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  A Short Story by Britt DeLaney

  Copyright 2015 Britt DeLaney


  For my children – who remind me of magic every single day.

  "He's performing right at level for his age group, which is terrific, of course."

  "That's great!"

  "We weren't sure what was going to happen when we mainstreamed him, but so far, so good."

  She looks over at me fondly. She forgets I can hear just fine. I know exactly what she's saying, and who she's talking about. The capacity to let her know that is difficult in this body, though.

  She sees me watching. Do I look too interested?

  Too intense?

  Time for a distraction. I run at her, full speed, wrapping my arms around her legs, throwing her off balance. Then I begin reciting the dialogue of a favorite movie.

  Honey....where is my super suit?

  Her neighbor raises a questioning eyebrow, but I'm understood, and easily. I get a smile from him, and her, and I continue.

  Where. Is. My. Super. Suit?

  "WHY do you need it?" she replies, as I knew she would.

  I need it woman!

  She tickles me on my neck - I so love that - in an attempt to distract me from my distraction. It works for a moment, and they continue to converse.

  "How does he remember all those movies?" asks the neighbor.

  "It's a gift he has. I swear, he can watch something once and know every word they say. He can even sing the background music in a particular scene."


  "Yeah. He's something, isn't he?"

  Time for more distraction.

  We are talking about the greater good, woman!

  She breaks out of the conversation instantly, to retort in exactly the right tone of voice:

  "Greater good? I am your WIFE. I am the greatest good you are EVER gonna get!"

  I giggle loudly, running in circles around her until she pulls me up into her arms. "OK, you," she says. "Time to go in. It's time for bed. Time to say goodnight."

  I scream my goodnight a little too loudly, and she hurries me inside, not noticing my eyes taking in every nuance of every atom of atmosphere around me. Or maybe she notices, but she's used to it now and thinks little of it. I think she knows my secret, but we don't discuss it much.

  She and the teachers and the therapists are all finding ways to help me see the world as they see it, to talk about it as they do, to experience it from their angle. And I try. I really do. It's confining, and it's flat and it's horribly linear. It serves its purpose sometimes for communicating basic needs and the occasional item of a complex nature, but it's draining. Incredibly draining.

  She puts me down and I run quickly into the next room. I scream out:

  I'm running on water!!!

  "Don't let the bad guys get you, Dash!"

  I dutifully run, and the girl joins in the game for a time. I have many transient companions around me all day, but the girl is the reason I was drawn to this place. The girl knows - I know she does - that I like this movie best because I know what it is to be that way. To have gifts and powers that others might be afraid of, if they truly knew the scope of them.

  "Mom..." the girl is twisting her shirt, uncertain, and somewhat unhappy. I stare curiously.

  "Yes, honey?"

  "Aidan Mitchell called him a bad name today. He called him a retard."

  "Oh, honey. What did you say?"

  "I pushed him down. It was on the playground. He went face down in the dirt and I'm not sorry."

  I can tell she's not sorry the girl did that, either. Still, she speaks in a gentle tone.

  "Maybe that could have been a chance for you to talk to him about what autism really is. Maybe Aidan's not being hateful, just ignorant."

  "He's not a retard."

  "No, he's not. But it's like he's got a little spark inside that's hard to see because he's not letting us look in his windows for very long. Maybe someday, we can open the windows wide and he can climb through to our side. For now, we can glimpse in and he can glimpse out and sometimes, we can get that window open a crack. Haven't you noticed how much easier that's getting for us and for him?"

  "It's never easy for him."

  "No, it's not. He works very hard - harder than we do at everything. And that alone deserves respect. Maybe that's what you should tell Aidan."

  The girl sighs. I can see she liked her way better. They both notice me staring at the water drops on my finger as I dip it in and out of the cup on the coffee table.


  "Dash! Let's hide in bed!" The girl races up the stairs, with me close behind.

  I jump under the covers as the girl hides behind the door of the bedroom. Mother finds us both, telling the girl that she really was almost invisible, in the dark and in the corner. Then she gently guides us into pajamas and reminds us that it's quiet time. She rubs my back to relax me - I like that very much, indeed - and strokes the girl's hair with her other hand, sitting between us in the big bed for a time. Then she sings softly, kisses us both, and we are alone.

  The girl and I stare at each other, smiling.

  Her hand reaches out, tracing my brow. I don't break eye contact. Not with her. I don't need to. She knows all, and she whispers softly:

  "I see you shine."

  About the Author

  Britt DeLaney is an author and seasoned professional blogger. In addition to her novels, her work has also appeared in anthologies, magazines, and feature spots on numerous online outlets. In her spare time, she writes steamy Fanfiction, watches too much Netflix and eats too many Pop-Tarts. She is currently writing her ass off.

  Britt DeLaney Author Blog – Check here for the latest updates on books and projects!

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  Other Books by Britt DeLaney

  Someday In Dublin

  Amy travels to Dublin on a whim, desperate to escape her life. With the help of a friend, she assembles a list – an Irish ‘bucket list’ of sorts – for her whirlwind weekend, planning every single detail…except for Michael. When they connect at a crowded pub, sparks fly until a secret changes everything between them. Can they find their way back and find what they need in each other? 

  Eight Nights At Sea

  Zephyr Jamieson is a devilishly handsome pirate, sailing the seas of a magical realm. He encounters a beauty named Rina, a woman with a body that sets him aflame and a secret that she cannot tell. Rina barters passage aboard Zephyr's ship for herself and her secretive twin brother with the only thing the pirate captain appears to be interested in. Can eight nights at sea lead to more? Or will her secret tear them apart?

  Sky Woman: Book One of the Seeder Saga

  Miranda "Miri" Reynolds was a fun-loving college student until she found herself transplanted to another world, as part of a cure to a genetic issue that's been plaguing the planet for over a century. After a rocky start, she's given refuge by a family of three gorgeous and determined brothers, all of whom have their eye on the beautiful "Sky Woman." When a secret is revealed that makes Miri a target, will the brothers of Falenua house be enough to protect her? And will Miri be able to overcome her own misgivings about their culture and find happiness - and love in - her new home?

  Rain in the Moonlight: Book Two of the Seeder Saga

  Ajan is a Hunter, hired to another planet by the ruler of the mountain people to find and capture the leader of an opposing faction. His plans go awry when he encounters Rain, a rebel woman from the river valley who stirs him in dangerous ways - even though she seems intent on killing him. His people are known for their high sex drives and strong, primal reactions - Ajan isn't sure if he will he be able to control himself around Rain long enough t
o bring his target in. When secrets are revealed that make him question his mission, he finds himself working alongside Rain to get to the bottom of an interplanetary mystery that will change everything between them.

  Changeling: Book Three of the Seeder Saga

  Lizzie is an Earth girl with a past that's a mystery, ever since an accident wiped out her memory. When she's abducted by Indar, a handsome alien and member of the Seeder corps, she learns that her father was embroiled in an intergalactic mystery. They'll have to work to solve a puzzle that spans time and space – that is, if they can keep their hands off each other long enough. Along the way, they'll encounter Miri, Rain and their men – all of whom will do their part to help them figure out who is threatening mankind across the galaxy.


  Novellas by Britt DeLaney

  Captured By The Hunter

  Drella is on the run from an arranged marriage. Her groom engages an intergalactic Hunter to track her down – and this is no ordinary Hunter. Jodan is from a race of people who have special sensory skills – skills that make him a formidable foe…and a complete force of nature when it comes to bedding women. Can he bring her back to face her wedding day despite their overwhelming attraction to each other?

  Ready In Red

  It’s Valentine’s Day, and a girl shouldn’t be alone with only Netflix for company. Val gets pulled out to a bar by a friend in need, only to find a hot and friendly bartender who makes her very glad she remembered to wear her matching red lingerie that morning. She’s primed and ready for a steamy night, and Zach more than delivers.

  Naughty Or Nice

  Olivia just finished working an eleven hour retail shift on Christmas Eve, and all she wants for Christmas is to get off her aching feet – and to get off. Being single at Christmas can lead a girl to desperate measures, and when Olivia makes her wish to the Santa at the Mall, she gets fulfilled like she’s never been before. Will Santa find her naughty? Or will her Christmas turn out oh-so-nice?