Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 15

  Chapter 9, Graduation


  Edward and I had enjoyed our three and a half years in Dartmouth. Edward had finished his residency. He had arranged a fellowship with Carlisle at the Forks hospital.

  I had been worried about how I’d do in an Ivy League school, but my perfect recall as a vampire made everything ridiculously easy. I took extra classes and was able to receive my Masters in Comparative Literature.

  Rosalie and Emmett had received their pilots’ licenses. They flew out regularly in the Challenger. That time, they would be carrying Charlie and Sue in addition to the regular Cullen group. Edward and I would be flying back with them so we could attend the graduation of Nahuel and Leah at the University of Washington in Seattle.

  Since the Challenger only fit nine passengers, either Jacob or Nessie wouldn’t be able to fly with us. We understood how difficult it would be for Jacob to be away from Nessie, so we were trusting Jacob to drive Nessie home in the black Cadillac Escalade we’d bought for him after the wedding of Nahuel and Leah. He’d really enjoyed the Escalade Alice had bought to fit us all, so we bought him one just like it to use in New Hampshire. We were nervous about having Nessie apart from us, but we knew Jacob would take good care of her.

  We had already packed up the few items we wanted to take back to Forks from the house we’d called home for the last few years. I would miss the house, but no house would ever feel as much like home as our cottage in Forks.

  Renée and Phil were arriving in Lebanon a few hours before the Cullens. They were arriving at four thirty. The Cullens were planning a later arrival. Due to a promise of several million from Edward and the excuse that I had a rare skin disorder that wouldn’t allow me in the sun, the school of English and Humanities ceremony started at twilight; I wouldn’t have been able to attend the normal outdoor morning ceremony. The cap and gown just wouldn’t have gone with a cape.

  Jacob drove his Escalade to the airport in Lebanon. Phil and Renée were just stepping out of the doors when he arrived. He jumped out and ran to the side to let them in. “Hi.” He smiled; amiable, as always.

  Renée looked puzzled. “Where’s Bella?”

  Jacob quickly replied, “Bella, Edward and Nessie are already at the Turnbill Inn. They’re meeting us there for dinner. I volunteered to pick you up.” He knew very well that he couldn’t tell them our reasons for not picking them up had a lot to do with the afternoon sunshine.

  That seemed to satisfy her. She and Phil climbed in.

  We were planning on having a private dinner at the Turnbill Inn with them before picking up the Cullens. Phil and Renée were spending the night there. Their flight back to Florida wasn’t until the following afternoon.

  As they pulled into the drive, a valet walked out to get the Escalade, but backed away quickly when Jacob glared at him. Jacob wasn’t going to let anyone near it. Phil and Renée stepped out, and Jacob drove off to park in the underground parking. They hesitated a moment, then walked through the door. “Cullen party?” Phil asked. The clerk behind the front desk stepped out and directed them to the restaurant, where the maitre d’ led them to the correct table.

  Phil’s expression registered controlled attraction. He obviously hadn’t gotten over my astoundingly attractive features, but he’d come expecting it. They really were a happy couple; he wouldn’t want to hurt Renée. She moved quickly to me and gave me a hug and a kiss, then moved to Nessie, bestowing her with a similar greeting.

  “You’ve grown so much since we last saw you.” She gave me a meaningful look. We had discussed the growth hormone issues, so this wasn’t anything that would give Nessie’s true nature away. Luckily, Nessie’s growth spurt had slowed down. She could pass for a 15 year old, but the changes from the eight year old Renée had met a little over two years ago weren’t as astonishing as the changes had been that Charlie had witnessed. He had watched her grow from a months’ old infant to a six year old in less than a year.

  Renée settled herself into the chair next to Phil.

  After parking the Escalade, Jacob didn’t wait to be led. He walked straight into the restaurant and sat in the chair next to Nessie. He had been away from her too long. It was plain to see the relief on his features.

  “So,” Renée was clearly curious, “what are your plans for the future?”

  “Edward is planning on joining Carlisle at the hospital in Forks. We aren’t quite sure how long we’re going to stay there.”

  “There’s no chance of your looking for a place in Florida, is there?” she looked pained.

  “We really like it in Forks. I’m afraid not, Mom.” I smiled apologetically then stifled a sigh. I also resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Phil was looking dazzled and Edward was glaring. Phil just didn’t share Renée’s impossible denial. I was glad that she hadn’t pressed us too hard for a visit during our time in Dartmouth.

  Maybe her denial was just a thin veneer, after all. I certainly hadn’t expected her to be so content with the status quo, which meant no visits from either direction but regular, daily emails and weekly phone calls, of course. She had insisted on adding Nessie to her ritual, and both of them had grown close through their emails and phone conversations.

  Phil, Renée, Jacob, and Nessie seemed to be enjoying their meals. The Turnbill Inn had an outstanding reputation. Times like that, I really missed my ability to enjoy human food. Edward and I didn’t order anything. It seemed like a waste, and I’d explained our ‘vegetarian diet’ to my parents during our phone conversations. It seemed like an easy out so Renée and Charlie could quit worrying about whether or not we were eating with them. I had explained that we didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable with our lifestyle, so it was just easier for us to eat on our own. I couldn’t explain that a ‘vegetarian’ vampire actually dined on animals.

  Our conversation revolved around Phil’s baseball coaching and Renée’s Kindergarten class. She’d gone back to teaching last year. Phil seemed settled and she wanted something to keep her busy. She was just teaching the morning class, so she still had plenty of free time. Her current interest was studying the UFO phenomena. That topic always amused me, but she seemed serious about it.

  “Did you hear about the sighting in Stephenville, Texas?”

  Once again, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “No, I hadn’t heard.”

  “Several reliable witnesses came forward about it. There was even a sheriff’s deputy. He said it was about 5,000 feet across. Can you imagine something that big flying?”

  “No, Mom, I can’t.” I stifled a giggle. This was getting ridiculous.

  Then she lowered her voice, as if afraid someone was listening, “There was a 76-page report posted on the internet. The FAA radar tracking records matched the eyewitness accounts. Did you know it was heading for the president’s ranch?”

  This time, I couldn’t stifle the snicker. “So do you think the President has been replaced by an alien?”

  She looked disgruntled. “I’m not saying anything like that, it’s just interesting, you know.”

  Edward interrupted, “Have you had a chance to check in?”

  Phil jumped in then, apparently as eager as Edward to change the subject. “We didn’t have a chance. I’ll go take care of that.”

  “Our treat on dinner.” Edward casually signaled the waitress. While Phil pushed away from the table, Jacob joined him. He would need to lead Phil to the Escalade, and he seemed uncomfortable with the topic, as well. All of us were well aware of the mythical nature of our existence. I didn’t want to imagine more supernatural things out there than vampires, shapeshifters, and werewolves. That was enough to fill my mind. I didn’t like thinking about UFOs.

  Renée was quick to switch topics. “So how is school, Nessie?”

  I answered quickly, before Nessie had a chance to say anything. “We’re home schooling.”

  Renée’s brow furrowed. “How can you do that while you’re attending Dartmouth?”

ve hired tutors.” I lied glibly. Nessie actually didn’t need to attend school. She learned so fast from the beginning that she could’ve aced a college-level course. I continued. “The growth hormone therapy has really helped, so I think she’d fit in high school. We were planning on enrolling her in high school in the fall. We’d like her to get her diploma.”

  “High school?” Renée sounded faint.

  “Nessie is brilliant, and her growth is consistent with that age group.” I couldn’t explain that Jacob couldn’t be apart from Nessie for an entire day. We thought it was best to enroll Nessie in high school so Jacob could get his diploma, as well.

  Renée put her hand on her heart. “A teen? I’m a grandma of a teen?” Her voice rose in a wail.

  “Uhh, Mom? Are you okay?”

  She looked gray. I hoped she wasn’t having a heart attack. She shook her head, dazed.

  I tried to console her. “It’s ok, Mom. The therapies really are working now. She should age normally from now on…”

  I tried again, “She is adopted, you know. That shouldn’t be too hard to explain.”

  She took a deep breath. “You’re right, of course. I just needed a moment. I feel like I’ve missed out on my only grandchild’s childhood…”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. We didn’t plan this, you know.”

  “I know. It’s just a lot to take in.” She paused a moment, then gave me a searching look. “You and Edward haven’t changed your minds about another one, have you?”

  A look of shocked horror would’ve crossed my human face. My stone face revealed nothing. “No, Mom. Nessie is it.” My firm voice must’ve convinced her.

  She sighed. “Oh, all right. I’ll quit bugging you about it.” She pushed back, then walked over and gave me another hug.

  Edward stood up and pulled my chair out for me then turned and did the same for Nessie. Phil and Jacob were just returning from checking in.

  Phil turned to Renée. “Did you want to come see our room?”

  “Of course.” She gave him an adoring smile. I was glad she had Phil to take care of her. She turned to us. “Did you want to come up?”

  “I’d love to see your room. We have about twenty minutes before we need to leave to pick up the Cullens.”

  Jacob picked up one bag. Edward picked up the other. The weight of the luggage meant nothing to them. It wouldn’t mean anything to me, either, but Edward preferred to carry the luggage. He was forever the gentleman. I smiled to myself. I was always amazed that my perfect Edward had actually chosen me.

  We walked up the two flights of stairs.

  The room was restfully decorated in blues and greens. The furniture and fabrics were luxurious. I knew that this was Phil and Renée’s anniversary trip in conjunction with our graduation. They didn’t always go this spendy. I was glad they were treating themselves.

  Nessie moved over to the window. “Oh, Grandma!” she exclaimed in her musical voice, “what a pretty view.” The window looked over a forest of trees that seemed to go on forever. We had hunted in those woods, so we knew how full of wildlife they were. Nessie’s bronze curls bounced with her excitement. Her beauty was dazzling.

  Renée moved over and put her arm around Nessie’s shoulders. “It’s beautiful.” She agreed. Then she kissed Nessie’s head. “Just like you.” Nessie smiled up at her. They might not have spent a lot of time together, but the affection between the two was obvious. I was grateful to Charlie for forcing a relationship with Renée. I would’ve been sad to have Renée miss out on Nessie’s too-short childhood.

  Edward reminded us, “It’s time to go to the airport. Jacob and I will both take cars. We’ll meet you at Dartmouth. The Vanquish is parked below in the parking garage.” Edward handed the keys to Phil.

  “Are you kidding?” he looked at Edward as if he was.

  He shook his head. “No. I’m serious.”

  He took the keys almost reverently then looked at Edward again. “You’re serious?”

  Edward smiled, seeming to understand Phil’s attitude. He smoothly pulled out a campus map he’d had in his pocket. “I’ve marked the closest parking lot to the event. If you park toward the back of the lot, we’ll be able to find you.”

  I looked at Jacob. “Did you want to take Nessie with you?” I knew the answer, but I wanted Renée to think there was an option. Nessie was my daughter, but Jacob’s claim to her was getting stronger as she aged. Her need for Jacob was almost as intense as his need for her. Just then, it was like a strong sibling attachment. Neither Edward nor I were looking forward to the moment when the relationship changed.

  I walked down the stairs with Edward, Jacob and Nessie. I needed to get dressed in my cap and gown, which was in the trunk of the Vanquish. I hadn’t driven it very much. It was flashy, even for Dartmouth. I could almost see Jacob’s mouth water every time he looked at it. He’d driven it more than I had. He liked to take Nessie out on late-night drives.

  I watched Jacob buckle Nessie into the Escalade then turned to Edward. I sighed. “This will all be over soon. I’m looking forward to settling in Forks again.”

  I stepped to the Vanquish and unlocked the tiny trunk. I hadn’t relinquished my key to Phil. The Masters’ robes looked odd, but I was excited to wear them. I knew Charlie and Renée were having the proudest moment of their lives. They’d never dreamed of my getting a Masters’. Neither had I, for that matter. I carried the robes and the cap up the stairs. Renée would want to help me dress. It was a mom thing. I’d let her have a moment. She’d had so few of them lately, and I didn’t really see how we’d be able to change that in the future.

  It wasn’t long before I was dressed and we walked back down the stairs together. Edward was waiting patiently next to the Lexus. It was parked next to the Vanquish. Phil’s eyes popped. He’d never seen it. I smiled.

  Edward opened my door for me, and I stepped into the Lexus. We drove quickly to the airport where Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper were waiting for us. The rest had climbed into the Escalade.

  The trip to Dartmouth was less than ten minutes. It didn’t take long to find the Vanquish. Phil was still sitting in the driver’s seat, a look of pleasure on his face. It was almost a religious experience to drive. At least, that’s what Jacob told me. I wasn’t a car person, so it didn’t affect me like that.

  Jacob’s Escalade pulled up beside us. The Vanquish wasn’t hard to spot—even in a parking lot full of outstanding cars. I hadn’t ever seen another one.

  Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice were getting out of the Escalade as Edward and I moved, hand in hand, to get Nessie. Charlie and Sue climbed out after them. It was dark enough for us to be out safely. We all moved toward the building, matching our pace to the humans.

  We found a spot for the large group then Edward and I moved to the student line. The Masters’ line wasn’t as long as that for the Bachelors’, so I found my spot easily. Edward reached around to give my waist a squeeze then he bent to kiss me. “Congratulations, Mrs. Cullen.” He loved that name. So did I.

  I smiled at him then whispered, “I’ll be back in a few moments.” My line was starting to move, and Edward stepped away to join the rest of the Cullens. Alice was armed with her camera.

  The commencement exercises didn’t take long. The Governor had come to deliver the address. I didn’t pay attention to his speech, preoccupied by thoughts of the future. It was my turn to pick up my diploma cover before I knew it. I could hear my family’s cheers. Charlie’s and Renée’s voices joined in a beautiful harmony. My throat constricted. My love for my parents kept me grounded. I was grateful I had been able to keep them as part of my vampire family.

  The commencement went quickly, and I was surrounded by the Cullens and my parents in an unbelievably short time. “Picture time,” Alice called. We obediently lined up for pictures. I had pictures with the Cullens, then with Edward, Nessie, and Jacob, and then with my parents—together and then with the separate couples.

  Edward reminded Alice, “We need to
get heading to Lebanon. We have a flight back to Seattle.”

  “I’m almost done,” she assured him. “I just want a picture of Bella by herself.”

  I sighed. “One more, then.” I smiled brilliantly for the camera and heard Phil’s breath catch. I wished he wouldn’t do that. Dazzling Phil was not on my to do list.

  After the picture, we all headed back to the cars. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Charlie and Sue were loading into the Escalade with Jacob and Nessie, but the rest of the Cullens stopped, as if they were waiting for some cue.

  Edward turned to Phil. “We were wondering if you wanted the Lexus?”

  Phil looked at Edward, a stunned expression on his face. Renée’s jaw dropped. “What did you say?”

  “Well, we were planning on selling it. We have plenty of cars in Forks. This was just to use while Bella was attending Dartmouth.” He paused. “I haven’t had any luck selling it and wanted to know if you wanted it… kind of an anniversary gift.” I knew very well he hadn’t made an effort to sell the car.

  Phil darted a look at Renée.

  Edward must’ve heard the numbers for the insurance and the taxes going through Phil’s head. They were comfortable but not wealthy. “The insurance and taxes are a gift, of course.”

  Renée had read my emails about how generous the Cullens were. She knew this was a genuine offer. She moved to hug me, then Edward. “Thanks so much. We will love the car.” While Edward was handing over the keys to Phil, she walked to the Escalade and leaned in to give Nessie a good-bye kiss. “I love you. I’ll be looking for your emails, and I’ll be talking to you on Sunday.” That was the regular weekly phone call.

  Edward addressed Phil, “Would you mind dropping Carlisle, Esme and Jasper at the airport?”

  “Not at all,” Phil responded in a dazed voice.

  “The title to the car is in the glove box. I’ve already signed it over.”

  “Uhhh. Thanks.” Phil still looked stunned.

  I followed and bent in to give Nessie a kiss. “I love you, honey.” I whispered. “Be safe. I’ll see you in a couple of days, and I’ll be calling when we land.” Jacob wouldn’t take many breaks, and I knew he’d be driving fast. We’d see Nessie soon enough, but I couldn’t help worrying, and my throat tightened with unsheddable tears.

  I moved over to the driver’s side and hugged Jacob. “Take care of my baby.” My voice was fervent.

  His tone matched mine. “You know I will. My life depends on it.” I knew it did. That’s why I entrusted her with him.

  I stepped back, and Edward put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “We are counting on you. We’ll plan on seeing you in a couple of days.” Jacob nodded. He knew that was hard on us, but we all knew it would be impossible for him to handle a separation.

  I turned to Renée and hugged her, then kissed her cheek. “I love you, Mom. Be safe. I’ll hear from you on Sunday.” It seemed natural to feel protective of my mother. I’d spent most of my human life mothering her. I knew it would take a few days for them to drive down to Florida. She wouldn’t let Phil go much over the speed limit.

  Edward and I stood together, his arm around my waist, while we watched the Lexus and Escalade head to Lebanon. When they were out of sight, I removed my cap and robes. Edward unlocked the trunk, and I stuffed them into the pint-sized space. It was a relief to have the ceremony behind me. Edward closed the trunk then opened the passenger door for me. He carefully shut the door, and moved to the driver’s side.

  We were delivering the car to the moving company that had already packed up our belongings. It was being towed behind the truck to Forks.

  When we drove up, an older man met us. Edward filled out some paperwork and handed over the keys. A shadow passed over his face. If we hadn’t been in such a rush to get back to Seattle to see Leah and Nahuel graduate, we would’ve driven the Vanquish. I knew it was hard for him to leave his car behind, but he’d had it delivered to New Hampshire the same way. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been through that before.

  He reached for my hand. We walked sedately down the street, angling toward Lebanon. When we reached the shadow of the trees, we started to run. I never got over the exhilaration I felt as I ran. We sped through the forest, and were at the edge of the Lebanon airport quickly. It had taken less time than if we had driven. We slowed to a human speed as we approached the building. It would take us more time to get to the jet than it took us to drop off the car. We’d have to move slowly through the airport.

  I smiled at the security guard. He forgot to have me remove my shoes. I didn’t mind. It was a pain taking off my shoes, anyway. Edward chuckled as I joined him outside the security area. “What’s so funny?” I thought I knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

  “He couldn’t even remember his own name. You’re positively dangerous.”

  I snorted. “Emmett says I’m the tamest vampire he’s ever met.”

  Edward rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  I smiled and took his hand. We headed to the private jet area. That was going to be my first flight in the Challenger. It was a convenience for the family to get to New Hampshire, but I’d never needed to fly home with them to Forks.

  Emmett met us at the door then led us to the jet. It was sleekly beautiful, and it looked powerful—for a private jet. I would’ve felt nervous having Nessie load, but she was with Jacob.

  I walked up the stairs in front of Edward and stepped inside an ornate cabin. The seats were white leather, and the thick white carpet smelled like wool.

  Charlie and Sue were sitting on the far side with a table between them. It looked like they were just finishing a meal. We hadn’t been gone long, but it wouldn’t have taken them long to eat a meal that had previously been prepared. Esme and Carlisle were also on the far side, sitting next to each other on the bench seats. Edward and I moved over to the closer side. I sat on one side of the table, Edward the other. Jasper and Alice were sitting on the bench seat across from Carlisle and Esme.

  Emmet carefully handled stowing the steps and securing the cabin, then turned to us with a smile. “Seatbelts, please.” That was for the benefit of Charlie and Sue, who wouldn’t have survived a plane crash. The rest of us would’ve been fine.

  He headed to the cockpit where Rosalie was already busy looking over the myriad indicators. The quick glimpse I had confused me. I was heartily grateful that Edward hadn’t decided pilot training should be on my agenda. I really wasn’t interested.

  We were racing down the runway a few moments later. I’d never been in a private jet. As a human, I would’ve been terrified. But I was a vampire, and the feeling of speed was thrilling. I watched out the window as we flew into the sky, then I turned to Edward. I reached for his hand, needing the comfort. “I miss Nessie already.”

  “I know you do,” he whispered back. “Jacob will look after her. She’ll be fine.”

  “She will be,” I agreed, “but I miss her anyway. Do you realize this is the first time we’ve been apart since…” I stopped and looked at Charlie. I really couldn’t say what I wanted to say. I hadn’t been apart from her since I’d been created as a vampire. We’d been apart for a few hours while I was attending class or running errands, of course, but this was a different sense with her being in a completely different state.

  “I know.” Edward patted my hand then smiled at me. “You can look at this as an early anniversary get away. It’s about time we’ve taken a holiday.”

  I wrinkled my nose at him. As if we need a holiday with such full nights. Then my eyes grew thoughtful, and I breathed softly, “I really would like to go back to Esme’s Island some time.”

  Edward pulled my hand to his lips and gently kissed my fingertips. “I’ll keep that in mind, Mrs. Cullen.”

  “You promise?” I was sure Charlie and Sue couldn’t hear us, but their eyes were on us, anyway. They must’ve been curious about our quiet conversation.

  “It’s a date.” Edward smiled. I smiled back.

nbsp; He always keeps his promises.