Read No Apologies and No Regrets Page 18

“Lear Five Three Lima Golf, turn to heading zero nine zero final for runway nine left Palm Beach”

  “Roger, Palm Beach. Lear three Lima Golf turning heading zero nine zero.”

  Seth smiled at Joey and said, “It’s your airplane. Our landing speed is going to be one twenty-six so trim your nose up a little and hold that. We’re going to fly a lot longer final approach than you do with the Maule but at this speed it’ll seem shorter.”

  Joey took the yoke in her hands without hesitation. Seth admired her assertiveness and self-confidence.

  “That’s perfect. You hold us on course. I’ll handle the radios and help with the throttles.”

  Joey had an excellent touch, a natural feel for stick and rudder. Plus, the wind was blowing straight down the center of the runway. Five minutes later Joey made a perfect touchdown. As the nose wheel gently touched the concrete Seth deployed the thrust reversers.

  “We’re home, Mrs. Beretta. Well done!”

  “Thank you, Captain. That was amazing.”

  “So were you. You are one of the best natural born pilots I ever met.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Not hardly little gal. Not hardly.” A former Navy flight instructor, he was not a man to pass out compliments cheaply. Not about flying, anyway.

  Joey was still grinning when the plane came to a halt in front of the Legacy terminal. She leaned over and gave her smiling mentor a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks again, Seth.”

  “You are very welcome. Any time you want to learn to fly this thing you just let me know. First we’ll have to get you a multi engine rating, but the way you handle a plane that should take about five minutes.” They both laughed.

  Frank waited on the tarmac and she gave him an enthusiastic wave from the cockpit. Frank smiled calmly and gave her and the Captain Murdoch a little salute. Seth returned it with a wink and a smile.

  By the time she ran through the check list with Seth, the door had been opened and Joey ducked out quickly in her eagerness to get to Frank. In seconds she had her arms wrapped around his neck as she planted a big kiss on his lips.

  “Frank, you old stud. I’m glad you got to see me again.”

  Beretta laughed at her intentionally cockeyed greeting and gave her a long kiss. From the cockpit Seth Murdoch observed the lovebirds. Somehow Bogart and Bacall crossed his mind every time he saw them together.

  Frank turned and started to walk toward the terminal doors with his arm firmly around his beautiful wife’s waist.

  “Mrs. Beretta!” It was Dave, the co-pilot running toward them with Joey’s bags in hand.

  “Dave, thank you. And thanks for letting me ride in your seat.”

  Dave smiled and handed over the bags. “I should thank you for letting me ride in yours. That was the first time I ever traveled in the back. It was pretty nice.” Joey leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. The young pilot blushed.

  “You and Seth and I will have to take a trip together again soon.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Dave turned and trotted back to the plane to help Captain Murdoch close out the flight.

  “So, now you’re a Lear Jet pilot?” Frank stepped back and grinned at his wife.

  “Sure am. I have almost six hours and two cycles in my log book to prove it.”

  “Just so you’re not expecting one of those under the Christmas tree this year.”

  “A Lear Jet? Of course not. I want a Citation X so I can get to California faster.” Joey giggled.

  “No problem, Sport, but remember, that’s about twenty million less you’ll have to spend on something else.” Frank laughed as spoke facetiously to one of the most frugal women on earth.

  “OK. I’ll think about it. Meanwhile, why don’t you take me home and help me remember why I adore you?”

  “There’s only one reason?”

  “No, but there’s just one reason on my mind at the moment.”

  “Glad I brought the Cobra.”

  “You’re too slow, can I drive?”

  “No. I don’t want to waste precious time on traffic tickets."

  “Haven't had one in years, but that's OK, Frank. You drive.”

  Twenty minutes later Frank was pulled over by a Palm Beach Police officer. He got off with a warning, but they were fifteen minutes later getting home, and compensated by being naked before they got through the door. They spent the next hour making love in their own intoxicating and exhausting way. When they were through Joey whispered into Frank’s ear.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything good that’s ever happened to me.”

  “I love you too, Joey.”

  “One other thing, Frank. You never told me why you put one of your security guys on Persephone Andreadis. ”

  “Because she’s connected to someone of interest.”

  “Ivan Rusikov?”


  “What did he do?”

  “Perhaps nothing, but his name is on a watch list.”

  “A list? That’s all?”

  "Yes." There was more to the story, but Frank had other things in mind.

  “Wonderful. Is my name on a list?”

  “Yes. Mine.”

  Joey smiled and jumped out of bed.

  “C’mon you old stud. Let’s take a swim.”

  The dark silhouette of her naked body against the shimmering pool lights proved irresistible, as usual. Frank grabbed Joey and carried her to the pool thinking about the rewards and the ironies of clean living.
