Read Nomads of the Gods Page 39

  Chapter 38. Death Bringers

  All those who break the laws of the Talsonar shall be taken to the arena and there they shall be judged by the Gods, those who live are innocent, those who die are guilty.

  The Laws of the Talsonar.

  Governor Darken Droganus sat in his luxury box and looked down on the amusements below. The arena was full as usual, only the High-breeder's seating was left half-empty. The Overlords had so much entertainment to fill their days, it was hardly worth the time to watch the lower creatures fighting for their lives.

  The air smelled of death, it hung over everything, a sweet decadent smell that made everyone feel more important. Thankful, they were not on the arena floor, looking up and hoping some God or another would take pity on them.

  Mixed with the jabbering of the jostling crowd, came the cries of many traders, who came to the games to offer their wares to the spectators. There were merchants who knew that the air of excitement would induce those with trade goods, to try their hand at negotiating. Watching the killing made them keener to take risks, because they too could end up as another blood offering for the cheering crowd

  It was also a good place for the Sin-Cravers to ply their trade. They knew that blood and death was like an aphrodisiac to the masses, a crimson drug to make them laugh at the future and think only of the present. They moved through the city dwellers all but naked and rubbed themselves against anyone holding a piece of Rimar horn or Sagar teeth. They smiled and moved their hands over their touch-worn bodies, promising anything to those who stopped to stare. If they were passed by without a glance, they would utter a curse and wait for the next passerby.

  There were also thieves amongst the revelers, they did not care about the games or what might happen if they were caught. They had two options, they could steal and hope they were lucky enough to escape and survive another day. Or live underground, in the hellish power station, waiting until their miserable lives ended and their remains taken to food processing.

  With these unfortunates came those who managed to make a home in the Pyramid City. Technicians and workers whose skills were needed to maintain the city, making sure the beacon and everything else kept working. They had been working very hard lately, the Burning Time was starting, if the cooling system failed they like everyone else would die horribly. Miserable as their lives were, it was better than being burned alive.

  There was one person who looked down on everyone, he held all their lives in his scaly hand and would not hesitant to crush them, like he would an annoying Blaze-ant. Darken took up a golden cup of Elnoc wine and put it to his thin lips, he took a small sip and smiled to himself. Do the Gods drink wine? He thought to himself; or do they sip the blood of their followers for amusement?

  He settled back on the soft cushions of his over sized chair and looked out over his world. This was the only time he relaxed fully, forgetting about the worries a Talsonar leader had to contend with. It was a small pleasure for him, he liked to hear the screams of the crowds, around him, all the while taking small sips of his rather unsatisfactory wine.

  He remembered when he was once a gladiator in this very arena, he killed not just for the sake of staying alive but because he enjoyed it. He remembered the look on his victim’s faces, as he was about to give the fatal blow. How they would beg for their lives, as he drove his sharp blade into their hearts and how the life flowed out of them like so much dark wine.

  He took another sip of his drink. Blood. He laughed to himself. Blood is the wine of the Gods.

  The arena was located on the lower levels of the pyramid city, here the High-breeders could watch the lower classes fight to the death for their amusement. Some had personal interest in the outcome of the fights, they purchased slaves to fight under their banners, so it was a matter of pride that they died well and did not disgrace their owners.

  The gladiators were of different species and strength. It really did not matter, it was the killing everyone came to see, rather than which Off-World creature was better than another.

  Two combatants were hacking away at each other in a rather disappointing battle to the death. Darken took a drink of his wine, then looked over at General Leeander next to him, “Tell me General, is this the best there is today?” His voice was soft but it did not make Leeander feel any better.

  “No my lord” he replied, “This is just a minor conflict,” his face showed a sly grin, “I have something special for you.”

  Hearing this, the Governor’s eyes showed a sign of mild approval towards his General, “Special you say? We’ll let's hope it's better than the match between one of your so called invincible Hal-Jafar and that overfed sand dragon.”

  “Do not worry my lord, the next fight will please you.”

  The Governor took a deep drink of wine and made disapproving grunting sounds. He looked down to see the winner deliver a death blow, cutting his opponent's head off, it was a sorry show. The victor was a Higotie, a massive but slow witted creature, who knew nothing of the art of combat, relying solely on its great bulk and thick hide to overpower his opponent. The loser in the conflict was a Markin, they were rare in the city, hardly ever venturing down from their Lightships This particular one had taken the chance of landing on the planet. He was offered a great price to bring back some cargo but his Jump-ship was caught in a magnetic wave and he was stranded. Without his ship and with no other means to survive, he stole food but he was caught and sentenced to die in the arena. Now his remains would be taken to the processing plant, there they would be rendered into food for other hungry creatures.

  As the blood flowed freely on the arena's sand floor, the Higotie raised a huge arm in victory and a great cheer went out from the crowd.

  The Governor smiled to himself. How easy they are to amuse; he thought. A little blood, a little death and they are happy, such little creatures, so small. He turned to the General once more, “Tell me General, is the breeding proceeding as planned?”

  The warrior’s voice took on an air of confidence, “It goes well, the Yangmar are adapting to our training and we will be ready when the time comes, it just that…” Darken gave him a look, he had seen it many times, it was the look that came ahead of a threat.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?” the Governor asked with hidden annoyance.

  The General cleared his throat and tried to regain some of his lost confidence. “The Yangmar require much more food than we anticipated, with the current food levels, we will have to cut back on our breeding and maintain a slightly smaller force.”

  Darken took a small sip of his wine, “Are you saying that we might have a smaller army than I want?”

  Leeander felt a slight tremor in his back but tried not to show it, “Yes” he replied, “but I think it will be enough.”

  “You think?” Darken asked. The way he said it, made the General feel cold but he said nothing.

  The Sillastine rubbed the ornate metal plate on his head, then looked at him, “I want nothing left to chance,” he said. Behind those words was a veiled threat.

  “My lord we do not have enough food as it is, our hydroponics gardens are producing slightly more than the population is consuming.”

  Darken gave him a slight smile, “Then change the population.” To the uncaring Governor the answer was simple, fewer people meant more food, “Do I make myself clear?”

  The General bowed slightly, “I will see to it myself.” Change the population; he thought; an easy decision for him, a difficult one for everyone else. He noticed the empty seat next to the lizard man, it was usually filled by the Governor’s latest concubine, “Will Osenna be joining us?”

  Darken at the empty seat next to him; she was amusing; he thought; but toys are soon broken.

  The Governor didn't answer and Leeander knew better than to press the matter. He's lost interest in her, the ice has taken her beauty and he has grown tired of her. He is like a child with an old toy. He watched as Darken slowly rubbed the metal plate in
his head again. The General had seen this many times; he's growing bored and will soon become angry.

  To the General's relief, there was a blaring of trumpets, the next contest was ready to proceed. Leeander moved close to the Governor, “I think you will like what I have for you.”

  Darken took a sip of his wine and settled back in his chair. Such small creatures; he thought. Toys for Gods.

  He watched as the heavy gates at the end of the arena gradually opened. Unlike the masses, he did not cheer, he had seen many creatures emerged through those iron gates, large and vicious, small and frightened. He had seen Talsasions, Bolbecs, Eleions and all the Off-World races of the Hal-Jafar, come through those gates. They were loyal fighters but they fought without skill, they simply hacked away at each other until one was dead. It was amusing for a while but the Governor had grown tired of seeing his soldiers die like so much raw meat.

  Now and again, something held his interest, like the time the lower levels were cleaned of useless people. The old and weak, those unable to work for the city's benefit and the abandoned young, all who were draining the strength of the Talsonar. They were herded into the arena with the promise of food, only to find hungry Whiptails who fed on them as the High-breeders fed on Safic berries.

  Darken's gave slight smile; how they screamed; he thought. How they scurried around like so many bugs, so small, so small.

  Then out of the massive gate walked a man and a woman, tall and well built, they wore heavy armor and their face markings showed them to be Outlanders.

  Nomads; Darken thought; Nomads in my city? He turned to his General, “What tribe are they?” he asked.

  “Almadra,” Leeander replied, before the Governor could say another word, he spoke again, “They are spoiled my lord, not of any use, they are Sin-Cravers now and have nothing to offer, except amusement.”

  Sin-Cravers; Darken thought; their power is gone, they cannot guide us. The Governor took a small sip of his wine, “Useless,” he said softly.

  “Yes my lord,” the General replied, “They came into the city a short time ago, half-dead and addicted to Ice. I would have killed them but I thought they might amuse you with their deaths.”

  Darken nodded his head, “Yes, the death of a Nomad is always a welcome sight.”

  Leeander did not tell him how many Hal-Jafar were lost in the battle to take them captive. More lives would have been lost but for the fact that they came to the city for Ice. When it was offered, they lowered their weapons and put up no further struggle. It was then a simple matter to offer more red crystals in exchange for their participation in the games. With nothing to trade, they had no other choice.

  Seeda and Almec looked up at the masses, who had come to see the spectacle of life and death. They stood next to each other, holding their weapons in their hands. Their once shiny armor was now dull and dented, their war-axes were rusty and had lost their edge. Their faces were weary after the long journey that brought them to the Pyramid City. Their limbs showed recently healed scars, if any warrior of the Almadra had seen them now they would not have recognized them. However looking into their eyes, they would have seen the fire that burned inside all Outlanders, the fire to survive.

  Darken watched the figures below, he knew they were beyond redemption but he still felt a certain envy. They had made the trek across the Outlands, alone, after facing all its dangers they lived and were strong, they were survivors.

  He shook the envy from his mind, there could be no survivors in his New World, there could only be toys for him to play with. When he grew tired of playing they would not survive.

  Almec carefully scanned the thick walls of the arena, they were too tall to climb and even if they could, there was nowhere to go, the world outside was no longer their home. There was no one, man or God who would have them. There was only this world now but he could at least stay with his mate.

  Almec reached down and touched the recent wound on his leg. It had not healed well and it was giving him trouble but he did not dwell on his injuries. He continued to look for any advantage they could use in what would soon be a battle to the death.

  Seeda felt cold and as she looked up at the dome above, she suddenly felt very alone. She'd always had the stars and the moons to keep her company, the sky had been her companion. She could not remember a time, when she could not look up to see the heavens. Now there was only a metal sky and there was no stars or moons. She looked at Almec; I am not alone; she thought.

  There was a blast of trumpets and their world suddenly became very dangerous.

  Darken watched several large humanoid creatures lumber through the iron gates. Their bodies were covered in thick hair and long heavily muscled arms hung almost to the ground. They wore very little clothing, just a filthy rag about their waists. In that instant the Governor knew, this was going to be an interesting battle.

  He turned to Leeander and lifted his wine cup to him, “My compliments,” he said with a smile.

  “Thank you my lord,” the General replied, “We captured them by accident, how they got this far from their homeland is a mystery but I’m sure they will make an interesting spectacle.”

  Darken settled back in his chair once more, he did not like the General and considered him a rather minor figure in his future plans. He had to admit, he did prove himself useful from time to time.

  Seeda watched the hairy creatures enter the arena, then slowly fan out. Galu; she thought; Jungle dwellers.

  The Galu made their homes in the dense jungles of Yug. Ape like creatures, they built dwellings in the towering sky trees, killing anyone who ventured into their lands. Strong and cunning they would not run at the sight of a Nomad.

  Almec watched as the group of ape-men moved around them.

  They are dull witted but strong; he reassured himself; they show no fear.

  As the crowd cheered, the Galu moved in a half circle around the humans. They grunted to each other in their own primitive language, it was good enough for them to work together rather than as individuals. They watched the Nomad's every move with beady eyes and opened and closed heavily toothed jaws in a sign of defiance. They beat their heavy fists on the blood soaked ground and leaped high into the air trying to intimidate their enemy to run. Then they would bring them down from behind, biting into their necks with razor-sharp canines and crushing them with their massive strength.

  Seeda and Almec did not run, they stood their ground, showing no sign of fear. They stood, still as statues, holding their weapons at the ready.

  Seeda turned her head but kept her eyes fixed on the Galu, “They will try to separate us, keep them in front of you,” she said.

  Almec watched as one ape-men came closer, “They are strong but slow, aim for their legs and stay out of their reach.”

  There was a tense moment, the cries from the arena rose up like a power storm, the walls shook from the cheering and several High-breeders stopped eating to watch the battle soon to commence.

  The Galu were leaderless but it didn't make much of a difference. They lived together in the dense jungles and knew each others movements like their own. They stayed alive by fighting as a group against stronger creatures in their far off homelands. They knew that combining their strength was the only way to stay alive. They grunted and gestured to each other, then at a signal only they understood, they attacked.

  The first ape-man died as an ax blade cut into his neck and severed his jugular vein, he let out a roar then fell dead at Seeda's feet.

  Seeda did not wait for the next creature, forgetting her own words, she ran forward. Her heart filled with the blood lust, she no longer saw the arena or heard the cries of the spectators, she saw a world of crimson death.

  Almec watched his mate race towards the Galu but he could not help then, he had his hands full with two ape-men who were closing in on him. He ducked a hairy fist striking at his face, then swung his weapon, cutting deep into his attacker's leg bone. The tree dweller fell to the ground holding his bleed
ing leg and roaring loudly. Before his companion could take revenge, Almec swung his ax and cut across the ape-man's face. His eyes were now useless and he staggered around screaming loudly while torrents of blood flowed down his barrel chest.

  Seeda no longer felt cold, the din of battle rang in her ears and the cheers from the crowd filled her with madness. She forgot everything, her home, her family, her lover, her world, she let it all slip away. There was nothing now, only the weapon in her hand and the hot blood pumping through her body. She smiled as another Galu died before her, she laughed as she felt her enemy's blood spray over her. There was nothing that mattered now.

  Other Worlds; she told herself. Other Worlds.

  Darken had to smile. He had seen many killings in the arena and had faced many warriors on the field of battle but he never thought he'd ever see his match in combat, until now!

  These Nomads, are strong, he admitted to himself, they are more than just warriors, they might be...Gods?

  As he heard those words in his head, it sent a chill down his spine, until now, he had always considered the Nomads only as great warriors, skilled in combat and formidable. Now he had to reconsider, something he'd never thought of, they might win. He stopped himself thinking, he refused to listen to even himself, he would only listen to… No, he told himself, Gods do not listen to anything, they are Gods.

  He took another sip of his wine and pulled the ornate robe about his shoulders closer.

  There were only two Galu left now, the strongest of the group, they were of a higher intelligence than their dead companions. While their comrades, were being killed by the Nomads, they were learning.

  The taller of the two, a massive beast with a long scar across his chest stood hunched over, watching the two humans intently. His companion was slightly shorter but with great arms and a strip of white fur on the crown of his head. They both held back now, they'd learned that their two enemies were strong. They could kill them if they were careful, they could survive.

  Seeda and Almec were breathing hard, they had fought hard and their strength was ebbing. They were bleeding from numerous cuts and scratches and their weapons felt heavy in their hands. It was something they'd never experienced before, being Nomads they'd always had strength. It could be spent but it always returned quickly, now it was different, the power they'd always had, was fading, they didn't know why but they could feel its passing.

  They stood back to back, never taking their eyes off the two Galu.

  Seeda wiped the sweat from her eyes with a quick gesture, “We must kill them fast” she said in a gasp, “They will try for one of us first, then go for the survivor.”

  Almec nodded, “Let them come for me, it will give you time to strike back.”

  “No,” she said, “I will move first, then you attack.”

  “I will be first,” he said flatly.

  “It will be me,” she replied with anger in her voice.

  Almec began to grind his teeth, “You are the most stubborn lame backed thick headed ax breaker I have ever met!” Then as his lover began to grumble under her breath, he went to face the tall Galu.

  The giant man ape let out a roar and lumbered towards the human, it huge arms outspread, eager to crush him in a vise like grip. As Almec swung his ax blade, the creature moved quickly to the right, the weapon missed his head by a fraction. With surprising speed, he grabbed the Nomad's arm and bit his forearm, hard.

  Almec let out a yell as the Galu's fangs pierced his armor and sunk into the flesh below. The creature clamped down hard with his powerful jaws but for the strong metal of the Outlander's armor, his arm would have been ripped from his elbow. The bite made the Nomad drop his weapon, the tree dweller picked the warrior up like a toy and flung him high into the air to land hard on the ground.

  A great cheer went up from the masses, they'd heard, there was going to be a special treat today but this was far beyond their wildest expectations. Very few in the city liked the Nomads, they considered them as their jailers by not sharing their lands with them. Although they traded with them, they never thought of them as anything but an evil that must be dealt with. They hated the Nomad's superior attitude and now they were seeing their fondest wish granted, now a Nomad would die by their hand.

  Seeda saw Almec laying on the ground, it happened so fast there was little time to react, seeing her lover lying still, she went berserk. Gathered up the last of her strength, she attacked, with her tribe's battle cry on her lips, she leaped at the ape-man nearest to her. The strip of white fur on the Galu's slopping head, turned dark crimson as her ax blade sunk deep into his thick skull. He did not have time to cry out, he was dead before his body hit the ground.

  Before she had time to pull her weapon from the dead Galu's ruined head, his companion was upon her. The creature's strong arms seized Seeda in a powerful grip, it pulled her to its hairy chest and she thought her ribs were about to break.

  High above in his box, the Governor watched with little emotion on his scaly face. He sat motionless, taking small sips of wine but inside it was another matter, inside he was down in the arena once again, fighting alongside the Nomad.

  She is done; he thought; I was wrong to think they are anything more than toys.

  A slight smile crossed his face as he watched the Galu holding the Nomad in his grip. He knew that once caught in those powerful arms there was no escape.

  They are not Gods; he told himself.

  Seeda felt the life being squeezed from her, she held the ape-man's snapping jaws back with one arm while she tried to draw a Dragons tooth from her belt. Through the sweat and blood in her eyes, she saw the gaping mouth moving ever closer to her face. She felt the hot foul breath of the Galu as it sucked air in and out like some great furnace. As her head began to spin and the world around her began to fade into nothingness, she her hand grasped the ivory handle of her dagger and removed it from the sheath.

  Summoning the last of her strength, she drove the dagger deep into the beast man's thick neck. As the blood flowed, the Galu let out a deep roar and dropped Seeda to the ground. He staggered around the arena floor holding his neck, the beast-man swung wildly with one arm, trying to grab the warrior woman. Seeda escaped its grasp and withdrew her ax from the dead tree dweller's body, she screamed her tribe's name and leaped for the last enemy.

  With a wide swing, she brought the blade of the weapon across the Galu's neck. His head went one way while his body went another, with a thump and a cloud of dust, the heavy torso fell dead to the ground.

  For a moment there was silence in the arena, the spectators who had risen to their feet as the battle raged stood motionless. They did not cheer or speak as they watched the Nomad woman walk wearily to her companion, she bent down beside him.

  Seeda cradled Almec's head in her arms, time stood still as she examined his face, the madness had faded away. The world of pain and death that she'd gone to, disappeared like the dew on the grass plains of Darmock. The sound of battle was gone, as was the smell of blood, there was only a face looking up at her, Almec's eyes open and looked at her. Without a word, the two warriors rose, they stood back to back, waiting for a new enemy but none came.

  Instead, a great roar went up from the crowd, in spite of their hatred, in spite of all their envy, the Talsonar could not help themselves. They cheered and beat their hands on their chests, they cried out to their many Gods and jumped up and down, the walls of the arena began to tremble with their cheering. They had come to see a fight and saw something else, something they did not expect, they saw Gods.

  Darken sat still in his seat, beside him sat Leeander, he hoped the Governor wouldn't look at him, hoping he wouldn't be blamed for this fiasco but the Governor was thinking other thoughts.

  They did not die, they survived, they are not toys. Without saying a word Darken rose from his seat and left the arena.

  For a long moment Seeda and Almec stood looking up at the cheering masses, they had come a long way and suffered many trials. T
hey'd left their people behind to come to a place they did not know or understand. They stood together hearing the spectator's screams, they called out the name Nomad over and over again.

  Their bodies were covered in blood and around them lay the mutilated bodies of the slain Galu. At that moment, they knew they'd found a new home, a place where they could survive, a place that was meant for them. They were no longer Outcasts warriors of the Almadra, they were gladiators, fighters, bringers of pain.

  Death Bringers in the City of the Talsonar.