Read Noah Page 7

  “Why don’t you just tell him up front that you’re feeling a little nervous because you’ve never actually lived with anyone else, and to keep an open mind about the possibility that this may not work out? This way he doesn’t get too comfortable. Personally I think you’re worrying for nothing.”

  Yeah, Nellie didn’t know about any of Veronica’s fantasies. Of course Veronica wasn’t about to tell her either. She wasn’t admitting that to anyone ever. She watched as his friends walked out of the garage and toward the truck, then admired Noah’s big muscular back as he closed the garage. Even in a shirt, it was impressive.

  “He’s on his way in now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, and stop worrying will you. Enjoy the company while you have it.”

  Veronica frowned, hating how pathetic that sounded. She hung up just as the kitchen door opened and in walked Noah shaking the rainwater out of his hair with his hand.

  “I thought you were having lunch with your friends?”

  “Nah,” he said walking by her to get to the sink. “There’s only room for three in the cab of Abel’s truck so I figured I’d spare Hector a soaking and stay here so he could jump in the front.” He rinsed his hands then turned to Veronica. “But I could go for a bite to eat. Did ya get anything good at the market?”

  “Uh-huh.” She walked over to the pantry and pulled out a loaf of bread. “I got cold cuts for sandwiches and there is stuff for salad. I was going to throw some fish in the oven later tonight. But I could—”

  “A sandwich is fine.” He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the stuff for a sandwich. “Were you gonna eat, too?”

  Veronica set the bread on the counter. “Well, yeah. I guess I could go for a sandwich, too.”

  This was definitely going to take some getting used to. She was so used to being alone. Having someone to share her meals with and hanging out permanently was going to be different.

  “So I guess we get to talk about this arrangement sooner than I thought.” Noah didn’t even look up from his sandwich making as he spoke. “Me and my friend Gio had talked about getting a place to share a few months ago. So I kind of had an idea of how things would work. Maybe it’s something we can implement in our case.”

  After making their sandwiches, they each sat at the table across from one another. Veronica listened to Noah trying not to get too caught up in his intense dark eyes as he spoke. She actually had to look away a few times, worried he’d notice how taken by them she was. By the time they finished their lunch, she’d agreed to everything except the amount of money he was offering to pay her. It was too much. With the house paid, she didn’t even have a mortgage or rent to pay. The utilities is all she wanted to split and maybe a small portion of what she put away monthly for the property taxes she paid twice a year. But no more.

  “I can’t stay here rent free, Roni.”

  Veronica wiped her mouth wondering how long it would take her to get used to hearing him call her that. She was being ridiculous. Truth was she’d really begun to feel fond of Noah, and his friendship. A friendship she wouldn’t ruin by thinking of him in any other way than just that—a friend—a younger brother even. Yeah, she could look at him that way. It would be easier to think of him that way than just a guy living with her.

  “Why not? I do. The mortgage is paid so there is no need for me to collect rent but all the other stuff we talked about I’m in agreement with.”

  Noah frowned but grudgingly agreed. “All right but I’m fixing everything that needs to be fixed around here, including your car. I noticed it leaks. Which reminds me. If you’re going to insist on driving me around in this weather then I’m going to insist on giving you gas money.” She began to protest but he held his hand up. “Don’t push it, Roni. You already got your way on one big thing. I won’t bend on this one.”

  Veronica stared at him then smiled. “Okay.”

  It was settled now and with her newfound epiphany on how she’d be going about this, she was sure now this could work out painlessly. It was almost maddening that she hadn’t thought of it sooner. She was the older wiser one right? From that moment on, she decided to take Nellie’s advice about this sudden change in her life and embrace it.


  Just a couple of weeks after moving in with Roni her place was really beginning to feel like home. This was a new feeling for Noah since he’d never really felt like he was home anywhere, even when he lived with the Fuentes. Though that had been his longest stay of all the foster homes he’d lived in, he always knew it was just a matter of time before he had to leave.

  Even now with Roni, he knew he shouldn’t be feeling this way. This would eventually come to an end, too. The agreement was he’d stay there until he was able to fix the roof on the Fuentes’ garage. But the long cold season was just getting started. He still had months to look forward to living with her so he wouldn’t even worry about it until then.

  Noah walked in the back door. His hands were a grimy mess. He’d been working on Veronica’s car for most of the morning. Roni was on her phone in the front room.

  “I know it’s your family Nellie, but it’ll feel weird without you there. I’m telling you I’ll be fine. I never got what the big deal was about Thanksgiving is anyway. I can get turkey dinner and a slice of pie at Denny’s and not have a mess to clean afterwards.”

  Noah listened as he washed his hands. Roni had mentioned she’d be having Thanksgiving dinner with Nellie and her family. He’d be spending his at Gio’s. Gio’s mom and aunts went crazy cooking even when there wasn’t a holiday that warranted it. So Thanksgiving at his place was the place to be—always had been. The Fuentes were never big on holidays.

  “I don’t know why you’re getting all worked up. I promise you I’ll be fine. You go on your retreat and enjoy. Okay? I’m really happy things seem to be working out for you two.”

  Noah leaned against the kitchen counter drying his hands. Roni walked in once she was off the phone. She seemed a little down but she smiled. “So did you fix the leak?”

  “Yeah, it was a bitch but think I finally got the damn thing to stop leaking.”

  Her smile faded fast and Noah waited for her to mention Thanksgiving. He hated to think of her spending her first Thanksgiving without her mom alone. He was sure Gio wouldn’t have a problem with him inviting her, but given that she apparently didn’t even feel comfortable with Nellie’s family unless Nellie was there she’d most likely decline the invitation.

  He watched her pour herself a glass of juice and grab a string cheese from the refrigerator. “You okay?”

  She glanced at him, her expression a bit surprised. “Yeah, why?”

  He shrugged. “You seem a little down. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Nellie’s not gonna be around for Thanksgiving?”

  “Oh that.” She nodded. “Yeah her and her husband are going on some couples’ retreat. They’ve had some issues this year they’re trying to work out so the pastor down at her church suggested they try it. They’ll be gone the whole holiday weekend.”

  She sat down at the small table and began pulling the strings of cheese apart. She opened her mouth and she dangled a string in front of her mouth, then played with it with her tongue, making Noah swallow hard. He nearly forgot what they’d been talking about when he finally snapped out of it and cleared his throat. “So where are you spending Thanksgiving?”

  She lifted a shoulder but continued her affection with the string cheese. Noah made a mental note to buy more string cheese—a lot more.

  “I’ll probably just stay here. Maybe rent some movies or something. It’s no big deal.”


  She finally looked up at him and away from her cheese. “Yeah alone.” She smiled weakly. “I’ve been alone for over eight months now. Well… until you moved in. But I’m used to it.”

  “But it’s a holiday.” He walked over to the table and sat across from her. “One you’re supposed to spend with fami
ly or friends.”

  Immediately he felt so stupid for saying that because those eyes that seemed a bit sad when she first walked into the kitchen were now undeniably cheerless though she still attempted to hide it.

  “I’ve never had much family and the only friend I ever really had is Nellie. So I’m immune to these kinds of things. They don’t affect me like they would other people.”

  Noah wasn’t buying this shit for a minute. He reached over and touched her hand. “You have me, now.”

  She stopped chewing and stared at him. He saw a bit of what he’d seen in her eyes the night he told her how old he was. “Noah, I—”

  “I mean, we’re friends right? Not just roommates. So you can include me now as one of your friends.” He sat up straighter panicked that the look in her eyes was still there. “Why don’t you come with me to Gio’s house for Thanksgiving? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind and—”

  “Oh no I couldn’t.” She shook her head adamantly.

  “Why not?”

  “I hardly know him.” She stood up and Noah stood with her. “Really. I’ll be fine.”

  “Then I’ll stay with you.”

  She turned to him her eyes even wider. “No!”

  God, she was cute when she was being stubborn. “Why the hell not? Look you’re my friend now. I don’t want you to be alone.”

  “Noah, you’re being silly. I’ll be just fine. You should be with your friends. You said it’s where you always spend Thanksgiving. You were looking forward to it.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “I’m not going to keep you from it.”

  Noah could see she wasn’t going to give in to this but he’d be damned if he was going to let her spend the holiday alone. He knew what that felt like and he didn’t want her to. “All right.”

  She seemed a little surprised he’d given in so easily but pleased. “Good. I appreciate you offering but I promise you I’ll be just fine.”

  Noah couldn’t help but smirk. Yes, she would be fine. He’d make sure of it. “Well, maybe you don’t plan on eating a lot this week but I do, so I say we get in a damn good work out tonight.”

  That smile of hers was breathtaking and Noah struggled to pull his eyes away from it. “Okay then. I’ll go get ready.”

  He couldn’t help feeling a little irritated with himself for staring at her as she walked out of the room. He had to stop with all the thoughts he’d been having about her lately. They were friends now and nothing would ruin a friendship faster than doing some of the things he could only dream of doing to her.

  The tension he felt throughout his entire body was unreal. Food had nothing to do with why he wanted to work out hard tonight. Between watching her make love to that damn string cheese and then staring at her lips as she explained why he shouldn’t stay home with her on Thanksgiving, a hard ass workout was exactly what he needed.


  Thanksgiving morning Veronica woke to a familiar aroma. One she hadn’t smelled in the house in years. She wasn’t completely sure but as she walked through the hallway toward the kitchen the smell was unmistakable. Honey ham and it smelled delicious.

  She turned the corner so see Noah in the kitchen wearing an apron peeling potatoes. The dining table was set for two, centerpiece and all and there were pies on the center island. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Noah glanced up at her with a grin. “I’m making Thanksgiving dinner for us.”

  “No you’re not. You’re going to Gio’s house. You said you were really looking forward to it.”

  He raised an eyebrow with the grin turning into an all out smile. “But what I decided I’ve been looking forward to even more—my entire life—was preparing a Thanksgiving meal.”

  When she didn’t return the smile his smile turned into a pout. “Foster care system all my life remember?”

  How dare he use that to guilt her into not being mad at him. She should’ve known better when he’d given in so easily the other day. When his smug grin returned, she couldn’t help but smile this time. She walked toward him trying to appear still angry but secretly she was a little excited. Though it really wasn’t a big deal that she’d be spending Thanksgiving alone she wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. “I can’t believe you. When did you do all this?”

  He seemed relieved that she was more curious than upset. “Well, I’ve never actually prepared a meal like this so I sort of cheated. The ham was already prepared and spiraled. All I had to do was stick it in the oven and I figured a turkey would be too much for just me and you so I got a stuffed turkey breast that again, all I had to do was stick in there.” He gestured to the oven. “I’m not much of a baker so I bought pies already made but I did wanna prepare something and was hoping you’d help me. We could sort of… you know… do this together. So I’m making the mashed potatoes and I bought some string beans so we can make a string bean casserole.” He pointed at a bag on the counter by the refrigerator. “And in keeping with the Mexican tradition I bought some tamales from the lady selling them in the parking lot.”

  Veronica laughed bringing her hand to her mouth. She didn’t want him to notice how giddy she was beginning to feel. This was completely unexpected and she hadn’t had a Thanksgiving feast like this in ages.

  “So whatta ya say? You gonna help me with this or what?”

  “Sure I’ll help.” She walked around the island to where he stood.

  “You wanna do the potatoes or the green beans?”

  Remembering the easy recipe her mother had taught her, she chose the green beans and got to work. She watched as Noah pressed a few buttons on his phone then set it on the table next to what looked like speaker and soon Christmas carols began playing.

  “Well that’s cool.” She had to admit.

  Noah laughed. “That’s like one of the easiest things you can do on this phone. The more I play with it the more awesome I think it is.”

  “Still too extravagant for me. I’ll stick to my dumb phone thank you very much.”

  Noah promised to sell her on it yet and said he’d find an app just for her that would make her go out and just have to get an iphone for herself. The conversation made her feel like an old unyielding geezer afraid of change like the ones she used to work with who were angry anytime there was an upgrade to their computer system. She decided to change the subject by singing along to the music. To her surprise Noah sang with her. Veronica laughed at how seriously intense he got at certain parts of the songs, then blushed and stopped singing when he told her he loved her voice.

  “No, don’t stop. That’s the best part. I was waiting to hear you sing it.”

  She sprinkled the fried onion topping over the casserole and smiled chewing her lower lip. Her face was on fire now and she refused to look up at him. It was just a compliment. Geez. How old was she anyway? At the moment she felt like she was five in the middle of her elementary school yard and someone had just declared their love for her in front of the rest of the giggling student body.

  “Lemme see?”

  She knew what he meant. He wanted her to look up but she shook her head. She could feel him staring.

  “Look at me, Roni.”

  Spinning around so she wasn’t even facing him now, she took her time placing the casserole in the oven. The music still blared away. When she finally turned to face him his smile was so genuine and it was all for her, it made her heart speed up. “God, you’re adorable when you’re embarrassed.”

  “Okay, so stop embarrassing me,” she said, feeling the heat from her face rush south down her neck and back. She wiped the counter and cleared her throat. “Is that it? Are we done?”

  The smile was ever present and she did everything in her power to try not to stare at those suckable lips and how his normally intense eyes almost twinkled now. “Well looks like you are but I’m not. You wanna give me a hand with these potatoes?”

  She walked over and helped him peel and cut more potatoes. A few minutes later, ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ starte
d to play. It was one of her all time favorites so she gave in and sang along. Noah smiled and to her surprise he knew all the words so he sang the male part to her female part. She playfully leaned in to him singing. And he’d lean back when it was his turn. She noticed his gaze became heavier as the lyrics got more and more flirtatious but she kept singing. “So nice and warm.”

  He glanced at the window amazingly not missing a single lyric. “Look out the window at that storm.”

  She gulped knowing what was coming up. “My sister will be suspicious.”

  His eyes were on her lips now. “Man, your lips look so delicious.”

  Veronica pretended not to notice how his voice changed ever so slightly with that last line. “My brother will be there at the door.”

  His eyes were still on her lips. “Waves upon a tropical shore.”

  Giving in to temptation, she glanced at his lips as he licked them. “My maiden aunt's mind is vicious.”

  He stopped singing and spoke the next line. “Gosh, your lips look delicious.”

  Feeling a sudden heat, she forced her eyes away from those lips and stared at the potato in her hand. “I think this is enough potatoes.”

  He was quiet and didn’t even move for a moment. She was almost afraid to look at him. When she did, his playful expression had gone hard and he cleared his throat. “Yeah, that should be enough.”

  She scrambled across the kitchen and pulled a pot out of the cabinets near her knees. “You can use this,” she said handing him the pot.

  His expression looked almost as stunned as she felt. “So that’s it. I think I’ll go shower now and get ready for our feast. Looks like we’ll be eating all day.”

  Nodding he glanced at her, his eyes making a stop at her lips again before turning back to the pot in his hand. “Okay I’ll put these on to boil and do the same when you’re done with the shower.”