Read No Control Page 13

Page 13


  Lana pushed those bleak memories aside. “And then you were here. And I had the chance to live out my fantasy and tel you how much I hated you. ”

  “Why didn’t you?” he asked. There was no accusation in his voice, just gentle curiosity.

  “Because it would have been a lie. I hate what happened and I hate thinking about it, but for what it’s worth, I don’t hate you. Not anymore. ”

  His hand turned over, and he laced his thick fingers through hers. “You have no idea how much that means to me. ”

  Caleb felt like he’d been handed a rare gift. She didn’t hate him anymore. It was more than he’d ever hoped to hear her say.

  She tidied up the kitchen while he just sat there in stunned silence. She didn’t hate him.

  Caleb’s chest sweled with hope, and some unseen burden he’d been carrying lightened until he felt ten years younger. He hadn’t realized until now just how much her opinion of him mattered. He should have been scared by how much it mattered, knowing that if he cared what she thought, he was already in trouble. But instead, he was too grateful for the gift she’d given him.

  She didn’t hate him. It was a long way from trust, but it was a start.


  Denny knew better than to let the cal rol over to voice mail. Again. His boss had caled three times, and until now, Denny hadn’t been drunk enough to answer.

  “What a naughty boy you are,” said that emotionless robot voice.

  “I didn’t know anyone was going to come into work that early. ”

  “You should have handled the situation better. Now the police are crawling al over the place, patroling her office every twenty minutes. ”

  “I know,” he said, propping his pounding head in his hand. He’d fucked up big-time. He’d panicked when that lady came in. He hadn’t meant to shoot her, but the damn gun had gone off, and then there was al that blood.

  Denny swalowed hard to keep from puking.

  “Did you find what I was looking for?” asked the robot.

  “No. Nothing like that. Just business stuff. There was a flyer that had some photos of kids on it, but no drawings. ”

  “And you checked everywhere?”

  Denny considered lying, but the thought that his boss might figure it out, on top of him botching the job, was just too frightening. Bruce had come by today and told him he had a week to pay up his dad’s debt. He hadn’t said anything else, but the basebal bat propped up in the back of Bruce’s convertible had done plenty of talking for him.

  “I couldn’t get to one of the file cabinets in back. The lady walked in before I finished. ”

  “You can’t go back now. The police wil interfere. ”

  “I’m sorry I screwed up. It won’t happen again. ”

  “I know,” said his boss, but whether it was in response to his first statement or his second, Denny had no idea. That was less than comforting.

  “What do you want me to do now?”

  “I’m not sure I can trust you any longer. ”

  Desperation clawed inside Denny’s sour stomach. “Please give me another chance. I swear I won’t fuck up this time. ”

  Silence stretched out for a long time, making Denny squirm.

  “There is one more thing I need you to do, but it is considerably more dangerous than your last job. ”

  Nothing was more dangerous than facing Bruce again without money in hand. “Anything. I’l do it. ”

  He could almost hear the smile in the metalic voice. “Good boy. ”

  Stacie was pale but smiling when Lana was finaly alowed to see her. They shared a teary hug that Lana was careful not to put too much force behind. Stacie’s normaly perfect makeup was smudged in some places and missing in others, and rather than a crisp blouse, she wore a droopy hospital gown.

  “How are you feeling?” asked Lana.

  “Like I’ve been shot,” joked Stacie. “But they tel me I’l live. ”

  “Have the police been bothering you?”

  “Not much. They had a few questions, but there was so little I could tel them they just gave up and went away. ”

  Lana felt Caleb’s presence as he stepped up behind her. He said, “I’m sorry to have to ask you more questions, but I realy need to have you tel us what you saw. ”

  Stacie leaned her head back on the pilow. “Not much. I unlocked the door, turned on the lights, and a man came out of the back room where we keep al the files and office supplies. He pointed a gun at me, told me to get into the bathroom, so I did. ”

  “Did you see his face?”

  “He wore a mask, but I could see enough skin around his eyes and mouth to tel he had coloring about like yours, Caleb. He was youngish. His eyes were bloodshot like maybe he was on drugs. ”

  “How young?”

  “No wrinkles yet, and there was this . . . wildness about his eyes that make me think he was new to the whole armed-robbery experience. I’d guess midtwenties, but it’s hard to be sure. ”

  “So then what happened?” asked Caleb.

  “I went into the bathroom like he said. I backed in, keeping my eyes on that gun. I guess I wasn’t fast enough, because he shoved me. I started to fal and reached for him to catch my balance—which was a stupid reflex. That’s when the gun went off. I hit my head on the sink, or maybe the toilet. That’s al I remember until Lana showed up. ”

  Stacie smiled at her. “They said you saved my life—that if I’d gone much longer without help I would have bled to death. Thank you. ”

  “Don’t thank me. If it weren’t for me, you’d never have been there in the first place. You’d have been working in an office with decent security. ”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You didn’t invite that robber in. He made his choices al on his own. ”

  Caleb’s voice was gentle but insistent. “Is there anything else you can remember? The sound of his voice? The way he smeled? Something he said?”

  “Sorry,” said Stacie. Her eyes drooped heavily and she gave a big yawn. “I wish I could help more. Now you see why the police stopped bothering me so fast. ”

  Lana saw Stacie was wilting. “We’l get out of your hair so you can get your rest. Is there anything you need?”

  Stacie’s eyes shut as if she just couldn’t keep them open any longer. “Just promise me you’l go see the kids and meet our new volunteer. I know you’re busy, but I told them I’d get you out there this week, one way or another. Don’t make me a liar. ”

  “I’l go,” agreed Lana.


  “Right now. ” It was almost six, and most of the kids would be gone. The center closed at seven, so going tonight would ensure a quick visit, and then she could get back to work. There was a lot to catch up on, and Stacie was in no condition to help.

  Lana was on her own.

  Lana had Caleb park behind the youth center and took him in the back entrance. Caleb folowed her in through the employees’ door she had to use a card key to open. They went down a long hal lined with office doors.

  This part of the building was made up of offices, storage and utility areas, and a smal break room. Down the long hal were restrooms and double doors that led into the gymnasium and craft area.

  Most of the offices were empty, but that was going to change once they had better funding. This building would become the headquarters for the First Light Foundation, filed with people like herself who were passionate about making a difference in kids’ lives.

  “Why don’t you keep your office here?” asked Caleb. “You’d be safer around more people. ”

  “The lease on the other office isn’t up yet, but Stacie and I wil move when it is. ” Maybe sooner, now.

  “How many people work for you?”

  “Four, including Stacie. The rest are volunteers. ”

  “Do you do background checks on those volunteers?”

  “Absolutely. I’d never let them near the kids without one. Plus we have
strict rules for our volunteers as another layer of protection for the kids. ”

  “That’s good. Smart. ”

  Peggy, one of Lana’s employees, was stil working when Lana and Caleb walked by.

  “Hey, Lana,” she caled from her desk. “Hold on a sec. ”

  Lana stepped into the woman’s office, feeling Caleb’s bulk right behind her. Peggy’s office was a chaotic mess, but Lana didn’t feel the need to say a thing. As long as Peggy kept bringing in the volunteers, she could raise livestock in here for al Lana cared.

  “How is Stacie?” Peggy asked. Concern lined her wide face, looking odd on her. Lana was too used to seeing her smile.

  “She’s doing okay. A little weak, but they said she’l pul through. She’s a fighter. ”

  “I’m going to go see her tomorrow before work if you think she’l be up to it. ”

  “I’m sure she’d love to see you. ”

  Peggy eyed Caleb. “Who’s this?”

  “A friend of mine visiting from out of town. ”

  “Ma’am,” greeted Caleb in a deep drawl.

  Peggy smiled and blushed. She was a happily married mother of four, grandmother of ten, but with al his muscles and that quiet confidence, Caleb was the kind of man a woman enjoyed watching no matter how old she was.

  “Care to join the ranks of volunteers?” asked Peggy.

  Lana explained, “She’s in charge of recruiting our volunteers. Watch out, or she’l have you slaving away before you know what’s happened. ”

  “I’d be happy to help out while I’m here if I can,” offered Caleb.

  “Sold. I’l hold you to it,” said Peggy. “Speaking of volunteers, we have a new one. She’s a little upper-crust, but I think she’l be great once the kids break her out of her shel. I’d like you to meet her if you have the time. She’s here now. ”

  “Sure,” said Lana. “Just let me duck into the little girls’ room and I’l be right there. Do you mind showing Caleb around for a minute?”

  Peggy grinned wider. “My pleasure. ”

  Caleb offered the older woman his thick arm. “Shal we?”

  Lana watched them walk down the hal. Caleb’s steps were slow and careful in deference to Peggy’s aged gait. He said something low that Lana couldn’t hear and had Peggy laughing before they’d disappeared through the double doors.

  Lana went into the bathroom and found herself anxious to get back to Caleb’s side. She wasn’t sure how it had happened, or when, but she was getting used to having him around.

  She scolded herself for being so foolish. Caleb couldn’t stay. He had a job to do and as soon as he was convinced she knew nothing, he’d leave.

  Lana flushed the toilet and opened the stal door. Standing there, not ten feet away, alone in the bathroom with her, was the woman who had ordered Lana’s death.


  The kiler was tal, maybe three or four inches taler than Lana. And beautiful—elegant in her tailored suit and expensive jewelry.

  “I’m your new volunteer, Kara McIntire,” she said. She smiled and reached out her hand for Lana to shake.