Read New Cat in Town! Page 1

  New cat in town

  A sequel to the book BeanZ

  By: Ashlynn Elliott

  BeanZ 2: New cat in town

  Copyright 2013 by: Ashlynn Elliott


  Main Characters: Ashlynn/ Andre’/Aleah/ Ally/ Carly/Ashlynn’s Mom

  BeanZ you’ll meet: Huggins/Cricket

  Chapter 1

  Just a retell

  “Get up!” Ashlynn Elliott said to Huggins (Full name is ‘Huggins Michel Elliott’).

  He got up and marked his calendar. “April 14th! One more week ‘till I’m ten!” he said happily.

  A few months ago, Ashlynn found out that her favorite stuffed dog, Huggins, was alive! Not only that, but he could talk!

  No one liked him then, but then came the “Dog Haters Club”, water guns, girls having freak-outs, school, and that’s a long story.

  Then, Ashlynn and Huggins became the most popular kid (and dog!) around.

  Chapter 2

  Just an Average Morning

  “Did you know your birthday’s on Easter this year?” Ashlynn asked Huggins.

  “Really? Cool! Double the presents!” Huggins said.

  “Today’s the last day of school ‘till Easter break!”

  “I’m so glad that End-of-the-Year final is over!”

  “I know, right!”

  “It was hard!”

  Ashlynn put on her uniform, Huggins brushed his fur, and they both put on bunny ears. “Easter Party!!” they both laughed.

  Chapter 3

  A friendly conversation

  When they got to school, they went to breakfast. Carly sat with three other girls. Huggins knew one of them. The other two just freaked him out!

  Carly invited them to sit by her and the girls.

  “Ok.” Huggins said.

  “This is Mia and Vicky. I think you’ve met Tobi.” Carly said.

  “Uh, Yeah” Huggins said, remembering his first day of school.

  “What kind of candy did you bring?” Ashlynn asked Carly. “We brought taffy.”

  “Cookies” said Carly. “And lots if ‘em!”

  “Egh, I’m leaving. This breakfast is disgusting!” Mia hacked. Everyone followed her out.

  Chapter 4

  The hip-hop hippity-hop song

  At the class Easter party, everyone looked bored to death. “Come on, people! What’s wrong?!” Ashlynn asked the class.

  “Glad you said that” Carly said to her and Huggins.

  “DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE!” yelled the class.

  Ashlynn whispered into Huggins’s ear. Huggins gave her a thumbs up.

  "5! 6! 7! 8!” they sang and danced to Easter songs crossed with hip-hop.

  When they got home, Ashlynn asked Huggins what he wanted for Easter/his birthday. He said, “I want a toy. A big stuffed animal. Something I can scratch or dance with. That is, something not alive like me!”

  “Well, it’d be hard to find another talking toy!” Ashlynn laughed.

  Huggins gave Ashlynn a dirty look. (Huggins hates called a toy, as seen in BeanZ 1)

  “I mean dog!” she jumped. (Last time she didn’t do that, somebody got hurt!)

  Chapter 5

  Here it comes!!!!

  Easter break flew by fast. On Easter eve, at 7:00, Ashlynn put out her pink, blue, and white basket. Huggins put out his basket. It was red and had a black handle with lots of music notes around it.

  Ashlynn put a plate of carrots out for the Easter Bunny.

  Andre’ put out a Spider-Man bucket. Aleah put out a colorful basket with wooden Easter eggs glued to the sides.

  They went to bed. That morning, all three kids (and a dog) ran down the hallway.

  “I see my dolls!” Ashlynn said.

  “I see Sponge-Bob stuff!” Andre’ hollered.

  “CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Aleah yelled.

  Chapter 6

  First cat, now TALKING CAT?!?!?!

  “Cool! It’s a cat! It’s really fuzzy and shiny!” Huggins said.

  “What’s his name?” Ashlynn asked.


  “Well, I’m going to go open my doll. You two have fun!” Ashlynn said as she left.

  “It’s just you and me, Cricket!” Huggins said. Cricket’s nose twitched. Huggins was not sure if he just saw that….. “Is it just me, or did you just move?!”

  Apparently, this cat could talk, too! She said, “Of course I can move, you idiot! I can talk too! Duh!”

  Huggins fainted.

  “Oh, come ON!!! Doesn’t he know ALL beanies can talk?! Nutbrain.”

  Chapter 7

  Ashlynn finds out sooner than you think

  Ashlynn walked out of the kitchen. At the sight of what happened, she yelled, “HUGGINS!? What happened?!?”

  Huggins slowly got up. “The cat…..” he said. “…Can talk!”

  “WHAT?!” She yelled.

  “I said, ‘THAT CAT CAN TALK!!!!!!’”

  Cricket jumped in front of Huggins. “Uh, no I can’t!!!” she shot back.

  Ashylnn and Huggins gave her the “Are you nuts?!” look.

  “Well, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever done!” she said, embarrassed. “But he’s even stupider! I mean, doesn’t he know that ANYTHING with beans can talk?!”

  They both gave her “The look” again.

  “You know that record about stupidity that I mentioned earlier? It never lasts long!” she said as she hung her head low.

  “Are you always this sassy?” Ashylnn asked.

  “No!” Cricket replied. “Those Easter Bunnies will keep you up all night with their hippity-hoppity stuff!”

  Chapter 8

  No talent? (or at least any good one)

  “What’s your talent? Mine’s dancing!” Huggins asked.

  “Talent? I have to have a talent?” Cricket said. “Well, I’m four and uh….. I’m kinda like a nerd…..”

  “Ok….” Ashlynn mumbled.

  Then, Cricket burped, and let out a horrible stench. “Eww……” Huggins yelled.

  “So what?! Does that BOTHER you?”


  “Yay! I’m disgusting!”

  “You’re creepy, you freak!”

  Cricket scampered over to Ashlynn. “So, let me get this straight. You want me to find a talent?” Cricket asked.

  Ashlynn felt guilty. “No, just be yourself.” She said.


  Chapter 9

  I knew you were trouble……

  Well, when Ashlynn asked Cricket to be herself, the rest of the day was rough.

  “Wee!!!!!” Cricket screamed as she jumped from shelf to shelf. Then, she stuffed Ashlynn’s Easter candy into her mouth.

  Note to self: Never say be yourself to a four-year-old cat! Ashlynn thought.

  Cricket giggled and laughed.

  “Okay! It’s time to go to church, you two!” Ashylnn said. Huggins put on his hat. She looked at Cricket. “Tonight, I’ll sew you a kitty-dress.” She told her.

  “Ok! Cricket said as she jumped into the van.

  “I knew she was going to be trouble!” Huggins said as he put his hand against his head.

  “Me, too.” Ashylnn sighed.

  Chapter 10

  New room and a new nightmare

  When they got back, Cricket asked for a room like Huggins. Ashlynn built her a bed of her color choice, blue. Then, she asked her, “What do you want in your room?”

  “Glad you asked!” said Cricket. “I want a mud puddle, an in-ground pool, a lighting switch, and A BUCKET OF ELECTRIC EELS!!!!!!!”

  Ashlynn was stunned and so was Huggins.
Ashlynn gave it to her, anyways. That night, Cricket kept shocking herself and swimming! That kept Ashlynn up all night.

  “Worst. Birthday. Ever.” Huggins growled under his breath.

  Chapter 11

  MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!

  Ashylnn, Huggins, Andre’, and Aleah had to go to go shopping the next morning.

  “DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!!!!!!!!” they all yelled at Cricket.

  When they got home, Cricket had peeled the paint off of Ashlynn’s wall, ruined the bed, broke her cabinets, and ripped the carpet!

  “WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!” Ashlynn yelled.

  “You said and I quote, ‘Do something stupid!’” Cricket giggled.

  “I said, ‘DON’T do anything stupid!!!!!!’”


  Ashlynn’s parents fixed her room. Cricket didn’t even care. She went on shocking herself in her room.

  Chapter 12

  Andre’ and Cricket

  Cricket went into Andre’s room and picked up a paper. “The only word I recognize is ‘cat’. It’s about me. I know it!” Cricket huffed.

  Ashlynn read it, and then laughed. “He wrote, ‘I won’t kill the kat’ one hundred times!”

  “Huh?” Cricket said with her squeaky little voice.

  “He tried to kill me.” Huggins growled.

  Then, Andre’ walked in. “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!” He threw a mud ball at her.

  “If I’m in your room, and you’re throwing mud balls, I ain’t getting out! Cricket said all sassy-like.

  She really shouldn’t have said that, because then, Andre’ squirted liquid soap at her.

  “REATREAT!!!!!” She yelled and ran out of the room.

  Chapter 13

  Carly’s freak-out the sequel

  Ashlynn invited Carly to her house. “Let’s hope she doesn’t have the same screaming fit like the one she had when she met me.” Huggins said.

  “I invited my friend, Ally, to make sure she doesn’t….you know….what she did last time…..” Ashlynn replied. When the two girls arrived, she said, “I have a surprise!”

  Cricket jumped into the room. “Hi!!!!!!” she yelled, and then she burped. Carly and Ally stood there for a second. Then they whispered to each other.

  “First, Eww. And second, AHHHHHHH!!!!” Both girls ran out of the house, just like last time.

  “TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!” Huggins screamed at them.

  Cricket and Ashlynn gave him a dirty look.

  Chapter 14

  What’s up with Cricket?! (not that something’s already wrong)

  About an hour later, Carly and Ally came back. “We calmed down.” Ally said.

  “Now, YOU GOT ANOTHER TALKING ANIMAL?!?!?!?!?!?” Carly yelled at her.

  “Hey! I didn’t mean to! Did you know anything with…..” Cricket interrupted Ashlynn with a whack with her tail. “Hey! Let me continue. Anything with…..” Cricket farted. “STOP, Cricket!” she yelled. “Go to your room.”

  Then, Cricket left. “Her name is Cricket?!” Ally laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah, anything with beans….” Cricket hopped across the floor, burping her ABC’S.

  “Ugh! I’m going to talk with this idiot that people call a cat!” Ashlynn picked Cricket up by the tail and dragged her out of the room.

  Chapter 15

  Dumb cat? DUMB GIRL!!!!!

  “What on earth is wrong with you, you stupid cat?!” Ashlynn growled at Cricket.

  “Remember when I said that the phrase, “All beanies can talk”, was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said or done?” Cricket said as she bit her kitty-nails. “Well, I kinda wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that! Listen, I’m four, I’m dumb, and I can’t do anything, and you can’t tell ANYBODY!!!!!!”

  Ashlynn was confused. “So, wait a minute. ANYTHING with beans can talk?” she said, trying to move it along.

  “Yeah, that’s why we talk.” Cricket explained. “And you’re the only one in the world who knows, and I’d like to keep it that way!”

  “Uhh…… I have a secret, too.” Ashlynn looked worried.

  “What?!” Cricket panicked.

  “I can’t keep secrets!” Ashlynn yelled.

  Chapter 16

  Crick’s tricks

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to handle this myself.” Cricket said. She hopped over to Ally and Carly.

  “Uhh…. Guys might want to leave! Ashie’s not feeling good. She’s throwing up. Might want to leave before you get the germs.” She said.

  “Eww!” both girls left.

  Cricket hopped over to Ashlynn. “What’d you say?” she asked.

  “I told them that you were sick.” Cricket giggled.

  “You did WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

  “You’re grounded, little lady!”

  “Who cares?!”

  “You just lost your pool for a week!”


  Chapter 17

  Aleah the parrot

  Then, Aleah passed by singing, “Cricket’s got a secret! Ashlynn can’t keep it!”

  Ashlynn and Cricket yelled at her, “WHO’S HEARD YOU SAY THAT!?!?!?!?!?!”


  “What’d Mom say?” Ashlynn asked.

  “She said ‘I expected that, so I don’t care. Just don’t put ten thousand of them in my room!” Aleah replied.

  “Thank GOODNESS!” Ashylnn yelled.

  “Now, you shut your trap or I’ll strike you with lighting!” Cricket scowled.

  “Don’t be so harsh! She’s two!” Ashlynn said.

  “Okie, Dokie!” Aleah said as she bounced away.

  Chapter 18

  Mom’s Idea’s

  Ashlynn didn’t know how to keep that really big secret. Since my mom knows, I should ask her! She thought.

  “Mom! I don’t know how to keep this secret! This could put the world on chaos of talking toys!!!” she yelled as she burst into her mom’s room.

  Her mom was stunned. “Well….um…. you and Huggins could….uh….how ‘bout……..uh……….keep a journal! You could write down all of your feelings, secrets, and no one would ever look in it!” she said.

  “Uh…. OK…….whatever!” Ashlynn said.

  Then, Huggins burst in. “Uh…..Hold the phone! Did I hear my name?! I’m a dog! I have very good ears!”

  “We’re getting journals!” Ashlynn said. Huggins cocked his head in confusion. “They’re books to keep secrets in.”

  “Oh. Yay!” Huggins said as he put his headphones on his head and danced off.

  Chapter 19

  The journal

  The next day, and Cricket, Ashlynn, Huggins, Andre’, Aleah, and Mom went to the dollar store to buy some journals. “I want one with music notes.” Huggins said.

  “I want rainbows!” Ashlynn said, but they couldn’t find those styles. Then, Aleah went missing! They searched and searched, but never found her.

  Then, she came out of her hiding spot and giggled, “Mommy! Look what I found!” Aleah ran up to them with two journals that you can design the cover.

  “I want it!” Huggins and Ashlynn said together.

  “Jinx!” Huggins said. “You owe me a soda!”

  “Dang it!” Ashlynn growled.

  That night, Huggins and Ashlynn wrote down dumb old Cricket’s secret, and felt better.

  Chapter 20

  Huggins’ party

  The next day, Huggins had his birthday party. Ashlynn invited Ally, Carly, Emily, all of her cousins, and Huggins best friend from school, Everett, to the party.

  He had a cake; which Cricket laid a stink bomb in so no one could eat it. He also had a talent show, which Cricket also used a stink bomb.

  All in all, Huggins had a great birthday, and Cricket got to be herself (her nasty self) and have a fart fest.

  Now, everyone including you knows Cricket can talk.

  Huggins still had the craziest birthday o
f his life, but he found a friend. Well, he found a gross, odd, talking friend.

  Chapter 21

  Cricket. Still a dork.

  Ashlynn and Huggins never stopped writing in their journals. Cricket, well, never stopped her dorkiness. She still burps, shocks herself, sets of stink bombs, (if you know what I mean), and sings.

  Andre’ still NEVER talks to the BeanZ, and also tries not to kill them…..again.

  Aleah, well, we can all say she still is a big parrot.

  If you ever run into Cricket, DON’T LOOK AT HER! (Unless you want to stink for the rest of your life)

  Life is fine……until they meet the next bean comes!

  Can’t get enough BeanZ?

  Watch out for:

  BeanZ 3:

  Frank. That’s all we can say or we’re dead meat.