Read Nights Touch Page 23

Chapter 22

  Cara sat in the middle of her living-room floor, sorting through cardboard ghosts, black cats, orange pumpkins, scary witches, and the other holiday decorations spread out around her. It would be Halloween soon. She had always helped her mom decorate the house on October first, and she was determined to carry on the tradition now that she had a place of her own, even though she missed the old, familiar decorations she had grown up with.

  When she had lived with her parents, Halloween had been her favorite holiday. She had loved going trick-or-treating with her mom and dad when she was a little girl, seeing the looks on the faces of the other trick-or-treaters when they saw her mom and dad in their costumes. . .

  Of course, she realized now that her father's costume hadn't been a costume at all, and hard on the heels of that thought came the astonishing realization that her mother's witch costume hadn't been a costume either. . . Funny, she'd never thought of that before. Cara shook her head. It was hard enough to imagine her mother as a vampire, but a vampire and a witch? No way! And yet, why was that any harder to believe than anything else?

  Remembering days past filled Cara with bittersweet memories. Even when she had grown too old to go out trick-or-treating, it had been fun to stay home and hand out candy and see the costumes the neighborhood kids wore.

  Rising, she began to decorate the house, but it wasn't with the sense of fun and enthusiasm she had experienced when she decorated her parents' home. Shaking off her gloom, she put a pair of Halloween candles on the mantel, along with a ceramic pumpkin and a couple of witches.

  "Witches," she muttered darkly. "Maybe I'll dress up as a vampire witch this Halloween!"

  By the time she finished decorating the house, both inside and out, it was two-thirty and she had to hurry to get ready for work.

  She was about to leave the house when the phone rang.

  Her spirits picked up when she heard Vince's voice on the other end of the line.

  "Hey, darlin'. "

  "Hi. " The sound of his voice filled her with a warm glow. "How are you?"

  "Same as always. Just thought I'd call and see what you were doing. "

  "I was just about to leave for work. " Smiling, she toyed with the phone cord. "I guess you're working. "

  "Oh, yeah, got three cars in here today, and four more coming in tomorrow morning. "

  "Oh. " She bit down on her lip, wondering if he was calling to say he was going to be too busy to see her tonight.

  "Hey, you all right? You sound a little glum all of a sudden. "

  "No, I'm fine. "

  "You sure?"

  She forced a note of cheerfulness into her voice. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

  "I don't know, you tell me. "

  "Vince, I'm fine, honest. "

  "All right. Listen, I've got to go. I just wanted to hear your voice. "

  "You did?"

  "Yeah. I'll see you later, okay?"

  "It's more than okay. Vince?"


  "I'm so glad you called. "

  "Me, too. Later darlin'. "

  "Bye. "

  Smiling, she hung up the receiver. He had called just to hear her voice. He really was the sweetest thing.

  Last night, after they had made love, her stomach had growled rather loudly, reminding her that, since breakfast, she hadn't eaten anything but a candy bar. Vince had insisted on ordering a pizza and green salad for her. He hadn't eaten anything, saying he had already had dinner, but he shared a bottle of wine with her. Wine and candlelight and Vince, who could ask for more?

  "Time sure goes by fast," Sarah Beth said as she helped Cara hang a ghost and pumpkin mobile in the children's reading room. "I can't believe it's almost Halloween. "

  "I know," Cara said. "Seems like the holidays come faster every year. It's just a hop, skip, and a jump until Christmas. "

  Sarah Beth groaned. "Don't remind me. We're spending Christmas with Dean's family this year. "

  "It's only one day," Cara said.

  "I know, but his mother hates me. "

  Cara patted Sarah Beth's tummy. "She'll change her tune once the baby's born, wait and see. "

  "Maybe," Sarah Beth said dolefully. "So, on a happier note, how are things with you and the hunk?"

  Just the thought of Vince made Cara's stomach flutter with excitement. "Things are wonderful. "

  "Sounds like love," Sarah Beth mused.

  "Is it possible to fall in love so fast? I mean, I've known him such a short time. "

  "Cara, time has nothing to do with it. Hearts don't have calendars. "

  "Then I guess I love him," she said with a happy sigh. "Just thinking about him makes me smile, and when we're together. . . oh, Bethy, I've never felt like this before. It scares me. "

  "Just relax and enjoy the ride, sweetie. "

  They placed a Halloween display on the front desk, taped cardboard cutouts of laughing ghosts, grinning vampires, scowling witches, and howling black cats wherever there was space.

  After they decorated the library, Sarah Beth went to do some work at her desk and Cara went into the children's section and set up a display of books with Halloween themes.

  When she finished setting up the book display, it was time for her dinner break.

  She was definitely hungry, she thought with a sigh, but not for food.

  Vince sensed Cara's nearness long before she entered the garage. By the time she arrived, he had washed his hands and face and combed his hair. He waited for her just inside the door.

  He breathed in her scent as she stepped out of the car, let it permeate every fiber of his being. How had he ever existed without this woman in his life?

  Her smile settled deep in his heart and made him think of things he had thought forever lost to him, things like a real home and a woman of his own.

  She walked straight into his arms as if she had always belonged there. "Hi. "

  "Hi, darlin'. "

  Her eyelids fluttered down as she lifted her face for his kiss.

  But a kiss wasn't enough, would never be enough again.

  Holding her close with one arm, he pulled down the security door, his need for her building with every breath.

  "I don't think we're gonna make it upstairs," he muttered, his voice gruff.

  "I don't care. "

  "Damn. " He glanced around, seeking a place where he could lay her down. Grabbing an old blanket, he spread it on the floor, gently lowered her onto it, and followed her down.

  She was as needy and greedy as he. Their clothing disappeared as if by magic and then she was in his arms, her heat warming him, chasing away the inner chill that had become a part of him with Mara's bite.

  He kissed her deeply, almost desperately, his hands delving into her hair, massaging her scalp.

  She moaned softly, her body arching beneath his in silent invitation.

  "Cara. " Knowing he had no right, he took her anyway, unable to resist the siren call of her sweetness or the sense of homecoming that engulfed him whenever she was in his arms.

  Time slowed. The rest of the world faded away until there was nothing but the two of them reaching for that one moment when two bodies, two hearts, and two souls became one. It was, quite simply, magical, and over too soon.

  Vince blew out a deep breath, and then he kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and her


  "We've got to stop meeting like this," she said with a grin.

  "We do?"

  She nodded. "I don't know about you, but I think this cement is awfully hard, blanket or no blanket.

  From now on, let's do it in a bed. Yours or mine, I don't care. "

  Relief washed through him. For a moment, he had been afraid she was telling him good-bye.

p; She laughed softly. "And preferably someplace where your cat can't watch us. "


  She pointed toward her feet. Following her gaze, he saw Cat sitting at the edge of the blanket, watching them through unblinking yellow eyes.

  Muttering, "Darn cat," Vince sat up and drew Cara up beside him. His hand slid aimlessly up and down her back. He loved the silky feel of her hair, the heat of her skin, the musky scent of her.

  She looked up at him, her head canted to one side. "Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure, darlin'. "

  "Have you ever heard of a vampire who was also a witch?"

  He frowned. "No. Why? Have you?"

  She hesitated a moment, then blurted, "I think my mother is a witch. "

  "A witch and a vampire. " He whistled softly. "That's a hell of a combination. "

  "It's not funny!"

  "Am I laughing? What makes you think she's a witch?"

  Cara shrugged. "I'm probably just being silly, but every year for Halloween my father dressed in black and wore a long black cloak and my mother dressed as a witch. . . " She shook her head. "Never mind, it sounds silly. "

  "But you think it's true. "

  She nodded. "How could I have been so blind for so many years? When I look back at my childhood, there were signs everywhere. "

  "But you weren't looking for them," Vince pointed out.

  "I know. The worst thing is, I miss them both. "

  "Of course you do, darlin'. I think you should go and see them. "

  "I wouldn't know what to say. "

  "I doubt if words will be necessary. "

  "But I like living on my own and I know they'll want me to move back home. "

  "You won't know that until you talk to them. " He gazed into the distance. "Don't cut yourself off from your family if you don't have to. "

  "Maybe you' re right. "

  "I know I am. "

  "Will you go with me?"

  "No, darlin'. I think this is something you have to do on your own. " Coward that he was, he didn't want to be there if her parents convinced her that he was a vampire, didn't want to see the hurt or the sense of betrayal in her eyes when she discovered the truth. And she would, sooner or later, he thought ruefully.

  He couldn't hide his true nature from her forever. Guilt assailed him. He never should have let things go this far; he never should have made love to her, or let himself care.

  But it was too late now.

  Back at the library, Vince's words kept running through Cara's mind. Don't cut yourself off from your family if you don't have to. For the first time, it occurred to her that her parents had all the time in the world. Being mortal, she didn't have that luxury. Did she want to waste even one more day being angry with the two people who loved her more than anyone else-two people that she loved in spite of everything?

  Her decision made, she called Vince and told him she was going to visit her parents after work.

  "You're doing the right thing, darlin'," he said.

  She clung to that thought as she pulled out of the library parking lot later that night. Nearing her parents'

  home, she was overcome with second thoughts and drove on by. What if Vince was wrong? What if it wasn't as easy as he seemed to think it would be? She drove aimlessly for almost an hour; then, muttering, "this is ridiculous!" she drove back to her parents' house.

  It was with a sense of trepidation that she climbed the stairs and rang the bell.

  A moment later, her father stood in the doorway. She had rarely seen him at a loss for words, but for a moment, he just stood there, staring at her.

  "Hi, Dad. "

  "Cara!" He swept her into his arms and held her tight.

  "Roshan, who's at the. . . ?"

  The sound of her mother's voice brought tears to Cara's eyes. Then her mother was hugging her, too, and Cara realized that Vince had been right again. There was no need for words, no need to apologize or explain.

  "So, tell us," her mother said a short time later when they were all seated in the living room. "How have you been? What have you been doing? What's your new house like? Do you need anything?"

  Warmth and belonging flooded Cara's being. "I'm sure Di Giorgio has kept you up to date," she said, but there was no censure in her voice. "Mostly, I've been working and decorating my place. I'd love for you

  and Dad to come and see it sometime. "

  "Just name the day and we'll be there. "

  "How about Monday night?"

  Brenna glanced at her husband, who nodded. "Shall we say ten o'clock?"

  "Perfect," Cara said.

  "Di Giorgio tells us you're spending a lot of time with Cordova," her father said, his tone carefully neutral.

  "Yes. "

  "Is he the reason you're here?"

  "What do you mean?" Cara frowned. They couldn't possibly know that Vince was the one who had convinced her to come here, could they?

  "I thought maybe the fact that you're dating a vampire had made you see your mother and me in a different light. "

  "He's not a vampire," Cara said emphatically. "He can't be. I've seen him during the day, working at his .

  garage. "

  Her mother and father exchanged glances but said nothing.

  Cara took a deep breath. "Do you sleep in coffins?" The very idea creeped her out.

  "No, dear," her mother said. "We sleep in a king-size bed. "

  "But you drink blood?"

  "Yes. "

  "And you're a witch, aren't you?"

  Brenna's eyes widened in surprise. "Who told you that?"

  "No one. But it's true, isn't it?"

  Needing support, Brenna reached for her husband's hand. "Yes. "

  "Maybe I'd better tell you the whole story," her father said. "It will save a lot of time and questions. "

  Cara listened, fascinated by the tale her father told her. She had thought that after learning her father and mother were vampires, nothing else could surprise her. She had been wrong. Her father was over three hundred years old. He had traveled back in time to save her mother from being burned at the stake by an angry mob. Later, both of her parents had been part of a horrible experiment conducted by a warlock.

  When her mother was close to death, her father had turned her into a vampire because he couldn't bear the thought of going on without her. Then one night they had found a teenage girl giving birth in an alley. . .

  It was a remarkable story. Had she heard it from anyone but her father, had she not been the baby born in that alley, she would never have believed a word of it.

  "I don't suppose you'd consider coming back home?" Brenna asked hesitantly.

  Cara shook her head. "I don't think so. " Seeing the hurt and disappointment in her mother's eyes, Cara said quickly, "It's not because of you or because of what you are, Mom, it's just that I really like having my own place. "

  "Because of Vince," her father said.

  "Partly," Cara admitted. "But that's not the only reason. It's not that I don't love the two of you, it's just that, living here, I still feel like your little girl, and I'm not a little girl any longer. "

  "You'll always be our little girl," her father said.

  "Even when I'm old and gray and you're not?" Cara laughed softly but without humor. "In a few years, people will think the two of you are my children. "

  "Cara, sweetheart. . . "

  "It's all right, Mom. It just takes a little getting used to, you know?"

  Brenna nodded, her eyes filling with tears. Cara had never seen her mother cry before and couldn't help noticing that her mother's tears were red. Roshan quickly handed his wife a handkerchief.

  "I'd better go," Cara said, rising.
r />   "We'll see you Monday night, Princess. "

  "Right. " She hugged her father and her mother, kissed their cheeks. Had their skin always been so cool?

  "See you then. "

  Leaving the house, she felt as if she were leaving the weight of the world behind. She could hardly wait to see Vince so she could tell him that he had been right.

  She drove quickly to the garage, only to find that it was locked up tight. No lights shone in any of the windows, upstairs or down. She glanced at her watch. It was only eleven-thirty. Surely he wasn't in bed already?

  With a sigh of disappointment, she started to leave, then decided to wait a few minutes in hopes that he would return.

  She turned off the headlights. Switching off the engine, she left the radio on, then leaned back in her seat.

  She closed her eyes and her mind immediately filled with images of Vince bending over her, his dark eyes filled with desire. Images turned to vivid memories-the feel of his hands sliding over her bare skin, the taste of him, the sheer pleasure of his body melding with hers, his tongue dueling with hers, the husky sound of his voice as he whispered love words in her ear. . .

  She spoke his name when the car door opened, a smile of welcome curving her lips as she opened her eyes and looked up.

  Only it wasn't Vince looking back at her.