Read New Castle Island Page 2


  Angela circled around the bedroom of her five star hotel with her ear pressed so closely to her phone no light could shine between it and her bony cheeks. Her focused fiancé was sorting papers on the small bar table, engrossed in his work, when she suddenly shrieked in a fit of joy. He dropped all of his papers and his wine glass on the floor out of shock at this odd and unexpected outburst.

  “Thomas! You won’t believe the land opportunity we were just given! This is the answer to all of our problems!” She shrieked then pranced over in her 8 inch heels to the fax machine which was vomiting out land claims.

  “Where?” Thomas asked repeatedly until he finally got his answer when she finished dancing around the room.

  “Some small island off the coast of the Nanaimo harbour. Apparently it’s a six minute sea bus ride over depending on boat traffic. It’s used for hiking and biking and camping and all that primitive nonsense. They have a naturally polluted lake which they have to drain but, they don’t have enough money!” She began to cackle with her obnoxiously nasally voice.

  “How is that good for us? If anything, if we were to sweep in and buy them out, it sounds like we would be spending more money on this lake.” She instantly spun around and glared at him for speaking against her.

  “I think you are under estimating the size of this island,” she sneered. “It’s the perfect place to build multi-million dollar beach houses! Luxurious homes, beach access, half of them could have their own docks or even cliff diving spots and they would have a huge backyard with a piece of forestry and acreage. Being in the middle of nowhere and living peacefully is very “in” right now and this is the spot to do it. Think about it Thomas, we would double the money that we spent, maybe triple if we do it right!”

  “Angela, they won’t be in the middle of nowhere. I’ve just searched some photos and on 3 sides of the Island you can still see land. Plus, it’s a government owned island. It’s actually a Provincial Park. Even if the tour company and rangers left today, they won’t let us build there because it’s protected land.”

  “Protected by what?” Angela snapped. “The government? Why worry about the government! They openly gave us the land in Tswwassen once it was decimated.”

  “Because we destroyed it.” He said carefully so he wouldn’t start another battle.

  “We didn’t destroy it.” Again she sneered, “We just were on a large ship that lost control and coincidentally crashed into it spilling oil everywhere.” She grinned jokingly then sipped a glass of expensive champagne in an aristocratic manner.

  “Tomorrow we’re going to New Castle Island and I’m going to show you just how promising this land is and how easy it will be to make it ours.”