Read Never Too Late for Love Page 4

  “It’s really good,” Tilly said. “I know everything had to happen the way it has for it to work out this well, but I wish it’d happened sooner.”

  “Landry talk you into dropping the restriction yet?”

  Tilly rolled her eyes. “Not for lack of trying on his part.”

  “Ross told me Tony said the RSVP list has almost filled up already.”

  Tilly’s eyes widened. “He literally just sent the e-mail yesterday!”

  Loren grinned. “I know, right?”

  “Usually it takes, like, a couple of weeks to fill up.”

  “You’re popular, apparently. Everyone loves your parties.”

  “I kind of feel bad I’m not hosting the kids party, but Leigh said she wasn’t feeling up to doing the main party.”

  “It’s okay. I’m helping coordinate the volunteers for her. I’d like to play some and switch out. Plus Brandon, Jeff, and Stuart? Well, Brandon’s daughter, Emma, is sixteen. So is her girlfriend, Grace. They’ve volunteered to babysit. And Emma is a certified lifeguard, and they’re both certified in CPR and first aid.”

  “Outstanding.” Tilly smiled. “From what I’ve heard from Cali, it looks like those two girls are going to give those three men a run for their money until they’re finally out on their own at college.”

  “At least they can’t get each other pregnant.”

  Tilly fist-bumped with her. “Word.” She sighed. “Listen to this.” She recounted KC’s ring question conversation with Bob.

  Loren arched an eyebrow at Tilly. “So when does he get a ring?”

  “That will wait for the one-year anniversary.”

  “You think he and Cris will get married?”

  “It’d make things a little simpler, in some ways. But I laid down the law to Landry that he can’t order them to do it. Because if he does, they will, and that might go badly. If the two of them talk and decide they want to get married…well, I guess we’ll need Laurel to be the flower girl.”

  “Don’t ever give Abbey and Gilo grief again about their dynamic being ‘complicated,’” Loren teased. “They look practically vanilla next to you four.”

  Tilly snorted. “I know. At least this proves one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s never too late for love.”

  “Better late than never, honey.”

  * * * *

  Tilly needed to run to the mall to buy a few things. Considering all the time they’d be spending in London over the next several months, she didn’t want to have to keep hauling a suitcase back and forth with all her clothes in it. It’d be hard enough doing that with KC, who’d be constantly outgrowing clothes.

  Underwear, bras, comfy shoes, PJs, T-shirts, jeans—stuff she didn’t want to buy in the UK, because she knew the styles and brands she wanted and the sizes that fit her. She could ship the box to the London studio office, and one of the aides there would deliver it to the flat for her.

  Probably should have Bob do that, too.

  Their flat had a small washer and dryer unit, so doing laundry wasn’t a problem, fortunately.

  Did it make her a horrible person that now that she had this great job, and got to literally fly around the world and meet and work with A-list celebrities, all she really wanted to do was stay home and be a mom and wife?

  I’m in nesting mode.

  Another reason she knew she couldn’t last the full year without sleeping with Bob. Once that borderline was crossed, they’d all be settling into a new dynamic with each other. The sooner that could happen, the sooner life would finally shake out to what she wanted it to be.

  Except she had responsibilities. With Leigh pregnant and out of commission because she didn’t want to travel as much now—not to mention Leigh was having far more morning sickness lasting far longer into her pregnancy with this baby than she had the first—she’d swapped duties at their production company with Tilly. Tilly was now a full business partner and a producer. Her name would forever be stuck on the film credits in that manner.

  That was…uber cool.

  Tilly was a success story, and she knew it.

  It also meant she couldn’t simply shrug off her responsibilities.

  It’ll get better once we move the headquarters to Venice.

  But the basic infrastructure had to be in place first. Securing property for the campus, building out sound stages, offices, editing facilities, FX, sound, and Foley studios—everything. She could tough it out until then. Once that happened, there wouldn’t be nearly as much foreign travel. They could do a lot of filming on the Florida sound stages, or at US locations. Trips overseas would be location shoots, then back to Venice for post.

  By the time KC was enrolled in school, Tilly wanted to be home most of the time. Wanted to be there to drop her off and pick her up. To help her with her schoolwork and volunteer for room parent and field trip gigs.

  Be a mom.

  It was the only thing she’d wanted to be, the one thing she’d long agonized over when she’d realized she would never have children of her own due to the injuries she’d suffered from the abuse by her step-father.

  Now, she was a mom.

  But she also loved what she did for a living.

  When Tilly returned home, she found Cris on his hands and knees in the living room, giving KC a horsey ride while Landry was laughing himself red in the face and looked close to pissing himself as he egged KC on.

  Bob emerged from the back of the house. Tilly handed him the bags in her hands and gave him a kiss. “There’s more out in the car.”

  “I’ll get them. Where do you want them?”

  “Bed in the guest room, for now. I need to get all the tags off and wash them and get them ready to ship.” He headed off to handle all of that for her while she returned to the living room to enjoy the sight.

  Bob had wanted to go with her and be her bag sherpa, but she’d needed alone time as well as bestie time.

  Now she would let him do what he loved to do—be helpful. He would gladly take care of unloading her purchases, and he’d probably have all the clothes washed and neatly folded by bed time.

  And she’d thank him and give him a good boy, and she’d enjoy the smile that always curved his lips when she did, the way a little pink would rise in his cheeks when he felt appreciated.

  It wasn’t difficult to keep Bob happy and fulfilled. He lived to serve them, and it was one of the things the three of them desperately loved about him.

  Also why she was so desperate to be careful and not fuck things up, so he would want to remain with them for life.

  Tilly sank to the couch next to Landry, knowing exactly why he was so freaking amused. While they hadn’t engaged in pup or pony play to a great extent, it didn’t take a GPS to follow her sadistic hubby’s amusement back to the source.

  He was laughing his ass off to see Cris being a pony, even if it was completely innocent.

  “You’re such a perv,” she muttered to Landry.

  He grinned. “If you understand why I’m laughing, love, then I’m not the only one.”

  * * * *

  It was good to have them all home again for a while. And even though Cris knew Bob would be giving him a back rub later after Cris finished giving KC rides around the living room, Cris wouldn’t trade this for the world.

  All five of them were home—counting KC—and all was right with the world for now. Cris knew there were several work e-mails he’d have to deal with shortly, when he handed KC over to Landry for some quiet time, them watching TV in the living room, which would quickly leave her falling asleep for a needed nap.

  And probably Landry, too.

  He hoped.

  That meant he could grab Bob, drag him out to the pool house for a few minutes, and release a little tension.

  He’d also free Bob from the chastity cage and give him some relief. Landry hadn’t said Cris couldn’t do that.

  Landry only told Bob he couldn’t remove it himself, unless, obviou
sly, it was harming him or causing the bad kind of pain that meant there was something wrong.

  And their Bob was a very good boy.

  Cris finally splayed himself on the rug, flat on his stomach. “Okay, sweetheart. Pony is tired. Go see what Poppa wants to watch on TV. You need quiet time, and Daddy needs to answer some work e-mails.”

  “Okay, Daddy. Thank you.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek before jumping off him and launching herself into Landry’s lap, where she almost nailed him in the nuts.

  Cris smirked. It always amused him when that happened.

  Landry wasn’t the only sadist in the house.

  After seeing to his e-mails, Cris quietly stalked through the house, seeking Bob.

  Not wanting to draw attention to his search, either, knowing Landry would intervene simply to fuck with both of them.

  He located Bob in the utility room, putting clothes in the dryer and loading the washer with another load. Cris grabbed him and pulled him close, smiling as he ground his hips against Bob’s.

  “Meet me in the pool house when you’re done with this. Go out the side door so he doesn’t hear the sliders. I think we have mutual itches needing scratching.”

  Bob smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

  Cris could barely walk, because his erection now lay thick and heavy against his skin, pinned in place by shorts that suddenly felt three sizes too tight.

  All he could think about was getting Bob in that damn bed and fucking his mouth.

  Cris headed out and hoped Landry wouldn’t notice that Cris had left the vertical blinds in the living room partially closed today, at an angle that would make seeing across the lanai and pool to the pool house door impossible.

  It was a game for the sadist, and Cris knew that.

  He also knew that the newer, kinder sadist would, if Cris asked to drop protocols and talk about it, let Cris and Bob have uninterrupted time alone.

  But it was a game the sadist enjoyed, and Cris enjoyed trying to beat him at his own game.

  The added element of naughty fun it brought to the party was a bonus.

  Cris was barely through the pool house door when he stripped, grabbed the key he also carried to Bob’s chastity cage from his pocket, and sat waiting on the bed. He didn’t bother turning on the lights, not wanting to draw attention to them, and the afternoon light filtering in around the edges of the window blinds plenty enough to see for this.

  Bob arrived a moment later, slipping in and quietly shutting the door behind him.

  “Lock it,” Cris said, already stroking his cock.

  Bob did, smiling.

  “Get naked and get your ass over here.”

  Bob yanked his shirt off as he walked, dropping it onto the floor, soon followed by his shorts. “He won’t beat us for this?”

  “Do you honestly care?”

  Bob grinned. “Not really, Sir, no. I’m so fucking horny I can’t see straight.”

  “Come here.” Cris rid him of the cage, Bob letting out a soft moan as his freed member immediately sprang to life.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Bob moaned.

  “Want me to kiss it and make it better?”

  “If Sir wants to.”

  “Cris and Bob.”

  Cris sensed the shift in him, the way his gorgeous blue eyes darkened. He grabbed Cris by the head. Slanting his lips over Cris’, a gentle scrape of teeth against his lips, hard sucking, nibbles, the rasp of stubble over flesh.

  Cris shoved him onto his back on the bed and knelt between his legs. “Hold the fuck still, baby. Don’t you pop yet.”

  Bob’s fingers twined in Cris’ hair as Cris went down on him, licking and sucking and stroking his tongue up and down Bob’s shaft. Then he worked lower, paying attention to Bob’s balls, before back to his cock.

  Bob’s soft moans of pleasure left Cris’ cock throbbing, aching to be inside him.

  “Let me suck you, please?” Bob asked.

  “Hold on.” Cris wanted to give Bob what he could right now. He suspected Landry had a plan to try to use Bob to entice Tilly to drop the final restriction, but Cris honestly didn’t want to know. If he confronted Landry and his suspicions were confirmed, Cris would feel obligated to tell Tilly. Tilly was smart enough, and had spent enough time with the sadist, to watch for manipulations like that.

  Just like Cris knew Tilly had given in to Landry’s earlier machinations regarding Bob because she had wanted to, not because Landry had tricked her.

  He knew his Redbird. She was enjoying playing the sadist’s game right back at him, and Cris could see both sides of it.

  For once he wasn’t caught in the middle of it, and it was all in fun.

  It was nice having this bit of time alone together with Bob, just them, equal footing. Sure, the two of them had a rocky start, and Cris didn’t hold it against him.

  Frankly, he still couldn’t believe Bob had fallen as hard for him as Cris had for Bob. Had their positions been fully reversed, Cris didn’t know if he could have felt so generous.

  Except…this was Bob.

  And Bob was extraordinary in more ways than one. It didn’t stop at his gorgeous blue eyes or his nice body. It was his heart and soul, his sense of humor and easy, patient personality.

  It was the way Bob had fallen for KC as a dad, and how Cris knew Bob was as dedicated to being a parent to her as he was being a partner to them.

  He held Bob’s cock in one hand and played with the man’s balls with the other. “Watch me, baby.” Cris stared into Bob’s eyes as he used his tongue to tease the slit, slowly circle the head, rub the little spot under the glans Cris knew would drive Bob crazy.

  He’d enjoyed learning this man’s body, teaching him how to enjoy his in return. Landry had done well by orchestrating this. The tricky bastard got to be poly, both Cris and Tilly—and Bob—had fun in the process, and everyone was a winner.

  Landry was no idiot. He was the oldest and fully recognized that. Two fights with cancer and surviving the car wreck had changed him.

  Cris also knew that while Landry both loved Tilly and enjoyed making love to her, there were times, he’d admitted to Cris, that he’d conjured memories or fantasies of Cris or Bob—or Cris with Bob—to make sure he could finish with her. Not all the time. For example, if he was tired after a day of work, or playing with KC.

  The man was gay, after all. Cris would never forget his own mix of shock, lust, greed, and envy on their wedding night, as he lay tied up and helpless, watching Landry fuck Tilly. He knew the sadism part of it—inflicted on Cris—had helped Landry perform that night. The new toy energy Landry then had with Tilly, and the love Landry grew to feel for Tilly.

  Cris also didn’t miss how there’d been more frequent times lately, before Bob joined them, when Landry would use triggers to get Tilly over the edge while fucking her, then pull out and start fucking Cris and finish inside him, mouth or ass. Landry hadn’t been saving it for Cris—Landry had needed him.

  Bringing Bob in would take even more pressure off Landry, helping both mentally and literally. Bob could take up any slack in that department. Cris had initially planned to not engage Bob beyond anything Landry ordered, in terms of sex or play, not wanting to force himself on the man.

  Except Bob had quickly grown to like, then love it.

  “Please!” Bob begged.

  Without releasing Bob’s cock from his mouth, Cris turned around into a sixty-nine on top of Bob. Cris moaned around Bob’s shaft as Bob’s mouth engulfed his cock.

  Eager, needy, Bob sucked Cris deep and hard and it took everything Cris had not to start fucking the other man’s mouth and blowing his load.

  He wanted this to last, for both of them.

  Bob’s hands gripped Cris’ ass, holding him in place. This wasn’t a man being forced to service another—this was a man eager to reciprocate.

  Cris rocked back and forth on top of Bob, savoring every sensation, the hot, wet heat of his mouth, how he’d learned to use his tongue on a cock as if he’d been doing i
t all his adult life—how each moan rolling from Bob vibrated through Cris’ cock.

  It wouldn’t take much to turn around again and impale his own ass on the gorgeous, thick cock he was sucking, except he’d never violate a rule like that. He could dream, though, and eagerly anticipate it.

  After several minutes, Cris’ need was too great. He plunged his cock into Bob’s mouth, his load building and balls growing tighter as his orgasm built. Twisting like wire close to snapping, before he deep-throated Bob to muffle his own moans and shot his load down Bob’s throat. Bob almost immediately came, and Cris swallowed every salty drop of cum pumped into his mouth.

  When they were both finished, Cris turned around again and held Bob, breathing easy and feeling sated for at least a couple of minutes.

  “Thank you, Sir,” Bob mumbled against his chest.

  “Still Cris and Bob.” He rubbed his chin across the top of Bob’s head. “I might have to fly out to LA next week, too.”

  “For work?”

  “No, to dodge Landry. I swear I spent most of the last three days before you guys got back tied up and either sucking his cock or being fucked. One time, he put a TV table in front of the spanking bench with my laptop on it and tied me to the bench so my hands were free to type so I could work. Spent nearly six hours there, him coming by and fucking me when he felt like it, usually with a damn strap-on.”

  Bob laughed. “I don’t know if I should be worried or turned on.”

  “Yes.” Cris nuzzled his head again. “I’m sure you’ll spend time like that with the sadist, too.” He sighed. “Would you like a break from the cage?”

  “He didn’t offer me one.”

  “I’m offering you one.”

  “I thought you said we’re Cris and Bob right now.”

  “Exactly. I’ll tell him the truth, you were starting to get some red marks, and it’s time to give you a rest. Oh, that reminds me.” He rolled Bob onto his back, found the last spot he’d bit, already fading, and bit him there again.

  Bob’s fingers dug into Cris’ back. “Fuuuuck.” His cock started to harden again.

  Cris growled against Bob’s flesh as he bit and sucked. Some day, hopefully soon, Cris would be able to throw the man’s legs over his shoulders and then Cris could fuck his ass while biting him.