Read No Cause to Die For Page 4


  That afternoon, while Berry was busy with Dianne, Muffin was checking all his usual sources for information. He had been to Fat Daddies and had struck out there. Either no one there every heard of this organization, or they weren't talking, and that wasn't likely. He had always had a good relationship with the guys that hung out there. There was no reason for them to lie to him.

  The gangs in the city were always on top of anything that was going on. Muffin knew most of their members. As he rounded the corner onto 1st street he decided to pay one of them a visit. The Disciples headquarters was in an abandon garage off of the 1st street bridge. When he pulled up to the front of the garage a gang member named Bobby V strolled up to the car.

  Say Bro! Sup? You here ta pay ya respect ta de mahn? Bobby wore dreadlocks and liked to talked in a Jamaican accent even thought he was raised on the south end of town. He liked the image.

  Taint nothin. Just cruzin the hood... checkin the scenery. Muffin tried to ease the mood a little.

  Yaah, well don't check too close, Bro... may see sometin dat'll hurt ya! Lata scary tings in da woods... lions ‘n tigers... ya know!

  I ain't here for no trouble Bobbie... just need some info... maybe some help from the crew... if you can swing it... if you got the clout. He knew that Bobbie considered himself the leader of the disciples. The taunt was calculated to buy him some help.

  Clout! Clout!! Wah chu mean Bro!! Ya talkin ta de mahn! I am de mahn! I say what goes! If I say we help de brahdah... we help de brahdah... so what you want?

  I need to find out all I can about an organization called the Committee to Disband College Sports. They wantta get rid of all sports at state colleges and put the money used for sports into educational facilities like classrooms and labs. 

  Whoooh Bro!! Dat would be bad for de brahdahs! Most deese kids don't have no chance to get an ad ju cashun. If day take way sports, day won't be none dat have a chance ta make it atta here.

  Bobby understood the value of an education. He was hard, from being raised on the streets, and angry at the world for what it had dealt him, but he knew that there was a better way. It kind of gave him a sense of duty. He couldn't have it, but maybe he could see to it that others had a chance.  Tell ya what, Bro, ya drop back buy dis Friday aft’noon... we see what we cun do... hang loose brahdah...

  Bobby strutted away like peacock proud of his colors. He felt like he was doing something for the hood!


  It was getting late in the afternoon and Roger hadn't had a chance to eat yet. This was something he usually didn't miss, but he had been so tied up in trying to get some information, that the day had slipped by. Just a short distance away was the Green Grotto. His thoughts turned to their bill of fare. By now, Roger knew it by heart.  The Green Grotto was a strange sort of club. It was an old corner drug store that had been converted into a restaurant and a nightclub. These days it served as a local hang out for the alternate lifestyles set and those who still fancied themselves beatniks or hippies or whatever they called themselves now... Any time you enter those doors there was no telling who or what you might run into. 

  It was mostly dark inside with a few neon sculptures placed strategically to light the path ways from one area to another. Once the eyes become adjusted to the light, dark burgundy walls could be seen covered with black twine fish nets. The ceiling was smooth with several antique ceiling fans scattered about. Live music could be heard spilling through the small doorway in the wall between the two halves

  The nightclub was decorated a lot like the restaurant. Near the door, on the front end of the room a bar covered the entire wall. The long narrow floor led up to a small stage at the far end where bands played every afternoon and evening.  The music usually ranged from jazz and blues to industrial and alternative music.

  It was around 4:30 when Muffin went ambling in and sat down at one of the booths. While he was reviewing the menu an old friend slid into the seat across from him.

  Hi Rog, I haven't seen you here for quite some time. You out slummin?

  Set down Lee, make yourself ta home, since you’re already here! Muffin alluded to his old friend Lee Harrington sitting down without being invited.

  Well, I'll leave if you want me to. I'm sorry I invaded your privacy! Lee started to get up before Muffin's large hand grabbed him by the arm and sit him back down.

  Sit down, sit down... I was just funnin ya! So, what ya been up to Lee?

  Well, I'm just about worn out from all the verbal fighting that's been going on... you know... this group wants this, and that group wants that... heaven knows I've tried to keep the peace!

  They're just so greedy... ya give um some rights... and wah lah... they’re all experts on the subject. Well, you know, I ought to let them fight it out... would serve um right... get all lumpy and turn black and blue... who'd want um then?

  Sounds like you’re busy...

  Well... Yes I am!, listen, I gotta go. I just stopped by to say hi. You still hangin round with that Berry Sullivan guy? Muffin nodded. Well tell him hi for me... haven't seen him since he moved out of the building next door to my apartment...

  say... did he ever get that old warehouse fixed up? ... Lee had met Berry several years back when Muffin arranged for him to rent an apartment from a friend.

  Yea, you outta see it! ... done real good! ... put a lota money into it... runs his company outta there now. Muffin was kind of proud of it. He had helped Berry some to fix the place up, and felt as if some of the credit was his.

  Lee, before you go... ever heard of an organization called the Committee to Disband College Sports? ... I'm trying to find some background on them.

  No... doesn't ring a bell.

  Could you check with some of your friends... see if you can find out anything?

  Well... do I get a prize if I give you the right answer? Ya know my time is valuable too! It’s like my dear mother used to say... if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. 

  That depends on how much you want to scratch! Give me a call if you hear anything...

  As Lee got up to leave Roger’s food arrived. It was not a snack, but a fare of several courses, starting with cream cheese and bacon bagels and going all the way to a full plate of spaghetti and meat sauce covered with shredded parmesan cheese. From all the food sitting on the table, an onlooker might think he was expecting someone to join him. But the smile on Roger’s face revealed the great joy he took in consuming large amounts of what he considered good tasting foods.

  It was several courses after the bagels, but before the giant plate of spaghetti that he considered trying to contact Darby. He really didn’t want to, but he was thinking that may be the only way to get some solid information. He hadn’t seen Darby for over 2 years, and that was ok with Roger. Whenever Darby got involved it always seemed that bad things happened. Contacting HIM could cause trouble because Roger was never sure of exactly what he would do or who he was loyal to. Darby was a free-lancer, a former CIA covert operative… or maybe NOT former… He decided he would focus on the next course and deal with whether to see Darby later.


  Lee put his hand on Robert’s shoulder. Hi Robert, you’re looking really good these days. How are things going with you and your little project, sweetie? Lee, it’s nice to see you too. Your little trips to Jamaica must be a good way to avoid getting involved… Well that’s just what I wanted to talk to you about. I am thinking I need to be more informed… er, involved I mean. Anyway, maybe you could fill me in on a few things so I can see if I can find a place to park myself.

  Lee’s bumbling attempt to segue into asking questions made Robert a little uncomfortable. So what do you want to know Lee, the personal involvements of all the gay men who are working with the project? Robert pushed back at Lee knowing it would make him uncomfortable too. In fact, his response took Lee by surprise, so much so that Lee skipped all his intended chat and got to his point. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything personal. It’s just that
I overheard a couple of guys talking about something called the Committee to Disband College Sports, and since I really don’t care for sports much… too much violence for me… I thought maybe I could start there.

  Never heard of it Lee. It’s not on my radar and not associated with anything I am working on. Listen, there is a rally meeting I have to attend, so I need to take off. It was nice talking to you Lee. Robert walked away abruptly, and left Lee standing in the hallway…