Read No Denying You Page 17

  Emma wondered if Ella was aware that she had placed a protective hand over her stomach before continuing. “Suzy was pregnant. I don’t know all of the details, but the pregnancy was ectopic and she had to have emergency surgery to remove one of her tubes.”

  “Oh my God,” Emma whispered. “She was pregnant? I had no idea. I didn’t . . . She didn’t tell me.”

  “She didn’t tell anyone. She had lost other pregnancies, but she didn’t want anyone to know. She didn’t want anyone to feel bad that she was having problems.” With those words, the tears that Ella had been holding back slid down her cheeks. Emma handed her a tissue. She remembered asking Suzy whether she had received the results yet and she had said no. Now Emma understood why she had seemed evasive. “I’m sorry for blubbering all over you; damn it, I never stop crying now.”

  “I think it’s probably normal, and this is upsetting to me, too, so I understand how you feel.”

  “Yeah, but at least you’re not over there leaking all over the place,” Ella sobbed. “I accidentally washed Declan’s white T-shirt with my red shirt and turned it pink last night. He laughed and I cried for an hour. He even insisted on wearing it to dinner afterward, which made me cry again because it was just so sweet of him.”

  Again, Emma felt a flicker of jealousy at the relationship between Declan Stone and his wife. What was wrong with her today? One of her best friends was in the hospital after losing another baby and all she could do was feel jealous of their other friend’s good fortune? When had she ever been so petty? She couldn’t be happier for Ella and her heart was broken for Suzy.

  Was this what love turned you into? Someone who could concentrate only on her own problems and didn’t care about anyone else? Geez, she was starting to feel like an emotional wreck. There was no need for Ella to feel bad about her own emotional displays. Emma was right there with her, only hers were manifested into something of the green variety. Where were all of the things that those damn Hallmark cards promised you? Instead of basking in her feelings, she had turned into an insecure, paranoid, jealous wreck. A shell of her former careful self, it seemed. Sure, Brant’s ex-fiancée moving in with him completely out of the blue was enough to push almost any woman to the edge, but poor Ella hadn’t committed any sins other than being happy. She really needed to get a grip. She had already been caught this week doing a drive-by of the object of her affection’s house—where did it end? Ugh.

  She walked around the desk and gave Ella a hug. “I remember Beth not too long ago complaining about crying in McDonald’s when they brought the McRib back, so I think it’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Caring about people isn’t a crime, so you shouldn’t have to feel like it is.” Yeah, and I need to be more like Ella and stop thinking about myself.

  Mark DeSanto, Brant’s ten o’clock appointment, walked in just ahead of Brant. Both she and Ella seemed to take a deep breath as the testosterone level in the room skyrocketed. She heard Ella make an appreciative sigh and she was right there with her. She was surprised when Mark walked over to her and threw an arm around her shoulders. “Ah, sweet Emma, it’s been too long.”

  She laughed. “It’s been what . . . a day?” She saw Brant frowning at them and wanted to stick her tongue out in response.

  Mark gave her a sexy grin. “Even a day without seeing your face is too long.” Mark had just turned to say hello to Ella when Brant motioned her impatiently into his office.

  “I’m flying to Boston with Mark this morning. Gray is going to be out for a few weeks, so I’m taking over his obligations until then.” He kept his head down as he continued to pack his briefcase. “Things are going to be tight time wise. I’ll probably fly straight from Boston to Dallas instead of coming home for a day.”

  Surprised, Emma asked, “When are you going to be back?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Probably the end of next week, but I don’t know for certain. Gray had a full schedule and added to mine, I’ll be traveling a lot in the next month.”

  Emma felt her heart fall. “Could I . . . I mean, do you need me to come with you?”

  He stopped what he was doing to look at her. “I wish you could, Em, but I need you here. Also, Mark will be with me on this first leg and I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

  Before she could say anything in response, Mark stepped in the doorway looking at his obviously expensive watch. “My pilot just texted to tell me that he’s ready.”

  Impressed despite herself, Emma asked, “You have your own plane?”

  Mark nodded. “I take a lot of last-minute trips and I like my privacy. I’d be happy to give you a ride sometime.”

  Emma looked at him suspiciously, wondering if there was a double meaning in that offer. From the look on Brant’s face, she didn’t think she was the only one wondering. Brant motioned Mark out with a clipped “Let’s go.” He squeezed Emma’s hand as he passed. “I’ll call you later.” And then he was gone. She stared after him, disappointed. What had she expected really? A sweeping kiss in front of Mark?

  Ella stood, jarring Emma from her trance. She felt bad that she had completely forgotten that the other woman was still there. “I’ve got to get back to my desk, but are you free tonight?”

  Looking at the door again, Emma sighed and said, “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Beth is coming over. Declan is taking Evan to a movie and out to dinner. Nick is taking Henry for dinner with his parents, so it would be just the girls.” Giving her a look full of sympathy, she added, “You look like you need to vent.”

  Dropping her head, Emma said, “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Brant relaxed back in the leather captain’s chair in Mark’s private plane. He looked around the cabin, impressed as always by the excesses of the wealthy. Jason Danvers was a rich man but still flew commercial. Danvers could easily afford to have his own private jet on call, but that wasn’t how Jason operated and Brant respected him for it. The man might close a multimillion-dollar deal one morning and stop to get groceries for his wife on the way home that evening. Brant was wealthy in his own right as well but didn’t live a flashy lifestyle. If there were two things he knew, money made life easier, but it also brought about its share of problems. When you had it, someone else always wanted it. Brant dropped his jacket on the sofa behind him and tried not to imagine how many women had been given more than a plane ride on it.

  Mark settled in to the seat across from him, dropping his briefcase on the table in front of him before swiveling around. The plane taxied smoothly down the runway and was soon airborne. No matter how often he flew, Brant never got used to the feeling of his stomach dropping to his feet as the plane climbed.

  “So what’s happening with you and the luscious Emma?”

  Brant scowled before he could stop himself. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, and I’d appreciate it if you would stop hitting on her.”

  Mark grinned, completely unperturbed by his unfriendly tone. “Ah, come on, brother, it’s innocent enough.”

  With a grimace, Brant admitted, “It’s . . . complicated right now.”

  Mark swirled the liquid in the bottom of the crystal glass he was holding, looking pensive. “It always is when a woman’s involved. Just a word of friendly advice: If you like the girl, then claim her. The next man might not be as nice as I am.”

  “Nice? Give me a break, Mark; you and I both know that’s not a word that describes you where women are concerned.”

  Mark raised a brow. “And yet there is never a shortage of willing participants. Do you know why?”

  Brant waved a hand. “Do tell.”

  “It’s because all of the nice guys like you stay safely on the fence, ensuring that there’s never a shortage for bastards like me.”

  Brant turned to face the other man, annoyed enough to take the gloves off. “If you can’t be with the one you love . . . get spanked by the one you’re with? Is that saying about accurate?”

bsp; “You have no idea,” Mark drawled.

  “Oh, I think I do. You know, small towns, people talk. You’re practically a legend.” Brant knew he was taking things too far, but the stress of the last twenty-four hours, coupled with the threat of losing Emma to Mark, was more than he could take. His frustration was boiling over and Mark was an easy target.

  “So how does someone get into that sort of thing? Not spanked enough as a child? Spanked too much? I’ve always been curious, so please enlighten me.”

  If Brant was expecting an explosion from the other man, he was sorely disappointed. Far from looking angry, Mark seemed greatly amused. He should have remembered that the guy loved nothing better than a good debate. Mark moved his briefcase unhurriedly off the table before propping his legs on it, crossing his feet at the ankles. “It sounds like you’ve given a lot of thought to my . . . lifestyle. As to how it started, pick your cliché, buddy. I’ve got mommy and daddy issues. Fuck—I’ll even throw in some granddaddy issues just for good measure. I don’t know that that means a damn thing, though. I just love women.”

  Brant couldn’t contain his smirk. “You mean, you love to tie up women and whip them, don’t you? That’s a little different from showing a girl a good time, isn’t it?”

  Mark gave him an answering smirk before he spoke. “That depends on the woman. I’ll just say, I’ve never had a woman who didn’t want to come back for seconds; I just rarely serve them. It’s not all black and white, my friend. I would think that with a brother like Declan and a sister like Ava, you’d know that better than anyone. It appears that your family keeps just as many secrets as mine.”

  “Fuck you,” Brant murmured halfheartedly. He had a bad feeling that it was too late to warn the other man off his sister. The thought of Mark punishing his sister was more than he could bear to think of. Ava was just messed up enough to look for something like that over choosing a man who had loved and looked out for her for years. Damn it, he should have never started this conversation.

  Mark chuckled. “This all started with a simple question. It’s not my fault that you choose the hard way around answering. I won’t pursue Emma. In avoiding the question, you told me all I needed to know. Don’t screw around, though, if you care about her. Trust me, even the most faithful people get tired of someone who runs from the truth.”

  Brant looked at Mark in confusion, but the other man was back to staring in his drink, almost as if seeking answers to some unknown questions there. Maybe he was completely off base with his assumption that Mark’s family caused him to be the way he was. Maybe it was much more basic, more simple. Could he have loved and lost someone? It happened every day and maybe Mark was no exception. He had been right about one thing, though. It would be so easy to lose Emma, especially with the uncertainty that Alexia had unleashed in his life. Just the thought of it was enough to make a surge of panic race through his system. He just prayed he could keep it all together until he had a clue as to what to do.

  “I totally love you, Ella—you know that, right?”

  Oh God, was she slurring already? Emma wondered. This was only her second—or was it third—drink? Beth had given them an update on Suzy earlier. The first round had been to ease some of the sadness they all felt for someone who was dear to each of them.

  Beside her on the couch, Beth nodded her agreement. “Isn’t she the best? She can’t drink right now and she still fixed us this big-ass pitcher of margaritas. Who does that?”

  Ella smiled indulgently at them. “You girls really needed it. You both looked like you were either fixing to cry or have a breakdown. You are much happier drunk.”

  Emma held her glass up in the air. “I’ll drink to that. If Brant had never done me with his sexy-ass body, I wouldn’t be in this condition. I would be happily hating him instead of remembering what a big . . .”

  “Personality he has?” Beth added before falling over in laughter.

  “It must run in the family because Declan has a really big . . . personality.” When both Emma and Beth gaped at her, Ella’s face flamed. “Well, he does,” she murmured under her breath.

  Beth took another sip from her glass, then added, “Nick’s no slouch in that area either. When I finally got the release to have sex again after having Henry, I couldn’t walk right for a week. Henry’s staying the night with the grandparents tonight, too, so when I go home . . . oh yeah, baby.”

  Emma giggled. “I really should hate you right now. I don’t even have a vibrator to go home to. The Miami airport kept my pink rabbit for evidence. I should have picked those pills off it and taken the damn thing with me. Of course, after the drug dog slobbered all over it, that would have been kind of gross.”

  “Did you want to . . . do it more when you were pregnant?” Ella asked Beth.

  “Mm-hmm,” Beth laughed. “I was constantly horny. Nick loved it.”

  “I’m not pregnant, but I am constantly horny between the hours of eight and five now,” Emma moaned. “When Brant shows up in one of his uptight suits, I almost orgasm. Things were much easier before I knew what was under his clothes.”

  “I bet he feels the same way,” Beth offered. “Men can’t get caught in a stiff wind without getting hard. It must be torture for him to see you every day and not throw you down on the desk.”

  Emma fanned herself, saying, “Oh, how I wish he would.”

  “I still have that fantasy about Declan,” Ella added. “I’ve always dreamed of him throwing me on top of my desk and taking what he wants. Of course, being that I work in reception where a hundred people walk back and forth during the day, we’d be sure to have an audience.”

  “At this point, I don’t think I’d care if Jason Danvers himself watched Brant and me as long as I could have him.”

  Beth wiggled her brow suggestively. “Maybe you’d just like for Jason to join in. Come on, I wouldn’t admit it to Claire but . . . haven’t we all had a fantasy or two about that man?”

  Emma raised her hand. “Guilty as charged.”

  When Ella looked around the room without answering, Beth said, “Oh, come on, Els, you can’t tell me you’ve never had some dirty thoughts about Jason. Every woman who works for Danvers has had them. The whole rich, powerful man in charge thing is a real panty-dropper.”

  Emma snickered, nodding. Ella looked like a kid with her hand in the cookie jar when she asked, “You both promise you will never tell Claire I said this, right?” Emma crossed her chest before taking a vow of silence along with Beth. “I did have a crush on him when I first started. It was nothing like how I felt when I met Declan, but I would get to work early every day just so I could see him walk in the lobby and to the elevator. He had the best butt I had ever seen.”

  They all howled with laughter. Emma spilled some of her drink on her shirt and did her best to wipe it off with her hand. Beside her, Beth had slumped from her chair and onto the floor, still giggling. “All right, I’ve got one for you,” Beth gasped out. “This is a pinkie-swear that you not tell anyone.” When everyone agreed, Beth confessed, “Nick dances for me sometimes. I bought him a pair of red thong underwear for Valentine’s Day and he likes to wear them and dance to the song ‘Sexy and I Know It.’ He thrusts his hips better than a Chippendale dancer.”

  “No-o-o,” Ella sputtered.

  “Oh yes.” Beth smirked. “I even put dollar bills in his underwear sometimes. He’s got this really dirty thing where he rubs his—” At that moment, the front door opened and they all jumped. Declan walked in with Nick not far behind him.

  Ella bolted up from the couch looking flustered and guilty. “What are you doing home so early?” she stammered.

  Declan walked over to his wife, curving an arm protectively around her waist. He gave her a hard kiss on the lips. “It’s not early, baby. I’m actually running a little late because Evan wanted me to come in and see his new science kit. Nick was pulling in behind me when I got here.”

  “Oh,” Ella said, clearly at a loss as to what to say next.<
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  Emma jumped up and then grabbed the back of a chair when she swayed on her feet. “Whew, I think I should have skipped that last one. I need to head home.”

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Nick said. “We can’t let you drive yourself home. Beth and I will drop you.” Beth snuggled up against Nick, giving him a smacking kiss on his neck.

  Great, Emma thought, now I have to watch them grope each other all the way home.

  “I’ll run Emma home,” Declan offered. “I forgot Ellie’s orange juice, so I need to go back out anyway.”

  “You’re my hero.” Emma beamed at him. When she saw Beth cup Nick’s butt on the way out the door, she knew she had been saved from some awkward moments. She hugged Ella and stumbled toward the door. Declan embraced Ella once again, causing a lump to form in Emma’s throat. You would have to be blind not to see how much he loved his wife. What would it feel like to have someone waiting for her at the end of the day?

  Next Declan took Emma’s arm and led her toward his truck. Just as she settled into the passenger seat and Declan closed the door, her phone rang. She rummaged through her handbag with what seemed like five thumbs before finally pulling it out. “Yes?”

  “Em?” Her heart skipped as she heard Brant’s voice on the other end.

  “Hey! Where are you?”

  “Er . . . Still in South Carolina. Greenville, actually. Mark needed to make a stop here before heading on to Boston. We’re staying at the Hyatt on Main Street.” He was quiet for a moment, then asked, “Where are you?”

  “Oh, I’m with your brother. Did you want to talk to him?” Emma had just started to pass the phone to a surprised Declan when Brant said hurriedly, “No, but what are you doing with him? Is Ella with you?”

  “Ella? No, she’s at home. It’s just Declan and me.”

  Brant almost sounded angry as he demanded, “What are you doing with him? It’s midnight.”