Read New Castle Island Page 14

  Chapter 10: The Chase To The Finale

  Step by eerie step the wolves got closer and closer to the pathetic humans who had no visible escape route. It would be impossible for them to fight a pack of wolves that are stronger and out numbers them. They definitely couldn’t escape into the water for they certainly would be eaten alive. They were trapped, and their fate was nearing closer than ever before.

  The wolves were so close, the group could hear every breath the canines took and could count every single serrated tooth that hung in their salivating mouths. The grandparents clung to their grandson in some useless form of protection; John and Jimmy held their hands in fighting positions as if they were about to box the wolves away; and Ben was fiddling frantically in his pockets searching for something unknown to the others.

  Time was almost at an end. The wolves were just playing with their food at this point, snapping and yipping at their prey. Then a miracle happened (for they always happen at the most needed helpful times). Charging out of the same bush, were two mighty black tailed male deer with strong intricate antlers stretching three feet high.

  The first stag gored one of the wolves, t-boning it’s side, flinging the wolf into the water while the other trampled right through the pack and stood proudly before the humans. It knelt down on one knee and began making gestures with its head toward its back.

  Does it want one of us to ride it? The quick thought ran through John’s mind as he began stepping towards it. The head stopped gesturing once John was close enough giving him a chance to sit on the beefy back of this oversized deer. It popped up abruptly startling the alarmed wolves and began running down the covered path with John holding on for life on its back.

  The wolves, still distracted by the other deer, left a small window for the grandparents to scooter away from there as fast as possible. The old lady carried Timothy and the old man carried Ben as they drove right past the preoccupied wolves.

  A mocha brown wolf with a thin coat of fur noticed the humans fleeing and realized there was still one prey left. Jimmy stood drenched at the edge of the lake, his eyes bulged in fear as he attempted to run away but, something was wrong. Watching as his companions made their speedy escape he tried to move but, his ankle sent him shots of gut wrenching pain whenever he stepped on it. He must have twisted his ankle at a funny angle when he fell in the lake, leaving the others unknowing he couldn’t run like they assumed he was going to do. The wolf grinned as its eyes shone bright, seeing Jimmy was alone and vulnerable. With one low pitch howl, it alerted the rest of the pack. In unison, the snarling pack turned their heads and locked eyes on their meal that was waiting for them helplessly at the side of the lake. Jimmy’s heart raced. In a matter of seconds he knew he could become dinner for a pack of wolves. The brown wolf pounced towards him in a single bound; disturbing images of being ripped to shreds in spontaneously projected through his mind. The wolf’s ripping canines almost reached him as he felt it’s repulsive breath engulf his face when suddenly he was struck powerfully in the side by the remaining deer.

  With Jimmy scrambling awkwardly in its antlers, the deer bolted off in the direction everyone else had gone, followed closely by a pack of thirteen vicious wolves.

  John turned around with nervous sweat slowly dripping down his forehead to see the grandparents with Timothy and Ben about six meters away all riding at top speed. He scanned the area for Jimmy who wildly came around the corner, propped up in the deer’s antlers. John looked forward to discover the same clear stretch of gravel laid out for a mile ahead of them that they had previously walked a few hours ago. Now there were a few fallen trees near the edges but the tree line was far enough away that only the tops of the trees touched the path. The wind picked up again and it looked as though the humans might have a safe chance out of the forest when the howl of wolves echoed across the stretch. John turned around again to witness the pack of wolves chasing after them with their fang like teeth gleaming in the dim light.

  The encounter began with a struggle to remain faster than the wolves. The pack was gunning their legs at an insane rate, driven by their heightened motive to hunt the human prey. They were gaining on the scooters and in a matter of seconds a white wolf was nipping at the old ladies heel. She let out a tremendous scream as she gripped her purse and whacked it over the wolf’s head. It backed off for a split second then, returned just as strong to try again.

  The grandfather’s cane was now brought into play as it smacked a wolf so hard it fell to the ground and rolled rapidly off the trail. The cane swooped down again, this time knocking a particularly straggly wolf right in the knee caps bringing it skidding into the hard gravelly ground.

  Jimmy and the deer he was riding had a wolf on either side of them but, he couldn’t do anything constructive to help because he was stuck in the animal’s antlers. The deer however had the right idea and began drifting over to the left side of the trail. The wolf on the left side was so focused on taking a bite out of the deer, it missed the tree lying up ahead and it struck right into it with a bone breaking impact.

  Ben had three of the most cunning wolves in the pack fighting against him. They were strategically attacking the back of the scooter he was standing on, causing Ben to constantly be jumping, bending and contorting to dodge their ferocious attacks. The next phase of attacks began to commence. First, the boniest wolf curved from the left, making Ben shift to the right side of the scooter. Then the second wolf came from the right and instead of going for Ben’s foot, it went for his hands while pouncing into the air throwing Ben off balance. This is when the last wolf came, charging straight down the center grasping Ben’s only leg in its jaw. Ben dropped to the ground, still clutching to the head rest of the scooter as he shook his leg fiercely, urgently trying to force the mongrel off but, the dog was too strong. The wolf locked its legs and began sliding behind the scooter as if it were on Jet Ski’s dragging Ben down with it.

  Angus turned around and saw Ben dangling off the scooter, holding on with one trebling hand. Their eyes connected and Angus now saw how truly afraid Ben was. Angus immediately took action by turning the steering column hard to the right sending the wolf rolling down the trail uncontrollably. Ben’s body was then used as a weapon as it was flung sideways smacking into the remaining two cunning wolves tripping them. The scooter straightened itself and Ben climbed back up to safety.

  John spun around distractedly as a wolf was belting out high pitch howls next to him. His hands waved in the air as he tried to shoo the wolf away however, he only received a maniacal toothy grin in return for the wolf had plotted out a perfect plan. Abruptly his deer reeled its front legs up almost flinging John onto the ground. John had no time to turn his head back around when he felt two padded feet push against back knocking him down to the ground. A searing pain penetrated into his face as the gravel rocks stabbed through his skin. He lied face down, sightless, with the forty pound beast pushed its paws vehemently down upon his head as if to suffocate him in the rocky ground. With his hearing now enhanced John attempted to blindly make out what horror was unfolding around him. Heavy panting crept closer stalked by the constant crunching of gravel. Boiling hot breathe emitted out on the back of his neck with a concerning wheezing accompanying it. John could hear the struggle of the others; their puny groans and gasps of shock as they fought off their own demons.

  The time had finally arrived when the first wolf started to sink its grisly teeth into his back. The second wolf that had once distracted him chomped into his shoulder and began tugging at the thick muscle. Tears of pain filled John’s eyes as he wished for his death to come and take him away from the insanity. Suddenly, he became very aware of a steady crunching of gravel heading extremely close towards him. Gravel rapidly brushed against the side of his face, followed by heart stopping crunching and whimpering as the teeth left his shoulder. The doglike cries continued as he felt the dog on his back take a fighting stance upon him. His own blood dripped on his back from the vicious creature
’s teeth, sending a warm sensation through his nerves as if adrenaline had entered outwardly into his system. With his one capable arm he flipped himself and the wolf over exposing the wolf to its newest form of attack, being run over.

  John did not personally witness the second scooter plowing over the wolf that tore a chunk out of his back, but he still felt satisfied to be free. His feet, without notice, rushed him over to his deer’s back again where he rested for moments before the next problem arose.

  Though two wolves were presently out of commission there were still eleven others who continued to fight for their meal. The humans were ahead of the wolves at the moment, leading about twenty feet away from the now more fearsome pack.

  Timothy was clinging to the back of the scooter, wishing the chase would end, when his grandmother hit a rock. The scooter bounced violently throwing Timothy off the scooter and onto the soil meters away from the oncoming wolves. His little body lay flailed on the ground as he slowly lifted his head. Everyone had spun around as a heart stopping scream erupted from the boy’s lungs as he stared into the faces of thirteen killers.

  Within the next few seconds, both scooters took a drastic U-turn, driving next to each other in a battering ram formation towards four of the eleven ferocious attackers that were drooling at the sight of their grandson. John and Jimmy’s deer had started heading the same direction and had their heads bowed down ready to prong any wolf that dared touch the boy. The scene was extremely intense; it seemed as if the whole earth was watching as the two sides collided together. The grandparents split off between either side of Timothy, slamming productively into the first few wolves, denting their scooters and some wolf skulls. The deer’s antlers worked as a great barricade, shoving back three wolves for each deer. The remaining few wolves were smoked brutally in the heads by canes, purses and legs that were jutting out from the sides of the scooters.

  This wasn’t unfortunately wasn’t the end for the wolves bounced up only a few meters away from Timothy, now more furious and angered than ever. There would be no possible way the saving group could spin around in time to attack again. Hope seemed lost. Eleven sets of teeth barred closer to the boy; only a few simple feet away from ripping into his petite body when a plethora of feathers descended down upon the wolves.

  With wingspans longer than the height of people and talons the ideal size for crunching skulls, three bald eagles valiantly attacked the wolves successfully separating the threat from the threatened. Jimmy and his deer rushed over and picked up Timothy, throwing him on the back of the deer before proceeding forward with their escape.

  The wolves were distracted for a time sufficient enough for the rest of the group to escape as well. Gradually wolves began to escape the eagles attacks and automatically continued the pursuit again, now infuriated and more determined. As if part one of the battle wasn’t challenging enough, part two had fell upon them with more cunning and driven rage.

  With their new allies at hand, the group gained a feeling of hope, for it seemed they would be the victors of this fight however, they didn’t take into consideration how angered the wolves would be. The wolves charged the scooters, trying to rip the wheels of the scooters to shreds. Onka had begun throwing strange miscellaneous objects at the attackers like lip stick and coupon books to no avail.

  Suddenly, two bloody canines jabbed into the wheels popping the grandmother’s left rear tire. Her scooter jiggled unevenly on its three remaining wheels, gradually slowing down towards the mouths of the beasts. The original pearly white wolf was snarling teasingly at her feet. In an instant, its blue eyes grew big and full of fear as the shadow of two large wings grew from behind it. The old lady ducked, getting a nice view of the ivory wolf’s feet being lifted off the ground. She looked up quickly, amazed by how strong the eagle was as she witnessed the wolf being thrown away into the bushes. The eagle swung back and glided right next to her giving her a familiar stare. Onka recognized it immediately; this was the same eagle that took the seal pups earlier that day. She now saw why the mother seal was so comfortable with allowing her children to leave with these raptors for this eagles eyes were so calming and confident it left her paralyzed in admiration. She woke up to her scooter riding over another wolf that her husband had knocked over with his cane.

  Angus was swerving across the trail wildly trying to assist everyone as they fought the flesh craving beast that were persistent to get what they wanted so badly. His passenger, Ben, was fiddling around in his coat pocket again, desperately twiddling his fingers in the pigsty located inside of his coat. The black wolf was getting closer to him every second, making what he was searching for even more vitally necessary. With every terrified glance upwards he could see the mad killer approaching him psychotically. The obsessed animal was nearing the bumper of the scooter; time was running out for Ben to do something. With drool spilling out, eyes locked on his prey’s jugular and rough paws barely touching the ground, the wolf was preparing to strike when Ben triumphantly found the shiny object he was looking for. A revolving flare gun glistened in the shreds of light that escaped the overcast sky, already loaded and ready to fire at some unsuspecting life form.

  With the slightest movement of a finger a fiery blazing, red orb streaked through the cold air, leaving a foggy pink trail behind it. It struck the black wolf squarely in the chest sending a searing burning pain through the whole deranged creature’s body as it flipped backwards from the intense force of the shot. The wolf rolled weakly on the ground, then slunk away with a new bald spot shining on its chest. Gripping a lethal weapon in his hand, Ben had found his new chance for survival.

  The wolves started to back off after the flare gun was pulled out. One by one the deranged dogs slowed to a walking pace and gave up on their victim’s death; however danger was still running rampant in the forest. All the weary travelers could hear was distant howling of the wild dogs, the crackle and snaps of the branches being pulverized under unknown animals’ feet and the sound of waves striking the shore of the island. Waves? All of them arrived at the same thought at once; they were almost out of the forest.

  Angus and Ben were ahead of the gang when they reached the small clearing looking out upon the ocean. They didn’t expect to see something even more odd and frightening than anything they had experienced that day. The old man slammed on his scooters brakes, flinging Ben forward with momentum causing him to crash onto the ground in a wavy blue mess.

  The rest of the hopeful group arrived and stopped abruptly behind the two men who were gawking at whatever ungodly sight was coming their way across the water.

  "What is it dear?" The old women asked curiously, trying to catch her breath like the others.

  The grandfather had no idea how to answer, for barreling towards them was a BC Ferry. The large passenger ship rocked violently as it shattered the waves it crashed through. Nothing had changed about the fanatically upset ocean. The deep purple coloured tidal waves were furiously pushing the ship not only through the harbor's small canal where it did not fit but, on an angle that seemed likely for it to crash into New Castle Island. The captain of the ship must have shut off the power in a desperate attempt to stop and stabilize the ship because the lights were off giving the ship a ghost-like aura; a ghost which holds hundreds of people inside who were being thrown from one side of the ship to the other by the extreme swaying. Orange rafts hung limp along the sides of the ship where people had tried to escape but, unfortunately failed.

  There was no escape, if the group stayed where they were a giant ship would crush them, if they went towards the New Castle docks they risked being hit by tsunami-like waves pushing them along in non-forgiving sea water, and if they turned around they would be battling against the animals again which were beginning to sound like they were getting closer.

  John was the first to spout out an idea.

  "Let's go across the beach towards the dock. The deer can make it but the scooters won’t. A few of us will have to stay behind and wait for the
deer to come back!"

  "There's not enough time! Whoever stays will be hit by the ferry." screamed Ben over the sound of the waves that were becoming increasingly more violent. It was in that moment when Jimmy had an idea that could potentially save their lives’.

  "Climb the trees!" Jimmy hobbled over, picked up the grandma and dashed into the forest with his sprained ankle dragging limp behind him. After trudging about fifteen meters through the trees, he hurriedly raised the elderly woman above his head so she could reach a branch. The rest of the group mimicked this motion and climbed the surrounding trees that still had their branches attached. The elderly, including Ben, couldn't climb very high but, the younger people were capable of doing so and they now saw a sight that would never leave their memories.

  All the docks in Nanaimo's harbor where underwater. The abundance of boats that once were floating on the gentle green water had sunken or were sinking due to the rough waves which crashed in from all directions. The worst sight of all was the ghastly looking rogue ferry, barreling only a kilometer away directly towards them. As the ferry rocked one way, a tidal wave bounces off the side of New Castle Island and rebounds back towards the ferry causing it to tip the other way causing another tidal wave which rebounds of the shores of Nanaimo. They watched as the towering waves wiped across the landscape, wiping out buildings and sucking air polluting cars into the ocean. The tree sitters watched as the passengers inside the ferry were flung back and forth inside the death trap. Cars in the lower decks were spilling out the front opening, disappearing into the water.

  The moment had come; the ferry was only a couple meters from the shore when the overwhelming rumbling began. The island started to quake as the ferry scraped against its rocky side. The voices of the terrified animals projected shakily and warped across the disturbed island and the trees wiggled like noodles as the island vibrated ferociously. The ferry was presently tilting at an angle that made it possible to see the upper deck of the jumbled ship clearly from only forty feet off the ground. A stampede of uncontrolled violet water covered the trunks of the tall trees just barely missing the old people who clung to the branches like baby monkeys on their mothers back. The enormous twenty foot high wave made the tress bend back and many snapped from the overwhelming pressure. The water level lowered vastly revealing everything below them had been stripped bare. There were no bushes, gravel or branches to be seen; only the strongest trunks of the trees remained. A few short moments after the water abated away it came back even stronger than before, knocking over just as many trees as it lunged back towards the ship. The debris filled water struck the side of the ferry, starting the shaking again as the ship tumbled over the other way. They all began to see the rarely viewed under side of the massive ferry and the craters that had been punctured into it from impact. Now all they could see was the slimy, barnacle infested, underside of the ship that blocked their vision from the phenomenon that happened next.

  The starboard side of the ship was fully touching the water when the last powerful wave slammed into the ship. The upper deck of the ship was hit dead on by the tidal wave pushing the ship directly backwards, still on its side. The wave filled the funnels leading to the engine and quickly flooded the engine room causing pipes on all the lower decks to burst.  As a result the ship was pushed up onto the shore, sliding across the wet rumbling landscape. The first couple rows of the trees that survived the wave were run over by the flopped over ship and the beach was completely buried. The ship finally stopped moving and with it so did the distraught world.

  The wind abated to a gentle breeze; the sounds that once haunted the forest had ceased; and the chaos had finally come to a halt. The surroundings started to return back to their normal colours. The sea was grey, and the clouds were a freckled white but, an overcast still covered the area.