Read No Looking Back Page 9


  Pete strode quickly into the bakery, scanning the room for Marla. When he didn’t see her he continued on to the back room.

  “Hi. I take it you’re Betsy. I’m Pete Jensen. Where’s Marla?” Pete demanded more than asked.

  “She’s in her office around the corner there.” Betsy pointed. Without a thank you, he turned and walked into her office without knocking.

  Marla sat at her desk, stacks of paper nearly obliterating his view of her.

  “Marla, you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why? What now?” Marla felt a sense of panic invade her as she looked into Pete’s very worried and serious face.

  “Everything will be fine. I was so worried about you. Thank God you’re all right. We got a call from your neighbors about a disturbance at your house. Apparently the dogs were going ballistic, and when Mrs. Avery went to your back door it was smashed in. She found Lizzie lying on the floor, out cold. She called 911 and sat with Lizzie until the ambulance came. I was afraid someone got to you.” Pete put his hand to his heart as if to steady it before he continued. “Lizzie is on her way to the hospital right now. Someone kicked in the back door and really did a number on her.” Pete watched as the color drained from Marla’s face.

  “This is all my fault. It should have been me cleaning the house instead of Lizzie. She’s had so much to deal with lately, and now this. I feel awful. I need to get to the hospital and make sure she’s all right. Poor Lizzie.” Marla tried to fight back the tears but a few fell before she was successful. She stood and headed straight for the door, hurrying past Pete on her way to the hospital, frantic to get to Lizzie.

  Pete grabbed her gently by the arm, rubbing his thumb along the inside of her elbow.

  “I’ll drive you. We have to talk about a few things anyway.” Once Pete got her settled into the car he continued their conversation.

  “Marla, you can’t stay in that house anymore until we figure this out, it’s too dangerous. Whoever’s doing all this is escalating in both frequency and violence and seems pretty adept at getting into the house anytime they want. You know you’re welcome at my house, right?”

  “Thanks Pete, I appreciate it, really, but I’m staying at my house tonight and every other night. What better bait than me? I won’t have anyone else hurt because of me.” Marla crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin in defiance.

  “Very noble, but not very practical. Let’s be realistic here, Marla, you’re no match for some nut with an agenda. How tall are you, maybe five two? And you weigh, what, maybe one ten with all your clothes on and soaking wet? Do you have any special self-defense skills or can you shoot a gun?” Anger and impatience invaded his voice while his knuckles whitened on the steering wheel.

  “No, but that’s not the point. The point is if someone’s going to get hurt it should be me, not some innocent cleaning lady just doing her job.” She rubbed her hand over her face and huffed in frustration.

  “Tell me you’re not serious, because that’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard some real doozies in my time.” Pete shook his head in disbelief. “Let’s leave the police work to the professionals.”

  “Well so far the ‘professionals’ haven’t done a whole hell of a lot now, have they?” Marla sniped back.

  “Don’t start with me, Marla. I’ve been working my ass off on this case, and just because I don’t have the answer today doesn’t mean I won’t have it tomorrow. These things take time you know.”

  Marla looked out the window of the car, thinking about what she could do to help Lizzie and realizing that she’d gone too far with Pete.

  “I’m sorry I was so snotty with you. I know you’re doing your best and I’m just taking out my frustrations on you. So what’s your plan?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’ll drop you off to visit Lizzie and I’ll come in after I’ve made a few calls from the car.” Pete stopped in front of the emergency entrance of the hospital and waited for Marla to get out, then wheeled into a parking spot and started dialing. First, he checked his messages and then he called Captain Perkins. He joined Marla in Lizzie’s cubby and nodded a hello to Lizzie.

  “How are you feeling? Have they decided if they’ll let you go or not?” He took in the purple swelling that covered her face, along with the swelling. Accenting her face were white strips of tape to hold together a few lacerations.

  “They’re keeping me overnight for observation. I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck. Probably look like it too. They’ve advised me not to look in a mirror for a few days, not that I can see much with my eyes swollen like this.” She gently placed her hand over her eyes, exploring the damage with her fingers. “I was just telling Marla that this wasn’t her fault and that she shouldn’t worry about me, but she’s pretty stubborn.” Lizzie chided.

  “Tell me about it,” Pete added as a sigh of exasperation left his lips.

  “Hey, come on you two, I’m not that bad. So I care, so sue me. Not literally there, Lizzie, please.” Pete and Lizzie laughed as the nurse came in to wheel Lizzie to her room.

  “Are you sure you don’t need anything before we go, Lizzie?”

  “Jeez, what a mother hen you are. I’ll be fine. Go home and quit bothering me now. I need my beauty sleep.” Lizzie waved goodbye as the nurse rolled her out the door.

  Pete couldn’t resist the urge and hugged Marla quickly. “Come on, let’s get going. We have to stop at my place before we go to your house.”

  “What’s the plan after that?”

  “I’m your new bodyguard. I cleared it with Captain Perkins until this is over. Do you have a problem with that?” Pete asked as an afterthought. Not that it mattered, because there was no way he was letting her out of his sight.

  “I think it’s a wonderful compromise and now you can finally get that homemade dinner I’ve been promising you. That is, if we can stop at the store too.”

  “No problem. Can we have pot roast with potatoes and carrots and salad and rolls?” His boyish grin warmed her heart and she found herself starting to relax. Anything you want.” She winked back at him. “Is that your favorite home cooked meal?” Marla asked.

  “It’s a tie between that and chicken and dumplings, but I just had chicken at the diner for lunch.”

  “Then roast it is. Why don’t you drop me by the market and then you can go to your place while I shop?” Marla sucked in a deep breath as he placed his warm, strong hand over hers.

  “Let’s see, because that would make me the world’s worst bodyguard. We’ll go in together.”

  “You‘re the boss. Maybe sometimes we could even take turns…being the boss that is.” She softened her voice to a husky growl, almost purring the last word.

  “Very good! I like that. See that you answer all my commands like that and we’ll get along just fine.” Pete’s voice came out in a rough, sexy tone, making her body tingle. Feeling the most feminine she had in all her time in Wynott.

  Dinner was delicious, according to Pete anyway. After the dishes were done and the kitchen cleaned, they sat down to coffee in the living room.

  “So, what exciting things do you usually do in the evenings?” Pete asked.

  “Well, first I cuddle with the dogs. Once they settle down I read for a little while and I’m usually in bed by eight o’clock. Remember, four thirty wake up time. What about you? What exciting things do you do with your evenings?”

  “Well, I’m sort of a computer geek, so I surf the internet, play some online games with people I’ve never met from all over the world. I also like to watch a lot of news shows, so I usually keep the television on while I’m on the computer. Whenever I get tired, then it’s lights out. Exciting, huh?” Pete laughed.

  “You know, we’re pitiful. Why haven’t you taken up with any of those single women swarming all over you?” Marla asked, am
used at his reaction of disgust.

  “I’m not looking for romance. I’m pretty much a loner, in case you haven’t figured that out yet.”

  “Why? You’re handsome and intelligent, I’d think you’d make someone a good companion. So what’s the backstory on this?” Marla probed.

  “Been there, done that. It didn’t go well. I was married for about six months before I found my wife in bed with my partner. Apparently they’d been together since before the wedding and I never even had a clue. Some detective I am. Anyway, needless to say we divorced and now Alicia and Alex are married, blissfully happy, with a baby on the way. It made me want to puke every day I had to work with him, so I decided I needed the peace and quiet of a small town. Who knew what a farce that stereotype had turned out to be. This place is a hotbed of sin and intrigue according to the grapevine, anyway.” Pete nervously wiped his hand over his face. He didn’t like talking about the divorce, especially with someone he was so attracted to.

  “In their defense, they’ve been completely wonderful to me. When they heard about my situation, they rallied and set me up in this house, furnished it for me and arranged a job for me even before I’d been released from the hospital. I guess I’m sort of the town project.” Marla lamented. “Don’t get me wrong, I would never have made it without their support, but they’re watching me constantly like I’m going to explode or something. It gets on my nerves sometimes, but I try to keep reminding myself that it’s just because they care.”

  “You could be smothered from so much care.”

  “Yeah.” Marla stifled a yawn and looked at the clock on the wall. Eight thirty, past her bedtime. Pete noticed the yawn and regretted that their time together had to come to an end.

  “It’s past your bedtime, little miss. Go onto bed, I’ll make myself at home,” Pete commanded as he picked up their empty cups and headed for the kitchen.

  “I thought I’d sleep out here and you could have the bedroom. There’s a laptop on my dresser and the television’s in there too. Just because it’s my bedtime doesn’t mean you have to go to bed. Plus, you’re too tall for the couch, your legs will hang off the end.” Marla pointed out.

  “I’m not kicking you out of your own bed.”

  “How tall are you?”

  “Six foot two, but that’s not the point.”

  “That’s exactly the point. Please don’t give me a hard time about this Pete, I already feel bad enough about forcing you to have to stay here and I’m tired. Give me this one, please.”

  “Okay, you win.”

  “Now that’s what I like to hear. Let me grab a few things and the room’s all yours.” Marla dashed into her room and was out in less than a minute. “It’s all yours. See you in the morning.”

  Pete went into the bedroom and made himself at home. Even with the thorough cleaning that Lizzie had done, the room smelled of Marla, sweet and, he imagined, tasty. He couldn’t believe how comfortable he’d felt with her tonight. He’d opened up to her and didn’t feel judged or pitied. She simply accepted him the way he was, something his ex-wife had never done, and he actually wanted to tell her everything. It made him a little nervous, but had allowed him to release some of the anger and resentment he felt toward Alicia and Alex. It made his soul feel lighter, somehow. He smiled, actually happy for the first time in a very, very long time. Instead of running down the list of things he had to do tomorrow, he found himself obsessed with the thought of her, the sweet delicious smell of her.

  It felt like he had just drifted off to sleep when he was being shaken awake.

  “Pete! Somebody’s at the back door! I heard someone jiggling the door handle and a loud scratching sound. I know it wasn’t the dogs, they were all sleeping with me!” Marla frantically explained in a loud whisper, gasping and panting in terror.

  Pete immediately jumped out of bed, clad only in his boxers, and grabbed his gun from the holster on the nightstand.

  “Stay here and keep the dogs with you. I’ll be right back. I’m closing the door, lock it after me.”

  Pete stealthy moved through the house, checking each room carefully before moving on to the next. Checking behind the doors and jiggling all the windows. Listening carefully, he heard the retreating footsteps of someone running from the house. He made his way back to the bedroom, knocking gently on the door.

  “It’s all clear Marla. Open the door.” Keeping his voice as calm as possible. “Everything’s clear but I heard someone running away when I got into the kitchen, so I think you’re right, there was someone out there.” Pete looked at Marla, amazed that anyone could make an old football jersey look so sexy. Its deep ‘v’ neck revealed the cleavage between her full, generous breasts and flowed down just past her firm behind. He realized she was trembling from head to toe, gathering her into his arms he tried to reassure her that everything was fine. Before he realized what he was doing, his lips gently brushed hers once, twice, then once again. He deepened the third kiss when Marla’s arms wrapped around his neck, fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. Her body molded to his. Her soft, warm lips parted slightly, inviting him inside for more. Her lips were soft and warm, deliciously sweet, just the way Pete dreamed she would taste. He dove deeper as their tongues caressed each other, slowly at first, then, as passion took over, dueling wildly until they were both gasping and breathless.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Pete gasped.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way.” He watched her whirl out of the room before he could explain any further.

  Pete laid on the bed, reliving the kisses he and Marla had just shared over and over in his mind. He wasn’t sure what had shocked him more, that he had actually kissed her or her passionate response. His next thought making him cringe. Could he have said anything more stupid than an apology? She’d run away. Who wouldn’t after an idiot comment like that? He had spit out the first thing that popped into his head and now Marla thought he hadn’t enjoyed it. Hell, he still had a throbbing boner. Talk about blowing it big time. If he could only take back his words. In that one single moment he’d felt her innocence and surprise as she sank deeper and deeper into his kiss. He could tell she wasn’t very experienced, but oooh the taste and feel of her, sweet, supple softness crushing against his body.

  He knew he should stop thinking about her but, frankly, he didn’t want to. This was the first true attraction he’d felt since his divorce and it had taken him completely by surprise, not that he hadn’t had sex since the divorce. He’d had his share while he lived in the city, but nothing that compared to the kiss he’d just shared with Marla. He wasn’t sure that he had ever felt this way even with his ex. More probably he was in love with the idea of being in love, rather than any true feelings of love toward Alicia. Now he was older and wiser, he hoped, but Marla wasn’t anything like Alicia. Marla seemed content with herself and her life. As a successful business woman she exemplified the kindness people in the city would consider soft and weak. But she could be so soft, for him anyway, as he again thought about how her body felt against his. If he hadn’t been such an ass about it he could be holding her right now, kissing and loving every seductive inch of her body. Instead, he was painfully aroused and pissed at himself for hurting Marla’s feelings. After he thought about it for a while, he decided he would wait until tonight and try to explain himself, maybe even buy her some flowers to apologize. Pete heard Marla moving around in the kitchen and glanced at the clock. Just as he expected, he hadn’t slept a wink and now it was time to start their day. At least now he had an idea about how to fix the mess he’d made.