Read No Cause to Die For Page 2


  It was raining. The constant ping ping ping of the rain striking the metal pipes on the old warehouse roof produced a strange calm in the building. Like a relaxing alpha rhythm it attached itself to the atmosphere, soothing everything within its range. Berry stared out the window almost in a trance from the rhythm.

  In big letters written across the windows were the words SULLIVAN INVESTIGATIONS. His own agency… his own hours… his own worries! He had put together all the money he could to start the business. He had knowledge of electronics, and a good understanding of what makes people tick.

  From these talents and lot of long hours at the job, he had built a fairly nice income doing something that he enjoyed. This new case was a big break. It involved major players, and state politics. If he worked it right this thing might just build him a reputation and that could put him on to bigger things.

  The ringing telephone startled Berry out of his musings. Sullivan Investigations... Berry Sullivan speaking.

  The voice on the other end was that of a young lady. I need to see you Mr. Sullivan. It’s very important! I have some information that will bring the entire organization down, and drag those bastards along with it. Meet me at the Chancy Inn by the pool around eleven this evening... Before Berry could ask who was calling the line went silent... she had hung up. What the heck was that all about? Could she have been talking about the State College Governing Board and the Committee to Disband College Sports? Nah, that was too easy. To get an assignment in the morning and be given all the answers that night! It might be a great day, but it couldn't be that good! He had been at this business too long to expect answers that quick.

  He wondered what the caller was really referring to. As he was beginning to consider all of the possibilities, the phone interrupted his musings again. This time it was Muffin.

  The nick name Muffin is probable somewhat deceiving.  He might be considered a strong man, or a large man, even a feared man, but never a muffin. Muffin was far from being a muffin.

  He was dubbed Muffin after eating 2 dozen blueberry muffins one morning for breakfast. His real name is Roger Dempsey and Roger is a huge black man who stands like a thick tower shoulders above most people. He is for all intents and purposes a kind of trouble shooter.

  Sup Berry? Ya got any action for me? Roger spoke in a voice that was somewhere between gravel and James Earl Jones. Actually, his tone was somewhat richer and a little fuller than Mr. Jones's. For a period of time during the 80's, he worked as an announcer on a classical music station. His deep rich voice was perfect for the soothing dialogue that accompanied that type of format.

  Muffin, what ya doing right now? I need to talk to ya.

  Talk my brother, tell me what's on yer mind.

  Don't wanta use the land line, if ya know what I mean… too many ears paying attention. Can ya drop by... say in about an hour? ... we could go over it then.

  Your time is my time. I'll be there with bells on... on second thought... forget the bells! Folks might think I'm strange.

  Muffin, Folks KNOW yer strange! See ya in an hour.  As Berry hung up the phone, his thoughts turned to Muffin and his incredible talents. Roger was just what Berry needed to find out what was going on. He had ways of finding out things that could stump a magician.

  Berry had heard that Roger had ties with underworld crime figures, and even some government spy types, which could be true. But it really didn't matter. They had been good friends for so long, that they accepted each other at face value. Berry didn't care where Muffin got his info, as long as it was accurate, which it always was, and he didn't have to deal with Roger’s sources, which he usually didn’t!  Berry was remembering when he and Roger were working two bit jobs for hacks on the avenue... a lot of leg work...and boring too...


  It wasn't long before Muffin came bounding up the stairs like an anxious teenager. He was excited about the possibility of getting involved with real case. The last time he helped Berry, he spent several days talking to local fences, trying to find what he thought was some insignificant piece of stereo equipment. This time maybe he'll get to do something more important... like tail a suspect, or head a surveillance team.

  Hey Bear, Fill me in! What ya got goin? Muffin didn't waste any time getting to the point as he crossed the room. Berry was typing at the computer terminal. Hope this is more than some an old missing stereo like the last time. I've been itching to do some real detective work!

  Well it ain’t the Maltese Falcon if that's what you were wanting, but it is rather important. Berry continued to type at the computer. I'm running a check on some data I need about the case now...

  What I need from you is some of that special inside information you’re so famous for. I need to know all you can find on a group of people that call themselves the Committee to Disband College Sports.  You know... names, positions, occupations, their families... that sort of thing. I'm not really looking for anything special, just general info. If you run into anything interesting, let me know as soon as possible. That's it in a nut shell.

  The Committee to Disband College Sports… sounds like a dangerous organization to me. You want I should call in some heat? Muffin made light of the assignment in his usual manner. He was thinking it was probably another small time case leading to nowhere.

  Berry read his mind… Look bud, this IS big time. It involves state politics, influential people, hidden plots, the whole nine yards! Berry was trying to make it sound a little more important than HE really thought it was. I need your help. This case just may put Sullivan Investigations on the map!

  Ok, ok I see your point, but if you part your hair on the other side I don't think it'll show.

  Ha ha ha… very funny Muffin… 10 thousand comedians out of work and you’re trying to become one.

  Yea, but my lines are better that yours! 10 thousand comedians! ... like I never heard that one before... you need some new material! You want me to give you something out of Muffin's book of great lines for all occasions? I got some good ones!

  Save your wit. It would probably be wasted on me. My problem is timing! I never can get my timing right. People say I'll be late for my own funeral. 

  Now see. That's just what I mean. It’s not your timing, it your lines! Late for your own funeral...that's not fresh, it’s old stuff... now, some old stuff can be new stuff... if its old enough... you just have to know the age of your audience, and this audience is old enough to remember most of Henny Youngman’s material... like when I was about six I remember...

  This is quite fascinating Muffin... Berry interrupted him before he got into telling about old time vaudeville acts... but I have a truck load of things I gotta do before this day is done, and I'm not getting them done by discussing the proper material for a comedy act with you. The only time I have free TODAY is around MIDNIGHT... I think I might be able to squeeze you in for a second or two then.

  There ya go! Now that was a good line, I mean squeeze you in at midnight... at that time it’s really the next day... so... not at all!... now if you could keep that up for a half hour or so, it would make a great act! We could call ourselves Berry & Muffin... get it... Berry Muffin... that's great! Roger roared in that booming bass voice of his with a laugh so full that seemed to shake the rafters. He crossed the room towards the stairway. I'll call you as soon as I learn anything...

  As Muffin left the building his stern look showed that the wheels were already turning in his head. He may have made light of the assignment upstairs, but as Berry already knew, Muffin took every assignment he was given serious. It was just his nature to make a joke out of everything.


  There they were. Those irritating iridescent red numbers of the clock… scolding him like a mother scolds a dawdling child. It was 2:30 and he still hadn't completed the check of data files on his computer... and when this was done he would need to check the National archive database.  The American Location Logistics Archive Data Information Network, or ALLADIN
for short, listed information about National organizations, fraternal groups, and all sorts of membership clubs along with business concerns and government agencies.

  The information usually included the name of the director or founder, the group’s philosophies, rules, membership, and general data on the group’s activities. Many of the listings also gave the name and address of the officers. Berry was hoping that he would get lucky and find some information on the committee there.

  He would have to run an automatic search for download and then review the data when he returned. There wasn't time for that now. At 3:00 he had to attend a lecture at the police institute on crime scene observation techniques. The person giving the lecture was a close friend of his and had asked him to participate in a demonstration. He was wondering if there was any way he could squirm out of it when the phone rang.

  I was just thinking about you... it was Dianne Cummings from the Law Institute on the other end… 3:00 right? ... Sure, I'll be there... I know you’re counting on me... right... bye. What a wimp I am… I had my chance to back out and I blew it