Read No Apologies and No Regrets Page 64

Thanks to Sir Geoffrey’s intercession the ‘royal’ arrival at the spa went more smoothly than expected. Acting on her boss’s instructions to “give him anything he wants”, Gia arranged for one of the fourth floor suites at the opposite end of the hall from the one in which they imprisoned Joey.

  On arrival one of the security officers waved the Rolls through the gates and directed Jorge to the same back entrance where Joey had been delivered the day before. Mario, on strict instructions from Farnazzi, exhibited his best behavior and offered his muscular assistance in shifting the new patient into a required wheel chair. The mystery client's identity remained obscured by her scarf and glasses, but Mario chuckled as he thought about how many unrecognizable celebrities had passed though these doors and under his own nose. They never look as good in person. Especially not when they arrive here.

  Jorge turned the handsome Ghost around and parked the big car close to the back door. He stepped out and spoke to Mario in a serious tone.

  “I’ll be going out to fetch Sir Geoffrey in the morning and I’d like to park the car here for tonight. Will that be a problem? ”

  “Of course not, my friend. Only one other private suite is in use. No problem at all.”

  Jorge reminded himself this friendly guy was a cold-blooded killer as he leaned in even closer and asked, “Are any movie stars here?”

  “You never know.” Mario chuckled and gave his new friend a conspiratorial wink as he clapped him on the back.

  Upstairs, the staff on duty greeted the trio and, following perfunctory introductions, disbursed to allow Dr. Pendleton to be with his patient. Elisabeth made herself comfortable in the private bedroom and Edwin took up a position in the elegant sitting room. Dr. Farnazzi soon arrived intent on making a grand show of introducing himself and somewhat surprised to find the royal patient attended by a black physician. His manner approached solicitous nonetheless. When Edwin Pendleton addressed him in an Oxbridge accent befitting someone of his perceived station, Farnazzi eased considerably.

  “Dr. Farnazzi, Sir Geoffrey asked me to again extend his thanks for your graciousness,” Edwin said offering the doctor a hearty handshake. “He plans to be here tomorrow to evaluate his patient and to update you on our expected treatment plan.”

  “Of course. I am anxious to meet Sir Geoffrey. Meanwhile, if I can assist you in any way you need only call. By the way, doctor, may I ask what your specialty is?”

  Edwin leaned in close and in a low voice said, “Certainly, doctor, I am a psychiatrist and I specialize in addictive personalities.”

  “Indeed. I, too, practice in the area of addiction. I will be pleased to meet with you and Sir Geoffrey tomorrow. Please let me know how I may be of service.” Farnazzi spoke with a leering smile that chilled Edwin to the bone.

  You certainly do have experience with addiction from what I hear.

  “I’m sure your expertise will prove invaluable. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to speak with my patient before mealtime. It’s been a long day. I want to see how she’s holding up.”

  “I understand, Dr. Pendleton. I’ll be in the clinic late this evening. Please call if you need me.”

  “Oh, before you go, there is one thing. Sir Geoffrey might be bringing a special visitor with him and security may be an issue. Are the other suites on this floor occupied?”

  “Only one suite and we have our own security posted to insure the patient’s privacy. We had a ‘situation’ here just yesterday with a celebrity, but that has been taken care of.”

  “I hope so. Nowadays one finds it impossible to avoid prying eyes. My assistant pulled up all the rubbish on the damned internet. The poor girl can’t even get medical treatment without having her pictures all over the place. Jemima Burk wasn’t it?”

  “Of course you know I can’t discuss the names of our clients.” But, the self promoting doctor’s smirk purposely gave him away.

  “Understood, but that’s not the point, old boy. If paparazzi start to snoop around with an HRH on the property, well, you know how damnably embarrassing that would be." Edwin feigned embarrassment for having dropped the "HRH" and Farnazzi snatched at the bait.

  “We have guards at the gate and I have two more at the elevator entrance downstairs. I assure you we will not let anything happen to inconvenience a 'special' guest.”

  “I know you won’t, Farnazzi. A bloody disaster for all of us otherwise.”

  Edwin gave a slight bow and opened the bedroom doors. As he exited Farnazzi managed catch a glimpse of the woman’s dark hair and a riff of her soft voice as she asked for one of her bags. Somehow her voice sounded uncomfortably familiar, but he could not make a connection. No matter. Soon enough he’d identify his royal guest and eventually he’d be certain the name made the rounds on the internet, but only after she'd been released, of course. He might even get a few ‘special’ photos for his private collection.

  Jorge went down to the car and retrieved another Louis Vuitton satchel from the trunk. Back in the suite he swept for surveillance equipment and found audio in every room and video in the bathroom. Somehow, nobody was surprised, least of all Katya. He disabled the bugs in the living room and started unpacking their weapons from the satchel. He lined up the three dart guns and a pair of 9mm's on the coffee table.

  Katya tossed off the bedcovers and padded into the living room where the conspirators sat close together on the couch and finalized their plan. This had been a sketchy mission at best, but timing and luck were everything. No one, especially Tommy, might have predicted a teenaged girl with a BlackBerry would burn his well executed abduction. God bless her. Without Hayley Callaway, Joey's rescuers would be blind pigs in search of an acorn.

  Jorge's surveillance confirmed Edwin's suspicion that the suite two doors down was their target. The hall contained three security cameras that couldn’t be neutralized so once they made their move it would be all or nothing.

  “There’s a security guard in the hall and two by the outside door at the bottom of the elevator. There was another one by the car when I went for the bag, but I think he was just checking out the new Rolls.”

  Edwin had a grim look. This was decidedly not his cup of tea, but there is nothing he wouldn’t do for Countess Hartwell.

  “Jorge, you’re best positioned to go down and make small talk with the guard. Find out if he has any information for sale. If not, Edwin and I will help persuade him.” Katya loved life on the high wire and it showed in the kind of glow on her face. Edwin's handsome coffee complexion masked his fear.

  Jorge smiled and nodded affirmatively. Working without a net fell within his comfort zone too. He gave them a salute and headed out the door.

  As the sun began to set Frank got his first glimpse of Serge Malroff in more than twenty years and found his contempt for the man undiminished. Soon, little pig. Soon!
