Read No Apologies and No Regrets Page 49

A Mercedes G Class pulled up to the main entrance of S3’s offices off Royal Poinciana Boulevard and Gabe Bowman stepped out into the warm Florida sun. But for the magnetic pull of Silicon Valley he’d have been tempted to move Dynamic Integrity’s headquarters to Palm Beach with its great climate, beautiful beaches, and no state income tax.

  Joey met him in S3’s small, elegant lobby.

  “Gabe, welcome. I'm happy to see you again.”

  “A pleasure, Mrs. Beretta.

  "‘Joey’, please.” She put a hand on Gabe’s shoulder and directed him toward the executive offices.

  “Once again I’m sorry for the short notice, but a situation has come up. I need S3’s assistance.”

  “Frank is traveling right now. Mac Larsen and I will do whatever is necessary to meet your needs.”

  “I already spoke with Mac this morning, Joey, and he told me Frank specifically recommended that I talk to you about our situation.”

  Joey hid her surprise but thought it unusual for Frank to refer a corporate client to her without advance warning. She guided Gabe into the company’s board room. A dining table for two had been set up.

  “I'll make every effort to help you, Gabe. I took the liberty of arranging for lunch in here.” She handed him several menus and added, "We can order takeouts from one of the local restaurants. They all have excellent food and here we will be able to speak freely."

  “Of course.” Gabe glanced at his watch. “This will work better for me because I need to get back in the air sooner than expected. I'd planned to stay in Palm Beach overnight, but our mission changed.”

  Our mission? Joey wondered at having never been part of a corporate side 'mission" as Frank labeled them.

  Jill stepped into the room carrying bottles of FIJI Water and a small note pad. Both Joey and Gabe took only moments to order their lunch: a lobster and crab salad for her and a crab salad sandwich for him.

  When Jill left Joey turned to Gabe and said in earnest, “So, welcome to Palm Beach and how can I help you?” Her green eyes narrowed as did her focus on the work at hand.

  Impressed, Gabe began cautiously, "The mission we are discussing is classified at the highest levels. I will tell you what I can and nothing more. Please don't think me rude."

  Joey nodded.

  "This week S3 rescued a high value computer scientist from a hostile environment."

  "S3 meaning Frank?"

  Gabe didn't speak though his face answered Joey's question. He continued, "This individual is in a safe but temporary location. A new identity has been arranged for her and, with that in place, she will join my team in Palo Alto."

  "How soon?"

  "Two days if we stay on schedule."

  Joey scratched on her note pad and Gabe said, "Dr. Anne Fitch requires intense security until the threat against her has been eliminated."

  Joey wondered how the threat would be eliminated and why the Federal Marshal wasn't providing security. As if reading her mind Gabe continued, "Knowledge of Dr. Fitch's existence is restricted to an extraordinarily small number of people. S3 is already involved in the mission and we don't want to widen the circle. Then there’s the short time line."

  "I understand." Joey was excited by the challenge though a bit put off by the secrecy. Was Frank involved in eliminating the threat? She kept her questions to herself.

  "I realize there is a lot of work to do." Gabe withdrew a single sheet of paper from his jacket pocket and handed it to Joey. "This is the contact information for Jerry Bachman, my special assistant in Palo Alto. He is the only other person with detailed information about Dr. Fitch. Jerry is available to you 24 / 7, but should only be contacted per the instructions I have given you."

  She shook her head affirmatively.

  "Let me make this point clear, the primary threat against Dr. Fitch is abduction. She is of exceptionally high value to our adversaries so her physical safety is as important to them as it is to us."

  Joey opened a notebook computer and wrote methodically while Gabe tucked into his thick sandwich.

  "I presume arrangements have been made for a residence for Dr. Fitch."

  "Yes. The building has interior corridors with few entry points and an internal parking garage. Frank and Mac recommended the location from a half dozen choices."

  "Alright. We'll monitor the situation and if the threat level continues I will probably suggest additional measures in the apartment. With more lead time I would have leased a unit and installed a pair of covert agents in the building as tenants."

  Gabe smiled. "Done. I have a certain amount of influence with the building owner."

  "You're making life too easy for me, Gabe."

  "I only wish that were true, Joey."

  "Will Jerry fill me in on the specifics of Dr. Fitch's travel arrangements?"

  “Yes, but I can tell you. She's flying on Dynamic’s corporate jet. The plane is managed by Legacy and we’ll be landing at San Jose. We’ll clear customs through Legacy’s FBO.”

  "Good." Joey sent a command to the wireless printer on a side table and a sheet of paper quietly appeared. "This is a quick outline of my plan.” She handed the page to Gabe and continued, “We will embed agents in Dr. Fitch’s building. In a town like Palo Alto it's important that the agents blend in. They and backups will be on duty or on call 24 / 7 until we are certain the threat level drops. I'll go to California to make sure all of the necessary elements are in place and to meet Dr. Fitch's plane. I'll talk to Jerry about her transportation and routes to and from work."

  "You are as meticulous as your husband, Joey. I'm glad to have you on board for this mission. I've got every confidence in you and S3."

  "Thank you." At last Joey took a few bites of her salad but Gabe was a man in a hurry, so there was little time for small talk.

  “I hope the next time I come to Palm Beach I have a chance to stay long enough to enjoy the town.”

  “Let us know in advance. We'd love for you to stay at our house and Frank never misses an opportunity to take his new boat out fishing.”

  “Well, I'm sure I’d be safe staying at the Beretta’s personal residence.” He chuckled a little and said, “One day I will accept your kind invitation, but for now, I need to be on my way.”

  “Of course.” Joey walked the slight, balding computer whiz to the entrance where they shook hands and parted company.

  The Mercedes whisked Gabe to Palm Beach International Airport and moments after his arrival he boarded a G550 and was airborne on his way to Bermuda. As the plane leveled off Gabe turned to the big, athletic man who filled the seat across the aisle.

  “That went well. Your boss should be pleased with the result.”

  “He’ll be happier when he knows Mrs. B is in California.” Mac Larsen pulled on his aviator style shades and leaned back.

  “And I'll be happier when Anya Kovich is in California. Excuse me. I need to erase that name from my memory. I’ll be happy when Anne Fitch is in California.”

  At the office Joey contacted Jerry Bachman then catalyzed a storm of activity arranging for her own travel, selecting temporary security agents from the “California pool”, and scheduling the installation of "non-invasive" security devices at Anne Fitch’s future home.

  The work kept her mind from wondering what danger Frank was in as he "eliminated the threat". She was new to this side of the business but, ever resourceful. Minutes on her computer verified that Gulfstream Five-Zero Delta India filed a flight plan from Palm Beach to Bermuda. Now she had something else to wonder about.


  Geneva, Switzerland