Read No Looking Back Page 25


  Pete slammed down the phone in frustration. Where the hell was Marla and why wasn’t she answering his calls? He called the local hospital to make sure she hadn’t been admitted. Tried the doctor’s office, but it was already closed for the day. Checked at her job but her shift was already over for the day. He’d been calling her for a week straight and hadn’t spoken to her once. If he didn’t know her better, he’d think she was playing games, except she wasn’t that kind of person and he knew it. Suddenly he realized he didn’t even know the address of where she was living. He racked his brain trying to remember if she had mentioned anything about them, but he kept coming up blank. If he didn’t get to talk to her soon he’d have to drive to Suttonville and hunt her down.

  Marla stretched her back to relieve the tension and muscle ache from a full day of cleaning hotel rooms. She checked her watch and noted that she had an hour until she started her next shift at the front desk. Marla had been lucky enough to get a second, part-time job working at the same hotel as the weekend night desk clerk. She worked her cleaning shift until four o’clock in the afternoon and then started her desk job at five o’clock on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights and worked until midnight. Mostly she just babysat the phones and occasionally checked-in a guest. It was easy work and she was able to put her feet up and read most of the time, plus it paid slightly better than her cleaning job. At first she hesitated to take the job, but after thinking about it she decided she had nothing better to do, so why not. It’s not like she had any kind of social life and the extra money was being put aside in anticipation of taking time off when she had the baby. She wouldn’t have enough time in to build any paid maternity leave before the baby came, so what she made now was all she was going to have before tapping into her savings account.

  After a few days of Pete leaving messages on her phone, the tone getting more and more angry. Marla simply turned off her phone altogether. She only had it now for emergencies anyway, so she kept it charged and off. Eventually Pete would give up and move on with his life, just as she had. Apparently Pete had done that well before she had been released from her ‘protective custody’. Either that or he had sped up his dating game quite a bit.


  Marla didn’t pay attention as Lana led someone down the hall, lisping instructions to them. People were always asking directions to some place or other. She emptied her mop bucket into the floor drain when she heard her name called. She turned to see Pete standing there, his body screaming with anger based on her knowledge of body language. God he looked good in his jeans and denim shirt. She had to stop herself from reaching out and touching him, forgetting all her resolve of the past two weeks.

  “Pete. What are you doing here?” Stretching her back again as she straightened up.

  “What did you expect me to do? You won’t answer my calls. I was worried sick. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Pete was spitting out questions faster than she could answer him. His face grew redder and redder with each word, until the vein on his neck began to stick out and throb. She had never seen him this angry or out of control before, but she was determined to keep her temper under control. Waiting for him to finish his tirade she continued to restock her cart before coming out of the supply room and closing the door.

  “I’m working now Pete so this isn’t a really good time for me.”

  “I thought you got off at four o’clock. It’s four thirty, so you’re off the clock.” He grabbed her elbow and led her down the hall like a petulant child being reprimanded.

  “I start my next job in half an hour and I need to change clothes and get dinner down before I start,” She explained. “I get off at midnight.”

  Pete just stopped and stared at Marla, trying to absorb what he’d just heard. He shook his head, not wanting to believe what he just heard.

  “You’re working two jobs?”

  “For now, yes. I’m going to need the extra money once the baby’s born.”

  “Why are you avoiding me?”

  “Obviously you’ve moved on with your life and I’m doing the same.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  “Ask Jenny, she didn’t seem to have a problem talking to me and explaining that you were in the shower when I called. She led me to believe that she knew you well enough to interrupt the shower if need be, but I didn’t want to cramp your love life. You did what you had to do and now I’m doing what I have to do.”

  “What the hell was Jenny doing in my house? When was this?”

  “I didn’t write down the date and time so I’m not sure. It was the first day I started working here. Why?”

  “Because Jenny is my next door neighbor’s twenty year-old daughter and, as far as I know, she’s never been in my house before.”

  “Listen, Pete, I’d love to stand here and chat but I really need to get going here. You did what you had to do and now I need to do what I have to do. Have a good trip home. Give my best to Jenny.”

  Marla had just gotten settled in at the massive reception desk, her feet propped up on a stool, and opened her book when the bell on the front door sounded. Figures, just when I get comfy. She looked up and rolled her eyes in frustration.

  “What now, Pete?” Marla asked flatly, letting the irritation sound in her voice.

  “I brought you dinner from the steak house. Angie says hello.” He set the bag on the counter, keeping his eyes on her the whole time.

  “Thank you, Pete. You didn’t have to do that.” She grabbed the bag and put it in the back office.

  “Aren’t you going to eat it?”

  “I will on my break. They don’t allow food at the front desk.”

  “Fuck them! You need to eat! They’ll never know anyway.”

  “Security camera’s are reviewed every day, so they’ll know. Funny thing is, Pete, I like to eat every day and I can’t if I don’t have a job.” Now she was being just down right bitchy and she couldn’t care less. If he didn’t like it he could leave, which she hoped he’d do anyway.

  “What time did you say you got off work?”


  He didn’t say anything as he turned toward the lobby doors, but instead of leaving he sat in one of the lobby chairs. He grabbed the newspaper sitting on the coffee table and began to read.

  “Pete, what are you doing?”

  “Reading the newspaper.”

  She didn’t say anything, knowing now he was going to be a smart ass. She sat back down, put her feet up and opened her book. Two could play this game.

  Reading her book, or rather pretending to read her book, until break time when she went into the back office and ate the meal he had brought her. She had been too distracted to realize just how hungry she was as she wolfed down the burger with gusto. When she was done eating she went back to the front desk and resumed reading her book. When she couldn’t stand the suspense any more she finally spoke.

  “So you’re not going to talk to me all night?”

  “I’ll be glad to talk to you. In fact, I have a little bit of actual news for you.”

  “Really? About what?”

  “I’ve finally been given access to your secured computer records, the ones I located while you were in custody.”

  “Pete, I was never ‘in custody’, I was kidnapped; we just didn’t know it. They even have you using the wrong terminology.”

  “Point taken. Anyway, the good news is that I know you were born in the United States. The bad news is that’s all the information I can get out of the FBI. Apparently you were born while your parents were in protective custody. I have no idea where you were born or if there’s even a birth certificate. They won’t tell me who your parents were or why they were in custody. I know that they keep loose tabs on you, but they won’t even tell me if your parents are still alive or dead. They did admit that you don’t have any brothers or
sisters. Again, they won’t supply your birth name either. I’m afraid even if you do get your memory back you won’t be able to find any family. I’m sorry for that, Marla.” Pete was now standing on the other side of the massive reception desk, taking her now trembling hands into his. He gently rubbed the inside of her wrists with his thumbs to console her, kissing each palm alternately.

  “You know I’ve been thinking these last few weeks and I finally came to the realization that it doesn’t matter if I ever get my memory back. What matters is how I live my life now. I need to stop living in limbo, as if getting my memory back will change anything that’s happening now. At least now I know I won’t be deported, that’s good news,” She conceded. “Thank you for finding out for me though. I thought you couldn’t access those records.”

  “I couldn’t back then, but as the new Captain I can.”

  “Oh! You got the promotion! How wonderful! Congratulations Pete! Now I know the department will get cleaned-up.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Well, duh, I was kidnapped by two of the Wynott P.D.’s employees, one being in a position of authority over the person, you, that was supposedly investigating my home invasions. Do you really think that instills a sense of trust and security in the townsfolk? I couldn’t go back to Wynott and feel safe for me or the baby. Since I’ve been living in Summerville I haven’t had one scary incident.”

  “I never realized you didn’t feel safe going back to Wynott, but it certainly makes sense now that you mention it.”

  “Another point I need to make here, Pete, is that there’s still at least one person out there involved in this thing. Dillon drugged me the night he killed Captain Perkins, but not before he called someone on his cell phone and made arrangements for removal of the body. I have no idea who he called, but the body was gone when I woke up and he was still there. Have the Summerville police found her body yet?”

  “No, but they’re still sifting through all the leads they have. Apparently a lot of people are calling in tips to the hotline.”

  “Have there been any more incidents back in Wynott? Has anyone broken into the house I lived in, or even the bakery?”

  “Nothing. Maybe this person didn’t know much about what was going on and was just a grunt for Dillon and Perkins. Did Dillon have to give him any instructions or directions on the phone?”

  “No. I got the impression they knew where he was calling from. They could have called back after I was sleeping though, and I’d have no way of knowing. Has anyone looked at his cell phone for unfamiliar phone numbers?”


  Pete decided it was best that he not tell her that the last call Dillon had made on his cell was to the Wynott police department. He had a sinking feeling that it was someone still in his department and he was going to have to do some sneaking around on his own again. At least now he had keys to all the desks in the squad room. As Pete stood deep in thought, a car pulled into the hotel parking lot, drawing both of their attention.

  “Oh good, my company has arrived.” He pointed to the car pulling into the nearest parking spot.

  “You invited company to come here to the hotel?” Marla looked puzzled, watching while a beautiful, leggy blonde made her way out of the car. She was quite young, maybe eighteen or so, and a little clumsy in her spike heels. She looked up at Pete, giving him a shy wave. When Marla looked at the girls big, blue eyes she could tell that the girl had been crying by the red rims and puffiness.

  “Marla, I’d like you to meet Jenny. Jenny this is my girlfriend, and mother of my child, Marla.”

  “Hi. Nice to meet you.” She barely made eye contact with Marla before casting her glance back down to the floor.

  “So, Pete. How nice of you to bring your new girlfriend to meet the old one.” Tipping up her chin in defiance.

  “Actually, Jenny has something she wants to say to you.” He motioned Jenny closer to the registration desk.

  Marla stood with her arms crossed over her chest and steadied herself for the blow that she knew was coming. Looking down she struggled to keep her tears at bay until she could be alone.

  “I came to apologize and explain things. I feel just awful about what I did, really, I was just goofing around. I had no idea it would cause this many problems. I’m so sorry.” Jenny blubbered between tears and sobs.

  “Keep going Jenny, Marla doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I was outside in my backyard when I heard Pete’s phone ringing. When he didn’t answer it I ran in and grabbed it on a stupid whim. I didn’t know he was involved with you, so when I heard a female voice I just ran with it, you know, as a joke. I heard the shower running and figured he was in there, but Pete had no idea I was even in the house. I guess it was you I was talking to on the phone. We finished our conversation before Pete ever knew I’d been in there. I was too embarrassed to admit what I did, so I just ran out of the house before he saw me. I didn’t know until he called me earlier today that it had caused this much trouble. I’m sooooo sorry, Marla. I drove all the way here so I could explain in person. I hope you can forgive me. I promise I’ll never do it again to anyone. It was stupid and thoughtless.” Jenny wiped her eyes with her already damp tissues.

  Stunned stupid, she plopped down on the chair behind the desk with a dazed look on her face. After a few moments she looked at Pete, watching while he tried to comfort Jenny in a fatherly way.

  “Jenny I can’t thank you enough for coming here and explaining everything to me. Now I understand why Pete looked at me like I was a crazed pregnant woman, which I probably was, when I told him what had happened. I absolutely believe you,” She conceded.

  “Pete, you do understand now why I came to the conclusions that I did.”

  “You came to the conclusions that Jenny wanted you to come to. She admitted as much to me on the phone, but I thought you needed to see her in person or you’d never believe me. Was I right, or what?”

  “Yep, you hit that one on the head. Jenny, let me get you a room so you can get some sleep and relax. It’s really late now and you’re too upset to drive.”

  “Ummm, I don’t think I have enough money on me to be able to afford that.”

  “Our treat, Jenny, really, you rescued us from what could have been a very long and drawn-out disagreement.”

  “Yeah. One that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been such a jerk.”

  “But you set it right and in the end that’s all that matters. I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Pete, will you show Jenny to her room?” Marla handed over the key card to Pete as he ushered Jenny out the door.

  Marla sat at the desk and just stared into space. Thoughts pinging around in her head in a jumble of images. She never even heard Pete come back into the room and jumped, startled, at the sight of him. He came behind the desk and lifted Marla, pulling her tightly into his arms. When was their life ever going to get anywhere close to ’normal’? She closed her eyes, exhausted both physically and mentally. She glanced at the clock in hopes that it was close to quitting time. No such luck. She still had an hour and a half to go. Leaning into his strong chest she gladly wrapped her arms tightly around Pete’s waist, never wanting to let go. Gazing up into his eyes, Pete put his lips to hers and without any hesitation, she responded. Opening both her heart and her lips, shedding any lingering fears, she embraced him mind, body and soul. Never wanting to leave the cocoon of pleasure she was not submerged in.

  He devoured her, tasting her sweetness that he had waited too long to enjoy. When they heard someone on the other side of the desk clear their throat, they jumped apart like two guilty teenagers caught in the act.

  “Excuse me. Marla, may I have a word with you?” The man that stood there was clearly angry, his large round face red and rutty. He wasn’t very tall but he was very round all over.

  “Yes, of co
urse, Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard, I’d like you to meet Captain Peter Jensen of the Wynott Police Department. Pete, this is my boss, Mr. Howard.” Mr. Howard nodded quickly and then made his way to the back office. Marla walked in behind him and quietly closed the door. Less than two minutes later she was back out the door, smiling up at him.

  “We can go now, Mr. Howard is staying,” Marla said happily. “Will you come and stay at my place tonight?”

  “Sure. What did he want with you?”

  “He fired me.”

  “What! You got fired? It was because of me, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, but I’m actually happy about it. I hated both of those jobs. Would you mind terribly giving me a ride back to Wynott tomorrow?”

  “You’re coming home…….with me? Pinch me, I think I’m dreaming.”

  “All right, if you insist, but I had something much better in mind.”