Read No Looking Back Page 20


  Marla had her hand clamped tightly over her mouth trying to be sure no one heard her muffled gasp. Alonso/Dillon walked up behind Captain Perkins and put his arms around her waist as he gently kissed her neck.

  “She still sleeping?” He asked huskily.

  “Like a baby.” Captain Perkins replied as his hands began to roam over her body intimately. She rested her head back onto his chest and let him have complete access to her body, moaning softly with pleasure. With one swift movement he snapped her neck like a twig and allowed her body to fall limply to the floor.

  Her lifeless eyes stared ahead, nearly boring a hole through the partially closed bedroom door, as she lay on the floor of the living room. Alonso/Dillon stared down at her for a moment, shaking his head as if in disgust at the situation he had just created, before heading into his bedroom. He was back in no time with a large tarp that he spread on the floor, rolling the captain’s body onto the edge. He grabbed the edge of the tarp before continuing to roll her lifeless body into the tarp like an egg roll. He ran back into his room and quickly returned with a large roll of duct tape. Carefully he rolled-up both the top and bottom of the tarp and sealed it off with duct tape. He then moved the tape down the length of the tarp, making the package now look like a mummy before dragging it into his room and closing the door. Placing a hasty call on his cell phone he selected a number from his speed dial. After a moment he spoke quickly and quietly into the phone.

  “Got a package for you to dispose of for me. Wait ‘til tonight, midnight, and come pick it up. I’ll make sure our guest is sleeping.” Alonso/Dillon disconnected the phone and then glanced at the open door of Marla’s room. Afraid if she tried to dash back to bed he’d see the movement through the crack, she quickly backed into the bathroom and closed the door quietly. She waited a moment or two and then flushed the toilet, then again waited a few seconds and started to run the water in the sink as she washed her hands, taking the time to splash cold water on her face in an effort to wash the memory from her mind. Panic stricken, but knowing that she needed to act normal, she looked in the mirror and messed her hair. Trying to make it look like she’d been in a very sound sleep. She turned off the water and exited the bathroom, pretending to be surprised that Dillon was in her room she jumped slightly. She stifled a fake yawn before speaking to him.

  “Hey, how’s it going? God, I slept so hard I’m having a little trouble waking up.” Marla scratched her head sleepily and yawned widely again. Subtly she cleared her throat before speaking again, careful to not make eye contact.

  “Is it lunchtime yet? I’m starving. Maybe that’s why I woke up, the baby needs food.” Marla smiled as she slowly made her way to the bed and put on her slippers. When Alonso/Dillon didn’t answer immediately, she pretended to be concerned. She forced herself to go to Alonso/Dillon and touch his arm lightly. “Is everything all right, Dillon? You’re not answering me.” Her touch made him jump. Making eye contact he answered her smoothly, smiling as he spoke.

  “Everything’s great. How about Subway for lunch?”

  “Yummy. Can you order me a twelve inch today, I’m really starving? I think I’ll take a hot bath while we’re waiting for it to come.” Marla casually moved around the room, gathering everything she would need for her bath and trying to hum calmly.

  “Oooh. Can I get a strawberry shake too? Calcium you know. It’s good for the baby.” Marla smiled as she passed him on the way to the bathroom. “I’ll take the usual, tuna salad with everything, for the sub. Knock when it gets here, all right?” She looked back over her shoulder at Alonso/Dillon, closing and locking the bathroom door behind her. With the bathwater running loudly she sat on the edge of the tub with her head in her hands, crying silently. How in the world was she going to get out of this mess?