Read Nomads of the Gods Page 11

  Chapter 10. The Hunt

  May my Whiptail never stumble.

  May my aim be true.

  May my ax strike deep.

  May I live another day.

  Prayer of the Hunters.

  A few more uneventful days, had passed at the oasis. The Nomads were well rested, all necessary repairs to the wagons finished. Supply jugs, were filled to the brim, with clear fresh water. The fruit of many Balbar trees had been collected and loaves of Kasha bread baked. They were ready to continue their endless journey, only their dwindling supply of meat needed to be replenished.

  The Spike-backs carried the weapons, they were vegetarians able to fill their huge bellies, with the plentiful supply of green plants near the oasis. Small animals kept by the Nomads as pets, or for sacrifice, ate a variety of foods, mostly roots or other small creatures. They were let free for the time being and could find their own food.

  Satisfying the enormous appetites of the Whiptails, was another matter. Each of the huge ravenous beasts, could consume a very large amount of flesh daily. If they were not allowed to hunt on their own, it was the Nomad's responsibility to supply them with meat. There was nothing more dangerous, than a hungry Whiptail, though raised from newborn calves and understanding many instructions, they were never truly tame. Sometimes, a warrior was killed or maimed, by his angry mount. They were treated with respect and their needs met, that meant a hunt for meat!

  Outriders had spotted a large herd of Rimar, not too far from camp. Migratory animals, they were on their way, to the green pasture lands in the North. There would be hundreds of the huge rhino like creatures, the hunting would be good! They could refill their wagons and let the Whiptails feed until their bellies were full. Rimar hide was used for many things and their long nose horns, had medicinal properties. The Almadra like all warriors, prided themselves, on how well they could hunt. It would be an exciting time.

  The Nomads hunted from their saddles, it would be easy to kill the Rimar with the Long-Range weapons on the Spike-backs. A few well-placed explosive shells and the hunt would be over. That was not the way of the Outlanders, a warrior hunted in the old way. Face to face with the creatures, they used their own hands to kill. Any other way, would be shameful, unworthy of remembrance or a story. So the camp was buzzing with activity as the warriors made ready.

  As Karus and Micos began to rise, the sound of the hunters and the roaring Whiptails, woke Andra. She opened her eyes and got up from her bed, now fully rested, she was eager to leave the confining tent, her home for the past few days.

  Seeda was good company and she had learned a lot from her, there were many customs and rituals she would have to be mindful of, to avoid becoming Outcast. She must never take food or drink to a warrior, if she did, they would be mated. Although no one was sure, if the law applied to an Off-World female, no tribe had ever allowed one into there midst before.

  Andra would have to wear a woman's long flowing robes, she was not a warrior and therefore not permitted to wear the ornate armor or carry a heavy war-ax. She was permitted the twin daggers, called the Dragons-teeth, on her belt. She had always been good with a knife and during the Trajion Wars, it had saved her life many times. Her hair was too short, to be styled in the traditional ways of the Almadra and she would have to deal with the scornful looks, until it grew longer.

  One thing she did not want was facial tattoos, worn by all the tribe's adult females. They were small with bright colors but she was not ready just yet, to have her face permanently marked. Beside, she did not intend to stay with the Outlanders, for the rest of her days. They were far too primitive for her liking, she was used to a more exciting life. Her plan was to find Osh, together they would take their leave but for now she would have to accept things as they were.

  Andra dressed quickly in her new clothing and was about to leave the tent, when Seeda came in. She was wearing close fitting body armor and looked strong and capable, she took one look at Andra and started to laugh. “You are going out like that?” she asked, shaking her head; this Half-Soul does not know how to wear a robe!

  “Why not?” Andra looked down at herself, she did not have a full length mirror, only a very small copper plate but she thought she looked fine.

  “It is your robe, you are wearing it back to front,” Seeda laughed.

  Andra looked down at her robe, “Is it? Well, I’m not use to wearing this type of woman's clothing.” I’m a soldier, not a belly cushion. She started removing the unfamiliar clothing.

  Seeda came over and pulled the garment off, then turned it around, “It was a simple mistake for a Half-Soul. If you had worn the robe like that, it would signal, you wanted to mate, now be careful. I traded two shell necklaces for it,” she helped Andra adjust it, then stood back and took another look, “There, that's better, you look like a decent Moonbud now,” she began to laugh again.

  “Moonbud, what is a Moonbud?” Andra asked; I can’t see myself but I don't look like a flower.

  Seeda looked at her with a smile, “A Moonbud, you know, a sweet smelling plant that blooms in the night air, it means you have never been touched, you are a maiden.” She handed over the twin daggers for her belt.

  A maiden? Andra thought about it for a moment or two, then began to smile, suddenly realizing what the Nomad woman meant, “Oh you mean a virgin? Well thanks for the compliment but it’s been a long time since I was one of those. As a matter of fact, it's been almost....” she stopped talking, maybe this was a good time to start her life over again and put her romantic adventures to rest.

  She decided to change the subject, she took the knives and put them into her wide belt. She noticed a long gold trinket, hanging from a small chain around Seeda’s neck, “That's a very interesting medallion,” she said.

  The warrior women looked down at the ornament, it was about a six inches long and had a broad flat head, “Oh that, it's my Journey Nail.”

  Andra looked at it admiringly, “It’s very beautiful, can I have one?”

  The Princess laughed, “You will have to earn one.” The woman might be strong but she will never earn a nail. She made a few adjustments to Andra’s outfit, added a long shell-necklace, then stood back, “It's a good fit, now remember what I told you Half-Soul and you will do well.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t call me that,” Andra said.

  “That is what you are! We call all Off-Worlders, Half-Souls,” Seeda replied.

  “That's as maybe but I am not a Half-Soul, I am a soldier and a woman, just like you.” Andra looked her in the eye.

  Seeda knew, she was not like her but it didn't really matter, what she called her; this woman has courage, I like her. “Very well, because you are young and toothless, I will call you Moonbud, now come along.”

  She turned to leave the tent, then she stopped and looked at the Selcarian again, “Oh and stay away from a woman named Arie.” They went outside.

  The bright light of the morning, bathed the oasis in a warm golden light, the warriors were adjusting saddles and sharpening axes. The Whiptails could sense they were going hunting, they pawed the sand in anticipation. The hunters were joking or making wagers, on who would kill the biggest Rimar, or the one with the longest nose horn. Andra watched as one young male, playfully pushed a female warrior, he got a hard punch in the face for his troubles!

  Andra followed Seeda, as she went towards a group of armor clad men, who were talking. She saw that one of them was Arn, her rescuer, he seemed even taller than before. She did not remember his arms, being quiet so muscular, she decided she was acting like a schoolgirl again and turned her eyes away.

  As the morning suns glistened off his horned helmet, Arn noticed them approach. Wearing the long robes and now clean and ornamented, He too thought Andra was not like he remembered. He thought she looked quite attractive, even if her hair was too short.

  Agart was standing next to his brother, he had been against bringing the outsiders, into camp. He never liked or trusted anyone, who wa
s not one of them. It was clearly written in the Holy Books, Isarie had chosen them as her people, he did not see any reason to bring Off-Worlders, into their tribe. The laws of the Almadra, were also clear about bringing things out of the wastelands, this was his brother’s property, he would not say anything more.

  “Well brother,” Seeda said, “I have washed and tended your property, now I bring it to you.”

  Hearing herself, called property again, made Andra really angry, “I’m no one’s property!” she screamed, “if anyone lays a finger on me, I’ll cut it off,” she drew one of the Dragons-teeth from her belt.

  Arn and the other warriors just looked at her, they were impressed by her courage but they could also see, her temper was overriding her judgment. A small dagger, would be of little use against an armor clad Almadra. They could not help but smile and chuckle a little.

  Arn laughed under his breath; this woman has courage, she might make a good warrior but what to do with her? “What is your name woman?” He asked.

  He knew her name perfectly well but it was important to act like a King, in front of his people.

  “My name? I am Lieutenant Andra Oseira, First Infantry Division, Omega 5,” she said proudly.

  “You are a warrior?” The King asked.

  “Yes,” she replied, “My world was Selcarie, if that’s any business of yours.”

  Agart did not like the woman disrespecting his King; this woman is a Half-Soul, she should not be here!

  Seeda however, smiled and stood closer to the woman, in case of trouble; I like this Half-Soul, she stands up to my brother.

  Agart looked hard at the woman, “Watch your tongue woman, Arn is our King, not speak to him like that.”

  “I’ll talk as I please!” Andra pulled out the other gold dagger and set her legs firmly, she was ready to back up her words with action if necessary.

  There was a tense moment, until Arn spoke. “Well, I can see, you might have some fighting blood in you,” he looked at his sister, “Watch her and show her our ways, maybe someday, she will be a true warrior.”

  He motioned for her to leave with the woman, Seeda was about to argue but Agart gave her a look and she knew it would be useless to continue. She took Andra by the arm, muttering angrily under her breath, she led her away.

  “Do you know how to ride?” she asked. Andra did not understand the question and gave her a puzzled look, “Ride?”

  Arn watched her go, she had courage, he knew this was no ordinary Off-World female, this was someone the Gods smiled upon.

  Anais did not hunt, even if he did, there was nothing that could have pulled him from the warm bed he was laying in. He sighed and stretched his arms, suddenly remembering where he was. He sat up and looked around, in the dim morning light that filtering through the opening in the large tent. He saw a small wooden shrine, with a carved statue of the Goddess Isarie on it. There were several votive candles and incense was burning, he knew he was still in the High Priestess' tent.

  Kneeling before the shrine was Soffca, she was naked, Anais could see the attractive tattoos imprinted upon her shoulder. Her long dark hair was loose and flowed down her smooth back to touch the floor. She was whispering a prayer and seemed lost in her own world.

  Anais had spent the night with her, a night he would never forget! He knew, Handmaidens were trained from childhood, to carry out the many, Holy Rituals, demanded by Obec and the Gods. He never knew they were skilled in lovemaking! How they knew what to do, was a mystery to the young Prince. They were supposed, to be virgins, after last night, he knew this was not the case. Virgin or not, it was the best night he had ever spent with a woman.

  As he looked at her, he realized that not all his life was unhappiness, he still hated his bothers and his people but he did find a some warmth in Soffca's arms. He wondered if she felt the same way.

  “Come back to bed,” he said, she did not seem to hear. He knew she didn't speak much that was perfectly fine with him. He never felt comfortable, talking to the tribe's females, “are you coming?” He asked again.

  The young woman raised her hands upwards and spoke in a loud clear voice.

  “Talmec rasue etaris Isarie.”

  Soffca stopped praying, she stood up and slowly turned towards him. She looked at the young man, then slowly walked to the bed and laid down. Anais smiled at her, then took her into his arms, she was warm and inviting. He spent the rest of the day in her arms and slept a warm sleep, for once, one without nightmares

  The warriors were mounted and eager to hunt, Arn checked his weapons then looked over at his brother beside him. Their Whiptails pawed the ground and pulled at the reins, he shouted to the hunters, “A tankard of well-aged Po, to the warrior who makes the first kill.”

  The warriors lifted their axes and shouted their approval, the King dug his long iron spurs into his Whiptail's sides and the hunt began.

  The riders and their beasts raced from the camp, with the tribe's cheers in their ears. The Elders and children, watched them go, then began to make ready the cooking pots, in anticipation for their return. There were still plenty of warriors left to protect them and the Thungodra, never left the High Priestess unguarded. They watched as the hunters disappeared over the sand dunes, only a column of dust marked their path.

  Andra had never ridden a Whiptail before. She knew how to ride a Horca, the four legged animal, used for farming on her home world. It was a mild mannered creature and did not have large dagger-like teeth.

  Seeda had told her it was easy, all she had to do, was hold the reins tightly and squeeze hard with her legs. It was proving to be far more difficult. The Whiptails were strong creatures, their massive hind legs, could carry a rider quickly, over almost any terrain. Their forearms had three fingers, two, ended with razor sharp claws. The middle digit, had a long scythe like claw that could rip and tear through thick scale and flesh. There were larger and more dangerous beasts on Gorn but none suited the Nomads better.

  Beside her, Seeda rode easily on her beast, she laughed at the Off-World female's discomfort. Even the smallest children in the tribe, could ride better than this female. Seeda's brother, had told her to teach Andra, the ways of the tribe, including riding a Whiptail. If she fell, she could always walk back to camp, if she got killed hunting Rimar, then it was the will of the Gods and not her fault. Either way it would make a wonderful story for the campfires.

  Seeda laughed, then she heard a familiar voice. It was Almec, riding on her other side.

  “Do you have a new sister?” He shouted. Seeda looked at him, he pointed to Andra with his ax, “She rides better than you.” I lie, no one rides a well as her, she is beautiful.

  Seeda knew he was trying to raise her anger, she turned her nose up at him. Looking back at Andra, she called out, “Do not pull so hard on the reins, the beast knows where he is going and why!”

  Andra loosened her grip some on the reins and let the creature have its head, then she relaxed in the saddle, she was getting used to the Whiptail. She had, ridden creatures on different worlds and after a short time, she began to enjoy herself. The power and speed of the animal, was immense, with its two powerful hind legs, it traversed the soft sand and rocky ground with ease. She soon got used to its stride and smiled, as she felt the cool morning wind on her face.

  Arn knew the ways of the Rimar well, they were grazing not far ahead. They would approach them from down wind, then pick out the best in the herd to kill. It was not easy to bring down a fully-grown armored Rimar, their thick hide and scales made them almost invulnerable. It would only take one slash of their long nose horn, to bring down a rider and his mount. There was only one way to kill them, ride up beside them, then with a well timed blow from a sharp ax. When the large flap on its head was raised, bring it down just behind its horns, cutting the spinal cord to end its life. A moment too soon or late and the ax would bounce of the animals plating. If the creature turned, or a hunter was thrown, they would be trampled by it, or the others in the herd.

  The King and his brother, were the first to spot the huge pack. Coming up over a small hill, they saw the horizon filled with hundreds of creatures. They did not stop, lifting their axes, they gave out loudly, the war cry of the Almadra.

  Andra was not sure what to do. When she saw the enormous herd and the other riders heading for them, as fast as their Whiptails could go. She knew it was too late to turn back. She used her strong legs, to hold on tightly, hoping she would somehow survive.

  The King was the first to the Rimar, Arn quickly picked out an adult and headed straight for it, ax held high. Agart was right beside him, if his brother failed, he would be there to try his luck. The other hunters quickly separated, each one, cutting a beast out from the herd, then riding fast into position to make the kill.

  Andra kept close to Seeda, this was her first hunt and she decided the best way to survive, was to stick close to this capable young woman. She watched her move in close to one of the huge lumbering creatures, lifting her heavy ax, she waited for the right moment, then brought it down with all her might. The ax bit deep into the Rimar's neck just behind the thick neck plate. The creature let out one long roar, then fell to the ground like a stone. Seeda had made the day's first kill, she lifted her head and gave out a wild victory cry.

  Almec was pleased that Seeda had won the rights of the first kill. He would make sure he made the second. He moved close to another racing beast and prepared to strike, at the last moment, his Whiptail lost its footing, the blow went wide. It bounced off the Rimar's thick hide, it turned away, racing off as fast as it could.

  “Artock!” Almec shouted this obscenity, then he looked over at Seeda, she just smiled at him, then began to look for another kill.

  Andra was caught in the middle of the Rimar herd, she was weaponless and wouldn't know how to use an ax anyway. It did not deter her from trying to be of use. She moved her Whiptail in close and shouted at the creature, hoping to turn it into the hunter's path. The armored beast did not respond going its own way, Andra wished she had a pulse rifle, or a fracture grenade, they would put a quick end to the monster.

  Arn picked out another large beast, he motioned for his brother to follow, Agart nodded in approval, their sharp spurs dug deep and they moved quickly to their objective.

  Andra saw the King and his brother near to her, she was still a bit angry at him and decided, the time was right, to show him, she could take care of herself. She pulled the reins hard, the mount headed right at the two warriors.

  Arn and Agart, had positioned themselves perfectly on either side of the Rimar, if one missed, the other would be sure to succeed. They moved closer and closer, then held up their axes, ready to strike with all their might. The Rimar suddenly swung about, its long horn, embedded itself in the chest of Arn’s Whiptail. The creature let out a long death roar, then fell to the ground. The King was thrown off, he landed heavily in the sand, not far from his now dead mount.

  Arn got to his feet with a spinning head, he looked up to see, several out of control Rimar, heading straight for him, there was no escape. He was sure to be trampled or impaled, on the long nose horns, rather than cower on the ground, he stood up tall and proud, if this was his end, then he would meet it like a King.

  Agart saw his brother was in trouble but he was too far away to attempt a rescue. He was sure, this was the last time, he would see his brother alive. If it was the will of the Gods, there was nothing he could do.

  As Arn stood watching his death draw near, he saw the Off-World female, heading right for him. She was unsteadily in the saddle but that did not matter to the King, here was a chance to live, as she came closer, she held out a hand to him. Arn grasped her arm and held it tightly, Andra pulled with all her strength. Her arm, was nearly pulled from its socket and she was sure, she would be in pain later. She was determined to save the King from certain death. Arn swung up and onto the back of the Whiptail, just as the Rimar bore down on them, he held on tightly, his arm around Andra's waist, together they escaped the roaring beasts.

  Seeda’s view, was obstructed by the cloud of dust, from the stampede. The last thing she saw, was her brother’s Whiptail, falling to the ground and Arn flying through the air. She looked desperately for any sign that he was still alive, as the dust began to settle, she saw Andra riding towards her. She smiled when she spotted her brother, alive and well.

  As the herd slowly vanished over the sand dunes, the hunters gathered together. They had killed many Rimar, there would be enough meat for weeks and better yet, there had been no Nomad deaths. Only a few broken bones and some cuts and bruises but what hunter did not have them? It would be a story to tell to their children.

  Arn held tightly to Andra's waist, her warm body felt good and he was reluctant to let go. He saw the other warriors coming near, so he got down from Andra’s mount. Looking at her, he said, “You ride a Whiptail like a warrior.” She rides well and has courage, this is not a weak Half-Soul.

  “Thank you, it was my first time,” she said, then slid from the beast, to stand next to the King, “Well, now that I've saved your life, am I still your property?”

  Arn knew the laws of his tribe all too well, if you saved a warrior's life, they were in your debt. Andra had indeed saved his life, so in return, he owed her, he decided, he no longer owned her.

  “You are free,” he said.

  Andra smiled, she thought he was going to argue with her but since he didn't, it made her like him all the more.

  Agart came over quickly, to make sure his brother was unhurt, when he saw he had no broken bones, he smiled at his King, “I saw your mount go down and I was sure it was your end.” The Gods watch over you, you are loved by Isarie.

  Arn laughed, then motioned to Andra, “The tribe has a new warrior, she saved my life and I think she should have a new name.”

  “A new name?” Agart asked, “She is an outsider and no outsider, has been given a Nomad name, it is not our way.” Do not go against the Gods, do not go against the laws of our tribe!

  Arn just laughed and looked at his brother, “Our way, is what we do now, by what name should she be known?”

  Before Andra could say a word, Seeda spoke up loudly, “Moonbud, I say she shall be known as Moonbud, what do you say?”

  The words made the King laugh once more and the other warriors smiled broadly. “Then Moonbud it shall be,” he looked at Andra, “from this day on, you shall be called, the flower that blooms under the night sky, you are Moonbud.”

  As the hunters raised their weapons and called out her name over and over again, Andra shook her head but did not say a word.

  Agart looked at his brother; do not go against the Gods, they will punish you and I cannot help. No one heard his mind, they only heard the warriors crying out.

  “Moonbud! Moonbud! Moonbud!”