Read Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy Page 13

  “To be honest, I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on that. You’re the psychologist. From what I see, he’s losing touch with reality, and for some strange reason, he’s felt the need to create this fantasy of you and I conspiring against him. I don’t know why, after all, these years he would come up with this, Kathy. I thought Ray’s death was behind us,” Tom put all the paperwork back in the folder and laid it back on his desk.

  “It was such a terrible time, and I honestly didn’t believe John would make it through it all. Tom, we’ve been happy since he stopped drinking. In fact, we just celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary the other night. It was a perfect evening, but then I leave for a seminar in Florida, and all hell breaks loose. I guess I should have stayed home. Maybe if I had not gone...” Her voice trailed off, as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. John was everything to Kathy, and she could not imagine her life without him.

  “Kathy you can’t feel that way, there’s nothing you could have done differently. John has a problem, and we need to work together to help him. I can’t put out a missing person’s report yet, but I will have everyone keep an eye open for him. Now, you need to go home and see if you can find any clues before something terrible happens. I know you’re worried. Hell, I am too, but we need to hold ourselves together for John’s sake. Do you mind if I keep this folder and go through it some more? Maybe I’ll find a clue to what’s going on.” Tom knew he probably wouldn’t find anything, but he wanted to keep Kathy from going through it again.

  “You’re right. Crying isn’t going to help. I only wish I knew he was okay. John has never stayed away without letting me know where he was,” she squared her shoulders and took a deep, calming breath.

  “You should’ve seen his face last night, Tom. I’ve never seen such rage in John; I’ve never seen anything so ugly in my life. He honestly believes I betrayed him; that we both betrayed him,” Kathy’s voice cracked as tears streamed down her face again.

  “I know, but we need to figure out what’s going on. Kathy, you need to go home and get some rest. You need to be strong for John when he comes back. With some luck, maybe he’s realized he was mistaken and is at home waiting for you. We’ll figure this all out, so try not to worry.”

  Tom knew Kathy would never be able to rest until she heard from John, but he also knew there was nothing more they could do until they found him.

  “Thank you for your friendship, Tom. I don’t know what I would do if I had to go through this alone. Maybe you’ll find something in that folder to shed some light on all of this. You’re right about one thing, though; I do need to get some rest before I see him again. I’ll need to be able to think clearly. I’ll call you if I hear from him.”

  Kathy looked into Tom’s eyes and smiled, “You’ll call if you hear anything, won’t you?

  “I promise. Now, go home and get some rest. We’ll talk again soon,” Tom gave her a reassuring smile.

  Kathy agreed because she knew there was nothing more she could do at this time. Besides, maybe John was at home waiting to clear this whole thing up.

  “You’re right; I need to pull myself together so I can be strong for John. Thank you for everything.” As she stood to leave, Kathy prayed Tom was right, and John was safely at home.

  Once she left, Tom picked up his telephone and dialed.


  Kathy pulled into their driveway and realized John still was not home. “Where are you?”

  After she had walked into the house, Kathy dropped her car keys on the table by the door. She then looked at the telephone and noticed the light flashing on the answering machine.

  With a shaky finger, she pressed the play button. “Kathy it is me. I wanted to let you know I am all right, but I won’t be coming home for a couple of days. I have a few things I need to straighten out first. I can’t believe what you did, but I guess you never actually know someone. It’s best I stay away until things calm down, so don’t look for me,” the message ended.

  Kathy was not sure what to do. He believes I betrayed him. What happened to bring this on? She reached for the telephone and dialed Tom.

  “Riggs.” Tom was still at his desk looking through the folder Kathy had left with him. He was confused as no one used the documents or memos during the investigation of Ray’s death.

  “Tom, it’s Kathy. When I got home, I found a message on the answering machine from John. He said he was not coming back for a couple of days, and he still believes we had something to do with the folder. Tom, he said not to look for him. He sounded as angry as he was last night. I’m scared for him. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Kathy, there’s nothing you can do for him until he cools off and realizes he needs help. The best thing, to do, for now, is get some rest before he comes home. You won’t be any help to him if you fall apart, too.”

  “I know, you’re right, but I don’t think I can sleep without knowing where he is. Tom, if something was to happen to him...” She could not bring herself to say the words.

  “I know, but you need to hold yourself together. Get some rest, and I’ll work on finding him,” Tom knew his words were empty, as John said not to look for him. “Please Kathy, try and get some rest.”

  “I will, I promise. John and I are so blessed to have your friendship and support. You’ll call if you hear anything, right?"

  “I will. Now get some rest.”

  “Thank you for everything, Tom. Goodbye.” As she hung up the telephone, Kathy looked at the picture taken on their wedding day, sitting on the mantel and wondered if things would ever be the same between them.

  The sound of the wall clock chiming in the living room brought Kathy back to awareness.

  “Pull yourself together; you need to be strong for John,” she whispered as she wiped her tears and walked toward the staircase up to their bedroom.


  Kathy was glad she had decided to take a shower. The warm water flowing over her body seemed to wash some of her stress away. She could not remember the last time she was so tired, so the shower was a welcome treat.

  Tom’s right, a nap is just what I need to help clear my mind.

  Once she finished her shower, she lay on the bed, hugging John’s pillow and breathing in the scent of his cologne. She smiled, remembering the first time he had worn it. It was a Christmas gift from her mother. He had teased her mom by saying she must have thought he smelled bad and needed to cover up with some expensive cologne. However, once he realized how much Kathy liked it on him; he had worn it ever since.

  “Oh John, what has happened to you?” She whispered into his pillow, wondering where he was, and what he was doing.

  As she lay quietly there, she found she could no longer keep her eyes open and after a few minutes, drifted off to sleep.


  The man enjoyed watching her while she was on the telephone. It’s all coming together so easy. She will be an enjoyable final piece in the game as her love for John is easy to use.

  It made him chuckle how John had been quick to believe she would betray him. It always amazed him how feelings of guilt made such a powerful weapon. He smiled, as she had no idea he had watched her every move, no matter where she was in the house. She could not say, or do anything without him knowing.

  He enjoyed watching John when he found the folder and the growing rage on his face, as he learned of their betrayal. It was all too easy.

  Of course, the best part was when poor, unsuspecting Kathy had come home early.

  “Sleep well, my dear, for you have important work to do.”


  After John had left the message for Kathy, he was glad he had decided to call the home telephone instead of her cell phone. After the events of the night before, he was not ready to talk to her yet.

  “Okay, where do I start? Erebus said I have everything I need, but what does that mean…shit! The folder, I left it with
Kathy!” he groaned.

  John knew he was drunk, and most of the details in the folder were a bit foggy in his mind, but there was no question of what Kathy and Tom had done. They betrayed him, and the thought of it made John sick.

  How could the two people he trusted most in the world, do that to him? John thought of all the times they assured him Ray’s death was not his fault, but now he knows it was all lies. Last night in his drunken stupor, he left the only evidence he had with one of the betrayers.

  Well, I’m sure you’ve destroyed it by now. No folder, no proof. Oh well, I don’t have time to worry about that now. I need to figure how to beat this Erebus asshole at his game. Erebus, what the hell type of name is that?

  John started his car, “Okay let’s begin again.”


  John had never liked this part of town with its filth and stench. It amazed him how such a beautiful and historic city could have a place of such darkness. Ray had died a few blocks from there, and it surprised John how it had not changed any over the years. He knew it was early in the day for the working ladies to be out, but maybe he would get lucky.


  When John turned on the road leading to where the prostitutes gathered, he noticed a small group standing on the corner. “Good. Hopefully, I won’t have to come back later this evening.”

  John pulled up to the curb and rolled down the passenger window. He watched as one of them walked over to his car and leaned in the open window.

  “Hey, honey, you want a date?”

  “No, thanks, only answers,” John smiled; hoping he did not frighten her away.

  She backed away from the car. “Are you a cop? I don’t want no trouble with a cop.”

  “Yes, I am, but I am not here to hassle you. I need some answers about the murdered working girls. I’ll pay for your time.” John hoped the offer of money would put her mind at ease.

  “I don’t know. How do I know as soon as we talk price, you won’t arrest me?” After spending a few nights in jail, talking to a police officer made her nervous.

  “I don’t plan to arrest you, I only need information. I have one hundred dollars, is that enough for your time?” He held up a one hundred bill for her to see.

  “Get in, so we can go somewhere to talk.” John planned to drive to a small strip mall about six blocks away, hoping no one would see them.

  She hesitated a moment but getting one hundred dollars for merely talking was too hard to resist.

  “Okay, it is your time, honey,” she smiled then got in the car, and they drove away.

  John drove toward the strip mall, feeling confident he could get the information he needed, and then get her back to her corner without anyone seeing them together. Once there, he pulled into a parking space along the side of a building and turned off the car.

  John must have appeared nervous because she leaned over and placed her hand on his thigh.

  “Are you sure you’re all right? You know for a hundred bucks, I’d be willing to help you relax a bit,” she smiled.

  My name is Pleasure, and I know how to give it,” she smiled, as she slid her hand higher up his thigh.

  “Uh…no…I told you I only want information.” John grabbed her hand, lifting it off his thigh. “The only thing I need from you is answers to my questions.”

  “Alright, alright, don’t get upset. I get it. You want information only, Officer. So, what do you want to know? The other cops have already asked us all sorts of questions. I don’t know how I can help anymore,” Pleasure pulled her hand away from his then leaned back against the car door. “Okay, but before we get started what’s your name?”

  “You don’t need to know my name, let’s just keep this simple. I’ll do the asking today, and you only need to answer, fair enough?” John did not want to give his name in case someone else talked to her.

  “Okay, if that’s the way you want it. Ask away; it’s your time,” Pleasure pulled her legs up to her chest, grasping them with her arms, “I’ll do my best to help.”

  “Did you know any of the victims?” John held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  Pleasure had paused a moment before she answered him. “No, I didn’t know any of them personally, but I did see the last one around here a few times before he killed her. She wasn’t on the streets for very long. It’s a real shame, hell; she wasn’t even using. I don’t understand why she was turnin’ tricks, you know. I guess she had her reasons. We all do.”

  Pleasure held up her arms to show the track marks on them. “I guess we all have our demons to fight, huh?”

  John nodded his acknowledgment for as much as anyone; he understood the battle with one’s demons.

  “Yeah, it’s always sad when you give in to your weaknesses.” John shook his head to clear his thoughts. “At any rate, did you happen to see the man who was picking up the girls? Maybe the car he drove, or anything else might stand out in your memory?”

  “I did see the same car hanging around a lot. It was silver and very nice. I never saw who was in it, but Sharese said she saw him pull up and wait for different girls. In fact, she said he was hanging around the night Trina died. She didn’t get to see Trina get in the car with him because she was on a date.”

  Pleasure looked at John, wondering what this was about since the news said the killer was in jail. “She did say the same car was hanging around the last few weeks. You know who might be some help for you, it’s Monet. She talked to him that night and boy, did he piss her off. The bitch thinks she’s all that, so when he turned her down for Trina, she wanted to slit his throat,” Pleasure laughed at the thought of Monet rejected again. She had never liked Monet; she was the type to cause you big trouble if she thought it would benefit her.

  “Monet, is she out today? What does she look like?” Maybe this was the break he needed.

  “No, she won’t come out until later tonight. She’s like a bat, only comes out after dark,” Pleasure giggled.

  “But to be honest with you, I think she only works nights so the Johns can’t see her ugly ass.”

  Pleasure laughed, “Shit, she’s so junked up the only way a man would want her is in complete darkness!”

  While John enjoyed this conversation with Pleasure, he was growing impatient. “Will she be there tonight? How do I find her?”

  Pleasure realized he was upset, and returned her focus to his question. “Yeah, she’ll be out tonight. She’s there every night. You’ll know her by that raggedy-ass, red skirt, and them worn out thigh-high boots she wears all the time. The damn fool thinks they make her look good,” Pleasure snickered and rolled her eyes.

  “Thank you for your help, Pleasure. I appreciate it more than you know.” John handed her the money and then started the car.

  “Hey, did that guy really do all those things to the girls?” Her eyes were moist with tears.

  John knew he could not tell her anything though he wanted to with the hope she would stop prostituting and straighten out her life. He felt sorry for her, and in a strange way, he found her to be quite likable. “Yeah, he did everything you’ve heard, and more.”

  “You know something; it could’ve been me just as easy as it was them. You don’t think about things like that happening when you are out there, but when it happens to girls you’ve seen working on the same corner like you, well, you know.”

  Pleasure smiled then folded the money and put it in a small pocket in her shorts. “Well, at least, you guys caught him. I hope the bastard burns in hell for what he did!”

  John wanted to say, No, we didn’t catch him, so you are not safe out here, but he knew it would be a lie.

  As far as the world knew, the killer sat safely in jail, awaiting trial.

  “Yeah, he’s locked up; right where he should be. You don’t need to worry; the monster that killed them, will pay, and pay dearly!”

  John knew he needed to get busy and stop Erebus before he kill
ed again.

  “I’ll make sure of it myself,” he mumbled under his breath, hoping Pleasure had not heard him.

  “Well, it is time to get you back.” John pulled the car out of the parking lot and drove back to the corner where he picked her up.

  As he pulled up to the curb, Pleasure reached over and touched his arm. “Thank you, Officer. I know we’re safe with someone like you watching out for us,” she smiled then turned around and opened the door to get out.

  “Hey, Pleasure, be careful out there. You know there’s always help if you want to stop this, right?” The thought of her and the other women out on the streets with the killer still on the loose worried him.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m like a cat; I always land on my feet. Besides, I feel safer knowing there are cops like you looking out for us girls.”

  Pleasure got out of the car, closed the door, and then leaned in the window.

  “Thanks for keeping your word, and not giving me any hassle. You’re okay for a cop,” she laughed and then winked at him.

  “If you’re ever feeling lonely, come look me up. You can have one on the house,” Pleasure smiled then walked back to the group gathered by the streetlight.

  John mulled over what she had said as he pulled back out onto the street. “Well, I guess I need to come back tonight and have a little visit with Monet.”

  Chapter 25

  Lies and Betrayal

  Kathy awoke from her nap feeling refreshed. She looked around the room hoping John had come home, but everything was as it had been earlier. She walked downstairs to the kitchen and started some water for tea when the doorbell rang.

  “One minute, please.” Kathy hurried to the front door and opened it to see a delivery person standing there with an envelope.

  The look of disappointment on her face must have been obvious. “I guess you were expecting someone else. Are you Mrs. Cooper?” The young man smiled then held out a clipboard for her to sign.

  “Uh...yes. I’m Mrs. Cooper, but I wasn’t expecting anything.” Kathy took the clipboard, signed the form, and then took the envelope as she handed the clipboard back to him.

  “Well, hopefully, it’s good news. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.” The young man took the clipboard from her and turned to walk back to his truck.