Read No Apologies and No Regrets Page 66

Jorge returned to the suite in an upbeat mood.

  “Bingo!” He reported with enthusiasm.

  “Bingo?” Edwin asked.

  “Yeah. She is definitely in the room. I saw her.”

  “Thank god for a stroke of luck.” Elisabeth said as she walked out of the bedroom. She’d dressed in dark jeans and a tee shirt and carried a soft, leather jacket with a Kevlar liner. The brown wig was gone and Katya Yusupov meant business.

  “I took your suggestion. Cash is the big motivator around here. The staff seems to be accustomed to putting celebrity patients on display for a fee.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Katya snorted with disgust.

  “They run videos of clients in the bathroom, too. Not my idea of fun. I guess we already assumed something weird was going on.”

  “Farnazzi and Malroff are so goddam predictable. They probably get together and watch those videos over a couple of drinks and popcorn. Maybe invite a few friends in on a Saturday night.”

  "Sick," Edwin hissed, but Jorge pulled the conversation back on focus.

  “So, here’s the deal. They passed her off to me as Jemima Burck and gave me a peek as evidence. If that’s Joey Beretta they really could be twins. Anyway, the nurse was on her way in to insert an IV with a fresh drip of sedatives. I’m supposed to go back in ten minutes or so for a more complete view of the ‘goods’. It only costs another thousand euros.”

  “Utterly contemptible.” Edwin was starting to warm up to the idea of causing some pain.

  “Sums it up, my friend. I wanted to go ahead and put a bullet in the slime’s head."

  “Keep a grasp on your thoughts. You may get a chance.” Katya laced and tied her black leather running shoes and made a final check on her weapons.

  “Once the nurse leaves the male attendant should be the only staff person on this floor.” Jorge checked and holstered his dart gun.

  “Good. Our ‘go’ time is moved up to ten minutes from now, but here’s what we’ll do. Edwin will call Farnazzi to ask him to come up to consult. As soon as he does, Jorge, you retrieve Joey. Deal with the scum attendant any way you choose.”

  She snapped a fresh clip into her suppressed 9mm and racked the slide.

  “Consider it done.” The determination on Jorge’s face left no doubt what he had in mind.

  “Once I’ve taken care of my old friend Farnazzi, Edwin and I will come to the room and knock twice. We take the elevator down, but before we get out I want you to set off the car alarm. I'm hoping the noise disrupts the guards for a few second. We put them down and we’re gone.”

  “Leaving only the front gate to deal with.”

  “Worst case we’re in a car weighing three tons with six hundred horsepower.” Elisabeth looked determined.

  “Ouch.” Edwin loved English cars, the Rolls in particular, and made an exaggerated cringing gesture.

  “Don’t be sentimental, Edwin. It’s an overgrown BMW now and a rental at that.”

  “Still a damned fine car.”

  They smiled at one another. Katya Yusupov knew that apart from Frank she had no more reliable friends than these two men. She checked her watch and said, “Showtime, Edwin.”

  The elegant Mr. Pendleton picked up the phone and asked to be connected to Dr. Farnazzi.

  “Dr. Farnazzi, this is Dr. Pendleton. I’d like you to take a look at my patient and perhaps render a second opinion. Are you able to come right up?” Receiving an affirmative response he ended with, “Perfect, old man. I'll expect you in a few minutes.”

  “Well done, Edwin. If I know Farnazzi he’s headed this way at a dead run, so, we’d best be ready for his arrival.”

  Elisabeth went back to the bedroom and pulled the wig back on and the covers up to her chin. She held the 9mm in her right hand with the safety off. What big teeth you have, grandmother.

  Edwin picked up a folder resembling a medical file and sat in a chair near the door. Jorge positioned himself outside the main entrance to the suite. Moments later the estimable Dr. Farnazzi stepped out of the elevator vestibule and strode up to Jorge who acted his part.

  “Good evening, Doctor. Dr. Pendleton is expecting you.”

  Farouk Farnazzi walked into the room to be greeted cordially by Edwin.

  “Thank you for coming up on short notice.”

  “Not at all. How may I assist?”

  “First I would appreciate it if you to examine our patient. Afterwards we can discuss her file in private.”

  “Of course. I am pleased to be of service.” Farnazzi could scarcely contain himself as he allowed Edwin to escort him into the bedroom. The lights were dim and they drew close to the bedside.

  “I’d like you to examine some lesions that have developed.” Doctor Pendleton turned on the lamp on the nightstand, but before he could pull down the bedcover Katya greeted her old torturer.

  “Good evening, Farouk. It’s been a long time.”

  For a moment he was confused and bent closer.

  “I’m sorry, have we met?”

  “Unfortunately, we have.” She pulled the wig off and said, “My name is Katya. You called me "Princess", but not out of respect."

  The surprised man took several seconds to process what she said and then his eyes went wide with recognition. In those same moments Katya thought about all the ways she had dreamed of torturing this foul creature before killing him. They were just that; dreams. Farouk Farnazzi, MD, stood up and began to reach inside his jacket. As he did the patient raised her 9mm and put a single bullet into his throat. Given the angle, the slug tore through his brain stem and he died instantly. As the dead man's legs buckled Edwin grabbed the collar of his coat and guided the corpse gently toward the floor.

  Elisabeth, already out of bed, stepped around Farnazzi's remains without looking down.

  Edwin gave her a thin smile and allowed himself to think she had brought the man to a better end than he deserved. They picked up their satchels and headed for the door.
