Read Nights Touch Page 11

Chapter 10

  Cara slept late Saturday morning, her dreams troubled. First she was dancing at The Nocturne with Anton, then she was making out with Vince while Anton and her father watched. In the distance, a woman danced naked under a full moon, and standing behind the woman was another man. She couldn't see his face but evil poured out of him like thick black smoke. It engulfed the woman, then snaked along the ground, licking at Anton's ankles. Terror held her in place as the smoke's cold black breath drew closer. She had to get away! If the smoke touched her, she would die! She tried to scream but no sound emerged from her throat. Eerie laughter rose from the midst of the smoke. She looked to her father for help but he seemed unaware of the danger. She had to get away! Heart pounding, she opened her mouth, terror releasing the scream that had been trapped in her throat. . .

  And woke to the sound of her own screams ringing in her ears.

  Sitting up, she glanced around, relieved to find herself in her own room, in her own bed. She was relieved that it had only been a nightmare, though it had been the most realistic nightmare she'd ever had. For some reason, a nightmare she'd had as a child popped into her mind. It was a dream she remembered clearly, even after all these years. In her dream, she had gone into her parents' bedroom early in the morning and climbed into bed between them. She had tried to awaken them, but they hadn't moved, hadn't been breathing. Terrified to think that they were dead, she had run back to her own room and pulled the covers over her head. When she told her father about it later, he had assured her that it had only been a dream, but for the longest time, she had been convinced it had actually happened.

  But dreams were dreams and couldn't hurt you. Shaking off the last vestiges of her nightmare, she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

  She felt better when she emerged from her shower fifteen minutes later, her hair freshly washed. She dried her hair, applied her makeup, pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater. She stripped the sheets from her bed, carried them downstairs, and put them in the wash.

  As usual, the house was clean and quiet. She went into the kitchen in search of food, but she wasn't really hungry, so she opted for tea and toast.

  When she finished eating, she washed her dishes, then sat at the kitchen table, wondering what to do the rest of the day. Cara usually worked on Saturday, but the library was closed today while the floors were being refinished and wouldn't open again until Tuesday.

  Maybe she would drive into town and take in an early movie, or maybe she would go shopping-not that she needed anything. She had enough clothes and shoes to outfit a dozen women. Still, she liked shopping. . . and one of her favorite stores was located on Seventh Street, only a few blocks from Vince's garage.

  Happiness bubbled up inside her at the thought of seeing him again. Before she could talk herself out of it, Cara grabbed her keys and her handbag and hurried out the door.

  Di Giorgio's car followed her down the driveway.

  She had butterflies in her stomach when she pulled up in front of Vince's garage. It was a large corner building, with the entrance on Seventh Street. She sat there a moment, wondering if he would be happy to see her. Maybe he wouldn't like her dropping in unannounced when he was working. Well, there was only one way to find out.

  Taking the keys from the ignition, she got out of the car. There was a side door that led to an office. The door was closed. She discovered it was locked when she tried to open it. Maybe he was in the garage.

  She walked around the corner to where the service bays were, but this door was closed, too. Perhaps he didn't work on Saturdays, or maybe he was out picking up car parts or out to lunch.

  Shoulders slumped in disappointment, she returned to her car. She waved at Di Giorgio as she slid behind the wheel, then drove to her favorite dress shop where she picked out a slinky black dress for her next date with Vince, whenever that might be, and a pretty pink silk dress to wear Sunday night.

  She drove by the garage again when she finished shopping, but it was still locked up tight. Heaving a sigh of disappointment, she motioned for Di Giorgio to pull up beside her.

  "I'm bored," she said. "Do you want to go to a movie?"

  "Whatever you want, Miss DeLongpre. "

  "Okay, come on. I'll buy the popcorn. "

  It was dusk when Cara returned home. The sound of the upstairs shower told her that her parents were awake.

  She tossed her handbag and packages on the sofa, then went into the kitchen. She had stopped at her favorite Italian restaurant on the way home. She didn't like eating out of the take-home containers, so she transferred the lasagna to a plate, along with a couple of bread sticks, grabbed a soda from the fridge, and sat down to eat.

  As usual of late, her thoughts turned to Vince. She had driven by his garage again after the movie, but he hadn't been there.

  She was rinsing off her dishes when her mother entered the kitchen.

  "Hi, Mom. "

  "Hello, darling. How was your day?"

  "It was okay. I went shopping and then Frank and I went to the movies. "

  "And what did you buy?"

  "A couple of dresses. Wanna see?"

  "Of course. "

  Going into the living room, Cara opened the boxes and held up each dress in turn. "What do you think?"

  "I think that black one could get you into all kinds of trouble," Brenna said. She motioned for Cara to come and sit beside her. "Your father tells me you're in love. "

  "I might be. "

  "Does he make your heart sing? Do you think about him every minute of the day?"

  Cara nodded.

  "Dream of him at night?"

  Cara nodded again, and then frowned, remembering the horrible dream she'd had the night before.

  "I hope we get to meet him soon. "

  "Me, too. "

  "Be careful, sweetheart. Don't go too fast. Do you know what I mean?"

  "Mom, I'm a big girl. I don't need a lecture on sex. "

  Brenna took Cara's hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "I guess I should have given it to you sooner.

  You just grew up so fast. " She shrugged. "I just don't want you to get hurt. "

  "I know. " Cara kissed her mother on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom. "

  "Your father and I are going out for a walk," Brenna said. "We won't be long. Are you going out tonight?"

  "I don't think so. "

  "All right, dear. We'll be back soon. Maybe we can play cards or something. "

  "Okay. "

  Brenna hugged her daughter, then left the room. Roshan was waiting for her by the front door.

  Outside, Brenna and Roshan moved quickly and silently through the shadows. The downtown district was always a good place to hunt. As usual, they chose a young couple, took what they needed, and sent the pair on their way.

  "Cara's growing up," Brenna remarked as they strolled back toward home.

  "I think she's grown," Roshan said dryly.

  "I guess I mean she's maturing, changing. I can feel her distancing herself from us. I don't like it. "

  Roshan put his arm around his wife's shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "I don't, either, but there's nothing we can do about it. " He wasn't sure what he would do to the man she fell in love with. The thought of any man taking her away. . . He knew it was the natural way of things, for a young woman to marry and leave home. He just wasn't sure he could allow it.

  "Do you think we've been good parents?" Brenna asked. "Did I make a mistake, bringing her home all those years ago?"

  "Here now, stop that. We've raised a beautiful, well-adjusted daughter. She's smart and resourceful, and. . . "

  "But she doesn't really have any friends except for Sarah Beth. A young girl should have friends. "

  "Maybe it's time we let her invite people to the house. "

  Brenna's eyes
widened. "Do you think that's wise?"

  "Our lair is secure. I don't think there's anything to fear. "

  "Maybe you're right. Maybe we've been overly protective of her for nothing. " She smiled up at him. "I want to share every moment we can with her, while we can. "

  Cara was surprised by her parents' announcement. "But why the sudden change?" she asked, unable to believe what she was hearing.

  "Your mother and I have decided we were being selfish, refusing to let you invite your friends over. "

  "That's great, Mom. Dad. " She hugged them both. Of course, she didn't really have any friends her age except for Sarah Beth. Most of the friends she'd had in high school had moved away or she had lost touch with them. Still, it was nice to know she could bring company home if the occasion ever arose.

  Company like Vince. . .

  They were about to sit down and play Canasta when the doorbell rang. Roshan looked at Cara. "Are you expecting someone?"

  "No. "

  Looking thoughtful, he went to answer the door.

  Vince rang the bell again, thinking this was probably the stupidest thing he had ever done, but he had been yearning to see Cara since he woke that evening and the yearning had only grown stronger.

  He fought down a sudden sense of panic as the door opened.

  The vampire who answered the door was tall and lean with powerful shoulders and long limbs. His hair was as black as the ace of spades, his eyes a bold midnight blue set beneath straight black brows. His skin was pale though not sickly looking-more like that of a healthy man who didn't spend a lot of time in the sun. Preternatural power rolled off him in waves. Coming here suddenly seemed like a really bad idea.

  "Who are you?" the vampire asked. "What are you doing here?"

  Vince squared his shoulders and thrust out his chin.

  He had the feeling the man could squash him with a ' look. It wasn't a feeling he liked.

  "I'm Vince," he said, his tone more belligerent than he had intended. "I came to see Cara. "

  "Is my daughter expecting you?"

  "No. " Damn, Vince thought, he'd been right. The vampire was her father.

  Roshan glanced over his shoulder to find Cara standing behind him, her eyes wide. Roshan swore under his breath. Of all the bad luck! He had no sooner told the girl she could have guests than one came calling, and not just any guest, but a vampire! And not just any vampire, but the one whose presence he had sensed before, the one who had been in Cara's room. He looked at his daughter, his eyes narrowing.

  Was there more going on here than Cara had told him? Did she know Vince was Nosferatu?

  "Roshan?" Brenna called, coming up behind him, "what's going. . . " She came to an abrupt halt, her gaze moving quickly between her husband and the young man standing on the doorstep. "What's going on?"

  "Nothing," Roshan replied curtly. "Cara has a visitor. "

  "Mom, Dad, this is Vince Cordova," Cara said, smiling as she moved toward the door. "I told you about him. "

  "Oh, dear," Brenna murmured.

  "Is something wrong?" Cara asked. She looked from her parents to Vince and back again. Tension crackled in the air. It crawled over her skin like the tickle of static electricity, though she could find no reason for it.

  "Cara, I should like a few minutes alone with your young man," Roshan said, his gaze still resting on Vince's face. "We'll join you shortly. "

  "Dad. . . "

  "Come, Cara," Brenna said, and taking her daughter by the hand, she led her into the other room.

  Roshan stepped out onto the front porch and closed the door behind him. He was immediately struck by the power of the young man standing in front of him. Though the man was young in the life, he exuded the strength of a much older vampire. Such power could only be passed on by the ancient ones. "Who made you?"

  "I don't remember her name. It was kind of hit-and-run, if you know what I mean?"

  "Was it Mara?"

  Vince frowned. The name sounded familiar, but so much of that night was hazy in his mind "It might have been," he allowed. "Does it matter?"

  Mara, of course, Roshan thought. She was the oldest of their kind, a law unto herself. No one knew how old she was, when she had been made, or who had made her. There was speculation that she had been made in the valley of the Nile during the reign of Cleopatra. It was said that she was truly immortal, that she was impervious to blade or stake, and, perhaps most amazing of all, that the sun no longer had any power over her.

  "What are you doing here, in my town?" Roshan asked.

  "Your town?"

  "My town. "

  Vince shrugged. "I was passing through, saw it, liked it. You got a problem with that?"

  "As a rule, I don't allow other vampires to reside in my territory, especially disrespectful young punks who don't ask my permission to stay. "

  "Well, pardon me all to hell. I didn't know I had to ask. "

  "Mind your manners, whelp. You've been one of us less than a year. You still have a lot to learn. "

  "How do you know that?"

  "I know a lot of things," Roshan retorted dryly. "I've been a vampire for over three hundred years. "

  "No shit. "

  "Have you no respect for your elders?"

  Vince blew out a sigh. His mother would be ashamed of him if she saw him now. He was a little ashamed himself. One thing was for certain, he wasn't making a good impression on Cara's father.

  Meeting the other man's eyes, Vince muttered, "I'm sorry. Sir. I was out of line. "

  Roshan grunted softly. "What do you want with my daughter?"

  "Not what you think. "

  "No?" Roshan's gaze burned into Vince's. "What were you doing in her room the other night?"

  "Not what you're thinking!" Vince said emphatically.

  Roshan's gaze bored into him, as if seeking the truth of his words.

  "Dammit, we didn't do anything but talk. "

  "She doesn't know what you are, does she?" Roshan asked.

  "No. " Vince canted his head to one side. "She doesn't know what you are, either, does she?" He laughed softly. "I won't tell on you if you don't blow the whistle on me," he said, then frowned. "If you're over three hundred years old, she can't be your natural daughter. " He still had a lot to learn about being a vampire, Vince mused, but if there was one thing he knew, it was that vampires couldn't create life.

  "I want you to leave town," Roshan said. "Now. Tonight. "

  "And if I don't?" Vince lifted his chin and squared his shoulders, refusing to be cowed. He had come here to see Cara and, by damn, he was going to see her!

  "I'll destroy you. "

  "Then do your worst, 'cause I'm not leaving. I'm in love with your daughter. "

  "And you're willing to die for her?"

  "For her, with her, whatever. "

  In spite of himself, Roshan found himself admiring the young vampire's grit. "You'll bring her nothing but heartache. "

  "Shouldn't that be her decision?"

  "If you hurt her. . . "

  Vince held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I know, you'll destroy me. "

  "Without a qualm," Roshan said, though, if it came down to that, he wondered if he would emerge the victor. Though Cordova was young in the life, he exuded the power and arrogance of a much older vampire. Roshan held the younger man's gaze for stretched seconds and then, with a sigh of resignation, said, "Shall we go in?"

  Cara was pacing the entry hall when her father entered the house. She felt relieved to see that her father hadn't scared Vince away. She couldn't keep her eyes off Vince as he walked toward her. He looked as handsome as sin in a pair of Levi's, a black T-shirt, and a dark sports jacket.

  "We were about to play Canasta, Mr. Co
rdova," Brenna remarked. "Would you care to join us?"

  "Sure. And it's Vince. "

  "Brenna," she said, smiling.

  The atmosphere at the table was, to say the least, strained. At least it was between Cara's father and Vince. The tension was so thick between them, it was almost tangible. Cara had expected her father to be suspicious of any man she brought home, but this went way beyond that.

  After a few hands, she asked Vince if he wanted a coke. When he declined, her father suggested a little red wine.

  "Thanks," Vince said, "that sounds good. "

  "I'll have some, too," Brenna said with a smile. She turned to Vince. "So, tell us about yourself, won't you?"

  "There's not much to tell," he replied good-naturedly.

  "Have you been here long?"

  "No. "

  "Where are you from originally?"

  "Georgia. "

  "Ah, a southern boy," Brenna said, laughing softly.

  "Yes, ma'am. "

  "Do you come from a large family?"

  "I've got three brothers and a sister and about a dozen nieces and nephews. "

  "And a cat," Cara added.

  Vince grinned at her. "And a cat. "

  "Your family sounds wonderful. I would have liked to have a large family," Brenna said wistfully. "But it never happened. " She smiled at Cara. "I'm hoping for lots of grandchildren. "


  "Cara tells me you're a mechanic," Roshan said, returning to the table with four glasses and a bottle of wine.

  "That's right. You got a car that needs fixin'?"

  "Not at the moment. How are things going?" After opening the bottle, Roshan filled a glass and handed it to Brenna.

  "I'm doing all right," Vince said with a shrug.

  "Are we going to play cards, or are you two going to give Vince the third degree all night?" Cara asked.

  "You can hardly blame us for being curious," Brenna said. "After all, this is the first young man who's come calling. "


  "Oh, I'm sorry, dear, was that a secret?"

  Vince tried not to laugh, but he couldn't help it. The look of horror on Cara's face was priceless. He couldn't blame her parents for being curious about him. After all, he was dating their only daughter, and he was a vampire. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing in their eyes or not.

  Roshan filled the other three wineglasses and resumed his seat.

  Cara simply sat there, mortified by her mother's reference to grandchildren. What must Vince be thinking, and why had she ever thought having friends over would be a good idea?

  At midnight, Vince took his leave.

  Cara walked him to the door, then followed him outside. "I'm sorry about that," she said.

  "Nothing to be sorry for. They're just looking out for you. "

  "I guess so. "

  Vince slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "I do think I deserve a reward, though. "

  "Do you?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I was on my very best behavior all night long. I think at the very least I deserve a good-night kiss. "

  She swayed toward him. "Do you?" She was smiling now. She had never openly flirted with a man before, let alone one that was as handsome and sexy as Vince. It was a heady experience.

  "Uh-huh. Do I need to ask daddy's permission?"

  "No, silly, just kiss me. "

  Grinning, he lowered his head and claimed her lips with his. She tasted of sunshine and honey and warm summer days that were forever lost to him. She was love's first kiss and a baby's first cry, spring's first flower and presents on Christmas morning. He drew her closer, wanting to lose himself in her sweetness, to feel the heat of her skin against his own, to explore all the subtle curves and valleys of her body.

  But this was not the time, and definitely not the place. Not with her father on the other side of the door.

  Vince kissed her again, long and deep, savoring the taste of the wine on her lips before he moved away.

  "I'd better go. Can I see you tomorrow night?"

  She started to say yes, and then remembered that Anton was coming to call. "I'm sorry, I've got a. . . a date. "

  "Ah. "

  "I'm sorry, I made it before we. . . a while ago. "

  "It's all right. " He gave her a last, quick kiss. "I'll see you soon. "