Read No Cause to Die For Page 28


  Berry was in his element. Several computer screens scrolling information, his hands typing and clicking, the TV blaring, and his mind in total control of it all. He was sure had enough information now to run it all through his “special” program…and maybe see the entire picture emerge. The program was one he had written himself. He had included several special algorithms to analyze information on people, organizations, situations, scenarios, politics, and other factors that Berry thought might be significant. The goal was to discover possible relationships and connections. The end result was not only a listing of all possible connections between the various individual pieces of information but also a flow chart that outlined all the possible relationships that existed in all the information. It seemed rather ironic to him now. He had actually started his “special” program when he was a computer analyst working for a company that crunched college sports statistics.

  Originally he had the idea at that time that relational statistics may contain the key to reading possible real-life scenario outcomes. He figured that given enough information, and specific algorithms built to provide possible statistical outcomes of situations factored into the informational data, possible real-life outcomes could be predicted within a certain probability. The whole idea was mostly Greek to most people… it simply meant that if he could input enough information, it could help find the links and provide possible relationships between the players and their actions in a case.

  Along with his program’s output, he could then use all the information he had to predict the possible outcomes... to help identify the good guys and the bad guys in a case… kind of like a western… you always knew the good guys in a western… they always wore white hats… and the bud guys always wore black ones… organizing general groups together… it was just another way that his mind worked… it’s what made his program so much more valuable than just another statistical analysis processer… it helped him identify the player’s positions in a case… it gave him an edge.

  As usual, it sort of annoyed him when the phone rang… as his mind snapped back from cyberspace he realized that it might be Dave… calling to say he was ready to question Sophia… he picked up the phone. Sullivan Investigations…

  Hey Bear… what’s up?

  Hey Muffin… I’m working on some leads… what ya need? Berry was a little short. He wanted to get back to his cyber world.

  Heard ya got a new partner… word is you’re on the department payroll. Had to find it out for myself… when were ya gonna tell me?

  Hey, it’s a good thing… where you at Muffin?

  Close… ya want me to drop by?

  Yep, that would be best… see you in a few. Berry was quick to end the conversation. It wasn’t that he wanted to get back to his computers this time. He didn’t want to say too much over the phone, and Muffin knew it too. It would be best for both if they talked face to face.


  Dave rustled through the folders on his desk. His attention really wasn’t on the information they contained, but on all the information he had heard from the Chief. He was sorting through it all in his own way. The Chief knew about Mr. big… and a lot more than Dave had figured… it looked like the Chief was a good guy and trying to help Dave get a handle on something he had stepped into… something that put the situation probably over his head… the Chief knew that too… Dave figured that was why he was getting involved personally. It gave Dave a boost to feel that that Chief trusted him… it made him feel important.

  Dave picked up the phone to call Benny the department’s techno geek… he wanted to make sure that the room they had discussed all this in was actually clean… he was beginning to get more paranoid… but he had good reason.

  Benny… it’s Dave Lutz… I need a favor… this may sound like a strange request, but can you tell me if the primary interrogation room is free from listening and recording devices … except for the one above the door?

  Yes… he did? Can you tell me when that was? This morning? Before or after our session with Vinnie? Before huh? Eveyday? Ok, thanks.

  Yeaw, a little paranoid… just wanted to make sure we didn’t have any outside listeners… you know… security… as you know, some people want to silence Vinnie, and I just wanted to make sure things were in order… guess the Chief already took care of that…  no problem… thanks.

  Dave had been evasive with Benny… even though he trusted him he didn’t want to raise any suspicions… after all, he HAD promised the Chief he would keep things on the down low… he was just being careful. But he had found out that the Chief had actually asked Benny to check the room before his session with Vinnie… which meant it was clean when they had their private discussion in there with the Chief.


  When Muffin came through the door and crossed the room he found Berry where he always seemed to find him… engrossed in his computers. Muffin referenced his favorite subject. Man, do you have some sort of feeding tube going to that place? You must live in that chair!

  There are times that I do live here Muffin… times like these… got a lot to tell you… give me a minute… I need to get something else in before I let it go do its thing. Berry continued typing.

  Muffin rolled up another chair and settled his huge frame in it waiting for Berry to finish… Comfortable chair Berry… even for a big guy like me… nice.

  Berry finished his typing and swung his chair around to face Muffin. Glad you like it… wasn’t cheap… all of these were expensive, but I figured that I spend so much time in one or another of them that I might as well be comfortable.

  Listen Muffin, I was told not to tell anyone else, but since you are already pretty deeply involved…well, I figure you have a right to know… but you really have to promise me you will keep everything I say to yourself… I really mean it… it could mean protecting people’s lives… including your own… I’m not being melodramatic… as you already know, this thing goes deep and involves a lot of powerful people…

  You don’t have to tell me that… already dealt with people I would rather have left alone… might as well know it all.

  I still don’t know it ALL Muffin, but I’ll tell you what I do know. Berry spoke in low tones…not that he was worried there were any bugs recording their conversation in his place… he checked for that regularly… he was trying to be reserved so it didn’t appear that he was anxious about it all… he wanted to show Muffin he was still confident while being careful.

  For the first time since Berry could remember Muffin said nothing until he had finished… other than nodding his head or shaking it from side to side occasionally to show he was listening intently. There was a long pause before either spoke again. Muffin was the first to speak up.

  That’s a lot to digest… there’s a lot to tie together.

  That’s why I think that working with the department can help. I know you’re not too keen on that idea… but their forensics lab has already been a great help, and Dave Lutz has resources in the department that can help us a lot.

  I don’t have any problem with getting help… it’s cops I don’t really trust… but I can deal with it if I don’t have to deal with it… if you know what I mean. Roger had run-ins with the department from time to time and didn’t trust most cops. I’ve known some that were pretty dirty… and most I’ve met don’t really know what is going on out there… I do.

  Listen Bear, I have sources they don’t … you want me to look into the lost sister for ya?

  I’m not sure you’ll find anything… if the Chief couldn’t… Muffin cut Berry off.

  I don’t have to be careful about who I talk to, as you already know, so I might be able to get information the Chief couldn’t. Like I said, there are people I would rather NOT deal with, but if I need to I’ll talk to the Devil is it will save an innocent life… I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty Bear!

  Berry was quick to respond. I Know that Muffin… that why you’re my partner…

  Partner? … ya s
ayin I’m your partner?

  You’ve always been my partner Muffin… and for once, with the income from this case, I can even pay you… when we get it resolved … once it’s behind us… I believe I can afford to pay both of us!

  Muffin roared a hearty laugh… no more peanuts huh? They both laughed out loud… Berry liked the feeling of joy Muffin gave him just from being around.

  While Muffin headed out to gather some special information he was so famous for, Berry headed back to the department. Even though Dave had not called yet, Berry figured he would probably be almost right on time for the questioning session. His information analysis would be waiting when he got back… it would be a good start even though he would probably need to add information and run it again after questioning Sophia Grendandino. He was feeling a little satisfied… he always felt this way when he was getting all the pieces in place… he was close to finding all the ends to tie together… he WAS feeling more confident as he drove toward the next step in this investigation. He was pretty sure he could get a better grasp on it all once his informational analysis program spit out all its specially designed results.

  He was turning the corner on Tenth street when his phone rang again…he punched the hands-free button… Berry, Dave… we have Sophia processed and in the interrogation room… how long before you can get here?

  I’m on my way already… be there in a few minutes.

  OK, meet me in my office when you get here and we can go down there together… Dave hung up the phone.


  When they entered the room Berry stood at the back again and looked on while Dave immediately sat down opposite Sophia Grendandino and her attorney. In the interim, during her processing, her family lawyer arrived and insisted on his right to be present as her legal counsel… it was going to make it a little tougher to get information from her, but with Vinnie’s recorded testimony, they had an ace they could literally play for her if they needed to. Dave had arranged for a video screen to be positioned along the back wall ready to play back the part of Vinnie’s testimony that implicated Sophia.

  Mrs. Grendandino, are you familiar with a man named Charles Loften?

  Her lawyer answered for her. Mrs. Grendandino has no affiliations with or no knowledge of a man named Charles Loften.


  Dave raised his voice for the first time Berry ever heard in this duel venture, which surprised not only the suspect and her lawyer but also took Berry by surprise… he had been watching Mrs. Grendandino when Berry suddenly looked over to see Dave getting out of his seat.

  HOW would you know if she knew him unless you had already discussed it between you two before we brought her in? … and if you discussed it… HOW did you know about him? It wasn’t on the warrant… all that was ever said is that she was wanted for questioning about possible associations with organized crime activities… you jumped the gun hotshot…

  Berry was impressed at Dave line of reasoning… he could see the wheels turning in the attorney’s brain… he was asking himself if he had actually incriminated his client… Berry took advantage of the situation.

  There were only a very few who knew about the possible connection with the Loften murder and your client… my guess is that when you found out that we had Vincent Balboa in custody, and that he might talk… being the actual killer you hired… you got together to discuss the possible problems your client might face if he did talk… problem is if we didn’t tell anyone… Berry turned to Dave. We didn’t tell anyone did we Dave?

  Dave quickly responded. No we didn’t tell anyone Berry.

  Berry continued… then the only way you could have known about Loften was if your client was already involved in the first place… how’m I doing so far Dave?

  Sounds like you’re hitting the nail on the head Berry… with both of them working together they weren’t giving her attorney any time to think and respond… Dave decided to go for the throat…

  But your big problem is that we have a conversation… recorded with knowledge and consent… implicating your client for a contract hit… a contract to kill Charles Loften… but what really ties it up is that the testimony is from the person who was contracted to carry out the hit on Loften… we have your client dead to rights on this one… with his testimony… and your unintentional implication of your client I believe we have all we need… Dave stopped at this point. He wasn’t really sure if the attorney had actually legally implicated his client, but he wanted to give the attorney a chance to respond. He felt they had pushed it enough… enough maybe that she was ready to give them something back.

  The lawyer leaned over to his client and whispered in her ear. She leaned back to him and whispered back. This went on for a few minutes after which the attorney finally leaned back in his chair and she sat back straight in hers.

  Her attorney motioned toward the large screen situated against the wall. We are assuming that the screen here facing us was set up to play back the video of the testimony implicating my client for the contract killing of Charles Loften… that will not be necessary. My client would like to have a private conversation about some possible arrangements favoring her lack of involvement in exchange for her cooperation and information.

  Both Dave and Berry were not ready for what they had heard. Although they had been pushing hard, they had not expected to gain so much ground so quickly. It took a few seconds for either of them to take it in and construct a reply. Berry looked at Dave as if to say I’m just a consultant and the ball is in your court…

  Dave turned back and finally responded. So what you’re saying is that you’d like to make a deal in exchange for information… what kind of information?

  It was Sophia that responded this time. I know a lot of things. I know a lot of big time players. I know a lot about what’s really going on… her attorney interrupted her.

  What we’re saying is that in exchange for immunity, my client is willing to discuss what she knows about not just the organized crime business, but also about other things that could lead to bigger players. Are you willing to make a deal?

  Dave looked directly at Sophia. If you can really give me something I can use… something that is really valuable in all this… then we can probably work something out…but I’m sure you know I will need to run this through channels… Dave looked up at the camera above the door… I will talk to the people responsible for making those arrangements and let you know as soon as I can… Dave looked back at Berry… in the mean time Berry… can you see if you can get them something to snack on and drink… you two want anything?

  Sophia replied again this time. Only the deal.

  Berry left the room with Dave leaving Sophia and her family attorney alone to contemplate what they were willing to divulge… they both knew it could be dangerous, but Sophia could not deal with the possibility of serving time. She had always been taken care of… she was custom to a good life… she was sure that prison would kill her … or at the least kill her spirit… and she refused to allow that to happen not matter what it was going to take.
