Read No Cause to Die For Page 11


  Mike leaned over towards Berry looking as if he was about to impart some very important information. What you’re about to see took years of practice, and was born out of necessity, I don’t think there are many who have this talent.

  Berry was curious as to just where Mike was leading. Whata ya gonna do, sing a song? Berry’s grin poked fun at Mike’s serious tone.

  Say ain’t the only one with sleuthing talents...and with that he reached for the bag laying on the seat next to him. Berry watch as Michael pulled first a wig, then a beard and some makeup out of the bag. He flipped open a lighted mirror to his right and begin to dawn his disguise.

  The whole process took less than ten minutes. When mike finally turned around to reveal his new self, Berry was impressed...Mike, that’s fantastic, you look thirty years older! If I didn’t know it was you, I don’t think I would have recognized you. You say you learned to do this on your own?

  Well, I had a little help. There’s this makeup artist I dated a while back, she works for the Warner Studios. She showed me how to make little subtle changes that really make a difference. Her specialty is aging people.

  Well, she really taught you well, she must be good at her trade!

  Now for the finishing touches. Mike pulled one more item out of the bag and began to unroll it. These Oshkosh coveralls will slip over what I’m wearing, and are more in trappings with the new face. Mike slipped first one and then the other leg into the coveralls. He was right! After pulling the straps up and fastening them, he had the appearance of an old farmer who had come to town to buy supplies. The transformation was quite astonishing!

  The driver’s voice crackled from the small PA speaker. This is the auditorium Sir, is there a specific place you want me to park? Mike flipped the button. No, just get us as close as you can.

  Berry, you can fill me in on some of the details, I’d REALLY like to help. The driver opened the door, and as they stepped out their conversation turned to hushed tones... Berry was thinking that Mike might be more help than he originally figured... he did have this uncanny ability to change his appearance... maybe that would be useful... maybe later...

  The auditorium was dimly lit. A small group had gathered near the stage and was discussing their own opinions on various hot topics of the season. Berry and Mike slid into an isle towards the back and settled in two seats about half way across the row.

  As they continued to talk in low tones others entered and found their way to seats that suited their fancy for that night, embarking on conversational worlds of their own.

  The two of them were so engrossed in their own cosmos of thought that by the time they stopped to take note of their surroundings again, they both realized that this must be a very popular lecturer. The auditorium was almost full!  Before Berry could digest his new surrounding, the house lights went dimmed and a casually dressed college student strolled across the stage to the podium.

  Tonight we have a chance to pick the brain of a real innovator of our times. She has single handily challenged the American sports empire and increased everyone’s awareness of violence in our culture. I would like to introduce you to Ms. Marie Burton!

  She was a tall lady… almost six feet tall, but somewhat thin for her height. She had short brown hair and wore round wire frame glassed. Although her appearance was somewhat plain, her face showed the strength of conviction and control. There was a certain air of dominance about her.

  So that’s the GREAT lady. Mike was not impressed. She reminds me of one of those prison matrons.

  Berry smiled and nodded, but he wasn’t thinking about her appearance... the words: ‘single handily challenged the American sports empire’ were stilling ringing in his ears. What was it that he had been told... that she had been poking her noise into everyone business... she had certainly been stirring up the waters! His impression was quite different from Mike’s. Berry was wondering how she obtained so much power...

  Currently, there are over 20 serious accidents each day within the organized sports field, and approximately 55 deaths each year from sports related injuries. These statistics point out the serious problem of violence in sports when related to our health care system and ultimately the additional costs to you, the health consumer... from increased costs for sports related injuries... injuries that could be avoided!

  As she spoke, Marie moved quickly from one point to the other, not really giving the listener a chance to think about what she had said. She hit on a specific hot topic and then very quickly moved on to another, thereby pressing a lot of “hot” buttons in people’s conscience at once. It was a style she had adopted specifically to indoctrinate possibly antagonistic listeners. It presented her philosophy without giving the listener a chance to consider the points, and thus allowed her ideas to basically go unchallenged while she was speaking.

  Usually, by the end of the lecture, she had made so many points so quickly that most of the audience were still trying to digest all of the material long after she had left. It gave her an edge, and maybe a little control over her subjects...

  But Berry’s mind has the unique capability of processing numerous sources of information simultaneously, and most of the time, gleaning a complete understanding of each.

  On more than one occasion, Muffin had dropped in on him only to find Berry immersed deep in a multimedia nightmare!  There he would be, head stuck in the middle, turning first left, then right, typing, clicking, pressing, like some madman attempting to regain control of a runaway world!

  Two separate TV’s blearing whatever broadcast they were tuned to, the hint of a radio playing some tune in the background, several computer monitors, each running some complicated sorting or searching utility, and a special computer for links to the Internet.

  He would be in his own world, maintaining his own thoughts in the midst of perceived confusion... really an organized orchestration of information flow, with his mind being the controlling organizer of the system. He seemed to be able to grasp it all at once. It was his gift, HIS edge...

  In closing let me say that violence is not necessary. All disputes can be solved through common logic. Most sports are merely a throwback to our ancient ancestors’ need to hunt… to kill or be killed. We must throw off this caveman attitude and adopt a real peace though non-violence! As she completed her lecture, she quickly left the stage, and her assistant crossed the stage and replaced her at the podium.

  Alice spoke with more confidence now. When she was supporting Marie… when she was protecting her… Alice always became more aggressive. Ms. Burton has another engagement that does not allow her to remain. She wishes to thank you all for your attendance. There are pamphlets and brochures on the table out front… Please stop by and pick up some information that we believe can help change YOUR world for the better! … and with that she turned and made her exit also.

  While most of the crowd was deep in discussion with each other about the lecture, Mike and Berry were silent as they returned to the limo... The effect had been the same for both...

  Berry, that was amazing... she shoveled it in, and forced it down... and then left before you could object...

  Yeaw, you’re right Mike… she has a way of putting things that doesn’t give you much room to disagree…

  As Berry swung his legs into the limo, the driver shut the door behind him... Berry was deep in thought... This one is dangerous, she has a way of controlling people... a way of getting others to see it her way... but Berry could see that her logic was flawed... in his mind she had been relating apples to oranges... most of the audience would probably not notice, but He did... It WAS his gift...