Read Nomads The Fallen God Page 27

  Chapter 26. Dreams and Death

  A warrior may challenge another to combat. if that warrior refuses to fight they will be made Outcast and none shall offer them comfort for they are weak and unfit to live.

  Law of the Norgonie.

  Andra stood on a hilltop, at that place between this world and the Afterlife, before her lay a vast green meadow of plenty, filled with those who once loved her, and all the things that she once loved. How long she had been there, she did not know, for time and space had no meaning, the past and the present, seemed to live together in harmony.

  As she looked around at the dream world before her, she saw a small house, surrounded by farmlands, and green woods reaching up to tall mountains, capped with snow.

  I know this place; she told her mind; this is the place where I grew up; and indeed, it did look exactly like, the small cottage where she and her younger brother, had lived with their mother. She knew that this was a lie, for Simon and Niana were dead, her Home-world destroyed. Knowing this, did not soften the pain she felt, when she looked upon the green earth below. Why do I have to look at something that I know is a lie? So she turned her head, and started to walk away, as she did, the green world around her began to fade, one by one, the familiar became unknown to her. She found herself in a dark tunnel, she had never been afraid of the dark, she laughed as she remembered how her brother, cried when their mother put out the night candle in their room.

  Poor Simon, I miss him very much.

  Then in the darkness she heard a voice, “I’m afraid Andra”, it said, “I don’t want to be alone”.

  The darkness, around her, began to glow with a soft light that soon grew into a warm luminescence, in its green warmth, she saw a small boy, dressed in a patched nightshirt, standing before her. He had golden hair and bright eyes, in an instant, she knew it was her slain brother.

  This can’t be; she told herself; you're dead.

  Hearing her own words, cut deep into her heart, the boy only smiled. “Yes, I am dead, but I am not forgotten”, he came over and took his sister by the hand, together they began to walk.

  Slowly, the tunnel became brighter, and soon they found themselves in a vast cavern, filled with enormous green crystals. They rose up from a broken floor and vanished into a dark nothingness. Simon pulled his sister's hand, “you remember me, and I remember my mother, she knows her mother, and her mother knows, who gave, her birth, it is the way of things. Each of us is a memory, of those we loved, and those memories will continue through all time.”

  Andra knew that these were not the words of her bother, he was a kind simple man, who only wanted to live out his life in peace. “Who are you?” she asked.

  The boy laughed, “I told you, I am your memory”, he continued to lead his sister, through the green crystal forest. As they walked, Andra was suddenly aware that they were not alone, she heard to a soft clicking sound, one that she had heard before.

  Lurkers in the darkness, the crystal spiders! Looking around, she saw the small glowing orbs that carried the gift of rebirth. Her old fear of spiders, took hold of her, and she pulled back on her brother’s hand. “No! Let me go!” she screamed. Simon held her tight, he spoke in a soft voice, “you have forgotten, look and remember”. With his free hand, he pointed to a cluster of glowing rocks, at a small thing laying upon them.

  She did not know why, but she felt calmness come over her, taking her hand from her bother's, she slowly moved towards the small creature. It lay naked, surrounded by dozens of crystalline spiders, who seemed to be caring for it. As she grew closer, she saw that it was a small child. The naked baby's soft skin, was white as snow, it had no hair, the fingers on the small hands, seemed elongated. Andra, was most struck by its eyes, they were, as blue as the waters, on her Home-world, they seemed to glow with an Inner Light.

  Andra bent close to the infant, but did not reach out for it, she heard her bother speak once more.

  “Remember”, he said.

  When Arn woke, the sky was just beginning to darken, the twin suns were no longer high in the sky. Soon night would fall, and with it the Sagar cats, would come out to feed. That danger was not in the King's mind, for a moment, he lay thinking of the strange dream that had just filled his mind.

  The crystal spiders? He thought; why should I dream of the lurkers in the darkness, they are far away in the Hollow Hills? He had dreamed of things past, many times before, and he knew it was only a dream. Then he remembered something that he did not understand, in his dream, he saw a tiny creature with skin, as white as the winter snow. It lay on a bed of green crystals, its eyes were as blue as the Western Sea. He did not know what it was; what a strange creature, so small and helpless. He tried to think of when he had ever seen such a thing, try as he might, he could not. So he drove the image out of his mind, thinking it a trick of some dream demon, he continued to look up at the waning sunlight.

  Like a flash of lightning, he remembered where he was, and what he had done, beside him, lay the naked Ishea.

  He turned his head to look at the Queen, her armor and weapons lay beside her, if an enemy were to fall upon them now, she would be defenseless. To anyone but a Nomad, it would not have been of much concern, the Outlanders and the Norgonie, were bred to be warriors. The thought of being helpless, was something that never entered their minds. Yet there she was, sleeping, as if she lay in her tower, surrounded by loyal guards. The same could have been said about the King, his war-ax lay with his armor, on a rock near his head but it was not a feeling of helplessness that he felt, it was guilt.

  What have I done? He asked himself; Andra lies wounded in our tent, and here I am, lying with the person who was responsible.

  The King had been in many great battles, receiving wounds that would have killed a lesser man. Once as a child he had fallen into a thicket of young moonbuds, the pain was so intense, he thought he would go mad. All those were agonies of the body, and a Nomad was used to that, now he felt a pain to his heart, it cut deeper than any ax or thorn.

  I swore that I would stand beside her, I lied. Now, he tried to tell himself that it was a slip of emotion that he was overcome by some witch's curse, put upon him by the Norgonie Queen. Yes, she has put a spell on me, it was her witchcraft that turned me away from the woman I love. Hearing those words in his mind, he lifted himself up and grasped the handle of his Tooth. He raised the ax and made himself ready to strike. To cut the head off the witch woman that had hexed his mind. I will kill her and end her power over me, then I will be free to return to my mate. As he was about to end Ishea's life, he knew this to be yet another lie, he remembered how they had held each other beside the pool, how sweet her kisses felt on his lips, how her embrace had thrilled him. So he lowered his arm and sat down on the ground beside her.

  I have done this to myself; he thought sadly; the spell was of my own making.

  Before he could think further, he saw the Queen's eyes open to look at him. Seeing those green pools of fire, made his heart ache all the more, at that moment, he wanted her again.

  Ishea stretched her long strong limbs and gave out with a sigh, “hummmm, you are as strong as I remembered”, she said smiling. A moment later, she saw the wound that her spear had made in the King's thigh, she rose quickly. “Your wound is not deep but it should be tended.” Without dressing herself, she began to gather moss from the surrounding rocks, to make a dressing. When she had a handful, she moved towards her lover, “this will help the healing”. As she was about to place the compress on his leg, he grabbed her arm and pushed her away. The Queen stood there for a moment, looking into the King's eyes, seeing the way he looked at her, she understood his action. “You wish that this day had not happened?” she asked.

  Arn nodded his head, “yes, it would be best forgotten”.

  Ishea, threw the moss to the ground, then spread her arms wide, showing her naked beauty, “would you throw all this away, for the embrace of a feeble Half-Soul?”

  The King said nothing, turni
ng his head away. The Queen was not done with him, she fell to his side, and put her arms around his leg. “Can she love you like I do, are her kisses as sweet as meadow cane, does her hair smell of morning dew. Does she know all twenty-six embraces of Shawcona, and the Dance of the Blood Maidens, will she ride beside you, when ice covers the land, and the Hagars come from the North?”

  Arn still did not look at her, “her arms know how to hold and she can fight as well as any Outlander”, he said coldly.

  The Queen touched his arm, “all you say may be true, can she bare you strong sons and daughters, like I can?”

  It was a question that the King could not answer, he knew that an Off-World woman, could never fulfill that wish.

  “It is growing late”, he said dryly, “we must return to the fortress”, pushing her away, he rose, without taking time to wash the blood from his body, he began putting on his armor. He acted as if he had not heard Ishea's words, but he had. He knew that she spoke the truth; when I am gone who will lead my people, I have no son?

  It was a harsh truth indeed, but there was no time for thinking, the light was fading and the air began to fill with the cries of night creatures that knew only one truth.

  Kill or be killed.

  At first Ral, did not know that his mother had gone into the forest with his hated father, when he found out, he broke into a rage. Gathering together his best warriors, they mounted their Rowgors and set out to find their Queen.

  At almost the same time, the Nomads realized that their King, was not in camp. Quickly saddling their Whiptails, twenty strong Outlanders with Kuno at the head, raced for the gate leading into the forest. The guards posted at the entrance, did not have orders, to open the huge doors for the Nomads so they challenged the Outlanders. The Captain of the Spikebacks, told them that they could either open the portal or have their heads mounted on them. It was not certain who gave the order, but the doors did open, and the Madrigal warriors galloped across the moat.

  The Nomads knew that Rowgors were, better mounts for the dark woodlands. If it came to a fight, they would rather ride their own beasts than, rely on the slower moving beasts of the Forest-dwellers.

  Meanwhile Arn and Ishea, were moving as fast as they could through the darkening forest. They both knew that Sagar cats hunted mostly after dark, without their warriors and the added protection of the Rowgors, they stood little chance of surviving. If their end came, they would not go down without a fight, they would kill as many of the great beasts as they could. Nomads and Norgonie alike, would sing songs to their glory.

  As they ran, they could hear cries from the woods, soon the air began to fill with the beating wings of Night-flyers, and the whimpering of creatures huddling together, hoping that they would not end up in the belly of a predator. The King ran as fast as he could, the wound in his leg began to bleed again, with each step came shooting pain, but still he continued to run. Beside him, the Queen kept pace with the Nomad, and although the man had the greater strength, the female was perfectly capable of running beside her former mate, all day and night if necessary. She could see the blood flowing freely from his thigh, and she knew it would be only a matter of time, before he would be unable to continue.

  If he falls, go on without him; she thought; he has made his choice, if he wants the half-soul woman, let them walk together in the Afterlife. No sooner had she said those words to her mind than, she realized that she could never do that; we all tell lies, and mostly to ourselves. Whether she remembered, days long past, or the afternoon that they had spent together, she did not know. All that mattered, was that the burning hatred filling her heart for so long, was now gone. She was not sure what replaced it?

  All she knew, was, she could no longer live with lies. If my heart lies to me, I will cut it out.

  Arn knew that he was growing weaker by the moment, he knew that they must reach the fortress or die. He looked over at the women running beside him, she is not hurt; he thought; she can reach safety if I fall. The idea of not being with the Queen, now cut into his heart, in spite of all his efforts, he was powerless to think otherwise.

  Ral shouted at his Rowgor, striking him on the side of the head, with his Kagar. The huge beast let out a roar, then quickened its pace, the following Norgonie did the same, and the ground shook to the stomping of heavy feet.

  If my mother is harmed; thought the young warrior; I will soak the earth in blood.

  Not far behind them, Kuno was also pushing his Whiptail to its limits, he knew that the Norgonie had a head start on him and his men, but he was determined to find his King, and return him safely to his people.

  If I find the King dead; he thought; I will burn their fortress to the ground.

  The twin suns were now gone, all that was left were the night moons, overhead. Ecka, Eubano and Italus, had looked down on Gorn their mother, for hundreds of millennia, in their endless travels, they had seen many Kings and Queens, rise and fall, so it was of little concern to them that two more monarchs, were about to meet their end.

  Arn continued running, now the shooting pain in his leg, felt like a hot iron was being driven into his flesh. He knew that if he fell now, he would never get up, so he shut out the pain, and set his mind on reaching the Fortress, and the woman lying in his tent.

  Andra, I have betrayed you; he thought; I cannot die without seeing you again.

  Clenching his teeth, he gripped the handle of his ax and quickened his pace.

  Step by step, Ishea stayed at his side, darkness began to move in around them, and the cries of Sagar cats grew closer. She knew their only hope, was to run even faster, so she turned to the man beside her.

  “ I have seen Ax-breakers move faster than you”, she called out.

  Arn knew that she was only saying this to encourage him onward, so shaking his head he shouted back at the Norgonie Queen. “I could run faster, but a weak woman is holding me back!”

  The narrow trail that they had taken to the pool, changed into the path through the forest that soon open up to the ancient road, as they passed the great columns that marked the way, they heard a roaring and stopped in their tracks. The sound they had heard, came from behind them, they slowly turned, to see five large Sagar cats, slowly moving out of the dense trees. Two of them, were smaller than the other three, which were huge. Their massive canine teeth, were the length of a man’s forearm, and sharp as a spear point. Their eyes glowed in the darkness, as their great jaws open and closed, dripping saliva. They had been drawn to the two humans, by the smell of blood, now nothing was going to turn them away, from their feast.

  Arn took one look at the huge cats, and knew they were going to die. They might kill one or perhaps two of the beasts, but there was no hope that they could kill all five.

  Turning to the warrior woman beside him he smiled. “You were not holding me back,” he said softly. In turn the Queen replied, “and you are not as slow as an Ax-breaker”.

  Together they faced the hungry beasts, the great cats fanned out to the right and the left, working as a team, to ensure that their quarry would not escape. Arn and Ishea, had no intention of fleeing, they would meet their deaths like all warriors, standing on their feet, facing their enemy. So they braced themselves and held their weapons at the ready, there came a roaring sound, and the cats began to race forward, their mouths agape and their eyes wild with rage.

  Arn readied his ax, to cut off the head of the first feline to reach him, as he was about to strike, he heard a whistling sound, he watched as a dozen or more Kagars, came flying over his head, burying themselves into the flesh of the raging beasts. With a great cry of pain, three of the huge cats died instantly that did not stop the other two, from jumping over the bodies of their fallen comrades, and leaping at the two humans. As they did, there was another sound, several war-axes sailed past the King's head, so close, one of them, cut off a horn, from his helmet. They managed to kill one of the cats and wound the other. Screaming in pain, the remaining Sagar, raced away from its meal,
into the safety of the forest. With their lives now safe, the King and Queen turned to see the warriors from their respective tribes, who had come to their rescue.

  Kuno and Ral, were the first, jumping from their mounts, they ran quickly to where their leaders stood. The Warriors of the Madrigal and the Norgonie, retrieved their weapons, then forming a circle around the King and Queen, they watched the forest for any sign of danger.

  The Captain of the Spikebacks, looked his friend up and down, seeing that his wounds would heal in time, he smiled, “you should have stayed for another cup of wine”.

  Arn also laughed, “next time I will take your advice”.

  Nearby, Ral looked into his mother's face, he was not concerned with her many cuts and bruises, he wanted to know, why she left with a man she had sworn to kill. “Why do you walk beside this Trofar dung?” he asked angrily.

  The Queen said nothing, he looked closer into her eyes, he could see that something had changed. The hatred that once burned in them, was now gone, replaced by an emotion that made the young warrior fill with rage.

  My mother has forgiven him; the words were like fire in his mind; she has forsaken me and returned to him!

  This was something that the Norgonie warrior could not accept, turning to his father, he screamed at him, “why did you try to kill our Queen?”

  Arn could see that the young warrior was angry, so he tried to soften his rage. “Your Queen was safe with me,” he said calmly.

  It did no good, Ral lifted his Kagar towards the King, “you and your people are fraillegs, fit only to sit beside your Washas and weep!”

  Hearing the young Norgonie degrade their tribe, made the Madrigal warriors grumble and raise their weapons. Seeing this, the Forest-dwellers drew nearer their Queen, gripping their spears tightly.

  Ishea could see the tension growing between the two tribes, not wanting further violence, she spoke. “Darkness is here, and there are more Sagars in the forest, it is time to return to safety”.

  Her words had little effect on her son. “The Madrigal are dung eaters, and Isarie is a body peddler!”

  This grave insult, was more than the Outlanders could take, they began shouting loudly. “The Norgonie breed with Rock-worms!” one called out. “Arm-Ra drinks the piss of our Whiptails!” said another.

  This was too much to bare for the Norgonie, they raised their Kagars, making ready to strike. Before blood was shed, the King tried to calm them, “we are all brothers and sisters, and the Gods know their own”.

  Ral would have none of this, he faced the Madrigal King, “Isarie is a false God, her people are weak. I challenge!”

  Now there could be no turning back, a challenge MUST be accepted, if not, the person it was directed against, would be made Outcast, never again to find comfort from the tribe. No one, knew this better than Arn, he had once been a fallen warrior, he knew there could be no turning back.

  “I accept”, he said calmly.

  Hearing this, the warriors began to make a challenge ring around the two combatants, their hatred now been channeled into witnessing a fight, between the two greatest warriors of their tribes. Knowing it could only end with the death of either, the Madrigal King, or the Norgonie warrior. It would be a story to tell around the campfires for many cycles to come.

  Arn began to make himself ready for the challenge. Kuno who was standing beside him, could see that the wound in his leg was still bleeding, it would be a great hindrance to his friend, in the battle ahead. The Captain also knew that he would have to fight wounded or not, he took a small silver canteen that was hanging from his belt, and handed it to the King, “drink”, he said calmly.

  Arn took the flask from the big man, he removed the cap and took a gulp. Instead of fresh water, he got a mouthful of well-aged Po. The King continued to swallow, until all the wine was gone, then he handed the empty canteen back to Kuno. “Thank you”, he said, then he looked at the young warrior, who was eager to begin the duel, “and do you have any wisdom on how to defeat him”, he asked.

  Kuno took a good look at the strong young man, “yes”, he replied smiling, “let me kill him first”.

  Rals blood was now pumping hard in his veins, he had waited all his life for this moment, he was not going to be turned by any words from his mother.

  “Now is not the time for fighting”, the Queen implored him.

  The young warrior turned a deaf ear to her. “If you cannot send his soul to the Afterlife, I will!”

  Ishea was Queen of the Norgonie, and her word could send a man or woman to their death. The laws of her tribe were clear when it came to a challenge, and all her power was now useless, only the Gods could stop what was to come. Now the two men faced each other, both lifted their weapons, in, salute. Without further ceremony, the air filled with the war cries of the two tribes, and the battle began.

  Arn was the more experienced fighter, but youth was on the side of Ral. As the young warrior came within striking distance of the King's ax, he jumped to one side. He wore little armor, relying on his lightning fast speed, to keep him out of harm’s way. As he moved past the Nomad, he swung out with his spear, striking the King on the side of his helmet but the hard steel of his headgear, kept him safe. He turned to face the Norgonie, unharmed.

  He is fast; thought the King; I will have to guard myself.

  Ral moved cautiously, as he spoke to his mind; he is strong and his armor thick, I will have to move carefully.

  Again, the two combatants came together, this time Arn's weapon swept out catching the flesh on Ral's upper arm. Blood began to flow, but it was not a serious blow, in return the young warrior struck out piercing the King's chest armor. Once more, the thick armor saved him, the point of the spear, did not penetrate his flesh. They circled each other again, as they did, shouts and war cries from the Outlanders and the Forest-dwellers, rose higher as all thoughts were now centered on the two warriors, whose lives hung in the balance. Standing side by side, they forgot earlier insults , letting the fighting madness consume them.

  This was not the case with the Queen, she only saw, the man she once loved and the son she had born, battling each other, to the death. I have done this; she thought; it was my jealousy that drove Arn away from me, and my hate poisoned my son. No one could hear her now, the only thing she could do, was to stand by, like a helpless maiden.

  Ral could see the blood streaming down from his father’s leg, he is wounded; he told himself, he also remembered his own words; a wounded animal, is the most dangerous.

  The King was indeed dangerous, the pain in his thigh kept his thoughts centered, preventing him, from succumbing to the battle madness that consumes a Nomad, when he or she goes into battle. This made him think more clearly than, the red mist that would normally fill his mind.

  He is young and arrogant; he thought; use that against him; “are all Norgonie as weak as you?” he called out.

  “Any child of our tribe is strong enough to kill you!” The young warrior, shouted back.

  Again the two charged forward, this time, Ral ducked under his father's swinging ax. Seeing an opening, he drove his Kagar into the wound in the Kings thigh. Despite all of his effort not to, Arn cried out in pain. He did not fall, instead, he reached down and pulled the spear point from his leg. Then with all his strength, he twisted the weapon from the young warrior's hands, then threw it from the challenge ring. This did not leave Ral defenseless, he drew a long dagger from his belt and proceeded to circle his father once more.

  Kuno could see that the King was weakening, but for all the love for his friend, he could not interfere. If he did, the warriors of both tribes would kill them; it is in the hands of the Gods now.

  Arn also knew that he would not be able to continue much longer, then he seemed to hear words in his head, the same words that he had spoken to Moonbud, long ago.

  “Find a place for your tooth to bite.” He began to think; he will wait until I am weaker, then move in for the deathblow.

  No soone
r did he hear his mind say these words, than, the young warrior charged for him again. This time the King countered his knife hand, with the handle of his weapon, and the blade found no mark. Seeing the careless action of the Norgonie warrior gave the King an idea.

  He is foolish and wants to kill me fast; he thought; he is strong but not wise.

  As Ral moved to strike again, the King seemed to stumble, falling to the ground, he let his ax slip from his hand. Seeing his rival helpless, the young warrior jumped onto the Nomad, he raised his dagger, ready to drive it into his father’s neck. Arn had feigned helplessness, to draw in the Forest-dweller. As he was about to be struck, he reached out, seizing Ral's arm in his hand, at the same time, he drew out one of his Dragons teeth. Using the last of his strength, he forced the young man over on his back. He twisted Ral's weapon from his hand, then he put the blade of his dagger against the young warrior’s neck.

  The shouts of the Outlanders and Norgonie fell away, as they waited for the King to drive his knife into the soft flesh. As he was about to end Ral's life, he looked into his eyes, staying his hand for a brief moment. In that moment the young warrior spoke to him. “Go on, kill me!”, he said through clenched teeth. “You were no father to me!”

  Time stood still for the King, it was, as if the whole world had suddenly stopped rotating. He did not hear the gasps from the warriors, or the screams of the Sagar cats in the forest. All he heard was the beating of his heart and the echo of a word.


  Without knowing why, he pulled the dagger away from his son’s throat, letting it fall to the ground. He rose to his feet, and stood unmoving, as Ral regained his footing. He did not move, as the young warrior once more took up his dagger, he lifted his arm to strike. Everyone, heard the Queen as she shouted out.


  Ral did stop, but only for a moment, as he was about to drive his blade into his father’s heart, his mother grabbed his arm. “Your Queen commands you to stop, and you will obey!” To prove her point, she held the tip of her dagger just below her son’s heart.

  Reluctantly, Ral dropped his weapon, and in turn the Queen lowered her knife, then she turned to the King. “Now is not the time for words, for the stars are out and we must move or die”.

  Knowing that the Queen spoke wisdom, the warriors of the Madrigal mounted their Whiptails. The Norgonie too, regained their place in the saddles of their Rowgors.

  Ishea rode with her son, she held the reins and behind her, she could hear Rals angry breathin. She did not turn to look at him, keeping her eyes on the path ahead.

  Arn sat behind his old friend, as they began the journey back to the Fortress, he did not speak to him, his mind was far away, in a place that could not be shared.

  Above them, the night moons, were just beginning their endless journey across the star bright heavens, they had done this for millenmia and would continue for ages more. They had seen the rise and fall of many Kings and Queens, some of them blessed by the Gods, others, cursed by Demons. They had seen them, shout for the death of their enemies, and others beg for mercy, as they saw the Angel of Death drawing near. In the end, time and the weaknesses of their own hearts, defeated them all. So when they saw the King of the Madrigal weep, they took no notice and continued on their way, knowing that his tears would soon dry, and all pain would someday be forgotten.