Read No Cause to Die For Page 18


  Stanley, this is Berry, I need to talk to you in person as soon as you can get free to see me. Call me as soon as you can. Berry was a little irritated that he had to leave a message on Gruter’s voicemail. He always expects me to be available whenever he needs me, but I have to talk to his secretary who then puts me into his voicemail so I have to leave a voice message!

  It was not just the waiting on Gruter to get the message that annoyed him. He really didn’t like leaving a recorded message that anyone could listen too. Not that he left any information in the message that could be used by prying ears, but the idea that someone could discover that he was trying to contact Gruter bothered him also. The case was adding up quickly, and any hedge he could get was good!

  So far he had a lot of facts, but he still wasn’t really sure where this case was going. It appeared that there were some real heavies involved, both politically and academically, but what bothered Berry is that when these types were involved, it meant that there’s was usually a money person behind all the activity… and he hadn’t discovered who that was yet… if there was a big money person involved… which there usually was. Berry was thinking that there was still a major piece to the puzzle missing, and he needed to find that piece before he could put this all together.


  It was almost 1:00 when William left his office. He had that committee meeting at 3:00 and he wanted to stop to get something to eat before the big fight. He had decided he was going to pull the plug on the whole idea. He wasn’t sure who was really behind this one, but he had enough information that he didn’t like it. From what he could gather, someone, or some group stood to profit royally from this venture, and it didn’t appear to him that all the ruckus on this issued amounted to giving away a pot of gold. He was aware that his vote could sway the outcome, and he held the winning card. He also knew that when he played his hand there would be some who would get quite angry with him for changing his vote, but he was thinking that he would have to deal with that later.

  That issue came up far sooner that he had anticipated…

  As he sped toward the railroad crossing he was hoping that he could get by before another train came along to make him late for lunch, but his hopes were dashed. Just as he approached, the crossing the gate began coming down. He tromped down hard on his breaks but all that happened was he heard a loud popping sound and a sort of whishing like air being let out of a tire… the car crashed right through the crossing gate just in time to meet the oncoming train… whatever William was going to do would never get accomplished…


  It was around 3:00 that afternoon when Gruter finally returned Berry’s call. Berry, this is Stanley… yes I know Stanley, when do you have some free time that I can see you? I would rather talk to you in person than over the phone. Berry was quick to keep Gruter from saying anything else.

  I am available after 4:00 Berry…

  Good I will see you then, was all that Berry said before he hung up.

  Berry was about to dig back in to the computer data when a breaking news alert from the TV caught his attention…

  It has been reported that Senator William Parks has been killed in an accident when his car collided with a train. Efforts to contact his office for confirmation have not been returned as of yet. We have reporters standing by on the scene and we go now live on site to our remote Action CAM…

  Deep inside Berry somehow knew it wasn’t an accident. There were too many connections to the case he was investigating. Parks had been on both committees and probably had insider information on exactly what was going on and how it all fit together. He couldn’t help thinking that he should have followed up on his hunch to interview Parks sooner… he was thinking that maybe Parks was causing trouble, so he was eliminated to avoid problems… he might have given Berry some help in completing the puzzle, but it was too late now. All Berry could do was follow up on it and see what he could discover about the accident. Maybe his friend Dave would have something to add. He picked up the phone to call Dave…

  Detective Division, Bob Mackey here…

  Is Dave Lutz available?

  Dave’s not available right now, can I help you?

  This is Berry Sullivan, We’re old friends. I was just calling to see if he wanted to have lunch.

  Berry Sullivan, the not so famous PI … I’ve heard of ya, you got some info for Dave or somethin?

  No, nothing really, I just wanted to say hi.

  Ok, have it your way. You wantta leave a message?

  Naw, that’s ok, just tell Dave I called, if you see him.

  After he hung up, Berry was thinking that it was a rather stifled conversation from his side. He didn’t want to sound like he was passing info to a cop. They might think that he was serving as an informant or something and mess up his case, but he also didn’t want to sound standoffish. He felt he had passed it of well enough not to draw any undue attention.


  As Berry sat down in the big overstuffed usually comfortable chair in Gruter’s office he noted that he really wasn’t very comfortable… too much had happened between the time he last spoke with Gruter and now. He was busy formulating just what he should and should not say to Gruter. Some of the facts were clear, but there was a lot of haze in it all, and he didn’t want to get Gruter involved any more than he already was…

  So what have you found out Berry? I am assuming you have something since you contacted me early for a change. 

  Things are beginning to add up a little, but it is too early to give you the big picture.

  You called me just to tell me that you don’t have anything?

  No, Stanley, I have a lot, it’s just that I am not really sure how far it goes and I don’t want to cause you any problems. This thing runs a lot deeper than you expected and I want to keep you from becoming a target until I know who might be firing any arrows if you know what I mean.

  Berry skirted a lot of the details but tried to give Gruter a loose picture of the information he had discovered. He told him about the Public Ventures committee, how some people were upset with people asking questions about the committee, and about some of his suspicions, but he left out a lot of the key figures.

  Stanley leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head thinking on it all in as Berry filled him in. Sooooo, what you are telling me is that I have stirred up a hornet’s nest, and that I should probably be careful who I talk to about this.

  That’s the jest of it Stanley… It is turning into a real mess of intertwined groups and people, but I am getting closer to finding the single strand that could unravel all the facts. Just keep a low profile on our investigation, and I will get to the bottom of it all as soon as I can find a few more details… As Berry got up to leave, Gruter walked rapidly around the desk and grabbed Berry by the arm… is there any chance that I am a target already?

  All things are possible Stanley, but at this point I don’t think so… just keep doing your job like normal and I’ll keep doing mine… and hopefully we can both avoid trouble.


  As he was driving back to the old Collier building his cell phone began vibrating in his pocket. He had turned off the ringer so his meeting with Gruter would not be interrupted. The caller ID told him it was Dave Lutz.

  Berry, Bob said you called… anything important?

  Did you hear about Senator Parks?

  Of course I have … it’s my job!

  Well, do you think it was an accident?

  Why, you heard otherwise?

  Not really, it’s just a hunch… fits in to something I have been thinking about… it sort of seems suspicious to me,

  OK Berry, have you been holding back on me?

  Not really Dave… it’s all just speculation with a few odd facts thrown in to give me an impression of possible foul play. I just thought I would contact you to see if you know anything about it… or maybe the department was investigating it further.

  It’s initially bei
ng called an accidental death, but the forensics team hasn’t finished with it yet.

  Well, I would suggest going over the car thoroughly… it might hold a small clue to what actually happened.

  I am sure they will be thorough as always but especially now… him being a senator and all.

  It’s easy to miss little items when there is a push to resolve it quickly so the senate committees he was on can appoint a replacement and go back to work… just saying that politics can hinder a thorough investigation.

  OK, I get what you’re sayin… I’ll keep an eye on it and call if I hear anything. In the mean time you wanta fill me in on what you have? I could meet you for a bite to eat around 5:30. We could talk in private and I promise no official police involvement at this point.

  Well, there are a few things I could tell you that might help… we could exchange notes and see where it goes. Ok, sounds like it might be a good idea...

  Berry really didn’t like the idea of getting Dave involved, but it appeared that he was already involved to a degree officially, and maybe together they could tie up some loose ends that Berry needed to finish his case. He was thinking he could get some information from “official” channels without having to share too much of his. After all, he wasn’t working for the police department, and anything they could give him could be helpful...

  Although neither of them knew it yet, it was another job Dave was working with that held important insight into Berry’s work. The other duty involved organized crime and the ties several individuals had to unsolved murders. In fact, one of the individuals being investigated by the police task force Dave was on, was a key figure that could lead to discovering the truth behind Berry’s entire Committee Case… the only problem was Dave had not considered any connections yet because he didn’t have all the facts Berry possessed… and Berry was unaware of the other investigation Dave was involved in and had none of its details…


  Hey Dave… Chief said to tell you that there is a meeting of the organized crime task force at 5:00… he wanted to make sure you would be there.

  Ahhh… ok… guess I’ll have to move that bite to eat until later… he would have to call Berry and postpone the meeting… he knew Berry would understand… he was familiar with the way this business went… the job of being a cop would have to come first.

  Dave’s call to Berry was short. He explained his meeting with the organized crime task force, and pushed the time he could meet back to 8:30. Berry was agreeable, and the time was set for a meeting that would lead to almost unbelievable discoveries that would change both their futures…