved away the rest of his clothes as fast as he could. He wanted to be flesh to flesh with Elizabeth.

  She smiled at him as she reached back and unzipped her dress. It slid down her body. Pooled at her feet.

  His breath hissed out. “No underwear at all.” The fact that she hadn’t worn panties had been sexy as all hell, but now he saw that she hadn’t been wearing a bra, too. Fuck. The woman wanted to bring him right to his knees. “Get on the bed, Elizabeth.”

  Her smile came, slow and sexy, lighting up her dark eyes, and he wondered if she knew…did she have any clue just how much she owned him?

  She eased onto the bed. “As your doctor, I have to say that you need to take things easy. Why don’t you lay down, and let someone else do all the work?”

  His cock jerked. He could feel pre-cum on the tip. She was already pushing him to the edge. He climbed into the bed and spread out, and then she climbed right on top of him.

  “I can do the work,” she said as her hands flattened against his chest. “Why not just enjoy the ride?” And she took him in. She was wet and hot and his dick slid deep into her. Elizabeth moaned, but caught herself, muffling the sound.

  “Screw that,” he snarled as his hips shoved up against her. “It’s you and it’s me, and I want to hear every sound you have to make.”

  Her eyes had closed, but at his words, they flew open. Her gaze zeroed in on him, and then she leaned forward. Her mouth opened and his tongue slid inside. His fingers rose to stroke her perfect breasts, teasing the tight tips, even as he felt her sex squeeze him in a white-hot grip.

  He’d thought the first time with her had taken the edge off. Sawyer realized he’d just been wrong.

  His hands clamped around her waist. He lifted her up and down, and she was arching to meet him, driving in the same wild rhythm. His heart pounded in his chest. The walls of her sex clamped greedily around him. His climax bore down on him, but Sawyer held back. There was no way he’d let go until she came for him.

  His fingers slid between their bodies. He touched her clit, stroked her softly, then harder, just the way he knew she liked. He knew every damn thing about her body. Knew what made her moan. Made her shiver. His thumb and forefinger squeezed her clit, and she erupted, giving a sharp scream of his name—and he didn’t give a shit if her neighbors happened to overhear.

  As soon as the pleasure overtook her, Sawyer tumbled Elizabeth back on the bed. He thrust into her, even as he lifted her legs high, spreading her even wider for him so he could plunge deeper. Faster and faster, he drove into her. The bed shuddered beneath him and her climax rippled along the length of his cock. Then he was coming—growling her name and holding her tight. So fucking tight.

  Sex with Elizabeth. It was the best sex in the world. Because she was the best.

  Mine. Always.


  Sawyer’s eyes flew open. He came awake instantly, as was his habit. No slow awareness, no grogginess. Just a flash and he was fully awake and aware.

  Aware that Elizabeth is gone.

  He jerked upright in the bed, straining to see in the darkness. The candles had been blown out hours ago, and his eyes took a few precious moments to adjust to the darkness.

  Then he saw Elizabeth. She stood in front of her window, gazing into the night.

  “Baby?” He shoved away the covers and climbed from the bed. “What happened? Bad dream?” She had nightmares, dark dreams that she didn’t talk about with him. She’d cry out in fear. She’d cry out and say—

  Don’t die! Don’t! Don’t leave me!

  But her cries hadn’t woken him that night. Her absence had.

  He reached out and touched her shoulder. She flinched but kept staring into the night.


  “I think I’m Frankenstein.” Her voice was low and husky, and her words didn’t make any sense to him.

  His hold tightened on her. “Doc, I’m the one covered with over a dozen scars. If anyone looks like a monster—”

  She turned toward him. “Frankenstein was the one who made the monster. I don’t…I don’t even remember…did his monster have a name?”

  He couldn’t see her eyes in the dark. And her voice held an emotion that he couldn’t decipher. “Baby, why are you up at…” His stare cut toward the clock on her bedside table. “At 3 a.m., talking about monsters?”

  “Because I think I’m Frankenstein. I think people shouldn’t play God because you don’t know what you’re going to get.”

  His body tensed. He knew Elizabeth was working on research efforts for Wright. Classified intel that he wasn’t supposed to be aware of but…

  Landon had a big mouth. The guy talked too freely, and Sawyer had picked up enough to know that something very serious was happening in the labs back at headquarters.

  “I’m scared of what I’m doing. I’m scared of what I am.”

  His hand moved from her shoulder to her throat. He could feel the frantic beat of her pulse beneath his fingers. She was scared. “You don’t need to be afraid. I’ll protect you from any threat out there.”

  “Even if I’m the threat?”

  “You’re not. I know that. You’re good, Elizabeth. The best thing in my life.” Surely she understood that. He was blood and death and battles, but she was the hope that kept him going. No matter what shit-hole he was in, Elizabeth was his light. He came back from every mission because he was coming home to her.

  “I…I can’t do it. I worked so long and so hard…” Her head tipped forward and her dark hair slid over his wrist. “The formula isn’t right, and I’m afraid of what will happen. I wanted to change the world. But I’m afraid—so afraid—it’s just going to get worse.”

  He didn’t like her fear. Never had. Never would. “What can I do?” Simple. Something was wrong, so he’d fix it for her. His hand slid up her throat, and he
curled his fingers under her chin. He tipped back her head and once again felt the soft slide of her hair over his skin. “I’ll make it better.”

  “You can’t. Only I can.” She gave a soft sigh. “I will.”

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Come back to bed.” Because the mission had been a bitch, death had been too close—far closer than he’d let her know—and he wanted her in his arms.

  Elizabeth didn’t argue. She walked with him to the bed. Slid under the covers, and then she curled her body against his. Sawyer was always amazed at how well she fit him.

  Like she’d been made just for him.

  Or maybe he’d been made just for her.

  “I think Frankenstein wanted to help. I mean, that’s why he started making his monster in the first place, isn’t it? To help the world?” Her voice was sleepy and a little sad.

  Sawyer made a mental note to read that freaking book, ASAP. He’d read it before, of course, back in high school—what felt like a million years ago.

  “I want to help,” she whispered.

  “You do.” You help me, baby. You make the world better just by being in it.

  “Everything is just so wrong.”

  The hell it was. “Nothing about us will ever be wrong.”

  She didn’t speak again, and he realized that her breathing had evened out. She’d drifted to sleep. He kept holding her, and he stared up at the ceiling. He knew what would come next. What always came…


  “Don’t!” Elizabeth’s voice was sharp. Desperate. Terrified. “Don’t die! Don’t! Don’t leave me!”

  Sawyer pulled her closer to his body. “It’s okay. Just a bad dream.”


  He stiffened. She’d never called for anyone specific before—certainly not her mother. The dreams had never gone this far.

  “Dad! No! Stay with me!”

  The pain in her voice gutted him. Sawyer shook her. “Elizabeth, wake up. It’s a bad dream.”