Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 17

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  We were once again fairly coherent by eight. We dressed for the graduation ceremony and then headed to the Cullens. We’d be driving to Seattle since it was a less conspicuous way to travel. Running at night was one thing. During the day was something else. We didn’t want to risk being seen.

  Carlisle and Esme were sitting on one couch. Alice and Jasper were on the other. I sat down next to Alice. Edward stood beside me.

  “Have we decided which cars to take and how we’re splitting?” I asked.

  Carlisle nodded absently. “Esme and I are going in the Mercedes. You are welcome to come with us.”

  “I’m taking my Porsche.” Alice smiled dreamily. Of course she would be.

  “And I’m taking the M3.” Rosalie was descending the stairs as she spoke. This was a chance to show off without disturbing the locals. No surprise there.

  “Well I don’t feel like taking my car.” I didn’t like being conspicuous, and the red Ferrari screamed at anyone who saw it. I only liked driving it at night… or at least where one part of the trip was at night. The Christmas we’d come to Forks, I’d driven the Ferrari, but it was so early when we started out, I hadn’t thought about how conspicuous we would be driving back home. I looked up at Edward. “Do you mind if we go with Carlisle and Esme?”

  He smiled down at me. “Of course not.”

  I enjoyed Leah’s and Nahuel’s graduation more than my own. I had hated the attention, and I’d been preoccupied by my mother. This ceremony went smoothly and I’d let my worry over Mom settle to the back of my mind where it tickled but didn’t disturb. She had been so upset by the thought of Nessie being a high schooler. I was wondering if her denial cocoon was beginning to crack.

  After the ceremony was over, we hugged and laughed and shared some fun university stories. Alice took pictures, then we all left to go to our separate homes.

  I turned to Edward when we were in the car. “Leah just glows.”

  Esme looked over the seat at me. “Nahuel has been very good for her. She is happy, and so is he. His happiness means the world to Huilen. They are all doing very well.”

  “What are their plans for the future?” I asked her, surprised by the intensity of my curiosity.

  “They’ve both been accepted into Creighton Law School. I think it’s in Nebraska somewhere.”

  “Nebraska!” I was shocked. “That’s a long way from La Push.” I paused, looking thoughtful. “I guess they don’t have to worry about hunting opportunities or keeping out of the sun like we do. How is Sue taking this?”

  Esme laughed softly. “Sue is so happy with Leah’s joy that Leah could live on another planet and she’d be satisfied.”

  She looked thoughtful, and I hesitated to break the silence. Finally, I said, “I guess only a parent could understand that feeling. Your own happiness becomes secondary to the happiness of your child.”

  Esme nodded. She truly loved her adopted children. She knew just what I was saying. When Edward had fallen in love with me as a human, she was so thrilled by his happiness that all the obstacles we faced seemed like nothing in her eyes.

  Of course, there had been some very painful moments. I was sure they pained her almost as much as they’d pained Edward.

  I’d managed to make it through the next couple of days with regular cell phone updates from Jacob and Nessie. It was easier having Nessie gone when she was just a call away.

  The morning that we expected them back, Edward and I were walking into the Cullen home when he asked the assembled vampires, “Is anyone up for a game of croquet?”

  Emmet perked up. “Sure.”

  Jasper looked interested as well, “You bet.”

  “Carlisle?” Edward looked at him.

  He seemed preoccupied. “No, you go ahead. I have some studying to do.”

  I briefly wondered what could be occupying so much of Carlisle’s attention. He seemed distant. Esme looked at him, a worried line marring her perfect brow.


  “No, thanks.” I smiled. “I think your game is a little too ferocious for a tame vampire like me. I’ll just stay here and play dress up with Alice.” She smiled at me. It wasn’t often that I let her work on my wardrobe, but I was planning on getting Nessie’s birth certificate done. I wanted some advice on how to dress before I approached Mr. J. Jenks again.

  Edward looked at Rosalie. “Don’t even ask.” She growled. “I don’t want to ruin this dress.” It was a glowing soft rose silk that wouldn’t have withstood a walk in the park, let alone a brutal game of extreme croquet.

  As soon as the guys were out of sight, Alice and I jumped over the river and raced to my cottage. We walked into the unusually sunny clearing surrounding my house. A beam of sunlight touched it, and my throat tightened. I felt like my house was a bit of heaven. How appropriate to see the beam of light appearing.

  I had stopped, and Alice turned back to look at me. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  We walked through the front room and down the hall into Edward’s and my room. I paused a moment, then headed for the door that led to the nightmare closet. A small smile flitted across my face. This was the only part of my house I dreaded. Isn’t that like life? The nightmares in the closet can dampen joy—even in the most glorious life.

  I squared my shoulders then opened the door. Row upon row of white garment bags hung, undisturbed in the vast closet. I had become very familiar with the small set of drawers next to Edward’s relatively small rack. My jeans were in there, and there were a few long-sleeved stretch cotton shirts in the collection. Those were the clothes I wore. I actually washed and re-wore them. I just couldn’t get over the waste of throwing out clothes after one wearing.

  “Ok, Alice… help me pick out something for Mr. J. Jenks.”

  “You know,” Alice said casually as she sniffed through the racks—she was picking something out by smell, “Jasper usually handles that.”

  I gave her a sheepish grin, then giggled, “I know. I was hoping to postpone his heart attack. He’s going to have one during one of Jasper’s visits, you know.”

  Alice laughed. “I guess Jasper had his turn when he was getting Nahuel and Huilen’s papers. He likes to keep J on his toes.” She pulled out five bags and carried them to my bed. “Here. Let’s see how these look on you.”

  It was like going shopping in the comfort of my own home. Alice helped me put on the dresses and we discussed the merits of each. I felt more comfortable in pants, but Alice insisted that I’d be more effective in a dress. I suspected Alice was just enjoying an excuse to see me dress up. After a few minutes, we chose a short sleeved emerald green shift that extended just below the knee. She quickly found a matching long sleeve short summer jacket. She found the matching shoes and clutch purse as well.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I was stunningly beautiful. “Thanks, Alice.” I hugged her. “You’re the best.”

  She smiled back at me. “Of course I am.”

  “Well since I’m dressed and ready to go, let me call J and see if he can see me today. Can you get some pictures printed up? I think you took some of Jacob and Nessie alone during your trip out, didn’t you?”

  “No problem. They’ll be done when you get back to the house.” Alice flitted away, and I opened the phone to call J.

  I dialed on the secret number I’d seen his employee use when I’d been on Alice’s errand. J picked it up on the second ring. He was cautious. Mine was an unfamiliar number. “Hello?”

  I was brisk, business-like, but my musical voice sounded seductive, even to my ears, “Hi, J, this is Bella. Bella Cullen. I needed to see you—today, if possible.”

  “Uh, sure, Bella. I’ll re-arrange my day. Can you meet me in my office at four?”

  “That will be fine. Thanks, J.” I could hear him hyperventilating. Maybe my presence wouldn’t prevent a heart attack, after all. I shut the phone with a sigh. Disappearing as a human Bella would’ve been
nice. I hated to attract attention. Even my voice made it impossible to hide. I sighed again. I wouldn’t trade my vampire life with Edward for anything, but I sure wished I wasn’t so insanely attractive to human males.

  I walked out of my house and ran quickly, lightly to the river. I jumped the river without getting my stiletto heels dirty. Alice’s choice of shoes was ridiculous. It was a good thing I wouldn’t be walking much.

  She was printing some pictures as I entered through the back door. Two were of Jacob, one was of Nessie. “Perfect.” I enthused. “Do you mind if I take your Escalade? My Ferrari is conspicuous.”

  Alice giggled. She opened the drawer where the keys were kept and tossed them to me.

  “Thanks.” I smiled at her. “I shouldn’t be long. The appointment is at four.” I looked at the clock on the desk. It was already after two. “If Edward gets back before I do, could you let him know where I went?”

  “No problem.” Alice was turning on her computer.

  I glided out to the Escalade and climbed in. I grimaced. Alice’s choice in clothes certainly restricted my movements. Tight dresses seemed to be her preference. I had to move carefully to avoid tearing any seams—not that the dress didn’t fit, just that I couldn’t move.

  On the drive to Seattle, I thought about my mother’s horrified look when I told her that we were planning to enroll Nessie in high school. I understood her feelings. Nessie’s babyhood had practically been non-existant. Her young life was flying away. She’d be an adult in three short years.

  It seemed sensible to enroll her as a sophomore at Forks High. She looked a little young yet, but by December, she would probably look more like a junior.

  I found J’s office in the suburbs with ease. My last trip here had been full of fear. This trip was a happier one. I strolled into his office. The same secretary I’d met before recognized me and rushed me into his office.

  I smiled at the middle-aged man behind the desk. His heart rate escalated alarmingly, and I strained to keep from rolling my eyes. “Hi, J.” I tried to keep my voice low and even.

  “Hi, Bella. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” His eyes moved up and down the length of my body. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

  “Thanks. Neither have you.” His ample girth was still shouting heart attack. Just like my last visit, he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his brow nervously. His balding head glistened with sweat.

  “What can I do for you?” He sounded nervous.

  I slid the pictures of Jacob and Nessie across his desk. “I need a birth certificate for the girl. Renesmee Carlie Cullen.” I handed him a paper with her name and information on Jacob. “Make it September 10 fifteen years ago. Jacob will need a birth certificate as well. He’ll be her bodyguard at school, and we need him to attend with her. I don’t think we can put them in the same grade, though, so put his birth date a year earlier. I’ve included a copy of his birth certificate for you. It’s on the other side.” I watched as he flipped over the paper I’d handed him. “We just need the date change on his birth year, and I’ll need passports for both as well as shot records, of course. I included a copy of his, but Renesmee hasn’t had any shots.” I paused, not sure if he could even handle my next request. “I’ll need school papers as well. Something that the high school will accept as a transfer. Can you do that?”

  J laughed. “No problem. Did you have some school in mind?”

  I’d seen some of the schools around Hanover. “We just moved here from Hanover, New Hampshire. Would Academy Park Elementary and West Middle School do for Nessie? Jacob’s records are at La Push. Can you handle getting the dates changed on those?” My voice rose in a question. I had no idea how to handle faking a background.

  “No problem.” I wondered if he had some ability to hack into school systems. He certainly wasn’t acting like this was an unusual request. J nodded absently, then his eyes widened. The two pictures looked like the same people I’d had him do paperwork for almost four years ago, only Nessie was obviously much older. Jacob, of course, hadn’t changed a bit.

  I wondered if I should’ve left this in Jasper’s hands. I certainly didn’t want J getting any ideas. “She’s our adopted daughter…Edward’s brother’s daughter.” I hoped that was enough of a red herring to throw him off our trail. The age difference was astronomical. Surely he’d believe that the pictures weren’t of the same child.

  He visibly relaxed. “Of course. Same terms as always. Half down. The rest on delivery. When do you want them?”

  I waved my hand nonchalantly. “Whenever. I just need to have them in time to register them in the local high school. A few weeks, maybe.”

  “I’ve got some things going on right now. Would the end of the month be alright?”

  I nodded and pulled out several bundles of money. We both knew the routine. He didn’t even bother to count. “Can you call me when they’re ready?”

  “Is it the same phone you called me on?”


  “That will be fine.” He stood up and walked around his desk to shake my hand. “Pleasure doing business with you again, Bella.” He flinched a little at the touch of my cold flesh. He moved to open the door and I walked out quickly, glad to be out of the stuffy room.

  I was back in Forks by six. It had been a quick trip. I parked Alice’s Escalade then let myself into their house. I didn’t want to spend the afternoon in our cottage. As small as it was, it still felt lonely when Edward was gone.

  Alice was still at the computer and Rosalie was watching a mechanic’s special on TV. Her mechanical expertise was an odd combination with her glorious beauty. I could never quite get my images of her to mesh properly. And I certainly would’ve never guessed her maternal side.

  Jasper, Emmett and Edward came in through the back door. Their eyes were a soft golden yellow indicating they’d hunted during their game. I had never really asked what their rules were. I didn’t really want to know, but they seemed to enjoy it still—and that was something for a group of vampires.

  Jacob and Nessie drove up in the Escalade shortly after the guys arrived.

  I rushed to greet Nessie as she stepped out. I hugged her fiercely. “Ow. Momma, carefully,” she winced. Her skin was hard, but not quite as hard as mine. I had to remember not to be too enthusiastic when I hugged her.

  “Oops. Sorry. I’ve missed you.” I kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She smiled the beautiful smile that caught at my dead heart.

  “How was your trip?” I successfully kept my voice from trembling. Being apart had been difficult.

  Nessie smiled at Jacob, who had hurried to her side. “Jacob kept it fun. We didn’t stop often, and he drove fast.”

  I laughed. “I figured he would.” I turned to Jacob, “Do you want to see Billy?”

  “You know it.” He smiled. “I’ll be driving. I don’t want to mess up my clothes.”

  I grinned at him. I was sure his desire to drive had more to do with his Escalade than protecting his clothes.

  He turned to Nessie and asked, “Did you want to come with me?”

  She smiled at him. “Absolutely.” Then she turned to me. “Is it ok, Momma?”

  I stifled a sigh. She’d just arrived. Ugh. “Yes. You can go.” I looked at Jacob. “Could you stop and say ‘hi’ to Charlie and Sue for me? I’m sure Dad would like you to stop by with Nessie.”

  “Sure. Sure.” He was buckling in Nessie as we spoke.

  I suppressed a smile. His first concern would always be Nessie. What a comfort that was. Isn’t that what every parent wants for their daughter? The ability to hand her off to someone who loves and cherishes her as much as they do.

  I hoped Edward wouldn’t break down and kill Jacob when he started having romantic thoughts for our daughter. So far, that hadn’t been a problem.