Read No Apologies and No Regrets Page 59

The ringing phone startled an already nervous Jill Kline.

  “Good morning, S3, this is Jill Kline.”

  “Jill, this is Marlie Stevens.” The normally garrulous and friendly Marlie sounded hurried and abrupt.

  “Yes ma’am. Good morning. How may I help you?”

  “Is Joey there?”

  “No, Mrs. Stevens.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “Uh, not precisely.”

  “I assumed not.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I tried her cell phone and got voicemail. I called the house and got nothing, not even voice mail. You’re telling me you don’t know where she is and now there’s this Jemima Burck thing.”

  “What about Jemima Burck?”

  “It’s on the internet. Jill, is Frank there?”

  “No, he’s out of the office.”

  “Can you reach him?”

  “I believe Mac Larsen can if it’s an emergency.”

  “I hope not, but here’s the thing. A friend called and told me about a post some kid has on the internet. The pictures are Jemima Burck getting off a plane in Italy supposedly on her way to some clinic.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  Marlie was wound up and getting impatient. She took a deep breath before continuing.

  “I know it’s not Jemima because I saw her here in California. I spoke to her face to face less than two hours ago. Those pictures have to be of Joey. Is she sick? Is she in trouble?”

  “Do you have the name of the clinic or can you give me the web site where the pictures are?”

  Marlie did both and signed off with, “Keep me posted on what’s going on, Jill. She’s one of my best friends.”

  Jill Kline immediately shared the information with Mac and together they looked at the girl’s internet posts. As a point of reference they pulled up pictures of Joey and Jemima and aligned them side by side. Only then did the fabled resemblance strike Joey’s two Palm Beach based co-workers.

  “Holy shit!” Mac gave Jill an apologetic look. “Sorry, but god almighty, I never realized they looked that much alike.”

  “Don’t apologize to me. I work with her every day and I didn’t either.”

  Mac had Frank back on the phone in less than thirty seconds.

  “Frank, we may have a break. Marlie Stevens called Jill to tell her about a web post saying some kid spotted Jemima Burck getting off a plane in Italy. Says she’s going to the Farnazzi Clinic. The thing is, Mrs. Stevens says she was with Jemima in California today.”

  “Of course, Farouk Farnazzi. He's as bad as his pal Malroff. Makes perfect sense.

  “You know him?”

  “Yeah. That’s valuable intel, Mac. Thanks to you and Jill.”

  “Of course. Do you want me to dig into this clinic?”

  “Yes. I need as detailed a layout of the facility as you can put your hands on.”

  “10 – 4. I’ll post the data in your file ASAP. What else?”

  “You said someone spotted her getting off a plane. Commercial or private?”

  “Didn't say. The picture looked like a large plane, but I'll get right on it.”

  “Call Seth Murdoch at Legacy if you need help with the plane.”

  “Will do.”

  “Thanks again.”

  “Sure thing, Frank. Talk to you soon.”

  Frank’s brain shifted into overdrive and he had to force himself to slow down and stay on target. Farnazzi had been close to Serge for decades. The derelict doctor kept Serge’s stable of underage prostitutes in an addicted state and it was he who managed the pharmaceutical cocktails that wiped out years of Katya’s life. To think of Joey now in his hands chilled Frank to the bone. On the positive side, the clinic was located just over twenty kilometers from Frank’s position and Katya would be arriving soon. At least now he had details for her. They needed to move fast to free Joey before he could attack Serge. Frank grew impatient as he put a call through to Katya on board her plane. He gave her a succinct briefing then listened as she spun a brilliant plan off the top of her head.

  “Katya, there is no way I can repay you.”

  “I am in your debt, Frank. We’ll get Joey back for you, I promise. I’ll be in touch.”

  Frank stepped out on the small terrace of his cheap hotel and opened a pack of Davidoff cigarettes he’d bought the day before, his first in more than a decade. This would require precision and a lot of luck. "There’s no such thing as a perfect plan”.

  He now regretted getting Joey involved with Anya Kovich. If Serge and his ghouls realized Joey knew her whereabouts all bets would be off on an exchange. Even so, he had to assume Anya would be in danger and he act accordingly. Frank picked up the phone and made a call to Mac Larsen. Half an hour later Anne Fitch’s security detail was doubled at home and at work.

  As he sat watching the cigarette smoke rise into the warm air Frank promised himself he would not repeat the mistake he made when he set Katya free. Serge Malroff would not escape this time, but it couldn’t be at the expense of losing Joey. He trusted Ekaterina Yusupov with his own life. Now he had to trust her with one far more precious.

  The sun shown in a cloudless azure sky and a gentle breeze rippled across the lake. Frank Beretta poured a little vodka onto a couple of ice cubes in a small glass and lit just one more cigarette. Then he picked up his cell phone and made a bold move.

  “Well, Mr. Big Bad Wolf, do I have your attention?”

  “Yes.” Frank took a deep breath before continuing. “I want evidence Joey is alive.” Serge started to speak but Frank continued. “If you give me that I will give you the details of how we are to transfer Anya and Joey.”

  “As you must know I am in Italy. How soon can you be here?” Good, he thinks I’m in the US.

  “I’ll have to get back to you.”

  “And where is Dr. Kovich?”

  “Nice try. I’ll tell you once you’ve given me the proof I asked for. Until then you need only know she is safe.”

  “Your call, Frank. You understand what’s at risk. Unfortunately, I am a busy man. I am returning to my villa tomorrow. Be there within forty-eight hours with Dr. Kovich. If you are not I cannot guarantee the return of your wife.”

  “Remember what I told you, Serge.”

  “Yes, yes, I know. I’m dead no matter what. I’m not scared yet Beretta, but you should be. Soon I will pay Joey a visit. Afterwards I may not want to give her back. Perhaps she will not want to come back.” Serge’s cold laughter filled the phone.

  Frank had the information he was looking for. He downed his vodka and checked his watch before deciding to take a drive over to the Farnazzi Spa and Clinic. An hour later he passed the elegant and imposing main gate of Farouk’s glamorous retreat for rich, drunk, addicted and sagging women from around the world.

  He’d seen a satellite map of the property so he already knew the gates were at least a half mile from the spa and the winding drive ran mostly downhill to the lakefront where all the buildings were located. For about five minutes he continued along the main road running parallel to what he believed to be Farnazzi’s property. An approach from the road might prove difficult although he noticed an abundance of tree cover. Lake front access would be faster, but it was fully exposed. Katya committed herself to one way in and one way out. Not optimum in Frank's opinion.

  Frank drove the Alfa Romeo back to his hotel while turning the scenario over in his mind. This time he had Katya to help him. Once he got word Joey had been rescued Serge was good as dead. Based on his past actions Serge would expect Frank to go after the damsel in distress first. He had to be in position to strike within seconds of Joey’s release. There would be no chance for the bastard to escape again.
