Read No Cause to Die For Page 32


  The sun rose over the city but it was not noticed by Berry this morning. His mind was on the case and closing all the loose ends. He was on his way to the department to meet with Dave and go over the details before they talked to Isabel Taylor. He imagined that by the time he got there Dave would probably have already had her brought in for questioning. He could feel deep inside that they were close to nailing down all the facts and he was ready to get it over with. He wasn’t anxious so much as he was ready for a break and some time off to rest a little. This case had developed into a real tangled web of plots, plans, and unexpected people… and it had keep him going almost day and night for several weeks now… he was getting a little tired and ready to finish it off…

  When Berry entered Dave’s office he wasn’t expecting what was waiting for him. The chief was standing next to Dave’s desk and Dave was sitting on the edge of the desk.

  We have something else to bring into this thanks to you again Berry. Remember those finger prints you asked me to get from the elevator at the hospital? … well… you nailed it again… seems they belong to one Isabel Taylor… that places her on Lee Harrington’s floor… Dave paused and the Chief took over.

  Berry, I have to admit that I was skeptical about bringing you on as a consultant… in fact… if it hadn’t have been for the glowing reference Dianne Cummings gave you I might had dismissed the idea all together… but this thing has played out well and you have been a good asset…

  It was the first time either Dave or Berry heard a complement come from the Chief. He was usually very reserved with his appreciations… but Berry remember that it was personal for the Chief, and the fact that they were getting close to bringing down Rensillere appeared please him a lot.

  We have enough to put the pressure on Mrs. Taylor… and maybe get to the bottom of this case… I’m expecting you and Dave to get some information from her… information that breaks this case… you two seems to work together well… I believe if you keep that type of pressure on her we can close this… and resolve an issue that has been stuck in my craw for years… I would like to see you two close this one today. I’m counting on you to get it done… so don’t disappoint me… your suspect is waiting so get to it!

  The Chief left the office with Dave and Berry following close behind. They were headed down to the now familiar interrogation room to question Isabel Taylor… who was waiting for them there… this time neither Dave or Berry were intimated by her political position… they were ready to bring this case to a close, and the Senator’s wife was going to be their coup de gras.

  This time Agustus was totally in the dark as to what was going on. The Chief had played it very carefully. He had Isabel’s car impounded the night before without actually notifying her. His men had towed it away in the darkness of the night… like a team of repossessers… they silently spirited her car away without her knowledge… and then he had his men take her into custody early in the morning after her husband had left the house so there would be no time for her to notify anyone. He was hoping they could get her to talk before either her husband or Mr. Big found out. It was his one last chance to get the best of Rensillere and he wasn’t going to let it pass by without giving it his total attention… his attention to details… he was ready this time… and he was pretty sure it was going to pay off.

  She was sitting defiantly in the chair when they entered the room. I know my rights… I want to make a phone call… you can’t hold me here without allowing me to talk with my attorney… in fact when my husband finds out what you’ve done you both will be out of a job… this is ridiculous…

  Dave responded to her. Mrs. Taylor, I’m Detective Lutz and this is Berry Sullivan… the problem is we have evidence that ties you to the killing of Senator Parks… and I thought you might like to talk about it before we press any charges… maybe work with us a little… it could change your circumstance.

  What evidence? … I’ve done nothing…

  Unfortunately for you, we have evidence that illegal explosives were transported in your car trunk. Prima cord to be exact… prima cord that was used to damage Senator Parks’ brake lines… that caused him to be hit by a train… but the most damning evidence is a witness… a witness to you tampering with Senator Parks’ car just before it happened… one you tried to run down… but fortunately did not kill… he recognized you… both at Senator Park’s car and as the driver that ran him over… oh and one more thing… we have your finger prints from the elevator on the floor at the hospital where the witness is recovering… when you tried to finish the job… we have a witness there also… Dave was pouring it all out and trying to make it sound like he had more that he actually did. He wanted her to believe she was caught dead to rights. He stopped talking and just sat there staring at her.

  Berry could see her thinking about what her next move would be. He knew she was sharp, and he knew she would try to dismiss any evidence they claimed to have. He felt she needed a little more encouragement so Berry added his own pressure.

  The evidence is solid… we found some undamaged prima cord embedded in the car’s undercoating… it had a carpet fiber stuck in it… carpet from a black SLS… we also found the exact same chemical signature from carpet in your car truck proving not only that the prima cord used to kill Senator Parks was the exact same cord that was in your trunk and the fiber embedded in the prima cord found in his car has the exact same chemical makeup of the carpet in your car trunk. The final blow is that the witness recognized you from a picture, and is willing to testify that he saw you tampering with Senator Parks’ car… when you tried to run him down… he recognized you again not only as the driver of the car that hit him but also as the person he saw tampering with the Senator’s car. Face it Isabel, the evidence is overwhelming… it could do away with your political ambitions not to mention put you away for a long time. What we really want is the person behind it all. If you are willing to help us you could walk away from this without going to jail… it’s up to you.

  Berry continued… your husband has some rather ambitious political goals… and there are people who would love to see him fail… a few words to the media, and the house comes down… once something like what we have here is made public, whether you are convicted or not, the entire house of cards falls down… and you can say goodbye to any political ambitions you might have had. All that work to get him there… all those years of building a good political reputation… all lost by just a few words getting to the right people… or the wrong people however you want to look at it.

  Isabel knew the power of the media to ruin political ambitions. So many have fallen before by just one slip up… one mistake that cost them their political career… she was highly aware of what could happen if it got out that she was being arrested for murder… she began to soften a little. So exactly what is it you want from me?

  Dave got right to the point. What I want is information that can incriminate Agustus Rensillere.

  She now realized how deep the investigation really went. It was obvious to her now that the police were interested in the involvement of Agustus Rensillere in Senator Parks’ murder and they were willing to cut her a deal in order to get what they wanted. She was still careful to keep it low key… What do you want to know about him?

  Everything you know about him… his involvement in Senator Parks’ murder… and any other criminal activities he is involved in.

  And what do I get in return?

  The opportunity to stay out of jail… Dave was trying to play hardball with her. If you give us something we can use, I believe we can make you a deal that will keep you from going to prison. I can make some calls and get this arranged… that is if you are willing to cooperate.

  Isabel looked at Dave and nodded her head.

  Ok, you sit tight and I’ll go make the arrangements. Dave got up and Berry accompanied him out of the interrogation room.


  After all the arrangements were made Berry and Dave sat
and listened to Isabel lay out her years of involvement with Rensillere. He had recruited her when she was still in college, and had been using her to dissolve what he called difficult situations ever since. She was careful not to include any details or names except for Senator Parks. She knew that too much detail could incriminate her further and she was trying to keep things to her recent job with Senator Parks. She figured it would give them enough to bring his empire down without incriminating her on other things and cause her more trouble.

  When she finished Berry spoke directly to her. What about the four college students? … what was Rensillere’s involvement in those murders?

  I don’t know anything about college student being killed… that was not anything that I did for him. I am certain he was not involved in the murder of any college students… and I would know… since he usually calls on me… I did not have a contract out on college students… and I know that neither did he… you’ve got some of your information wrong… there were never any students involved in his plans… I am certain of that.

  Berry smiled… he wasn’t expressing his pleasure at finding out she was not involved in the killing of four students… it was his hunch he was thinking about … now he was sure there was one more player in all this and he was fairly sure he knew who it was too… Dave, I believe I know what happened to the four students… if Isabel is right about Rensillere not being involved in that… then I think I know who was. Since we have Isabel’s statement, I am thinking that I need to check this out… if I am right maybe we will have it all… once I get my facts down…. We need to talk. Berry started toward the door and Dave got up to follow him.

  Are you just going to leave me sitting here? Isabel was still displaying her self confidence even after being pinned down on her job as Rensillere’s hit man. What’s the deal? Do I get to talk to my attorney?

  Dave Responded. You can if you want, but it would change our deal… you might not get what you want… it’s your choice.

  Well at least can I get something to eat and drink while I’m waiting?

  Sure, I’ll make some arrangement to have something brought down here. I’ll be back in a while and we can finish the deal. The two men left Isabel alone waiting on her refreshments.


  The Chief left the viewing room and met the two men in the hallway. So what’s this hunch you have Berry?

  It’s about Marie Burton’s assistant, Alice Compton… can you have her brought in for questioning Chief Dobbins?

  What does she have to do with all this?

  I believe she is responsible for the campus murders… and if I am right, we are going to need to get her to confess… I don’t really have any evidence, just some facts that point to that conclusion… we need to see if we can get her to talk… the problem is I don’t believe the four student killings were connected to Rensillere’s plans. I think they were prompted by admiration… I think she was being protective of her boss… if I’m right… the four students had information that could implicate Marie Burton in the use of an illegal drug in her research… and they were planning on talking about it to authorities… I think it was Alice that killed those four students to shut them up and protect Marie.

  The chief dialed his cell phone. I need an arrest warrant for an Alice Compton… as soon possible… suspicion of murder… make arrangement to have her picked up and brought in for questioning… call me when you have it arranged. He ended his call and turned to Berry. I’m not sure how you figured all this mess out but I’m glad you are on our side. Berry smiled. He was thinking that his arrangement with the department had turned out to be a GREAT relationship after all.

  One last detail had to be worked out. Rensillere was not going to be easy to bring into custody. He was a secretive man… with secretive movements. It was going to be hard to track him down and bring him in… if he found out about their plans to arrest him, he could just disappear and they would never be able to get their hands on him again. Berry had an idea… one that might work, but he really didn’t like it very well. It could but Dianne in danger… but he knew they were desperate to get it done, and his plan just might accomplish it.

  I know we have all been thinking the same think… how can we get Rensillere without him taking off. I have an idea that might bring Rensillere to us. Chief, your know Dianne Cummings from the Law and Order Institute… well I think she might be able to help us get Rensillere without a lot of fuss.

  She found out that he has been using the institute to gather information for himself. He placed an insider working there to keep an eye on things and pass along anything they might find out. I am thinking that if Dianne contacts him… tells him she has discovered some important information about his involvement there… he might be willing to meet with her to see what she knows. If it works, she can set a time and place where we can be ready to take him in when he arrives. It depend on how hungry he is for information that could expose his plans… my guess is that he will jump at the chance… it should be safe for her… I don’t think he is much of a threat of violence himself… it’s the people he has working for him. If we can take him down then, it could save us some trouble… and not cause Dianne a lot of trouble… once he is in custody she should be safe… I think it’s worth a shot.

  The chief was enthusiastic about Berry’s idea… you might be right… I was wondering how we could get to him without having to deal with all his hired hands… it sounds like you have thought this out a bit… and I think you might be right… it just might work.


  While the Chief’s men were rounding up Alice and bringing her in for questioning, Berry went to talk with Dianne. He told her what they were planning and that she didn’t have to do it if she felt uncomfortable with the idea… but Dianne was more than willing to help. She felt that Rensillere had invaded her domain and the least she could do was help them get him out of her business. With her cooperation the plan was set, and it was almost time to spring the trap.

  When she returned to her office she picked up the phone and called the person she knew was his spy at the institute… I am aware of the person you are working for… I know that Mr. Rensillere is the one that gave us the endowment to continue our work here. Please tell him that if he wants to continue working with this institute then I need to talk with him as soon as possible… otherwise, you can pack you things and leave now. There was no response from the other end of the phone conversation. Do you understand what I am telling you? Finally he responded to her threat. I will talk with him and see if he wants to talk with you… and with that he hung up.

  Dianne though it could take a while for his informant to contact him and for him to get back to her. It had only been about 20 minutes when her phone rang. Dianne Cummings, how can I help you?

  You can start by not threatening my people. It was Agustus Rensillere. The communications of her desire to meet with him had been much quicker than she expected. I’m not threatening anyone… I am just stating a fact… I don’t like it when I am being spied on… I know your money has been a great help to us, but I need to talk with you about our arrangement. Can you meet me to discuss it?

  Where did you have in mind?

  There’s this small deli I go to a lot… it’s has some pretty private booths where we can talk… how about meeting me there?

  I would be willing to do that. Rensillere WAS hungry for information… he was hoping Dianne might know something that could give him an edge… Say around 1:30… is that good for you?

  I can be there whenever you want… then 1:30 it is.

  Berry’s plan was working perfectly… it looked like they were going to get their man… and it was about time as far as the Chief was concerned. When Berry told the Chief about the arrangement Dianne had made, the Chief put together a plan to surprise Rensillere and bring him down for good.


  When Alice was located and brought in for questioning, it only took about 20 minutes for her to spill her guts. Once they t
old her they suspected Marie, Alice was quick to set the record straight and they discovered that Berry was right. She had taken some of the LSD Marie was using in her research and had introduced it into the students blood stream using the universal solvent. Once they were under the influence of the drug, she use what she had learned from Marie to coax them into actions that eventually lead them to take their own life… it wasn’t that hard for her… she had gained a strong influence from Marie, and over the year she learn many of Marie’s tactics for getting people to do things against their will… only in this case it was much easier with the drug in their systems. She had led them to their own deaths in order to cover up for Marie’s research. When they took her down to her cell, all she kept saying was I did it for her… I did it for her.


  When Rensillere arrived to meet Dianne, Berry was there waiting with Dave and several undercover officers from the department. Berry wasn’t sure if Rensillere had made plans to get rid of Dianne, and he wanted to make sure everything went as planned. His concern was unwarranted. When Rensillere arrived in his limo five officers scurried up and proceeded to take him into custody. After they removed him from the limo, Dave strolled up to them and began to read him his rights… it had all gone like Berry had planned… no mess… no excitement… and most of all no violence… that had taken down one of the most powerful men in the country without firing a shot.


  After the arrest Berry escorted Dianne out of the Deli and got into her car with her. I have something here I think you will like… that is if you can take some time off. He held up an envelope and waved it in front of her… what I have here is two round trip tickets to Bermuda… you have won an all expense paid trip for two weeks to the beautiful isle of Bermuda… you will stay at a high class hotel… you will have all the food and drink you want… and you will have fun in the sun… what do you say? … wantta go for a trip?

  Dianne leaned over and gave Berry a lip smacking kiss… her answer was obvious… they were going to have some fun for a change… and this time Berry was paying for it all!


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